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Summer 2008 Course DescriptionsAll courses below are approved to be taught in Summer 2008;
however, some (or all) may not be offered. The
course numbers that are offered, in either Pre-Session, Summer I or Summer II,
are linked to the Schedule of Classes. Classes with alternative
-- Leadership: Voices and Vision
(1 unit)
-- Paladins: Engaging Talented Minds
(1 unit)
HNRS 200
-- Thinking Critically About New Media
(3 units)
-- Intellectual Pursuits: Preparing for Nationally Competitive Scholarships
(1 unit)
-- An Encounter with Poets and Their Poetry
(3 units)
-- Paladins: Engaging Talented Minds
(1 unit)
-- Global Diversity
(3 units)
-- Honors Colloquium
(1-3 units)
-- Reading Builds Community
(1 unit)
-- Honors Proseminar
(3 units)
-- Honors Independent Study
(1-3 units)
-- Honors Preceptorship
(1-3 units)
-- Honors Internship
(1-3 units)
-- Honors Proseminar
(3 units)
-- Honors Independent Study
(1-3 units)
-- Collaborative Leadership
(3 units)
-- Interamerican Trade Public Policy Relations
(3 units)
-- Honors Independent Study
(1-3 units) Additional honors courses, by subject: Africana Studies (AFAS) AFAS 303 -- Black Womanist Writers (3 units) AFAS 305 -- Motherhood in the African Diaspora (3 units) AFAS 315 -- African/African American Psychology (3 units) AFAS 318 -- Pan African Dance Aesthetics: Theory and Practice (3 units) AFAS 335 -- Rap, Culture and God (3 units) AFAS 345 -- Caribbean Politics (3 units) AFAS 360 -- Writing the Africana Experience: Approaches and Strategies (3 units) AFAS 365 -- Ancient African Civilizations (3 units) AFAS 385 -- Race and Ethnic Politics in the Post-Civil Rights Era (3 units) AFAS 400 -- African Aesthetics: Pan-African Dance Language of Liberation (3 units) AFAS 411 -- Africana Theatre Aesthetics (3 units) AFAS 423 -- Topics in Caribbean Culture, Literature and Identity (3 units) AFAS 425 -- Environmental Justice/Environmental Racism (3 units) AFAS 433 -- Managing Diversity (3 units) AFAS 439 -- Sex, Race, Cinema and African Americans (3 units) AFAS 444 -- Rethinking Race and Health in the United States (3 units) AFAS 482 -- African Americans & U.S. Foreign Policy (3 units) Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE ) ABE 484 -- Advanced Biosystems Transport Phenomena (3 units) Agricultural Education (A ED) A ED 408 -- Diversity Issues in a Contemporary Society (3 units) A ED 497Q -- Advances in Agricultural Communication/Education (1-5 units) American Indian Studies (AIS ) AIS 201 -- Topics in Cancer Among Native Americans (1 unit) AIS 202A -- Introduction to Laboratory Methods in Cancer Biology (2 units) AIS 206 -- Native Peoples of the Southwest (3 units) AIS 210 -- American Indian Languages (3 units) AIS 413 -- Ethnology of the Southwest (3 units) AIS 415 -- American Indians and the Urban Experience (3 units) AIS 421 -- Ethnology of North America (3 units) AIS 495A -- American Indian Studies (3 units) Anthropology (ANTH) ANTH 200 -- Cultural Anthropology (3 units) ANTH 206 -- Native Peoples of the Southwest (3 units) ANTH 235 -- Principles of Archaeology (3 units) ANTH 257A -- The Organic Chemistry and Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3 units) ANTH 314 -- Race and Language in the U.S. (3 units) ANTH 315 -- World Ethnography (3 units) ANTH 316 -- Political Economy of Language (3 units) ANTH 318 -- Pan African Dance Aesthetics: Theory and Practice (3 units) ANTH 332 -- Environmental Archaeology (3 units) ANTH 366A -- Nutritional Anthropology (3 units) ANTH 369 -- Darwinian Medicine (3 units) ANTH 374 -- Processes of Culture Change (3 units) ANTH 401A -- The Primate Skeleton (3 units) ANTH 403A -- Diet, Demography and Disease (3 units) ANTH 406 -- Gender and Social Identity (3 units) ANTH 410A -- Ethnic Diversity in China (3 units) ANTH 413 -- Ethnology of the Southwest (3 units) ANTH 415 -- American Indians and the Urban Experience (3 units) ANTH 421 -- Ethnology of North America (3 units) ANTH 428A -- Anthropological Demography (3 units) ANTH 429A -- Human Reproductive Ecology (3 units) ANTH 430A -- Language and Society in the Middle East (3 units) ANTH 438A -- Women's Health in Global Perspective (3 units) ANTH 444 -- Introduction to Medical Anthropology (3 units) ANTH 445A -- Contemporary Approaches to Human Biology (3 units) ANTH 445B -- Contemporary Approaches to Human Biology (3 units) ANTH 451A -- Archaeology of Eastern North America (3 units) ANTH 453A -- Mesoamerican Archaeology (3 units) ANTH 461A -- French Linguistics (3 units) ANTH 470A -- Human Adaptability (3 units) ANTH 474 -- Archaeometry: Scientific Methods in Art and Archaeology (3 units) ANTH 479 -- Culture and Materials Technology (3 units) ANTH 480 -- Historical Comparative Linguistics (3 units) ANTH 496F -- Ceramic Analysis (3 units) ANTH 496M -- Special Topics in Arabic Linguistics (3 units) ANTH 496P -- Women’s Life Writing: Autobiography, Diary, Oral History, Biography.... (3 units) Arabic (ARB ) ARB 496M -- Special Topics in Arabic Linguistics (3 units) Architecture (ARC ) ARC 452H -- Honors Design Studio VIII: Senior Project (6 units) ARC 471G -- Museums: History, Theory, Design (3 units) ARC 471I -- Urban Space: History, Theory, Design (3 units) ARC 471J -- The Impact of World War One on Architecture and the Arts (3 units) ARC 474 -- Field Methods in Environmental Psychology (3 units) Art (ART ) ART 101 -- Drawing (3 units) ART 244 -- Beginning Digital Photography (3 units) ART 358 -- Design: Cultural and Language (3 units) ART 363B -- Typography II (3 units) ART 448A -- Discovering Place (3 units) ART 462C -- Picture Book Art + Design (3 units) ART 462O -- Libretto Concetti: Visual Narratives (3 units) ART 467O -- Disegno: Drawing and Invention (3 units) ART 482A -- Advanced Sculpture (3 units) Art Education (ARE ) ARE 130 -- Exploring Art and Visual Culture (3 units) ARE 420 -- Community, Culture and Art Education (3 units) Art History (ARH ) ARH 316A -- Survey of Baroque Art & Culture (3 units) ARH 316B -- Survey of Eighteenth-Century Art (3 units) ARH 370 -- Introduction to Modern Design History (3 units) ARH 414C -- 16th-Century Art of Northern Europe (3 units) ARH 424C -- History of Photography: Contemporary Trends (3 units) Astronomy (ASTR) ASTR 206 -- Our Golden Age of Planetary Exploration (3 units) ASTR 214 -- Astrobiology: A Planetary Prospective (3 units) ASTR 305 -- Computational Physics (3 units) ASTR 392 -- Directed Research (1-6 units) ASTR 400A -- Theoretical Astrophysics (3 units) ASTR 400B -- Theoretical Astrophysics (3 units) ASTR 492 -- Directed Research (1-6 units) Atmospheric Sciences (ATMO) ATMO 171 -- Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology (3 units) Biochemistry (BIOC) BIOC 181R -- Introductory Biology I (3-4 units) BIOC 182R -- Introductory Biology II (3-5 units) BIOC 201 -- Topics in Cancer Among Native Americans (1 unit) BIOC 202A -- Introduction to Laboratory Methods in Cancer Biology (2 units) BIOC 202B -- Introduction to Cancer Research Techniques (2 units) BIOC 401 -- Medical Biochemistry Problem Solving (1 unit) BIOC 410 -- Cell Biology (3-4 units) BIOC 411 -- Molecular Biology (3-4 units) BIOC 462A -- Biochemistry (4-5 units) BIOC 462B -- Biochemistry (4-5 units) Business Administration (BNAD) BNAD 203H -- Special Topics in Honors Research (1-3 units) BNAD 300 -- Core Project Laboratory (1 unit) BNAD 314R -- Business Communication (3 units) BNAD 451 -- Emerging Market Connections (3 units) BNAD 496H -- Honors Seminar (1-3 units) Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) CALS 193H -- Honors Internship (1-6 units) CALS 293H -- Honors Internship (1-6 units) Cell Biology and Anatomy (CBA ) CBA 479 -- Art of Scientific Discovery (3 units) Chemistry (CHEM) CHEM 105A -- Honors Fundamentals of Chemistry (3 units) CHEM 105B -- Honors Fundamentals of Chemistry (3 units) CHEM 106B -- Honors Fundamental Techniques of Chemistry (1-2 units) CHEM 242A -- Honors Lectures in Organic Chemistry (3 units) CHEM 242B -- Honors Lectures in Organic Chemistry (3 units) CHEM 244A -- Honors Organic Chemistry Laboratory (2 units) CHEM 244B -- Honors Organic Chemistry Lab (2 units) CHEM 257A -- The Organic Chemistry and Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3 units) CHEM 462A -- Biochemistry (4-5 units) CHEM 462B -- Biochemistry (4-5 units) Chinese Studies (CHN ) CHN 142 -- Chinese Humanities (3 units) CHN 410A -- Ethnic Diversity in China (3 units) Civil Engineering (C E ) C E 214 -- Statics (3 units) C E 215 -- Mechanics of Solids (3 units) C E 429 -- Special Topics in Hydraulics & Water Resources Engineering (1-3 units) C E 446 -- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (3 units) Classics (CLAS) CLAS 342 -- Homer (3 units) CLAS 430 -- Ancient Greek Technology (3 units) CLAS 474 -- Archaeometry: Scientific Methods in Art and Archaeology (3 units) Communication (COMM) COMM 110 -- Logic and Critical Thinking (3 units) COMM 419 -- Mass Media Policy and Regulation (3 units) COMM 426 -- Public Opinion & Communication (3 units) COMM 496H -- Integrating Seminar in Communication (3 units) Computer Science (C SC) C SC 245 -- Introduction to Discrete Structures (4 units) C SC 345 -- Analysis of Discrete Structures (4 units) C SC 386 -- Component-based Software Development Using C# (3 units) C SC 422 -- Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Programming (3 units) C SC 433 -- Computer Graphics (3 units) C SC 436 -- Software Engineering (3 units) C SC 437 -- Geometric Algorithms (3 units) C SC 445 -- Algorithms (3 units) C SC 453 -- Compilers and Systems Software (4 units) C SC 460 -- Database Design (3 units) C SC 473 -- Automata, Grammars and Languages (3 units) C SC 477 -- Introduction to Computer Vision (3 units) C SC 496H -- Advanced Research Topics in Computer Science (1 unit) Critical Languages (CRL ) CRL 101 -- Elementary Language Study (4 units) CRL 102 -- Elementary Language Study (4 units) CRL 201 -- Intermediate Language Study (4 units) CRL 202 -- Intermediate Language Study (4 units) Dance (DNC ) DNC 400H -- Dance and Culture (3 units) DNC 455 -- Biomechanics for Dancers (3 units) East Asian Studies (EAS ) EAS 376 -- Communist China: History and Narrative (3 units) Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (ECOL) ECOL 181R -- Introductory Biology I (3-4 units) ECOL 182R -- Introductory Biology II (3-5 units) ECOL 206 -- Environmental Biology (4 units) ECOL 320H -- Genetics (5 units) ECOL 335 -- Evolutionary Biology (4 units) ECOL 412A -- Ocean Sciences (4 units) ECOL 421 -- Philosophy of the Biological Sciences (3 units) ECOL 422 -- Problem Solving with Genetic Tools (3 units) ECOL 440 -- Plant Growth and Development (3 units) ECOL 451 -- Drosophila: Model System for Evolution (3 units) ECOL 454 -- Water Harvesting (3 units) ECOL 457 -- Medical-Veterinary Entomology (3 units) ECOL 479 -- Art of Scientific Discovery (3 units) ECOL 497A -- Undergraduate Teaching Training in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (1-5 units) ECOL 497K -- Dendroecology (3 units) Economics (ECON) ECON 200 -- Basic Economic Issues (3 units) ECON 201B -- Principles of Economics (3 units) ECON 205 -- The Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation (3 units) ECON 332 -- Intermediate Macroeconomics (3 units) ECON 361 -- Intermediate Microeconomics (3 units) ECON 406 -- Introduction to Experimental Economics (3 units) ECON 418 -- Introduction to Econometrics (3 units) ECON 443 -- International Trade Theory (3 units) ECON 460 -- Industrial Organization (3 units) ECON 461 -- Economics of Regulated Industries (3 units) ECON 462 -- Topics in Industrial Organization (3 units) ECON 487 -- New Venture Development and Industry Analysis (4 units) Educational Psychology (ED P) ED P 301 -- Child Development (3 units) ED P 310 -- Learning in the Schools (3 units) ED P 358 -- Psychological Measurement in Education (3 units) Engineering and Mines (ENGR) ENGR 102 -- Introduction to Engineering (3 units) ENGR 257A -- The Organic Chemistry and Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3 units) ENGR 397B -- Community Based Design - Constructing Requirements (4 units) ENGR 420L -- Innovation Principles and Environments Laboratory (1 unit) ENGR 420R -- Innovation Principles and Environments (3 units) ENGR 479 -- Culture and Materials Technology (3 units) English (ENGL) ENGL 103H -- First-Year Composition (3 units) ENGL 104H -- First-Year Composition (3 units) ENGL 109H -- Advanced First-Year Composition (3 units) ENGL 209 -- Introduction to the Writing of Poetry (3 units) ENGL 210 -- Introduction to the Writing of Fiction (3 units) ENGL 280 -- Introduction to Literature (3 units) ENGL 302 -- Magazine Article Writing Workshop (3 units) ENGL 303 -- Black Womanist Writers (3 units) ENGL 313 -- Introduction to Professional & Technical Writing (3 units) ENGL 340 -- Topics in Professional & Technical Writing (3 units) ENGL 348 -- Israeli Fiction and Poetry (3 units) ENGL 354 -- Feminist Literary Theories (3 units) ENGL 362 -- Rhetorical Traditions (3 units) ENGL 373A -- British and American Literature: Beowulf to 1660 (3 units) ENGL 373B -- British and American Literature: Restoration to the 19th Century (3 units) ENGL 373C -- British and American Literature: From the Roots of Modernism to the Present (3 units) ENGL 406 -- Modern English Grammar (3 units) ENGL 410 -- Teaching of Composition (3 units) ENGL 411 -- Teaching of Literature (3 units) ENGL 417A -- Topics in the Teaching of English (1-3 units) ENGL 455 -- Teaching English as a Second Language (3 units) ENGL 461A -- French Linguistics (3 units) ENGL 463 -- Topics in Children's Literature (3 units) ENGL 495A -- Honors for Juniors (3 units) ENGL 495B -- Honors for Seniors (3 units) ENGL 496P -- Women’s Life Writing: Autobiography, Diary, Oral History, Biography.... (3 units) Entomology (ENTO) ENTO 457 -- Medical-Veterinary Entomology (3 units) Entrepreneurship (ENTR) ENTR 402 -- Introduction to Entrepreneurship Tracks (1 unit) ENTR 414 -- 24-Hour Knowledge Factory: Intl Management of Services in a Knowledge Economy (3 units) ENTR 420L -- Innovation Principles and Environments Laboratory (1 unit) ENTR 420R -- Innovation Principles and Environments (3 units) ENTR 484 -- Development of New Venture Plans (4 units) ENTR 489 -- Research on Professional Outsourcing: Analysis of Strategic, Economic, Technical (3 units) Family and Consumer Science (FCSC) FCSC 302 -- Family and Consumer Personal Finance (3 units) Family Studies and Human Development (FSHD) FSHD 137 -- Close Relationships (3 units) FSHD 377 -- Adolescence (3 units) FSHD 401 -- Basic Skills in Counseling (3 units) FSHD 413 -- Issues in Aging (3 units) FSHD 447 -- Advanced Human Development (3 units) Finance (FIN ) FIN 412 -- Corporate Financial Problems (3 units) FIN 421 -- Investments (3 units) FIN 480 -- Finance for New Ventures (4 units) Fine Arts (F A ) F A 300 -- Introduction to Arts Management (3 units) French (FREN) FREN 301 -- Advanced Conversation (3 units) FREN 302 -- Advanced Composition (3 units) FREN 310 -- Spoken French in Cultural Context (3 units) FREN 320 -- Written French in Cultural Context (3 units) FREN 410 -- Film and Fiction (3 units) FREN 420 -- Cultural History (3 units) FREN 432 -- French Translation (3 units) FREN 441 -- French Literature and Culture (3 units) FREN 442 -- Genres and Topics (3 units) FREN 461A -- French Linguistics (3 units) Geography and Regional Development (GEOG) GEOG 171 -- Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology (3 units) GEOG 304 -- Water, Environment, and Society (3 units) GEOG 369 -- Geography of the Middle East (3 units) GEOG 424 -- Integrated Geographic Information Systems (3 units) GEOG 468 -- Water and Sustainability (3 units) GEOG 484 -- Fire Mapping (3 units) GEOG 496F -- European Study Group: Special Topics on Europe (3 units) Geological Engineering (G EN) G EN 446 -- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (3 units) Geosciences (GEOS) GEOS 214 -- Astrobiology: A Planetary Prospective (3 units) GEOS 216 -- Dinosaurs (3 units) GEOS 346H -- Mineral and Energy Resources (3 units) GEOS 397A -- Teaching Geosciences (2-3 units) GEOS 412A -- Ocean Sciences (4 units) GEOS 434A -- Introduction to Exploration Seismology (3 units) GEOS 497K -- Dendroecology (3 units) German Studies (GER ) GER 376 -- German-Jewish Writers (3 units) Gerontology (GERO) GERO 413 -- Issues in Aging (3 units) GERO 470A -- Human Adaptability (3 units) History (HIST) HIST 120 -- Topics in History (3 units) HIST 236 -- Indians in U.S. History (3 units) HIST 301 -- Introduction to the Study of History (3 units) HIST 314A -- Europe 1870-1945: War, Peace and Social Change (3 units) HIST 324 -- History of Puerto Rico (3 units) HIST 356 -- Global Environmental History (3 units) HIST 372A -- History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times -- The Biblical Period (3 units) HIST 372B -- History & Religion of Israel in Ancient Times: Ezra-Nehemiah to the Roman Empire (3 units) HIST 376 -- Communist China: History and Narrative (3 units) HIST 377 -- Modern Israel (3 units) HIST 386 -- Race/Gender: Genealogies, Formations, Politics (3 units) HIST 448 -- The Latin Image in American Film (3 units) HIST 456A -- Paradise Lost: History of Anarchism in Europe (3 units) HIST 457A -- Manhood and Masculinity in the United States (3 units) HIST 465A -- History of Spain: Classical/Medieval Spain, Prehistory to 1100 AD (3 units) HIST 465E -- History of Spain: Modern Spanish Cultural Studies (3 units) HIST 477 -- Comparative History of World Revolutions (3 units) HIST 495C -- Topics in Modern European History (3 units) HIST 495G -- Topics in Latin American History (3 units) HIST 495K -- Colloquium on World History (3 units) HIST 496P -- Women’s Life Writing: Autobiography, Diary, Oral History, Biography.... (3 units) Hydrology and Water Resources (HWR ) HWR 202 -- The Water Cycle (3 units) General Education Tier One: Individuals and Societies (INDV) INDV 101 -- Mind, Self and Language (3 units) INDV 102 -- Social Interactions and Relationships (3 units) INDV 103 -- Societal and Institutional Systems (3 units) Insect Science (INSC) INSC 457 -- Medical-Veterinary Entomology (3 units) Italian (ITAL) ITAL 301 -- Advanced Italian Conversation (3 units) ITAL 302 -- Advanced Italian Composition (3 units) ITAL 310 -- Spoken Italian in Cultural Context (3 units) ITAL 320 -- Written Italian in Cultural Context (3 units) ITAL 410 -- Italian Fiction/Film (3 units) Japanese Studies (JPN ) JPN 245 -- Popular Culture in Japan (3 units) Journalism (JOUR) JOUR 392 -- Directed Research (1-6 units) JOUR 489 -- Survey of Research Methods (3 units) Judaic Studies (JUS ) JUS 325 -- Jewish Philosophy (3 units) JUS 348 -- Israeli Fiction and Poetry (3 units) JUS 372A -- History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times -- The Biblical Period (3 units) JUS 372B -- History & Religion of Israel in Ancient Times: Ezra-Nehemiah to the Roman Empire (3 units) JUS 376 -- German-Jewish Writers (3 units) JUS 377 -- Modern Israel (3 units) JUS 452 -- Israeli Women (3 units) JUS 496H -- Honors Seminar (3 units) Language, Reading, and Culture (LRC ) LRC 312C -- Early Language Acquisition and Literacy Development (3 units) LRC 410 -- Foundations of Language Minority Education (3 units) LRC 428 -- Curriculum and Instruction in Bilingual and Second Language Settings (3 units) LRC 435 -- Content Area Literacy in a Multicultural School (3 units) LRC 480 -- Children's Literature in the Classroom (3 units) LRC 480C -- Children’s Literature in the Classroom: Birth to Age 8 (3 units) Latin American Studies (LA S) LA S 324 -- History of Puerto Rico (3 units) LA S 335 -- Rap, Culture and God (3 units) LA S 345 -- Caribbean Politics (3 units) LA S 395A -- LAS Field Colloquium (1-3 units) LA S 414 -- 24-Hour Knowledge Factory: Intl Management of Services in a Knowledge Economy (3 units) LA S 453A -- Mesoamerican Archaeology (3 units) LA S 468 -- Studies in Latin American Music (3 units) LA S 477 -- Comparative History of World Revolutions (3 units) LA S 489 -- Research on Professional Outsourcing: Analysis of Strategic, Economic, Technical (3 units) LA S 495G -- Topics in Latin American History (3 units) LA S 496H -- Interamerican Trade Public Policy Relations (3 units) Linguistics (LING) LING 178 -- The Mathematics of Language and Linguistics (3 units) LING 201 -- Introduction to Linguistics (3 units) LING 210 -- American Indian Languages (3 units) LING 430A -- Language and Society in the Middle East (3 units) LING 454 -- Structure of a Middle Eastern Language (3 units) LING 461A -- French Linguistics (3 units) LING 463 -- Philosophy of Language (3 units) LING 480 -- Historical Comparative Linguistics (3 units) LING 496M -- Special Topics in Arabic Linguistics (3 units) MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONS (MGMT) MGMT 414 -- 24-Hour Knowledge Factory: Intl Management of Services in a Knowledge Economy (3 units) MGMT 471 -- Management Policies (3 units) MGMT 483 -- Marketing Planning and Operational Decision-Making (4 units) MGMT 484 -- Development of New Venture Plans (4 units) MGMT 487 -- New Venture Development and Industry Analysis (4 units) MGMT 489 -- Research on Professional Outsourcing: Analysis of Strategic, Economic, Technical (3 units) MGMT 496H -- Honors Seminar (3 units) Management Information Systems (MIS ) MIS 111 -- Computers and Internetworked Society (3 units) Marketing (MKTG) MKTG 424 -- Services Retailing (3 units) MKTG 480 -- Marketing Research for Entrepreneurs (3 units) MKTG 483 -- Marketing Planning and Operational Decision-Making (4 units) MKTG 496H -- Honors Seminar (1-3 units) Materials Science and Engineering (MSE ) MSE 110 -- Solid State Chemistry (4 units) MSE 257A -- The Organic Chemistry and Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3 units) MSE 350 -- Numerical Methods in Materials Science and Engineering (3 units) MSE 479 -- Culture and Materials Technology (3 units) Mathematics (MATH) MATH 105 -- Mathematics in Modern Society (3 units) MATH 124 -- Calculus I with Applications (5 units) MATH 125 -- Calculus I (3 units) MATH 129 -- Calculus II (3 units) MATH 202 -- Introduction to Symbolic Logic (3 units) MATH 215 -- Introduction to Linear Algebra (3 units) MATH 223 -- Vector Calculus (4 units) MATH 250A -- Calculus and Differential Equations I (3 units) MATH 250B -- Calculus and Differential Equations II (3 units) MATH 254 -- Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (3 units) MATH 415A -- Introduction to Abstract Algebra (3 units) MATH 445 -- Introduction to Cryptography (3 units) Media Arts (M AR) M AR 100A -- Film and Television History, Beginnings to Mid-20th Century (3 units) M AR 100B -- Film and Television History, Mid-20th Century to the Present (3 units) M AR 200 -- Media Aesthetics (3 units) M AR 244 -- Beginning Digital Photography (3 units) M AR 270 -- Introduction to the Media Industries (3 units) M AR 303 -- Professional Practices (1 unit) M AR 310 -- Idea Development (3 units) M AR 354 -- Film as Modern Art (3 units) M AR 356 -- World Cinemas (3 units) M AR 369 -- Scene Analysis for Directors (3 units) M AR 370 -- U.S. Media Now (3 units) M AR 373 -- Producing I: From Pitch Through Financing (3 units) M AR 394 -- Practicum (1-5 units) M AR 434 -- Issues in Media Industries (3 units) M AR 456 -- Race, Gender & Class in Media (3 units) M AR 465 -- Film Styles and Genres (3 units) Mexican American Studies (MAS ) MAS 307 -- Chicana Feminisms: History, Theory and Practice (3 units) MAS 358 -- U.S. 3rd World Feminism: Theory, History, Practice (3 units) MAS 430 -- Mexican Traditional Medicine: An Overview of Indigenous Curing Cultures (3 units) MAS 453A -- Mesoamerican Archaeology (3 units) Microbiology (MIC ) MIC 181R -- Introductory Biology I (3-4 units) MIC 182R -- Introductory Biology II (3-5 units) MIC 285R -- Principles of Microbiology (4 units) MIC 410 -- Cell Biology (3-4 units) MIC 411 -- Molecular Biology (3-4 units) MIC 419 -- Immunology (4 units) MIC 433 -- Medical and Molecular Virology (4 units) Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB ) MCB 181R -- Introductory Biology I (3-4 units) MCB 182R -- Introductory Biology II (3-5 units) MCB 285R -- Principles of Microbiology (4 units) MCB 320H -- Genetics (5 units) MCB 401 -- Medical Biochemistry Problem Solving (1 unit) MCB 404 -- Contemporary Biology in Human Affairs (3-4 units) MCB 410 -- Cell Biology (3-4 units) MCB 411 -- Molecular Biology (3-4 units) MCB 422 -- Problem Solving with Genetic Tools (3 units) MCB 433 -- Medical and Molecular Virology (4 units) MCB 440 -- Plant Growth and Development (3 units) MCB 451 -- Drosophila: Model System for Evolution (3 units) MCB 462A -- Biochemistry (4-5 units) MCB 462B -- Biochemistry (4-5 units) Music (MUS ) MUS 120A -- Musical Skills and Structure I (3 units) MUS 120B -- Musical Skills and Structure I (3 units) MUS 320 -- Form and Structure in 20th Century Music (3 units) MUS 468 -- Studies in Latin American Music (3 units) MUS 495B -- Art Music in the United States (3 units) General Education Tier One: Natural Sciences (NATS) NATS 101 -- The Earth and Its Environments (3 units) NATS 102 -- Beyond the Earth in Space and Time (3 units) NATS 104 -- Biological Sciences (3 units) Near Eastern Studies (NES ) NES 348 -- Israeli Fiction and Poetry (3 units) NES 369 -- Geography of the Middle East (3 units) NES 372A -- History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times -- The Biblical Period (3 units) NES 372B -- History & Religion of Israel in Ancient Times: Ezra-Nehemiah to the Roman Empire (3 units) NES 377 -- Modern Israel (3 units) NES 430A -- Language and Society in the Middle East (3 units) NES 452 -- Israeli Women (3 units) NES 454 -- Structure of a Middle Eastern Language (3 units) NES 474 -- Archaeometry: Scientific Methods in Art and Archaeology (3 units) Nursing (NURS) NURS 255 -- Professional Nursing Role I (2 units) NURS 263 -- Nursing Processes I (5 units) NURS 350 -- Pathophysiology (3 units) NURS 355 -- Professional Nursing Role II (2 units) NURS 364 -- Nursing Processes II (5 units) NURS 374 -- Families: Care Provider Across the Lifespan (5 units) NURS 379 -- Scholarly Inquiry in Evidence-Based Practice (2 units) NURS 382 -- Children: Health Experiences of Human Systems (5 units) NURS 475 -- Care Provider in Complex Health Experiences (5 units) NURS 481 -- Communities: Health Experiences of Human Systems (5 units) NURS 483 -- Mental Health Experiences: Care Provider Across the Life Span (5 units) NURS 486 -- Coordinator of Care in Diverse Settings (6 units) Nutritional Sciences (N SC) N SC 366A -- Nutritional Anthropology (3 units) Optical Sciences (OPTI) OPTI 440 -- Medical Physics (3 units) OPTI 474 -- Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy for Experimentalists II (3 units) Persian (PRS ) PRS 496A -- Topics in Classical and Ancient Persian Literature and Culture (3 units) PRS 496B -- Topics in Modern Persian Literature and Iranian Culture (3 units) Pharmacology and Toxicology (PCOL) PCOL 462A -- Biochemistry (4-5 units) PCOL 462B -- Biochemistry (4-5 units) Philosophy (PHIL) PHIL 110 -- Logic and Critical Thinking (3 units) PHIL 111 -- Introduction to Philosophy (3 units) PHIL 202 -- Introduction to Symbolic Logic (3 units) PHIL 205 -- The Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation (3 units) PHIL 261 -- Medieval Philosophy (3 units) PHIL 323 -- Environmental Ethics (3 units) PHIL 325 -- Jewish Philosophy (3 units) PHIL 345 -- Philosophy and Psychiatry (3 units) PHIL 410B -- History of Moral and Political Philosophy (3 units) PHIL 420 -- Philosophy of Science (3 units) PHIL 421 -- Philosophy of the Biological Sciences (3 units) PHIL 426 -- Philosophy of the Physical Sciences (3 units) PHIL 433 -- Aesthetics (3 units) PHIL 441 -- Theory of Knowledge (3 units) PHIL 453 -- Introduction to Consciousness Studies (3 units) PHIL 463 -- Philosophy of Language (3 units) PHIL 471A -- Rationalism and Empiricism (3 units) Physical Education (PE ) PE 201 -- Using Physical Activity to Explore the Human Body (3 units) Physics (PHYS) PHYS 161H -- Honors Introductory Mechanics (4 units) PHYS 162H -- Honors Introductory Optics and Thermodynamics (4 units) PHYS 261H -- Honors Introductory Electricity and Magnetism (4 units) PHYS 262H -- Honors Introductory Relativity and Quantum Physics (4 units) PHYS 301H -- Explorations in Integrated Science (4 units) PHYS 305 -- Computational Physics (3 units) PHYS 426 -- Thermal Physics (3 units) PHYS 440 -- Medical Physics (3 units) PHYS 474 -- Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy for Experimentalists II (3 units) Physiology (PSIO) PSIO 201 -- Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 units) PSIO 202 -- Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4 units) PSIO 380 -- Fundamentals of Human Physiology (4 units) PSIO 431 -- Physiology of the Immune System (3 units) Planetary Sciences (PTYS) PTYS 206 -- Our Golden Age of Planetary Exploration (3 units) PTYS 212 -- The Science and Politics of Global Warming (3 units) PTYS 214 -- Astrobiology: A Planetary Prospective (3 units) PTYS 392 -- Directed Research (1-6 units) PTYS 492 -- Directed Research (1-6 units) Plant Pathology (PL P) PL P 285R -- Principles of Microbiology (4 units) Plant Sciences (PL S) PL S 329 -- Genetics: Concepts and Ethics (3 units) PL S 410 -- Cell Biology (3-4 units) PL S 440 -- Plant Growth and Development (3 units) Political Science (POL ) POL 201 -- American National Government (3 units) POL 202 -- International Relations (3 units) POL 345 -- Caribbean Politics (3 units) POL 377 -- Modern Israel (3 units) POL 386 -- Race/Gender: Genealogies, Formations, Politics (3 units) POL 455 -- American Foreign Policy (3 units) POL 470 -- Constitutional Law: Federalism (3 units) POL 477 -- Comparative History of World Revolutions (3 units) POL 482 -- African Americans & U.S. Foreign Policy (3 units) POL 496F -- European Study Group: Special Topics on Europe (3 units) POL 496H -- Interamerican Trade Public Policy Relations (3 units) Psychology (PSYC) PSYC 101 -- Introduction to Psychology (3 units) PSYC 201 -- Introduction to Linguistics (3 units) PSYC 230 -- Psychological Measurement and Statistics (3 units) PSYC 325 -- Cognitive Psychology (3 units) PSYC 330 -- Perceptual Learning (3 units) PSYC 345 -- Philosophy and Psychiatry (3 units) PSYC 374 -- Environmental Psychology (3 units) PSYC 420 -- Cognitive Neuroscience of Hearing (3 units) PSYC 453 -- Introduction to Consciousness Studies (3 units) PSYC 474 -- Field Methods in Environmental Psychology (3 units) PSYC 496H -- Honors Seminar (3 units) Public Administration and Policy (PA ) PA 496H -- Interamerican Trade Public Policy Relations (3 units) PA 496J -- Macro Policy Analysis For International Competitiveness (3 units) Public Health (CPH ) CPH 201 -- Topics in Cancer Among Native Americans (1 unit) CPH 202A -- Introduction to Laboratory Methods in Cancer Biology (2 units) CPH 202B -- Introduction to Cancer Research Techniques (2 units) CPH 433 -- Global Health (3 units) CPH 438A -- Women's Health in Global Perspective (3 units) CPH 444 -- Rethinking Race and Health in the United States (3 units) Retailing and Consumer Sciences (RCSC) RCSC 204 -- Consumers, Fashion, and the Economy (3 units) RCSC 304 -- Merchandising Planning and Control (3 units) RCSC 424 -- Services Retailing (3 units) Religious Studies (RELI) RELI 142 -- Chinese Humanities (3 units) RELI 210 -- Religion in the American Experience (3 units) RELI 327 -- Women and Christianity (3 units) RELI 335 -- Rap, Culture and God (3 units) RELI 361 -- Celtic Spirituality (3 units) RELI 372A -- History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times -- The Biblical Period (3 units) RELI 372B -- History & Religion of Israel in Ancient Times: Ezra-Nehemiah to the Roman Empire (3 units) RELI 460 -- Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century: From Schliermacher to WWI (3 units) RELI 465 -- Rational Theology: Responses to the Problem of Faith and Reason (3 units) Renewable Natural Resources (RNR ) RNR 484 -- Fire Mapping (3 units) Russian and Slavic Studies (RSSS) RSSS 101A -- Elementary Russian I (4 units) RSSS 101B -- Elementary Russian II (4 units) RSSS 201A -- Intermediate Russian I (4 units) RSSS 301B -- Advanced Grammar and Composition (3 units) RSSS 304 -- A History of Soviet and Post-Soviet Film (3 units) RSSS 315 -- Werewolves and Vampires: Slavic Folklore in our Culture (3 units) Sociology (SOC ) SOC 101 -- Introduction to Sociology (3 units) SOC 414 -- Sociology of Terrorism (3 units) SOC 428A -- Anthropological Demography (3 units) SOC 448 -- Sociology of the Body (3 units) Soil, Water, and Environmental Science (SWES) SWES 210 -- Fundamentals of Environmental Science and Sustainability (3 units) SWES 285R -- Principles of Microbiology (4 units) SWES 454 -- Water Harvesting (3 units) Spanish (SPAN) SPAN 210 -- Latin America on Film (3 units) SPAN 465A -- History of Spain: Classical/Medieval Spain, Prehistory to 1100 AD (3 units) SPAN 465E -- History of Spain: Modern Spanish Cultural Studies (3 units) Special Education, Rehabilitation and School Psychology (SERP) SERP 496A -- Ethical Issues for Sign Language Interpreters (1 unit) Speech and Hearing Sciences (SP H) SP H 420 -- Cognitive Neuroscience of Hearing (3 units) Systems and Industrial Engineering (SIE ) SIE 484 -- Development of New Venture Plans (4 units) SIE 487 -- New Venture Development and Industry Analysis (4 units) Teaching and Teacher Education (TTE ) TTE 300 -- Classroom Processes and Instruction (4 units) TTE 338U -- Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Education (3 units) TTE 350 -- Schooling In America (3 units) TTE 410 -- Teaching of Composition (3 units) TTE 411 -- Teaching of Literature (3 units) TTE 417A -- Topics in the Teaching of English (1-3 units) Theatre Arts (T AR) T AR 100 -- Acting for General College Students (3 units) T AR 262 -- Improvisation (3 units) T AR 342 -- Ritual and Performance in World Cultures (3 units) T AR 343 -- History of European Theatre (3 units) T AR 344 -- History of Theatre in the Americas (3 units) T AR 363 -- Dramaturgy (3 units) T AR 407 -- Methods of Educational Outreach in Theatre Arts (3 units) T AR 411 -- Africana Theatre Aesthetics (3 units) T AR 412 -- Producing Theatre for Young Audiences (3 units) T AR 441 -- History of Musical Theatre (3 units) T AR 463 -- Advanced Topics in Production Dramaturgy (3 units) General Education Tier One: Traditions and Cultures (TRAD) TRAD 101 -- Non-Western Cultures and Civilizations (3 units) TRAD 102 -- Western Cultures and Civilizations: Classical to Renaissance (3 units) TRAD 103 -- Western Cultures and Civilizations: Renaissance to Present (3 units) TRAD 104 -- Topics in Culture and Civilization (3 units) Veterinary Science (V SC) V SC 285R -- Principles of Microbiology (4 units) V SC 419 -- Immunology (4 units) V SC 433 -- Medical and Molecular Virology (4 units) V SC 457 -- Medical-Veterinary Entomology (3 units) Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences (WFSC) WFSC 454 -- Water Harvesting (3 units) Women's Studies (W S ) W S 307 -- Chicana Feminisms: History, Theory and Practice (3 units) W S 327 -- Women and Christianity (3 units) W S 354 -- Feminist Literary Theories (3 units) W S 358 -- U.S. 3rd World Feminism: Theory, History, Practice (3 units) W S 386 -- Race/Gender: Genealogies, Formations, Politics (3 units) W S 406 -- Gender and Social Identity (3 units) W S 438A -- Women's Health in Global Perspective (3 units) W S 448 -- Sociology of the Body (3 units) W S 452 -- Israeli Women (3 units) W S 457A -- Manhood and Masculinity in the United States (3 units) W S 496G -- History of Eugenics and Reproductive Politics (3 units) W S 496P -- Women’s Life Writing: Autobiography, Diary, Oral History, Biography.... (3 units) Anthropology (ANTV) ANTV 453A -- Mesoamerican Archaeology (3 units) Computer Science (CSCV) CSCV 460 -- Database Design (3 units) CSCV 471 -- Artificial Intelligence (3 units) CSCV 473 -- Automata, Grammars and Languages (3 units) English (ENGV) ENGV 411 -- Teaching of Literature (3 units) ENGV 417A -- Topics in the Teaching of English (1-3 units) Family Study and Human Development (FSHV) FSHV 377 -- Adolescence (3 units) FSHV 401 -- Basic Skills in Counseling (3 units) History (HSTV) HSTV 369 -- Mexico Since Its Independence (3 units) Human Resources (HUSV) HUSV 301 -- Introduction to Human Services (3 units) HUSV 370 -- Early Childhood Classroom Processes and Guidance (3 units) HUSV 371 -- Parent, Family, and Community (3 units) HUSV 372 -- Development of the Young Child (3 units) HUSV 373 -- Early Childhood Environments (3 units) HUSV 381 -- Emergent Literacy and Development (5 units) HUSV 382 -- Early Childhood Literacy (3 units) HUSV 383 -- Early Years Process Thinking and Numeracy (5 units) HUSV 386 -- Creativity and Social Learning (5 units) HUSV 410 -- Introduction to Group Procedures and Theory (3 units) HUSV 420 -- Introduction to Crisis Intervention (3 units) HUSV 430 -- Substance Abuse Theory and Counseling (3 units) HUSV 440 -- Introduction to Psychopathology (3 units) HUSV 450 -- Human Services: Multicultural Perspective (3 units) Latin American Studies (LASV) LASV 369 -- Mexico Since Its Independence (3 units) LASV 453A -- Mesoamerican Archaeology (3 units) Language and Culture in Education (LCEV) LCEV 404 -- Cultural Diversity in Education (3 units) Language, Reading and Culture (LRCV) LRCV 435 -- Content Area Literacy in a Multicultural School (3 units) LRCV 480 -- Children's Literature in the Classroom (3 units) Mexican American Studies (MASV) MASV 369 -- Mexico Since Its Independence (3 units) MASV 453A -- Mesoamerican Archaeology (3 units) Political Science (POLV) POLV 470 -- Constitutional Law: Federalism (3 units) Psychology (PSYV) PSYV 325 -- Cognitive Psychology (3 units) Regional Nonmetropolitan Commerce (RNCV) RNCV 371 -- Network Security Principles (3 units) RNCV 372 -- Application and Theory of Network Administration (3 units) RNCV 373 -- Theory of Telephony and Switching Technologies (3 units) RNCV 374 -- Routing: Theories and Applications (3 units) RNCV 375 -- Advanced Routing and WAN Technologies (3 units) Teacher Education (TEDV) TEDV 300 -- Introduction to Education (3 units) TEDV 311 -- Literacy in Elementary School (3 units) TEDV 324 -- Teaching Exceptional Children (3 units) TEDV 326 -- Learning and Development (3 units) TEDV 420 -- Classroom Management and Instruction (3 units) Teaching and Teacher Education (TTEV) TTEV 411 -- Teaching of Literature (3 units) TTEV 417A
