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Fall 2007 Course Descriptions

All courses below are approved to be taught in Fall 2007; however, some (or all) may not be offered this term.  The course numbers that are offered this term link to the Schedule of Classes.  Class with alternative External Link delivery modes (Web based, cable TV, correspondence, etc) are noted in the Schedule at the section level.  The complete list below is a good indicator of what may be offered over the next few years (contact department about offerings).  For explanations of course elements see the Key to Course Descriptions.

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE )  Department Info

ECE 175 -- Computer Programming for Engineering Applications  (3 units)
Description:  Fundamentals of C, complexity and efficiency analysis, numerical precision and representations, intro to data structures, structured program design, application to solving engineering problems.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Credit for:  2 units engineering science, 1 unit engineering design.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 197A -- Career Experience and Development Workshop  (1 unit)
Description:  The practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting and involving an exchange of ideas and practical methods, skills, and principles.
Grading:  This course is offered for pass/fail only.
Prerequisite(s):  freshman ECE status.
May be repeated:  for a total of 2 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 201R -- Geometrical and Instrumental Optics I  (3 units)
Description:  Basic principles of geometric optics, refraction and reflection, Gaussian optics, paraxial optics, stops and pupils, simple optical instruments.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  MSE 110, a grade of C or better in MATH 124 or MATH 125, MATH 129 and PHYS 141.
Identical to:  OPTI 201R; OPTI is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 202R -- Geometrical and Instrumental Optics II  (3 units)
Description:  Optical instruments, field and relay lenses, telescopes, microscopes, optical materials, achromatization, illumination, cameras, projectors.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  OPTI 201R. Open to majors only.
Identical to:  OPTI 202R; OPTI is home department.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 207 -- Elements of Electrical Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  Current and voltage dividers. Resistors, capacitors, inductors. Node voltage and mesh current analysis of circuits. Thevenin and Norton equivalents. AC circuits, phasors, impedance. Electromagnetic fields, electric power, transformers, magnetic materials, generators and motors. Operational amplifiers, Elements of digital circuits. Sensors and measurements of physical quantities.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  PHYS 241; Concurrent registration, MATH 254.
Special exam:  course may be taken by special exam for credit (not for grade).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 220 -- Basic Circuits  (5 units)
Description:  Elementary, transient and sinusoidal analysis of linear circuits with laboratory. Topics include: passive sign convention, mesh and node analysis, Thevenin equivalents, op-amps, capacitance, inductance, first and second order circuits, phasors, impedance, transformers, PSpice simulation software.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  MATH 129, PHYS 241. Concurrent registration, MATH 254.
Typical structure:  4 hours lecture, 1 hour discussion, 3 hours laboratory.
Special exam:  course may be taken by special exam for credit (not for grade).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 274 -- Digital Logic  (3 units)
Description:  Number systems and coding, logic design, sequential systems, register transfer language.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  or Concurrent registration, PHYS 241. MATH 129.
Special exam:  course may be taken by special exam for credit (not for grade).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 297A -- Career Experience and Development Workshop  (1 unit)
Description:  The practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting and involving an exchange of ideas and practical methods, skills, and principles.
Grading:  This course is offered for pass/fail only.
Prerequisite(s):  sophomore ECE status.
May be repeated:  for a total of 2 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 299 -- Independent Study  (1-3 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 299H -- Honors Independent Study  (1-3 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 301 -- Electrical Engineering Laboratory  (2 units)
Description:  Emphasis on measurement techniques, lab procedures, instrumentation principles, and technical communication. Experiments deal with circuit and basic electronic concepts and design techniques.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E. Available to qualified students for Pass/Fail Option.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 220; Concurrent registration, ECE 250 (waived if UDWPE has been passed), ECE 320, ECE 351A.
Credit for:  2 units engineering science.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 304 -- Design of Electronic Circuits  (6 units)
Description:  Integrated theory and design laboratory course. Current mirrors, active loads, multi-stage amplifiers, output stages, frequency response, and feedback with emphasis on design, simulations of design and laboratory verification, measurement techniques, and technical communications.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 301, ECE 320, ECE 351A.
Credit for:  1.5 units engineering science, 4.5 units engineering design.
Typical structure:  6 hours laboratory, 4 hours lecture.
May be repeated:  for credit 1 time (maximum 2 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 320 -- Circuit Theory  (4 units)
Description:  Electric circuits in the frequency domain, using sinusoidal steady-state, Laplace and Fourier methods; single-phase and three-phase power; time domain methods and convolution; transformed networks; natural frequencies; poles and zeros; two-port network parameters; and Fourier series analysis.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 220.
Special exam:  course may be taken by special exam for credit (not for grade).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 340 -- Engineering Systems Analysis  (3 units)
Description:  Basic concepts in the modeling and analysis of engineering systems and fundamental topics in communications, controls, and signal processing. Includes classification of systems; signal characterization in frequency domain, Fourier and Laplace transforms; representation of continuous-time systems by I/O models; system diagrams; state variable models; stability analysis and Bode plots; feedback system characteristics; discrete-time systems; and digital signal processing.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $20.
Prerequisite(s):  or Concurrent Registration, ECE 301, ECE 351A. ECE 320.
Special exam:  course may be taken by special exam for credit (not for grade).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 351A -- Electronic Circuits  (3 units)
Description:  Operational amplifiers, diode circuits, circuit characteristics of bipolar and MOS transistors, MOS and bipolar digital circuits, and simulation software.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 220; Concurrent registration, ECE 301, ECE 320.
Credit for:  1.5 units engineering science, 1.5 units engineering design.
Special exam:  course may be taken by special exam for credit (not for grade).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 352 -- Device Electronics  (3 units)
Description:  Electronic properties of semiconductors; carrier transport phenomena; P-N junctions; bipolar, unipolar, microwave and photonic devices.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 301, ECE 351A.
