Academic Policies

Credit Definitions and Enrollment Policies

University Credit

University credit is the term used to identify all credit offered by The University of Arizona with the exception of correspondence credit and Special Examination for Credit. Only the grades of courses taken for University credit and by Special Examination for Grade are used in calculating the grade-point average.

Definition of Unit of Credit

Utilizing the definition that an hour of work is the equivalent of 50 minutes of class time (often called a contact hour) or 60 minutes of independent-study work, university policy requires at least 45 hours of work by each student for each unit of credit. Contact hours required for specific types of courses are as follows:

  • At least 15 contact hours of recitation, lecture, discussion, seminar, or colloquium, as well as a minimum of 30 hours of student homework are required for each unit of student credit.
  • Workshops require at least 15 through 45 contact hours and the appropriate number of homework hours to comprise a total of at least 45 hours of work for each unit of credit.
  • Studios require at least 30 contact hours and at least 15 hours of homework for each unit of credit.
  • Laboratory courses must maintain a minimum of 45 contact hours per unit of credit.
  • Field trips are to be counted hour-for-hour as laboratory meetings.
  • Each unit of internship or practicum must require a minimum of 45 hours of work.

Since it would be virtually impossible for a student to complete satisfactorily 45 hours of work in less than one week, the policy regarding the duration of courses maintains that a course must cover at least a one-week period for every unit of credit given. During the summer session, however, 6 units of credit might be given over a five-week period.

It is understood that, when the official university calendar deviates from these guidelines, that calendar shall prevail.

It is also understood that the hour requirements specified above represent minimums for average students and that considerable deviation in excess of these requirements may occur, particularly at the graduate level.

Graduate Credit for Seniors 
(Policy updated May 23, 2003: clarification on the use of 500-level courses toward the bachelor's and graduate degrees, and the use of graduate and professional transfer courses.)

A senior within 15 units of completing requirements for graduation may register for graduate work if recommended by the head of the department offering the course and approved by the Dean of the Graduate College. A petition for Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses must be filed with the Graduate College at the time of registration or within 10 days thereafter. The Dean of the Graduate College will not approve a petition unless the senior has a grade-point-average (GPA) of 3.000 or better on all University Credit and is proceeding toward graduation as directly as possible. Under such a petition, seniors may enroll in 500-level courses for undergraduate or graduate credit (not both). Courses numbered at the 600, 700, and 900 levels are not open to undergraduates.

Just as graduate University Credit may be applied toward a bachelor's degree (as upper division credit) or a graduate degree (as graduate credit), graduate or professional level credit earned and transferred from another institution may be applied toward a baccalaureate degree at the UA only if it is not used to complete a graduate or professional degree at that institution. Professional degrees include (but are not limited to) such programs as law and medicine. Students may petition the acceptance of graduate or professional credit by submitting a Transfer Credit Appeal, along with a letter from the graduate or professional college stating that the courses in question were not/are not being applied toward a graduate or professional degree at that institution.

Dental and veterinary students in the programs of microbiology and veterinary science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, should also see, Special Conditions for DDS and DVM Candidates.

See the Graduation Services site for detailed instructions onExternal Link Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses, and contact your External Link Graduation Services advisor if you have questions.

Maximum Units Allowed Per Semester

Approval of the college dean is required for any student to exceed the maximum number of units allowed per semester as indicated below. The semester load includes all work carried in residence as well as concurrent registration in correspondence, extension, or approved courses at other institutions.

College or School Units
Agriculture 19
Engineering and Mines 19
Architecture 19
Fine Arts 19
Humanities 19
Science 19
Social and Behavioral Sciences 19
University College 19
School of Health Related Professions 19
Business & Public Administration 19
Education 19
Nursing 19
Pharmacy 19
Law 17
Graduate 16

Class Standing/Classification

Revised 2/28/07:  classification updated for College of Engineering.

Class standing/classification in the various colleges and schools, based upon the number of units completed, is given in the table below. A student's class standing does not necessarily relate to the number of semesters or units required to complete degree requirements. For class standing/classification criteria for the Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy please consult the colleges.

College/School Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Agriculture 1-25 26-57 58-90 91+
Architecture 1-29 30-60 61-94 95+
Business & Public Admin. 1-24 25-55 56-86 87+
Education     56-86 87+
Engineering and Mines 1-25 26-57 58-89 90+
Fine Arts 1-24 25-55 56-86 87+
Health-Related Professions     56-86 87+
Humanities 1-24 25-55 56-86 87+

1st year

2nd year

3rd year

Nursing *   33-63 64-96 97+
Science ** 1-24 25-55 56-86 87+
Social and Behavioral Sciences 1-24 25-55 56-86 87+
University College 1-24 25-55    

* Nursing's class standing units updated October 21, 1999
** The B.S.G. with a major in geosciences (offered prior to 1998) has the same class standing unit criteria as the College of Engineering and Mines. The B.S. with a major in geosciences (offered 1998 and later) has the same class standing unit criteria as the College of Science.

Full-time Student Status

Full-time status for an undergraduate student varies with the college and study program, but ordinarily requires a load of at least 12 units per semester. Full-time status for graduate students is more widely variable, depending upon assistantship or associateship duties and the composition of the individual student's program. Students in doubt about their standing should check with the their college dean's office.


Page last updated:  May 20, 2013

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