Department Course Offerings American Indian Studies 206.* Native People of the Southwest (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) Anatomy Independent laboratory opportunities available. Anthropology 101.* Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Archaeology (3) 102.* Introduction to Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology (3) 111.* Exploring Biological Anthropology (3) 200.* Cultural Anthropology (3) 206.* Native People of the Southwest (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 444.* Introduction to Medical Anthropology (3) Architecture 452H. Honors Senior Project (6) Art 393/493.* Internship (1-6) Art History 118. Survey of Art - Renaissance to Modern (3) Astronomy 100.* Essentials of Astronomy (3) 101L.* Astronomy Lab (1) 105a.* Universe and Humanity: Origins and Destiny (3) 109L. Exploration and Discovery in Planetary Science (1) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 400a.* Theoretical Astrophysics (3) 400b.* Theoretical Astrophysics (3) Atmospheric Sciences 171.* Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology (3) Biochemistry 105a.* Universe and Humanity: Origins and Destiny (3) 181.* Introductory Biology I (3) 182.* Introductory Biology II (4) 410.* Cell Biology (3) 411.* Molecular Biology (3) 462a-462b. Biochemistry (3-3) Additional independent laboratory opportunities are available. Chemical Engineering 481.* Bioreactor Engineering (3) Chemistry 105a-105b. Honors Fundamentals of Chemistry (1-1) 106a-106b. Honors Fundamentals of Chemistry (1-2) 242a-242b. Honors Lectures in Organic Chemistry (3-3) 243a-243b. Honors Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1-1) 462a-462b.* Biochemistry (3) Chinese 174.* Chinese Civilization (3) Civil Engineering 214.* Statics (3) 217.* Mechanics of Materials (3) Additional independent research opportunities available. Communication 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) Computer Science 433.* Computer Graphics (3) 445.* Algorithms (3) 453.* Compilers and Systems Software (4) 460.* Database Systems (3) 473.* Automata, Grammars and Languages (3) Dance 400.* Human Movement in the Arts (4) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 182.* Introductory Biology II (4) 205H. Do Animals Think? (3) 206.* Environmental Biology (4) 320.* Genetics (5) 335.* Evolutionary Biology (4) 396H. Honors Proseminar (4) 479.* Art of Scientific Discovery (3) 497a.* Undergraduate Teaching Training in Ecology (1-5) Additional independent laboratory opportunities available. Economics 200.* Basic Economic Issues (3) 330.* Macroeconomic Institutions and Policy (3) 332.* Intermediate Macroeconomics (3) 361.* Intermediate Microeconomics (3) 406.* Introduction to Experimental Economics (3) 411.* Macroeconomic Theory and Behavior (3) 418.* Introduction to Econometrics (3) 424.* The Chinese Economy (3) 443.* International Trade Theory (3) 444.* International Financial Management (3) 460.* Industrial Organization (3) 461.* Economics of Regulated Industry (3) 480.* New Venture Markets and Industrial Analysis (4) 481.* Economics of Wage Determination (3) Education 350.* Schooling in America (3) Educational Psychology 300.* Development Throughout Life (3) 301.* Child Development (3) 310. Learning in the Schools (3) 358.* Psychological Measurements in Education (3) 402.* Early Adolescent Development (3) Engineering 102.* Introduction to Engineering (3) 196a-196b. Honors Proseminar (1-1) English 103H. First-Year Composition (3) 104H. First-Year Composition (3) 109H. Advanced First-Year Composition (3) 251a-251b-251c.* Western Civilization (3) 295q.* 10Q4 Creativity (3) 495. Colloquium a. Honors for Juniors (3) b. Honors for Seniors (3) Family and Consumer Resources 396H. Honors Proseminar (1) Family Studies 377.* Adolescence (3) 413.* Issues in Aging (3) 447.* Problems in Human Development and Family Relations (3) 457.* Bio-Social Determinants of Socialization (3) 466.* Family Economics (3) Finance 311.* Corporation Finance (3) 412.* Corporate Financial Problems (3) 421.* Investments (3) 444.* International Financial Management (3) 481.* Finance and New Venture Development (4) 484.* Development of New Venture Plans (4) Fine Arts 207.