Special exam:  course may be taken by special exam for credit (not for grade).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 360 -- Electronics for Optical Engineers and Scientists  (3 units)
Description:  Principles of electronics, diodes and transistors, analog circuits and op-amps, digital logic and circuits, electronic instruments, transducer interfaces, data acquisition systems, signal filtering and processing, statistical treatment of data.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  OPTI 201R, OPTI 201L, OPTI 202R, OPTI 202L, PHYS 241. Open to majors only.
Identical to:  OPTI 360; OPTI is home department.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 369 -- Fundamentals of Computer Architecture  (3 units)
Description:  Fundamentals of computer architecture and organization, processor organization and design, control design, microprogramming memory hierarchy, including caches and virtual memory input/output.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 274.
Credit for:  1 unit engineering design, 2 units engineering science.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 370 -- Lasers and Photonics  (3 units)
Description:  Elements of solid state physics, laser physics and laser light, laser components, systems and measurements; display devices, light modulators, laser beam manipulation.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  OPTI 201R, OPTI 201L, OPTI 202R, OPTI 202L.
Identical to:  OPTI 370; OPTI is home department.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 372 -- Microprocessor Organization  (3 units)
Description:  Computer organization and assembly language, random access memory devices, peripherals and interface design, case studies of computer systems.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $36.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 175.
Credit for:  2 units engineering design, 1 unit engineering science.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 373 -- Object-Oriented Software Design  (3 units)
Description:  Object oriented computing concepts, abstract data types, classes, methods, message passing, inheritance, object oriented design and architectures, class hierarchies, use case development, sequence diagrams, introduction to unified modeling language, object oriented programming languages and environments, polymorphism, dynamic binding, OO software implementation projects.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 175, C SC 227.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 381 -- Introductory Electromagnetics  (3 units)
Description:  Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields; Maxwell's equations; introduction to plane waves, transmission lines, and sources.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  MATH 322.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 392 -- Directed Research  (1-3 units)
Description:  Individual or small group research under the guidance of faculty.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be repeated:  for a total of 6 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 397A -- Career Experience and Development Workshop  (1 unit)
Description:  The practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting and involving an exchange of ideas and practical methods, skills, and principles.
Grading:  This course is offered for pass/fail only.
Prerequisite(s):  junior ECE status.
May be repeated:  for a total of 3 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 399 -- Independent Study  (1-5 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 399H -- Honors Independent Study  (1-3 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 404 -- Optical Spectroscopy of Materials  (3 units)
Description:  The course provides a survey of Optical Spectroscopic Methods and underlying phenomena for the study of materials.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  PHYS 141 or PHYS 241, MATH 223, MSE 110, MSE 320 or ECE 360.
May be repeated:  for credit 1 time (maximum 2 enrollments).
Identical to:  MSE 404; MSE is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 504.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 407 -- Digital VLSI Systems Design  (3 units)
Description:  This course covers the funamental techniques for the design, analysis and layout of digital CMOS circuits and systems. Major topics include: MOSFET basics (structure and behavior of a MOSFET, CMOS fabrication, and design rules), detailed analysis of the CMOS inverter (static behavior, ratioed vs ratioless design, noise margins, computing rise and fall times, delay models, resistance and capacitance estimation, design and layout of static CMOS logic gates, dynamic CMOS logic design, sequential circuit design (static and dynamic sequential circuit elements, clocking schemes and clock optimization), CMOS data path design.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 274, ECE 351A.
May be convened with:  ECE 507.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 411 -- Physiology for Biomedical Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  Fundamental concepts and principles in physiology relevant to the field of bioengineering and including a survey of materials necessary for an understanding of physiological principles.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  BME 411; BME is home department.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 415 -- Microelectronics Manufacturing and the Environment  (3 units)
Description:  This course will focus on presentation of the basic semiconductor processes which have direct environmental implications.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  CHEE 415; CHEE is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 515.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 417 -- Measurement and Data Analysis in Biomedical Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  Topics in biomedical instrumentation, sensors, physiological measurements, analog and digital signal processing, data acquisition, data reduction, statistical treatment of data, and safety issues. Course includes both lecture and structured laboratory components.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  BME 417; BME is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 517.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 422 -- Analog Signal Processing and Filtering  (3 units)
Description:  Approximation of magnitude, phase and delay characteristics; design of passive, active, and switched capacitor filters; effects of op amp parasitics; sensitivity and gain bandwidth; optimization of designs.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 320.
May be convened with:  ECE 522.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 425 -- Image Science and Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  Properties of optical images and image forming systems; acquisition and manipulation of digital images; two-dimensional Fourier representation; image quality criteria; introduction to image processing.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 340.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 429 -- Digital Signal Processing  (3 units)
Description:  Discrete-time signals and systems, z-transforms, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform, digital filter design.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 340, MATH 322.
May be convened with:  ECE 529.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 430 -- Optical Communication Systems  (3 units)
Description:  Physics of optical communication components and applications to communication systems. Topics include fiber attenuation and dispersion, laser modulation, photo detection and noise, receiver design, bit error rate calculations, and coherent communications.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  SIE 305, ECE 340, ECE 352, ECE 381; Concurrent registration, ECE 431.
Identical to:  OPTI 430.
May be convened with:  ECE 530.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 434 -- Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials  (3 units)
Description:  Properties of semiconducting materials as related to crystal structure, interatomic bonding and defect structures.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  PHYS 241.
Credit for:  3 units engineering science.
Identical to:  MSE 434; MSE is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 435 -- Introduction to Digital Communication  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to digital communications: baseband signaling, passband signaling, MPSR, MQAM, MFSK. Performance analysis for digital communication in noise. Course will contain a Matlab simulation project.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 340, SIE 305.
Credit for:  2 units engineering science, 1 unit engineering design.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 441 -- Automatic Control  (3 units)
Description:  Linear control system representation in time and frequency domains, feedback control system characteristics, performance analysis and stability, design of control.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 340.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 442 -- Digital Control Systems  (3 units)
Description:  Modeling, analysis, and design of digital control systems; A/D and D/A conversions, Z-transforms, time and frequency domain representations, stability, microprocessor-based designs.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 441.
