Formal Student Complaint Tracking
Institutional offices are responsible for maintaining a record of the formal student complaints they receive. Information to be collected includes: date complaint received; student name and UA Net-id; brief description of the complaint and a summary of the informal actions taken by the involved parties prior to submission of the formal complaint/ actions taken by the involved parties after receipt of the formal complaint; resolution/outcome; date review completed; date of student notification; and detailed notation of any changes made or recommended to department, college, or university policies and procedures as a result of the complaint. Institutional offices are required to submit an annual report log and summary of formal student complaints to the UA Student Complaints Committee (UASCC).
The UASCC meets at the start of each academic year to compile an Annual Institutional Summary of Student Complaints and make recommendations for policy or procedural changes that might address systemic problems revealed by the annual review. The committee meets monthly on an as-needed basis to draft policy changes.
The UA Student Complaints Committee is composed of representatives from the following offices or bodies: the Office of the Provost; Dean of Students Office; University Professional Advising Council (UPAC); Undergraduate Council (UGC); Graduate Council; College Academic Administrators Council; Faculty Senate; Graduate College; Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA); and Graduate and Professional Student Council (GPSC). The Senior Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives & Student Success and the Vice Provost for Campus Life & Dean of Students serve as UASCC co-chairs. The Office of Curricular Affairs provides administrative support to the UA Student Complaints Committee.