* Western Civilization and the Arts: The 20th Century (3) Geography 102a.* Human Geography (3) 106.* Geographic Perspectives on People and the Environment (3) 171.* Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology (3) 369.* Geography of the Middle East (3) 464.* Arid and Semi Arid Lands (3) Geosciences 101. Introduction to Physical Geology (3) 102.* Historical Geology (3) 103.* Introduction to Geology Laboratory (1) 104.* Historical Geology Laboratory (1) 109L.* Exploration and Discovery in Planetary Sciences (1) 346.* Mineral and Energy Resources (3) 391. Honors Preceptorship (2) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 397a.* Teaching Geosciences (2-3) German Studies 376.* German-Jewish Writers (3) Higher Education 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) Gerontology 413.* Issues in Aging (3) History 101.* Western Civilization: Background and Formation - 1648 (3) 102.* History of Western Civilization: Modern World - 1648 (3) 103.* Topical Approaches to Western Civilization (3) 106.* History of the U.S. from 1607 -1877 (3) 107.* History of the United States from 1877 to the Present (3) 174.* Chinese Civilization (3) 369.* Mexico Since Independence (3) 372a-372b.* History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times (3-3) 377.* Modern Israel (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 495c.* Topics in Modern European History (3) Humanities 250a-250b-250c.* Introduction to Humanities (3-3-3) 260.* Intercultural Perspectives (3) 295Q. 10Q4 Creativity (3) 391. Honors Preceptorship (1-3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) Japanese 144.* Japanese Humanities (3) 245.* Popular Culture in Japan (3) Judaic Studies 372a-372b.* History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times (3) 376.* German-Jewish Writers (3) 377.* Modern Israel (3) Language, Reading and Culture 410.* Foundations of Bilingual Education (3) 428.* Bilingual Curriculum Development (3) 435.* Content Area Literacy in a Multicultural School (3) 480.* Children's Literature in the Classroom (3) Linguistics 101.* Introduction to Language (3) 201.* Introduction to Linguistics (3) Management and Policy 305.* Management and Organizational Behavior (3) 320.* Legal, Social and Political Environment of Business (3) 471,* Management Policies (3) 481.* Finance and New Venture Development (4) 483.* Marketing, Planning and Operational Decision Making (4) 484.* Development of New Venture Plans (4) Management Information Systems 111.* Introduction to Computing (3) 386H. Honors Proseminar (3) Marketing 424.* Services Retailing (3) 480.* New Venture Marketing and Industry Analysis (4) 483.* Marketing, Planning and Operational Decision Making (4) Material Science and Engineering 110.* Solid State Chemistry (4) Mathematics 122.* Math and Modern Society (3) 124.* Calculus with Applications (5) 125a-125b.* Calculus (3-3) 215.* Introduction to Linear Algebra (3) 223.* Vector Calculus (4) 254.* Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (3) 415.* Introduction to Abstract Algebra (3) 473.* Automata, Grammar and Language (3) Media Arts 200.* Fundamentals of Theory and Aesthetics in Media Arts (3) 201.* Survey of Media History (4) 303.* Professional Practices (1) 304.* Beginning Video Production (3) 394.* Practicum (1-5) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 421.* Cultural Theory and Criticism of Media (3) 424.* Film Theory and Criticism (3) 426.* Sexuality in Media Narratives (3) 427.* Feminist Media Theory (3) Microbiology 181R.* Introductory Biology I (4) 182.* Introductory Biology II (4) 410.* Cell Biology (3) 411.* Molecular Biology (3) 419.* Immunology (3) Additional independent laboratory opportunities available. Molecular and Cellular Biology 181R.* Introductory Biology I (3) 182.* Introductory Biology II (4) 320.* Genetics (4) 404.* Contemporary Biology in Human Affairs (3) 410.* Cell Biology (4) 411.* Molecular Biology (4) 462a-462b. Biochemistry (3-3) Additional independent laboratory opportunities available. Music 120a.* Musical Skills and Structure (3) 120b.* Musical Skills and Structure (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) Near Eastern Studies 369.* Geography of the Middle East (3) 372a-372b.