May be convened with:  ECE 542.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 446 -- Semiconductor Processing  (3 units)
Description:  Silicon and compound semiconductor materials preparation, bulk crystal growth, wafering, epitaxial growth, photolithography, doping, ion implantation, etching, oxidation, metallization, silicon and compound semiconductor device processing.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Credit for:  1 unit engineering science, 2 units engineering design.
Identical to:  MSE 446; MSE is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 546.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 447A -- Advanced Motion Control  (3 units)
Description:  An interdisciplinary course that investigates design and development of systems for mechanization and control of moving objects in live performance conditions.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  T AR 401, consent of instructor, T AR BFA standing.
Typical structure:  2 hours lecture, 2 hours studio.
May be repeated:  for credit 3 times (maximum 4 enrollments).
Identical to:  T AR 447A; T AR is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 547A.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 449 -- Continuous-System Modeling  (3 units)
Description:  Techniques for modeling systems described by differential equations and difference equations. Physical modeling, mass and energy balance equations, bond graphs, system dynamics, qualitative modeling, inductive reasoning, neural networks.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  or Concurrent registration, ECE 340.
Identical to:  C SC 449.
May be convened with:  ECE 549.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 450 -- Analog Integrated Circuits  (3 units)
Description:  Nonswitching aspects of analog integrated circuits using bipolar or CMOS technologies. Biasing, DC signal behavior, small behavior. Emphasis on use of physical reasoning, identification of circuit functions, and use of suitable approximations to facilitate understanding and analysis.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 301, ECE 351A or equivalent Electronic Circuits I course.
May be convened with:  ECE 550.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 453 -- Design-Oriented Analysis of Electronic Circuits  (3 units)
Description:  Emphasis on obtaining analytical approximations for maximum insight into circuit behavior. Extra element theorem, feedback theorem, low-entropy design equations, frequency-domain measurement of loop gains, impedances.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 351A, ECE 351B, ECE 352.
May be convened with:  ECE 553.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 456 -- Optoelectronics  (3 units)
Description:  Properties and applications of optoelectronic devices and systems. Topics include radiation sources, detectors and detector circuits, fiber optics, and electro-optical components.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 352, ECE 381.
May be convened with:  ECE 556.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 458 -- Solid-State Circuits  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to unit step processes in semiconductor manufacturing. Introduction to various semiconductor processes, with emphasis on process and device integration issues for major integrated circuit processes. Basic circuit and design techniques including subsystem design and device scaling. Fundamentals of chip layout and integrated circuit design methodology for solid state circuits.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 352.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 459 -- Fundamentals of Optics for Electrical Engineers  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to diffraction and 2D Fourier optics, geometrical optics, paraxial systems, third order aberrations, Gaussian beam propagation, optical resonators, polarization, temporal and spatial coherence, optical materials and nonlinear effects, electro-optic modulators. Applications to holography, optical data storage, optical processing, neural nets, associative memory optical interconnects.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 352, ECE 381.
May be convened with:  ECE 559.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 462 -- Computer Architecture and Design  (3 units)
Description:  Intended to provide students with an in-depth study of computer architecture and design. Provides a basic knowledge and ability required for understanding and designing standard and novel computer architectures. Topics include; design methodologies at various levels, instruction set design, ALU design, memory organization and design, cache design, virtual memories, interleaved memories, associative memories, control organization and design, hardwired control, microprogrammed control, pipelining, superscalar and superpipeling, RISC design, vector processing and others.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 175, ECE 274, ECE 372 or consent of instructor.
May be repeated:  for a total of 6 units of credit.
May be convened with:  ECE 562.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 465 -- Microelectronic Packaging Materials  (3 units)
Description:  Design of microelectronic packaging systems based on the electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of materials. Chip, chip package, circuit board and system designs are considered.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Credit for:  3 units engineering design.
Identical to:  MSE 465; MSE is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 565.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 473 -- Software Engineering Concepts  (3 units)
Description:  In-depth consideration of each of the phases of the software project life code. Object-oriented design and programming. Includes a large-scale software development project involving groups of students.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 373 or equivalent,or consent of instructor.
May be convened with:  ECE 573.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 474A -- Computer-Aided Logic Design  (3 units)
Description:  Tabular minimization of single and multiple output Boolean functions, NMOS and CMOS realizations, synthesis of sequential circuits, RTL description, laboratory exercises.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 274.
Identical to:  C SC 474A.
May be convened with:  ECE 574A.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 478 -- Fundamentals of Computer Networks  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to computer networks and protocols. Study of the ISO open systems interconnection model, with emphasis on the physical, data link, network, and transport layers. Discussion of IEEE 802, OSI, and Internet protocols.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 175, SIE 305.
May be convened with:  ECE 578.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 479 -- Principles of Artificial Intelligence  (3 units)
Description:  Provides an introduction to problems and techniques of artificial intelligence (AI). Automated problem solving, methods and techniques; search and game strategies, knowledge representation using predicate logic; structured representations of knowledge; automatic theorem proving, system entity structures, frames and scripts; robotic planning; expert systems; implementing AI systems.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 373 or equivalent course.
May be convened with:  ECE 579.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 481 -- Microwave Measurements  (3 units)
Description:  Measurement techniques and the application of hardware and test equipment in the modern microwave laboratory.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 301, ECE 381.
Typical structure:  2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 484 -- Antenna Theory and Design  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to the fundamentals of radiation, antenna theory and antenna array design. Design considerations for wire, aperture, reflector and printed circuit antennas.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Antennas $50.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 381.
May be convened with:  ECE 584.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 485A -- Telemetering Systems: Data Acquisition  (1 unit)
Description:  Sensor technology, modeling and calibration, analog signal processing, sampling, quantization, and data encoding. Usually offered: Early Spring January 15th to February 14th.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 220, ECE 340, PHYS 241, SIE 305.
May be convened with:  ECE 585A.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 485B -- Telemetering Systems: Data Transport and Synchronization  (1 unit)
Description:  Data structures and formats, telemetry frames and packets, frame and packet synchronization, time and position determination, and command systems. Usually offered: Mid Spring; Feb. 17th - April 2nd.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  SIE 305.
