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Summer 2008 Course Descriptions

All courses below are approved to be taught in Summer 2008; however, some (or all) may not be offered.  The course numbers that are offered, in either Pre-Session, Summer I or Summer II, are linked to the Schedule of Classes. Classes with alternative External Link delivery modes (Web based, cable TV, correspondence, etc) are noted in the Schedule at the section level.  The complete list below is a good indicator of what may be offered over the next few years (contact department about offerings).  For explanations of course elements see the Key to Course Descriptions.

Landscape Architecture (LAR )  Department Info

LAR 497J -- Documentation and Interpretation of the Historic Built Environment  (3 units)
Description:  Examines methods to document buildings, districts and cultural landscapes and methods to interpret historical and architectural significance. Focuses on historic built environments of Greater Southwest including semester-long service-learning project applying documentation and interpretation methodologies.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ARC 471F or consent of instructor.
Identical to:  ARC 497J; ARC is home department.
May be convened with:  LAR 597J.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 510 -- Design Studio I  (4 units)
Description:  Development of visual and graphic skills; functional, aesthetic, environmental, and socio-cultural design ordering systems; concept-getting; form generation; and design theory and criticism. Interrelationships among design, site engineering, materials, and construction techniques.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $25.
Prerequisite(s):  for majors only
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 511 -- Design Studio II  (4 units)
Description:  Design processes, graphic and verbal communications, and design synthesis. Studio projects based on site ecology, inventory/analysis, socio-cultural factors, and artistic principles of design.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $25.
Prerequisite(s):  open to majors only.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 512 -- Recreational Dimensions of Natural Resource Management  (3 units)
Description:  Human perception, value and behavioral aspects of outdoor recreation; sociological dimensions of the recreational experience in wildland recreation settings and activities; development of sociological concepts and theories employed to understand recreation behavior; and computer-based models for recreation.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  RNR 512; RNR is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 515 -- Sustainable Ecotourism Development  (2 units)
Description:  This course examines sustainable tourism planning theory and process, including case studies of past and present tourism developments in Latin America, the Middle-East, and the Pacific Rim nations. Students will have the opportunity to develop conceptual tourism plans for personally selected sites.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