* History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times (3-3) 377.* Modern Israel (3) Neuroscience 195H. Honors Colloquium (1) Nursing 250.* Pathophysiology (3) 255.* Perspectives of Nursing and Health Care (3) 279.* Nurse as Consumer and User of Research (3) 372.* Nurse as Care Provider for Developing Families (5) 383.* Nurse as Care Provider in Mental Health (5) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 481.* Nurse as Care Provider of Communities (5) Nutritional Sciences 102H. * Nutrition, Food, and You (3) Pharmacology 462a-462b.* Biochemistry (3-3) Philosophy 111.* Introduction to Philosophy (3) 122.* Philosophical Foundations of Western Civilization: Mind, Matter and God (3) 123.* Philosophical Foundations of Western Civilization: Science and Inquiry (3) Physics 141.* Introductory Mechanics (4) 142H.* Introductory Optics and Thermodynamics (2-3) 241H.* Introductory Electricity and Magnetism (4) 242.* Introduction to Relativity and Quantum Physics (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) Physiology 201.* Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4) 202.* Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4) Planetary Sciences 105a.* Universe and Humanity: Origins and Destiny (3) 109L.* Exploration and Discovery in Planetary Sciences (1) 112.* Undergraduate Research in Planetary Sciences (4) Plant Science 101H. Plant Science Laboratory (1) 410.* Cell Biology (3) Political Science 102.* American National Government (3) 120.* Introduction to International Relations (3) 140.* Introduction to Comparative Politics (3) 250.* Contemporary National Politics (3) 377.* Modern Israel (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 407. Congress and American Politics (3) 428H. Problems in Contemporary Political Theory (3) 470.* Constitutional Law: Federalism (3) 471.* Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties (3) Psychology 101.* Introduction to Psychology (3) 205H.* Do Animals Think? (3) 230.* Psychological Measurement and Statistics (3) 296H. Honors Proseminar (3) 374.* Environmental Psychology (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 429.* Advanced Perception (3) 491. Honors Preceptorship (1-3) Religious Studies 144.* Japanese Humanities (3) 372a-372b.* History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times (3) Renewable Natural Resources 493H. Honors Internship (1-6) Retailing and Consumer Studies 304.* Merchandising Analysis (3) 340.* Consumer Concepts and Theory (3) 424.* Services Retailing (3) 434.* Strategic Retail Management (3) 446.* International Consumer and Retailing (3) Russian and Slavic Languages 101a-101b.* Elementary Russian (4-4) 201a-201b.* Intermediate Russian (4-4) Sociology 101.* Introduction to Sociology (3) 195H. Honors Colloquium (2) 313.* Collective Behavior and Social Movements (3) 324.* Sociology and Sexuality (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 457.* Bio-Social Determinants of Socialization (3) Teaching and Teacher Education 300.* Classroom Processes and Instruction (4) 322.* Teaching Language Arts and Communication in Elementary School (3) 323.* Teaching Reading and Decoding in Elementary School (3) 324.* Teaching Science and Health in Elementary School (3) 326.* Teaching Elementary School Mathematics in a Technological Age (3) 327.* Teaching Elementary School Social Studies in a Multicultural Society (3) 338g.* The Teaching of Secondary School Family and Consumer Sciences Education (4) 342.* Middle School Curriculum and Teaching (3) 394.* Practicum (1-4) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) 410.* Teaching English Composition (3) 411.* Teaching of Literature (3) 412.* The Teaching of English Language (3) 493a.* Student Teaching in Elementary School (3-12) 493b.* Student Teaching in Secondary School (6-12) Theatre Arts 100.* Acting for the General College Student (3) 238.* Modern Drama Through Performance (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) Veterinary Science 419.* Immunology (3) Women's Studies 100.* Introduction to Women's Studies (3) 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) *Honors section available. Consult Schedule of Classes for information. |
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