May be convened with:  ECE 585B.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 485C -- Telemetering Systems: Data Transmission Techniques  (1 unit)
Description:  Digital modulation techniques, bit error rates, spectrum utlization, antenna basics, radio link budget calculations, and radio wave propagation effects. Usually offered: Late Spring: April 4th - May 7th.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 340, PHYS 241, SIE 305.
May be convened with:  ECE 585C.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 486 -- Microwave Engineering I: Passive Circuit Design  (3 units)
Description:  Review of transmission line theory; microstrip lines and planar circuits; RF/microwave network analysis; scattering parameters; impedance transformer design; filter design; hybrids and resonators; RF/microwave amplifier design; RF transceiver design; RF/microwave integrated circuits.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $47.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 381.
May be convened with:  ECE 586.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 487 -- Fiber Optics Laboratory  (3 units)
Description:  Lecture and lab format; fiber properties and types, fiber devices, optical communications, wavelength multiplexing and demultiplexing, optical amplifiers, fiber sensors and imaging systems. Class website:
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  some knowledge of EM and semiconductor devices will be helpful (check with instructor).
Typical structure:  3 hours laboratory, 2 hours lecture.
Identical to:  OPTI 487; OPTI is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 587.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 488 -- Microwave Engineering II: Active Circuit Design  (3 units)
Description:  Planar active microwave circuits, diode and transistor characteristics, mixers, amps, oscillators, and frequency multipliers. Students will design circuits with CAD tools, fabricate in clean room, and measure performance in the lab.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $41.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 486 or equivalent course.
May be convened with:  ECE 588.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 489 -- Atmospheric Electricity  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to sources and chemistry of atmospheric ions, fair weather electricity, the global circuit, electrical structure of clouds, thunderstorm electrification, lightning, lightning electromagnetic fields, mechanisms of lightning damage and lightning protection.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  PHYS 241, MATH 322, or consent of instructor.
Identical to:  ATMO 489; ATMO is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 589.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 492 -- Directed Research  (1-3 units)
Description:  Individual or small group research under the guidance of faculty.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be repeated:  for a total of 6 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 493 -- Internship  (1-12 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 493A -- Manufacturing  (3 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  junior status.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 494A -- Senior Practicum in Design  (3 units)
Description:  The practical application, on an individual basis, of previously studied theory and the collection of data for future theoretical interpretation.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 302; Concurrent registration, ECE 495A.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 497A -- Career Experience and Development Workshop  (1 unit)
Description:  The practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting and involving an exchange of ideas and practical methods, skills, and principles.
Grading:  This course is offered for pass/fail only.
Prerequisite(s):  senior ECE status.
May be repeated:  for a total of 3 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 498A -- Senior Capstone I  (2 units)
Description:  An upper division course designed to meet the capstone design requirements. This course is designed to satisfy the requirements of a communication skills emphasis course for the EE and COE degree programs, as well as the needs for a course in professionalism. It is intended to give students opportunities to practice communicating in situations typical of the engineering world.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  senior status required.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 498B -- Senior Capstone II  (3 units)
Description:  ECE 498B is an upper division course designed to meet the capstone design requirement. It is intended to stimulate students' creativity in their design projects via a variety of readings, exercises and writing assignments. Teamwork and interpersonal and managerial skills are also important to professional engineers, and ECE 498B attempts to give students opportunities to learn how to work successfully with others, especially toward meeting mutual goals or goals established by employers.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 498A. Senior status required.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 498H -- Honors Thesis  (3 units)
Description:  An honors thesis is required of all the students graduating with honors. Students ordinarily sign up for this course as a two-semester sequence. The first semester the student performs research under the supervision of a faculty member; the second semester the student writes an honors thesis.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be repeated:  for a total of 9 units of credit.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 499 -- Independent Study  (1-5 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 499H -- Honors Independent Study  (1-3 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 501 -- Linear Systems Theory  (3 units)
Description:  Mathematical descriptions of linear systems, state-variable models, analysis methods-stability, controllability and observability, state feedback techniques, design of feedback controllers and observers.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 340.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 502 -- Analytical Methods in Electrical Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  Linear vector spaces, Sturm-Louiville Problems, Green's functions, Functions of complex variable, Special functions ( including Gamma function, Bessel functions, and Legendre functions ).
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 503 -- Probability and Random Processes for Engineering Applications  (3 units)
Description:  Probability, random variables, stochastic processes, correlation functions and spectra with applications to communications, control, and computers.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  SIE 305.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 504 -- Optical Spectroscopy of Materials  (3 units)
Description:  The course provides a survey of Optical Spectroscopic Methods and underlying phenomena for the study of materials. Graduate-level requirements include an individual research project with written report.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be repeated:  for credit 1 time (maximum 2 enrollments).
