Departments, Schools, CollegesCOLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCESContact Information:
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Introduction: The study of human beings, individually and in social groups, unites the departments and programs of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The college promotes fundamental research in individual behavior, cultural expression, social organization, theory and values, and public and private policy. The departments and programs provide bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, with majors and minors in a number of disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas. Academic Policies: No more than 48 units within the major may be applied toward the BA or BS degree. That applies to Honors courses in the major and courses cross-listed with an academic committee or center. Excluded from the 48-unit rule are freshman composition, the first year (elementary) of a foreign language (see department headings for exceptions) and courses cross-listed with a second academic department if the latter is the home department. General Advising: The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences has advisors that are available to answer your questions regarding general education, admission to majors, registration planning, transfer credit, internships, and degree checks. The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Advising Office in Douglass 101 provides general information about the College and its degree programs, College and University policies and procedure, declaration of major and minor, student-initiated petitions, student academic progress, and educational decision-making. Title II of the Higher Education Act: The U.S. government requires that institutions preparing teachers report certain information about their programs to state and federal departments of education and the public. To view data from the most recent report filed by the University of Arizona, go to the Title II of the Higher Education Act report, on the College of Education site. For more information contact the college office listed above. |