The Grading SystemRelated Topics: Grade Appeal Process
*Included in calculation of the grade-point average. Regular and Special GradesA,B,C,D, and E constitute the regular grades used at the University of Arizona. All individual studies courses and some small group courses with S (superior) and P (pass) use special grades which replace A and B grades. For explanation of these grades, see entries for these courses in How to Read Course Descriptions. For the grading systems available in honors individual studies courses, see Honors Center Course Descriptions. Pass/Fail Option For certain courses, a qualified student may elect to register under the pass/fail option. Under such registration, the only final grades available to the student are P (pass) or F (fail). Undergraduate students may elect to take courses under the pass/fail option only after they have attained sophomore standing and only if they have earned grade-point averages of 2.000 or better. Students registering for a course under the pass/fail option must meet the prerequisites or otherwise satisfy the instructor of their ability to take the course. Undergraduate students may register under the pass/fail option for not more than two courses per semester up to a maximum of 12 courses. Further, they must carry a minimum of 12 units of regular grades other than P/F during each semester in which they elect courses under the pass/fail option. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the student's academic dean. Courses taken under the pass/fail option must be electives only, and may not be used to fulfill major, minor, or other specified curriculum requirements. The pass/fail option is not generally available to graduate students. The only exceptions to this proscription are: (a) admission deficiencies which the student has prior specific, written approval to take on a P/F basis (only the department head or the departmental graduate adviser may give such approval, which must be on file in the Graduate College office before registration); (b) any undergraduate non-deficiency course available for P/F grading; and (c) any course offered by the College of Law. Each department decides which of its courses will be available under the pass/fail option. Pass/fail courses in the 500, 600, or 700 series may be offered only in law. Further, the instructor of the course must approve of its being offered pass/fail. The instructor shall be informed by the Registrar which students are enrolled under the pass/fail option. Students may change from pass/fail enrollment to enrollment for a regular grade, or vice versa, only during the time period prior to the last day of the fourth calendar week during which classes are held, except with special permission of the student's college dean. If a course is taken under the pass/fail option, the grade of P or F will be permanently recorded. However, neither grade will be included in the average. If the course is passed, the units of credit will be applied toward graduation. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE - All courses in the College of Medicine are graded on a pass/fail system for medical students. TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION - Pass/fail grades are the only grades available for 493a and 493b. Enrollment in these courses will not reduce the amount for which a student can otherwise enroll under the pass/fail option. I Incomplete Grade: The grade of I may be awarded only at the end of a term, when all but a minor portion of the course work has been satisfactorily completed. The grade of I is not to be awarded in place of a failing grade or when the student is expected to repeat the course; in such a case, a grade other than I must be assigned. Students should make arrangements with the instructor to receive an incomplete grade before the end of the term. Instructors are encouraged to use the After the course work is completed, the instructor should assign the appropriate grade on a Change of Grade form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar for processing. After processing, the new grade will be included in the calculation of the GPA. If the incomplete grade is not removed by the instructor within one year (the last day of finals one year later), the I grade will convert to a failing grade. For undergraduate courses, the one-year limit may be extended for one additional year if, prior to converting to an E, the extension is approved by the instructor and the dean of the college in which the student is registered. This extension requires the instructor and dean's signature on a Petition for Extension of Course Work. Notification of the dean's approval or denial is to be provided to the student by the dean's office. A copy of the approved or denied Petition must then be forwarded from the dean's office to the Office of the Registrar, Administration 210, for appropriate processing. Once the I has converted to an E, a one-year extension will only be considered if the student submits an appeal to the University General Petition Committee. Additionally, a request for an extension of time beyond 2 academic years of the original course enrollment requires approval by the General Petition Committee. For courses taken for graduate credit, such approval may be granted only by the Graduate College. Course in Progress The grade of K may be awarded by the instructor for 900-level courses when the course continues for longer than one semester. Students must re-enroll for these courses each semester. K grades remain on the student's permanent record until removed with a final grade but do not enter into the calculation of the grade-point average. Time-limit for completion of such work for full credit for the master's degree is six years; for the doctoral degree, ten years. The grade of K is assigned for all supplementary registration (930) at the time of enrollment and will remain permanently on the student's academic record. For any course, other than the 900 series, that requires more than one semester for completion, the grade of K is awarded by the Office of the Registrar at the end of the semester and carried to the next semester. Withdrawal Grade Students may withdraw from classes in accord with the following policies. Prior to the end of the fourth week of classes, official withdrawal (drop) of a course cancels the registration for the course; a dean's approval is not required. Weeks five through eight, the grade of W is awarded to students who are passing at the time of withdrawal; the grade of E may be awarded to students not passing at the time of withdrawal. Both grades show on the student's permanent record. After the eighth week of classes, the grade of W can be awarded only with the approval of the student's academic dean, and only under exceptional circumstances. For other regulations concerning withdrawal, see the section on "Change of Schedule." The W may also be awarded in the case of complete withdrawal from the University. Audit Grade The grade of O is awarded for courses taken for audit. This grade is not awarded unless the student is registered for audit. No Grade SubmittedThe grade of Y is given when the course instructor fails to report a grade. A student who receives a Y grade should contact the instructor. Averaging of Grades For the purpose of computing grade-point averages, grade points are assigned to each grade as follows: A, 4 points for each semester unit; B, 3 points; C, 2 points; D, 1 point; and E, 0 points. The grade-point-average is the arithmetic mean of the grade points earned for all credits taken at the University of Arizona for University Credit or by Special Examination for Grade, where regular grades are awarded. Ordinarily cumulative GPAs are calculated using only the courses at the career level of the student. For example, the undergraduate GPA is based on undergraduate courses only (see Graduate Credit for Seniors, Grade Replacement Opportunity, and Academic Renewal for exceptions). Change of Grade Within one (1) year of the awarding of the grade, final grades may be changed by the instructor on a change-of-grade form, only if there has been an error in computation . The grade change must be approved by the head of the instructor's department. Academic Renewal Under certain circumstances, an undergraduate student may apply to the
A student must meet with an
To qualify for Academic Renewal, the following conditions must be met:
Students considering Academic Renewal for a semester or term in which necessary courses are disregarded, including those used in a certified Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC), should be aware that they are responsible for satisfying the degree requirements fulfilled by those courses. To complete their degree requirements, students have the following options:
If the student satisfies the conditions for Academic Renewal under this policy, the Office of the Registrar will annotate the student’s permanent academic record to indicate that no work taken during the disregarded semester(s) or term(s), even if satisfactory, may apply toward graduation. However, all work will remain on the record, ensuring a true and accurate academic history. Academic Renewal may be effected only once during a student’s undergraduate academic career and is not available to students who have completed requirements for a bachelor’s degree. |
Page last updated: May 20, 2013