Identical to:  MSE 504; MSE is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 404.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 507 -- Digital VLSI Systems Design  (3 units)
Description:  This course covers the funamental techniques for the design, analysis and layout of digital CMOS circuits and systems. Major topics include: MOSFET basics (structure and behavior of a MOSFET, CMOS fabrication, and design rules), detailed analysis of the CMOS inverter (static behavior, ratioed vs ratioless design, noise margins, computing rise and fall times, delay models, resistance and capacitance estimation, design and layout of static CMOS logic gates, dynamic CMOS logic design, sequential circuit design (static and dynamic sequential circuit elements, clocking schemes and clock optimization), CMOS data path design. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and term projects.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 407.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 515 -- Microelectronics Manufacturing and the Environment  (3 units)
Description:  This course will focus on presentation of the basic semiconductor processes which have direct environmental implications. Graduate-level requirements will include extended written analysis and oral presentation, which goes beyond the requirements for the students enrolled in CHEE 415.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  CHEE 515; CHEE is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 415.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 516 -- Introduction to Robotics  (3 units)
Description:  Kinematics of robots, dynamics of robots, robot trajectory planning, robotic vision and sensing, manipulator control, and programming robotic systems.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 517 -- Measurement and Data Analysis in Biomedical Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  Topics in biomedical instrumentation, sensors, physiological measurements, analog and digital signal processing, data acquisition, data reduction, statistical treatment of data, and safety issues. Course includes both lecture and structured laboratory components. Graduate-level requirements include building a biomedical instrument that implements a novel solution to a real-life problem. Examinations for graduate students will include additional essay questions that test ability to formulate creative solutions. Course includes both lecture and structured laboratory components.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  BME 517; BME is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 417.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 518 -- Stochastic Processes  (3 units)
Description:  Gaussian and Markov processes, renewal theory, Wiener and poisson processes, applications to engineering problems. Queues.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 519 -- Non-Linear Optimization  (3 units)
Description:  Uni-dimensional and multi-dimensional nonlinear optimization. Algorithms for unconstrained optimization, linearly and nonlinearly constrained problems, Newton's and Quasi-Newton methods, algorithms for nonlinear constrained problems, lagrange method, successive linear/quadratic programming.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 520 -- Optical Materials for Solid-State Laser Systems  (3 units)
Description:  This course will cover the fundamental physical processes of materials used in solid-state lasers. This includes optically active ions in insulating host materials and nonlinear optical materials. The necessary background in quantum mechanics, atomic spectroscopy, and group theory will be reviewed. Specific topics to be discussed include: Optical resonators, the principles of laser gain and oscillation; Origin of electronic energy levels for laser transitions, radiative transition strengths and selection rules, effects of electron-phonon and ion-ion interactions; Characteristics of specific laser systems including ruby, alexandrite, Ti-sapphire, Nd-YAG, Tm,Ho-YAG, Er-glass and others; Nonlinear optics; materials for frequency conversion, optical parametric oscillators, and Raman shifters.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  MSE 320 or PHYS 320, or OPTI 201R or OPTI 310 or equivalent and MSE 434/534 or equivalent.
Identical to:  MSE 520; MSE is home department.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 522 -- Analog Signal Processing and Filtering  (3 units)
Description:  Approximation of magnitude, phase and delay characteristics; design of passive, active, and switched capacitor filters; effects of op amp parasitics; sensitivity and gain bandwidth; optimization of designs. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term project.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 422.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 527 -- Holography and Diffractive Optics  (3 units)
Description:  This course describes the nature of holographic and lithographically formed diffraction gratings and the tools nessary for their design and analysis. Course topics include a description of the interference and Fourier relations that determine the amplitude of diffracted fields, analysis of volume gratings, properties of holographic recording materials, computer generated holograms, binary gratings, analysis of applications of holography including data storage, fater Bragg gratings, polarization control elements, and associative memories.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  OPTI 502, OPTI 505R or ECE 459/559.
Identical to:  OPTI 527; OPTI is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 528 -- Advanced Digital Signal Processing  (3 units)
Description:  Random discrete signals, power spectrum estimation, FFT methods, Yule-Walker method, estimation of signals in noise, Wiener filters, adaptive filters, speech synthesis.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 503, ECE 529.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 529 -- Digital Signal Processing  (3 units)
Description:  Discrete-time signals and systems, z-transforms, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform, digital filter design. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term project.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 429.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 530 -- Optical Communication Systems  (3 units)
Description:  Physics of optical communication components and applications to communication systems. Topics include fiber attenuation and dispersion, laser modulation, photo detection and noise, receiver design, bit error rate calculations, and coherent communications. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term paper.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  OPTI 530.
May be convened with:  ECE 430.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 531 -- Image Processing Laboratory for Remote Sensing  (3 units)
Description:  Techniques and applications of digital image processing in remote sensing, multispectral image enhancement and analysis, classification, feature extraction for cartography, rule-based systems for mapping from imagery.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  OPTI 531.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 532 -- Digital Image Analysis  (3 units)
Description:  Digital image analysis, including feature extraction, boundary detection, segmentation, region analysis, mathematical morphology, stereoscopy and optical flow.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 340.
Identical to:  OPTI 532.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 533 -- Digital Image Processing  (3 units)
Description:  [Taught alternate years beginning Fall 2006] Image transforms, filter design, spectrum estimation, enhancement, restoration, and data compression.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 529; Concurrent registration, ECE 503.
Identical to:  OPTI 533.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 534 -- Advanced Topics in Optical and Electronic Materials  (3 units)
Description:  Topics to be selected from opto-electronics, wave guides, non-linear optics, nano-materials and semiconductor materials
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be repeated:  for credit 2 times (maximum 3 enrollments).
Identical to:  MSE 534; MSE is home department.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 535 -- Digital Communication Systems I  (3 units)
Description:  Digital modulation for the additive white Gaussian noise channel, emphasizing optimal demodulation, and analysis of error rates.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 503.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 537 -- Digital Communications Systems II  (3 units)
Description:  Carrier and symbol timing synchronization, equalization for intersymbol interference channels, CDMA for wireless channels.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 503, ECE 535.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 538 -- Radar Signal Processing  (3 units)
Description:  Radar fundamentals: radar range equation, waveforms, ambiguity functions. Signal Processing: Pulse compression, synthetic aperture radar (SAR)inverse SAR, moving target indication (MTI), Pulse-Doppler radar, space time adaptive processing (STAP).
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 340.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 539 -- Algebraic Coding Theory  (3 units)
Description:  [Taught Spring semester in even-numbered years] Construction and properties of error correcting codes; encoding and decoding procedures and information rate for various codes.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  MATH 415A.
Identical to:  MATH 539; MATH is home department.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 540 -- Advanced Microelectronic Processing  (3 units)
Description:  Theory of diffusion, oxidation, deposition and processing, etc. and process integration.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 458.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 541 -- Synthesis of Control Systems  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to design of state feedback controllers and optimal control, modeling of performance indices, controller design algorithms by dynamic programming, calculus of variations and Pontryagin's minimum principle.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  or Concurrent registration, ECE 501.