-- Topics in the Teaching of English
(1-3 units)
INDV (INDV) INDV 101 -- Mind, Self and Language (3 units) INDV 102 -- Social Interactions and Relationships (3 units) INDV 103 -- Societal and Institutional Systems (3 units) NATS (NATS) NATS 101 -- The Earth and Its Environments (3 units) NATS 102 -- Beyond the Earth in Space and Time (3 units) NATS 104 -- Biological Sciences (3 units) TRAD (TRAD) TRAD 101 -- Non-Western Cultures and Civilizations (3 units) TRAD 102 -- Western Cultures and Civilizations: Classical to Renaissance (3 units) TRAD 103 -- Western Cultures and Civilizations: Renaissance to Present (3 units) TRAD 104
-- Topics in Culture and Civilization
(3 units)
Tier Two (Arts) ARE 130 -- Exploring Art and Visual Culture (3 units) ARH 316A -- Survey of Baroque Art & Culture (3 units) ARH 316B -- Survey of Eighteenth-Century Art (3 units) ART 358 -- Design: Cultural and Language (3 units) ENGL 209 -- Introduction to the Writing of Poetry (3 units) ENGL 210 -- Introduction to the Writing of Fiction (3 units) HNRS 295B -- An Encounter with Poets and Their Poetry (3 units) JPN 245 -- Popular Culture in Japan (3 units) T AR 100 -- Acting for General College Students (3 units) Tier Two (Humanities) AFAS 315 -- African/African American Psychology (3 units) AFAS 365 -- Ancient African Civilizations (3 units) CLAS 342 -- Homer (3 units) ENGL 280 -- Introduction to Literature (3 units) GER 376 -- German-Jewish Writers (3 units) HIST 372A -- History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times -- The Biblical Period (3 units) HIST 372B -- History & Religion of Israel in Ancient Times: Ezra-Nehemiah to the Roman Empire (3 units) HNRS 200 -- Thinking Critically About New Media (3 units) JUS 325 -- Jewish Philosophy (3 units) JUS 372A -- History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times -- The Biblical Period (3 units) JUS 372B -- History & Religion of Israel in Ancient Times: Ezra-Nehemiah to the Roman Empire (3 units) JUS 376 -- German-Jewish Writers (3 units) NES 372A -- History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times -- The Biblical Period (3 units) NES 372B -- History & Religion of Israel in Ancient Times: Ezra-Nehemiah to the Roman Empire (3 units) PHIL 261 -- Medieval Philosophy (3 units) PHIL 325 -- Jewish Philosophy (3 units) RELI 210 -- Religion in the American Experience (3 units) RELI 372A -- History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times -- The Biblical Period (3 units) RELI 372B -- History & Religion of Israel in Ancient Times: Ezra-Nehemiah to the Roman Empire (3 units) RSSS 304 -- A History of Soviet and Post-Soviet Film (3 units) SPAN 210 -- Latin America on Film (3 units) Tier Two (Individuals and Societies) A ED 408 -- Diversity Issues in a Contemporary Society (3 units) AFAS 444 -- Rethinking Race and Health in the United States (3 units) AIS 206 -- Native Peoples of the Southwest (3 units) AIS 210 -- American Indian Languages (3 units) ANTH 206 -- Native Peoples of the Southwest (3 units) ANTH 314 -- Race and Language in the U.S. (3 units) ANTH 316 -- Political Economy of Language (3 units) CPH 444 -- Rethinking Race and Health in the United States (3 units) ECON 200 -- Basic Economic Issues (3 units) ECON 205 -- The Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation (3 units) FCSC 302 -- Family and Consumer Personal Finance (3 units) LING 210 -- American Indian Languages (3 units) PHIL 205 -- The Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation (3 units) PHIL 323 -- Environmental Ethics (3 units) POL 201 -- American National Government (3 units) POL 202 -- International Relations (3 units) RSSS 315 -- Werewolves and Vampires: Slavic Folklore in our Culture (3 units) Tier Two (Natural Sciences) ANTH 257A -- The Organic Chemistry and Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3 units) ASTR 206 -- Our Golden Age of Planetary Exploration (3 units) ASTR 214 -- Astrobiology: A Planetary Prospective (3 units) CHEM 257A -- The Organic Chemistry and Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3 units) ECOL 206 -- Environmental Biology (4 units) ENGR 257A -- The Organic Chemistry and Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3 units) GEOS 214 -- Astrobiology: A Planetary Prospective (3 units) GEOS 216 -- Dinosaurs (3 units) HWR 202 -- The Water Cycle (3 units) MSE 257A -- The Organic Chemistry and Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3 units) PE 201 -- Using Physical Activity to Explore the Human Body (3 units) PL S 329 -- Genetics: Concepts and Ethics (3 units) PTYS 206 -- Our Golden Age of Planetary Exploration (3 units) PTYS 212 -- The Science and Politics of Global Warming (3 units) PTYS 214 -- Astrobiology: A Planetary Prospective (3 units) |