Repeating a Course and GRO
Students wishing to repeat course work at The University of Arizona may elect one of
the following options:
Establishment of Credit
Undergraduate students may repeat any course for which they have received an E or W.
They may repeat this course as many times as necessary to establish credit, but may only
be eligible for grade replacement once.
First and Second Attempt Averaging
Undergraduate students may repeat only once any course in which they have received
original grades of C or D. Grade-point average will be computed by averaging grades earned
in the first and second attempt. Original grades of A or B may not be repeated, except as
specifically provided by departments on a course-by-course basis. Credit will be allowed
only once unless the course is designated "repeatable for credit" by the
Academic Policies
Policy update 1/10/06 in item
#3, wording change to clarify Individual Studies.
Policy update 4/27/06 in item #11, identifying how this opportunity may
be limited.
Policy update 2/12/07 in item #2, addressing UA South course prefixes.
Policy update 5/23/08 in item #3, adding directed research to Individual Studies.
Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO)
Graduate Students:
Graduate students may now apply to retake courses for which they
received a grade of C or below. Application forms and policy details
are available in the Graduate College's Degree Certification Office,
(520) 621-3609.
Undergraduate Students:
- Undergraduates who have not received a bachelor’s degree from
this University may repeat under the Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO),
only once, certain courses in which they received
grades of C, D, or E.
- The repeat GRO attempt department, course number, and grading
type must be identical to the first attempt.
- The use of GRO for Tier Two courses is limited to courses
with the same title and course number. GRO of Tier One courses
will be limited to courses with the same title and
subtitle, as well as the same course number.
- The use of GRO to replace UA main campus courses with UA
South courses or vice versa, is limited to courses with a
corresponding course prefix (e.g., ANTH-UA main prefix, and
ANTV-UA South prefix), the same course number and title, and
which have been determined to be equivalent as indicated in the
Catalog course description.
- "Credit by Exam", "Grade by Exam", "Individual Studies" courses,
"Correspondence" courses, and "Pass/Fail" courses cannot be taken
under GRO. Individual Studies is defined as courses with numbers
ending in 91 (Preceptorship), 92 (directed research), 93 (internship), 94 (practicum), and
99 (independent study).
- A total of 3 courses, not to exceed a maximum of 10 semester
hours, may be repeated under GRO.
- A GRO repeated course grade will replace only one previous
grade. (Example: if a course has been graded more than once, the GRO
repeated course grade will replace only one of the graded courses.)
- Students must file a
GRO request form in the Office of the Registrar,
Administration Building, Room 210. The request form is available
only during GRO filing periods. See the exact
Filing Deadlines and the
Information page.
- The repeated attempt under GRO is the grade used in the
calculation of the
grade-point-average (GPA), even if lower than the first attempt,
except in the case of #8 below. Both grades earned in the first and
the GRO repeat attempts will remain on the academic record. If a
student passes the first attempt, but fails the repeat attempt, the
failing grade is calculated in the grade-point-average; however the
units earned in the first attempt may be applied toward degree
- GRO repeat attempt grades of O, W, WP, WF, WO or XO will count
as attempts, but will not replace the grade in the first attempt.
- When the final grade for the GRO repeat attempt has been
processed in the Office of the Registrar, the cumulative
grade-point-average will be adjusted. Grades of I, K, and Y are not
final grades.
- Total earned units will not be affected by GRO, duplicate earned
units resulting from GRO cannot be applied towards a degree program.
- University, college or department policies or certain
circumstances may limit the option to use the Grade Replacement
Opportunity. Neither the department nor the Office of the Registrar
is responsible for the loss of this opportunity due to changes in
course offerings, such as course cancellation, unit change, time
change, etc.
- After filing the GRO form, it becomes the STUDENT's
RESPONSIBILITY to notify the
Office of the
Registrar, Administration Bldg. Rm. 210, of ANY CHANGE that may
affect the registration in the course being repeated.
Please direct specific questions about GRO to your
academic advisor