ECE 542 -- Digital Control Systems  (3 units)
Description:  Modeling, analysis, and design of digital control systems; A/D and D/A conversions, Z-transforms, time and frequency domain representations, stability, microprocessor-based designs. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term project.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 442.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 543 -- Nonlinear Control Systems  (3 units)
Description:  Qualitative features of nonlinear systems, analysis by perturbation, averaging and graphical methods, describing functions, stability analysis by Lyapunov and Popov techniques, design of nonlinear control systems.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 501.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 546 -- Semiconductor Processing  (3 units)
Description:  Silicon and compound semiconductor materials preparation, bulk crystal growth, wafering, epitaxial growth, photolithography, doping, ion implantation, etching, oxidation, metallization, silicon and compound semiconductor device processing. Graduate-level requirements include an additional research paper requiring independent research.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Credit for:  1 unit engineering science, 2 units engineering design.
Identical to:  MSE 546; MSE is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 446.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 547A -- Advanced Motion Control  (3 units)
Description:  An interdisciplinary course that investigates design and development of systems for mechanization and control of moving objects in live performance conditions. Graduate-level requirements include graduate students functioning as Team Leaders on course developed research projects. Taking additional instruction on electrical or mechanical enginering as required.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  T AR 501 , consent of instructor, T AR MFA standing.
Typical structure:  2 hours lecture, 2 hours studio.
May be repeated:  for credit 3 times (maximum 4 enrollments).
Identical to:  T AR 547A; T AR is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 447A.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 549 -- Continuous-System Modeling  (3 units)
Description:  Techniques for modeling systems described by differential equations and difference equations. Physical modeling, mass and energy balance equations, bond graphs, system dynamics, qualitative modeling, inductive reasoning, neural networks. Graduate-level requirements include more difficult homework and separate grade normalization.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  C SC 549.
May be convened with:  ECE 449.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 550 -- Analog Integrated Circuits  (3 units)
Description:  Nonswitching aspects of analog integrated circuits using bipolar or CMOS technologies. Biasing, DC signal behavior, small behavior. Emphasis on use of physical reasoning, identification of circuit functions, and use of suitable approximations to facilitate understanding and analysis. The scope of an Undergraduates course project is less than that of the Graduate student.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 351A or equivalent Electronic Circuits I course.
May be convened with:  ECE 450.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 551 -- Advanced Physical Electronics  (3 units)
Description:  Advanced device aspects of semiconductors. Waves in periodic structures, effective Hamiltonians, quantum transitions and scattering.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 451.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 552 -- Solid-State Devices  (3 units)
Description:  Basic semiconductor physics and materials, PN junctions, metal semiconductor junctions/contacts. BJTs and MOSFETs, device operation, terminal behavior and frequency response, device models.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 352, ECE 451.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 553 -- Design-Oriented Analysis of Electronic Circuits  (3 units)
Description:  Emphasis on obtaining analytical approximations for maximum insight into circuit behavior. Extra element theorem, feedback theorem, low-entropy design equations, frequency-domain measurement of loop gains, impedances. Graduate-level requirements may include additional homework, different test problems.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 453.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 554 -- Electronic Packaging Principles  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to problems encountered at all levels of packaging: thermal, mechanical, electrical, reliability, materials and system integration. Future trends in packaging.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  MSE 554.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 556 -- Optoelectronics  (3 units)
Description:  Properties and applications of optoelectronic devices and systems. Topics include radiation sources, detectors and detector circuits, fiber optics, and electro-optical components. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term project.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 456.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 559 -- Fundamentals of Optics for Electrical Engineers  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to diffraction and 2D Fourier optics, geometrical optics, paraxial systems, third order aberrations, Gaussian beam propagation, optical resonators, polarization, temporal and spatial coherence, optical materials and nonlinear effects, electro-optic modulators. Applications to holography, optical data storage, optical processing, neural nets, associative memory optical interconnects. Graduate-level requirements include different exam questions and/or grading.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 459.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 561 -- Power Electronics  (3 units)
Description:  Design and analysis of switching converters: topologies, state-space averaging, feedback, power bipolar transistor and MOSFET characteristics, magnetic modeling and design.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 320, ECE 340.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 562 -- Computer Architecture and Design  (3 units)
Description:  Intended to provide students with an in-depth study of computer architecture and design. Provides a basic knowledge and ability required for understanding and designing standard and novel computer architectures. Topics include; design methodologies at various levels, instruction set design, ALU design, memory organization and design, cache design, virtual memories, interleaved memories, associative memories, control organization and design, hardwired control, microprogrammed control, pipelining, superscalar and superpipeling, RISC design, vector processing and others. Graduate-level students will be required to complete a term paper and extra homeworks.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Special fee may apply for web delivered sections. See the M.Eng Website ( for details.
May be repeated:  for a total of 6 units of credit.
May be convened with:  ECE 462.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 563 -- Engineering Applications of Graph Theory  (3 units)
Description:  Topics will emphasize engineering applications of graph theory. Terminology, algorithms and complexity analysis will be included. Application areas will include, but are not limited to, communication networks, VLSI routing and layout, analog circuits, and mapping of sequential and parallel algorithms onto computer architectures.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 564 -- Advanced Topics in Computer Networks  (3 units)
Description:  Current state of the Internet; multimedia requirements; quality of service in IP networks; RSVP; real-time protocol (RTP); differentiated-services (Diffserv) architecture; traffic control; traffic policing and admission control; burstiness and traffic characterization; flow control; TCP enhancements; fairness and protection; packet scheduling and buffer management; inter-domain routing (BGP protocol); intra-domain routing (OSPF protocol); hierarchical routing; web caching; medium access control in wireless LANs; mobile ad hoc networking (routing and MAC protocols, power control, topology control); addressing schemes and MAC design for sensor networks; and others.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  Introductory course on computer networks.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 565 -- Microelectronic Packaging Materials  (3 units)
Description:  Design of microelectronic packaging systems based on the electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of materials. Chip, chip package, circuit board and system designs are considered. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Credit for:  3 units engineering design.