LAR 520 -- Plant Materials  (3 units)
Description:  Laboratories focus on identification and description of native and select exotic landscape plants frequently used in landscape design and revegetation in the Southwest. Lectures emphasize terminology, plant care and maintenance, and influence of site conditions and requirements on plant selection.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 522 -- Landscape Analysis  (3 units)
Description:  Integrated field and classroom instruction introduces the student to inventory and analysis of biological, physical, social/behavioral, and cultural elements of the landscape. Projects will incorporate principles of landscape ecology and regional landscape planning. Output of the course will deal with implications of the above-named elements on design. In addition, design programming and data manipulation will be introduced and a conceptual design for a given site will be developed.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Typical structure:  2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 523 -- Landscape Ecology  (3 units)
Description:  Survey of current principles of landscape ecology, emphasizing how spatial heterogeneity and human activities influence ecological systems. Discussion and field trips focus on landscape management issues in the Southwest.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Course includes 1 or more field trips.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 526 -- Planting Design  (3 units)
Description:  Principles of planting design, planting design process, and functional and esthetic uses of plants in designs are discussed. Studio projects focus on development of planting plans for sites with various scopes and conditions.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $25.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 530 -- Introduction to Graphics Communications  (2 units)
Description:  This two-credit studio exposes students to the following elements of design communication: freehand drawing, principles of 2-D and 3-D design, the graphic language of diagramming, and basic hand- and computerized graphic conventions and techniques.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 531 -- 3D Modeling and Visualization  (3 units)
Description:  This course study 3D modeling and visualization techniques, and their application to landscape architectural design communication. Current theories and new technologies including computer graphics, game engines, and interactive multi-media techniques will be discussed.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 533 -- Advanced Graphic Communications  (3 units)
Description:  This elective studio focuses on the continuation and elaboration of digital and hand graphics presented in the first year of our curriculum. We will continue to develop fluency in hand graphics and design perspectives, color and presentation rendering techniques, desktop publishing, computer graphics, and Web authoring. The course focuses on the development of the following useful end products: (1) Personal portfolios describing each student’s abilities in design, planning, graphics, computer literacy, and production oriented tasks; and (2)Personal Web page portfolios containing the aforementioned data.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  LAR 511 (Design Studio II) or consent of instructor.
Typical structure:  1 hour lecture, 4 hours studio.
May be repeated:  for credit 1 time (maximum 2 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 540 -- Contemporary Landscape Architecture  (2 units)
Description:  Examination of landscape architecture in the United States since the mid-twentieth century. Topics covered include Romantic and Classical design expressions, the role of industrialization and social changes in public design, the birth of modernism, the environmental movement's effect on natural systems approaches to design and planning, and postmodern design experimentation.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 541 -- History and Theory of Landscape Architecture  (3 units)
Description:  Cultural, ecological, and aesthetic factors that influence design, planning, and stewardship of landscapes and how those factors and resultant landscapes have varied and evolved over time.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 554 -- Site Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  Engineering aspects of landscape design and site planning. Development of technical competency in grading, storm water management, earthwork, and road alignment utilizing aesthetics and design principles as well as an understanding of ecological sensitivity.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  LAR 510.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 555 -- Landscape Construction  (3 units)
Description:  Landscape construction materials and methods, construction drawings and specifications, and construction cost estimation.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 556 -- Irrigation Design  (2 units)
Description:  Principles of irrigation system design; introduction to system components and applications; construction responsibilities and design liabilities. Requirements include a topical research paper on an irrigation design subject.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  open to majors only.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 571F -- Introduction to Conservation of Cultural Resources  (3 units)
Description:  An overview of the Historic Preservation movement in America, including discussion of concepts, rationale for and methods of resource utilization, implementation of plans, legislation, etc. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper focusing on a particular concept or methodology utilized in preservation practice.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  ARC 571F; ARC is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 593 -- Internship  (1-6 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

LAR 596A -- Landscape Architecture Seminar I  (1 unit)
Description:  First in a series of academic seminar courses for students engaged in the thesis or final report preparation. The course exposes students to various components of professional scholarship.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  or Concurrent registration, LAR 597A; LAR 510, LAR 511 or consent of instructor.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 596B -- Landscape Architecture Seminar II  (1 unit)
Description:  The second in a series of academic seminar courses for students engaged in the thesis or final report preparation. This course exposes students to various components of professional scholarship.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  or Concurrent registration, LAR 597A. LAR 596A or consent of instructor.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 596C -- Landscape Architecture Seminar III  (2 units)
Description:  The third in a series of academic seminar courses for students engaged in the thesis or final report preparation. This course exposes students to various components of professional scholarship.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  LAR 596B, LAR 597A or equivalent.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 596D -- Landscape Architecture Seminar IV  (2 units)
Description:  The fourth in a series of academic seminar courses for students engaged in the thesis or final report preparation. This course exposes students to various components of professional scholarship.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  LAR 596C, LAR 597A or equivalent.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 597A -- Research Methods  (3 units)
Description:  An interdisciplinary survey of research methods applicable to research in Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture. Graduate-level requirements include an additional assignment of seeking out a granting agency applicable to their research topic and following their application guidelines in the completion of this assignment.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  ARC 597A; ARC is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 597J -- Documentation and Interpretation of the Historic Built Environment  (3 units)
Description:  Examines methods to document buildings, districts and cultural landscapes and methods to interpret historical and architectural significance. Focuses on historic built environments of Greater Southwest including semester-long service-learning project applying documentation and interpretation methodologies. Graduate students also required to transform service-learning project into web-accessible format to integrate into Preservation Studies website.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ARC 571F or consent of instructor.
Identical to:  ARC 597J; ARC is home department.
May be convened with:  LAR 497J.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 599 -- Independent Study  (1-5 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 599, 699, or 799.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