Identical to:  MSE 565; MSE is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 465.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 566 -- Knowledge-System Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  Design and implementation of knowledge-based software systems, machine intelligence, expert system design, reasoning under uncertainty, advanced automated problem solving methods, case-based reasoning, machine learning, genetic algorithms, distributed intelligent systems, logical foundations of knowledge systems. Applications to robotics, manufacturing and CAD.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Special fee may apply for web delivered sections. See the M.Eng Website ( for details.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 567 -- Computer Graphics and CAD  (3 units)
Description:  Computational geometry, graphics programming, solid modeling, projections and transformations, display generation, hidden lines and surface algorithms, computer aided design and computer integrated manufacturing, spatial reasoning.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  A ME 567.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 568 -- Introduction to Parallel Processing  (3 units)
Description:  Overview of uniprocessor architectures, introduction to parallel processing, pipelining, vector processing, multi-processing, multicomputing, memory design for parallel computers, cache design, communication networks for parallel processing, algorithms for parallel processing.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 369.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 569 -- High Performance Computing: Technology, Architecture, and Algorithms  (3 units)
Description:  Parallel models of computation, data flow, reduction, rediflow, VLIW, Superscalar, superpipelining, multithreaded processors, multiprocessing, distributed computing, massively parallel systems, novel technologies, fundamentals of optical computing, optical architectures, neural networks.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  knowledge of computer architecture and digital systems.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 570 -- Computer Aided Engineering for Integrated Circuits  (3 units)
Description:  CAD systems for integrated circuits; terminal models of bipolar and MOS devices, computerized circuit analysis, methods, programs, SPICE simulation.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 352, SIE 270.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 572 -- Continuous-System Simulation  (3 units)
Description:  Techniques for simulating systems described by differential equations and difference equations. Numerical integration, parameter estimation, random number generation, simulation software, simulation hardware.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  C SC 572.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 573 -- Software Engineering Concepts  (3 units)
Description:  In-depth consideration of each of the phases of the software project life code. Object-oriented design and programming. Includes a large-scale software development project involving groups of students. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term project.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 473.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 574A -- Computer-Aided Logic Design  (3 units)
Description:  Tabular minimization of single and multiple output Boolean functions, NMOS and CMOS realizations, synthesis of sequential circuits, RTL description, laboratory exercises. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and term projects.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  C SC 574A.
May be convened with:  ECE 474A.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 575 -- Object-Oriented Simulation/Discrete Event Models  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to object-oriented simulation methodology and its implementation on multi-processors. Modular hierarchical discrete event model design and mapping onto distributed simulator architectures.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  prior course in simulation recommended.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 576 -- Engineering of Computer-Based Systems  (3 units)
Description:  Provides methods and techniques for engineering and design of systems that comprise heterogeneous, software, hardware, communication, and other components. Characterization of design methodologies, object-oriented modeling and design, systems synthesis and performance analysis. A term project is central to the course.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 373, ECE 479, consent of instructor.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 577 -- Computer System and Network Evaluation  (3 units)
Description:  Models and methods for the evaluation of computer systems and networks. Review of probability theory, discussion of Markov processes, queuing networks, and stochastic extensions to Petri nets. Applications to computer systems and networks.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 503.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 578 -- Fundamentals of Computer Networks  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to computer networks and protocols. Study of the ISO open systems interconnection model, with emphasis on the physical, data link, network, and transport layers. Discussion of IEEE 802, OSI, and Internet protocols. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and assignments.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 478.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 579 -- Principles of Artificial Intelligence  (3 units)
Description:  Provides an introduction to problems and techniques of artificial intelligence (AI). Automated problem solving, methods and techniques; search and game strategies, knowledge representation using predicate logic; structured representations of knowledge; automatic theorem proving, system entity structures, frames and scripts; robotic planning; expert systems; implementing AI systems. Graduate-level requirements include additional assignments.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 479.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 581A -- Electromagnetic Field Theory  (3 units)
Description:  Time-harmonic fields; fundamental theorems and concepts; rectangular and circular waveguides and resonators; apertures in ground planes, cylinders, and wedges; scattering by cylinders and wedges.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 502, MATH 422.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 581B -- Electromagnetic Field Theory  (3 units)
Description:  Spherical geometries; interface problems; perturbational techniques; integral equations; asymptotic techniques; introduction to transient fields.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 583 -- Remote Sensing Instrumentation and Techniques  (3 units)
Description:  Development of instrumentation, measurement and signal processing techniques required for electromagnetic remote sensing applications with emphasis on atmospheric remote sensing.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 482.
Identical to:  ATMO 583, CHEE 583.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 584 -- Antenna Theory and Design  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to the fundamentals of radiation, antenna theory and antenna array design. Design considerations for wire, aperture, reflector and printed circuit antennas. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term project.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  Antennas $50.
May be convened with:  ECE 484.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 585A -- Telemetering Systems: Data Acquisition  (1 unit)
Description:  Sensor technology, modeling and calibration, analog signal processing, sampling, quantization, and data encoding. Usually offered: Early Spring January 15th to February 14th. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework assignments and exam questions.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 485A.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 585B -- Telemetering Systems: Data Transport and Synchronization  (1 unit)
Description:  Data structures and formats, telemetry frames and packets, frame and packet synchronization, time and position determination, and command systems. Usually offered: Mid Spring; Feb. 17th - April 2nd. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework assignments and exam questions.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 485B.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 585C -- Telemetering Systems: Data Transmission Techniques  (1 unit)
Description:  Digital modulation techniques, bit error rates, spectrum utlization, antenna basics, radio link budget calculations, and radio wave propagation effects. Usually offered: Late Spring: April 4th - May 7th. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework assignments and exam questions for graduate students.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
May be convened with:  ECE 485C.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 586 -- Microwave Engineering I: Passive Circuit Design  (3 units)
Description:  Review of transmission line theory; microstrip lines and planar circuits; RF/microwave network analysis; scattering parameters; impedance transformer design; filter design; hybrids and resonators; RF/microwave amplifier design; RF transceiver design; RF/microwave integrated circuits. Graduate-level requirements include additional homework and a term project.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $47.
May be convened with:  ECE 486.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 587 -- Fiber Optics Laboratory  (3 units)
Description:  Lecture and lab format; fiber properties and types, fiber devices, optical communications, wavelength multiplexing and demultiplexing, optical amplifiers, fiber sensors and imaging systems. Class website: Graduate-level requirements include performance of a more advanced set of experiments and demonstration of a deeper knowledge of the subject.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  some knowledge of EM and semiconductor devices will be helpful (check with instructor).