LAR 610 -- Design Studio III  (4 units)
Description:  Complex landscape design and planning problems within an interdisciplinary area.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $25.
Prerequisite(s):  For majors only.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 611 -- Design Studio IV  (4 units)
Description:  A continuation of the landscape architecture design sequence where students encounter larger and more sophisticated design and planning projects. Work will be undertaken on an individual and team basis involving previously covered material and inclusion of subjects outside of traditional landscape architecture.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $29.
Prerequisite(s):  LAR 610 (Design Studio III) or consent of instructor.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 612 -- Design Studio V  (4 units)
Description:  An interdisciplinary course offered in conjunction with the allied environmental design professions of architecture and planning. Students will undertake complex urban and rural design projects in coordinated teams that will develop an interdisciplinary understanding of the roles that professionals play. Real-world problems will be addressed that are often community-based. Options will also be offered to students for individual selection.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $29.
Prerequisite(s):  LAR 611 or consent of instructor.
Typical structure:  1 hour lecture, 6 hours studio.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 622 -- Landscape Planning  (3 units)
Description:  The two emphasIs of this course are on 1) landscape planning theory and 2) the use of computer-aided spatial analysis techniques within a GIS to solve landscape resource-based problems and develop alternative planning and design solutions. Students will learn techniques in planning and regional landscape resources: visual simulation, computer map overlay, resource modeling, application of research into automated decision-support systems, solving problems through the use of automated spatial modeling and analysis.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  For majors only or consent of instructor.
Usually offered:  Fall.

LAR 623 -- Landscape Planning Studio  (3 units)
Description:  Theories and models in landscape planning; planning issues and methods; case studies; one major studio planning project.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $25.
Prerequisite(s):  LAR 622 or consent of instructor.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 660 -- Professional Practice  (2 units)
Description:  The practice of landscape architecture including professionalism, registration, the landscape architectural profession, services and fees, construction contract documents, bid documents and procedures, and business organization and operation.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

LAR 693 -- Internship  (1-8 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

LAR 694 -- Practicum  (1-6 units)
Description:  The practical application, on an individual basis, of previously studied theory and the collection of data for future theoretical interpretation.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

LAR 694A -- Landscape Architecture Teaching  (1-2 units)
Description:  The practical application, on an individual basis, of previously studied theory and the collection of data for future theoretical interpretation.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

LAR 694B -- Landscape Architecture Professional Experiences  (4 units)
Description:  The practical application, on an individual basis, of previously studied theory and the collection of data for future theoretical interpretation.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  LAR 511. Open to majors only or consent of instructor.
Usually offered:  Summer.

LAR 696A -- Professional Practice Seminar  (1 unit)
Description:  The development and exchange of scholarly information, usually in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research through discussion, reports, and/or papers.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
May be repeated:  for a total of 2 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

LAR 699 -- Independent Study  (1-5 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 599, 699, or 799.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

LAR 900 -- Research  (1-8 units)
Description:  Individual research, not related to thesis or dissertation preparation, by graduate students.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

LAR 909 -- Master's Report  (1-9 units)
Description:  Individual study or special project or formal report thereof submitted in lieu of thesis for certain master's degrees.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

LAR 910 -- Thesis  (1-8 units)
Description:  Research for the master's thesis (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or thesis writing). Maximum total credit permitted varies with the major department.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P E K.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

LAR 920 -- Dissertation  (1-9 units)
Description:  Research for the doctoral dissertation (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or dissertation writing).
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

LAR 930 -- Supplementary Registration  (1-9 units)
Description:  For students who have completed all course requirements for their advanced degree programs. May be used concurrently with other enrollments to bring to total number of units to the required minimum.
Grading:  Grade of K is awarded for this course except for the final term.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.


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