Typical structure:  3 hours laboratory, 2 hours lecture.
Identical to:  OPTI 587; OPTI is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 487.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 588 -- Microwave Engineering II: Active Circuit Design  (3 units)
Description:  Planar active microwave circuits, diode and transistor characteristics, mixers, amps, oscillators, and frequency multipliers. Students will design circuits with CAD tools, fabricate in clean room, and measure performance in the lab. Graduate-level requirements include extra problems involving more challenging concepts and indepth knowledge of the material.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $41.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 586 or equivalent course.
May be convened with:  ECE 488.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 589 -- Atmospheric Electricity  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to sources and chemistry of atmospheric ions, fair weather electricity, the global circuit, electrical structure of clouds, thunderstorm electrification, lightning, lightning electromagnetic fields, mechanisms of lightning damage and lightning protection. Graduate-level requirements include different homework assignments and tests.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Identical to:  ATMO 589; ATMO is home department.
May be convened with:  ECE 489.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 591 -- Preceptorship  (1-3 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of instruction and practice in actual service in a department, program, or discipline. Teaching formats may include seminars, in-depth studies, laboratory work and patient study.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 593 -- Internship  (1-3 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 596A -- Graduate Seminar  (1 unit)
Description:  Seminar designed to develop publication skills in the major professional forms: presentation, journal papers, theses, and dissertations. Students will be required to make a presentation. A minimum of one unit is required for all MS graduate students. The course may be repeated beyond the required one unit, but additional credits will not apply toward degree requirements. Course is Superior/Pass grading only. ECE 596A (Master's Students) will co-convened with ECE 696A (PhD Students).
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 596C -- Advanced Topics:Computer Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  The development and exchange of advanced topics in computer engineering. The course topics may vary each semester and will depend on the instructor. Students should check with the department and/or the instructor to determine the course topics, course format, and preprequisites.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 274, ECE 503.
May be repeated:  for credit 2 times (maximum 3 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 599 -- Independent Study  (1-6 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 599, 699, or 799.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 625 -- Advanced Topic: Sensor and Ad Hoc Network Optimization  (3 units)
Description:  In this course we will discuss recent results related to problems such as: establishing communication protocols between sensors, computing sensors' optimal locations, maintaining schedules of activation of sensors, aggregating data from the sensors, maintaining connectivity between mobile sensors, handling security issues etc.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Special course fee required:  $15.
Identical to:  C SC 625; C SC is home department.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 631 -- Neural Networks  (3 units)
Description:  Theory and application of parallel distributed computation via elementary processing elements; PE models and neural analogies; statistical classification, supervised/unsupervised; neural net models; associative memories; training algorithms.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 636 -- Information Theory  (3 units)
Description:  [Taught alternate years 2000-2001] Definition of a measure of information and study of its properties; introduction to channel capacity and error-free communications over noisy channels; rate distortion theory; error detecting and correcting codes.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 503.
Identical to:  MATH 636.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 637 -- Channel Coding  (3 units)
Description:  [Taught alternate years 2001-2002] A rigorous course in channel coding fundamentals, including BCH/RS codes, trellis codes, turbo codes, and low-density parity check codes.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 503, ECE 535; at least second year graduate student.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 638 -- Wireless Communications  (3 units)
Description:  This course will cover advanced topics in wireless communications for voice, data, and multimedia. It begins with a brief overview of current wireless systems and standards. It then characterizes the wireless channel, including path loss for different environments, random log-normal shadowing due to signal attenuation, and the flat and frequency-selective properties of multipath fading. Next it examines the fundamental capacity limits of wireless channels and the characteristics of the capacity-achieving transmission strategies. The next focus will be on practical digital modulation techniques and their performance under wireless channel impairments. The next part of the course is spent investigating techniques to improve the speed and performance of wireless links, which includes the design and performance analysis of adaptive modulation and diversity techniques to compensate for flat-fading. Three techniques to combat frequency-selective fading are then examined: adaptive equalization, multicarrier modulation, and spread spectrum. A significant amount of time will be spent on multiple antenna techniques: MIMO channel model, MIMO channel capacity, and Space Time coding. The course concludes with studying various multiple access schemes in wireless systems and an introduction of cross-layer design for networks under hard constraints.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 639 -- Detection and Estimation in Engineering Systems  (3 units)
Description:  Communication, detection and estimation as statistical inference problems. Optimal detection in the presence of Gaussian noise. Extraction of signals in noise via MAP and MMSE techniques.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 503.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 654 -- Electronic Packaging Design  (3 units)
Description:  Analysis and design of chip and board-level packaging and interconnection modules for integrated circuit applications. Spectrum of configurations, performance characteristics, manufacturing technologies and costs. Development of fundamental analysis and design tools.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 554.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 659 -- Advanced Topics in Microelectronics and Solid-State Devices  (3 units)
Description:  Specialized topics, as announced, such as submicron MOSFETS, radiation effects on devices, yield analysis, advanced semiconductor processing technologies, and contamination control.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  consult department before enrolling.
May be repeated:  for credit 2 times (maximum 3 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 672 -- Computer-aided Design Algorithms and Techniques for VLSI  (3 units)
Description:  Introduction to VLSI design, combinational and sequential logic synthesis, layout generation and optimization, logic and timing simulation, design styles.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 474A, ECE 574A.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 676 -- Distributed Simulation  (3 units)
Description:  This course provides advanced concepts and hands-on familiarity with distributed simulation, the use of networked computers to do simulation of systems. The course discusses the role of middleware such as the High Level Architecture in providing essential services for distributed simulation, including federation, declaration, object, ownership, time and data distribution management.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 677 -- Distrubuted Computing Systems  (3 units)
Description:  Design, architecture and programming of distributed computing systems. The course consists of three parts: 1) Networks and Protocols in high performance distributed systems; 2) Architectural issues of designing and implementing disturbed systems (distributed operating systems, distributed file systems, concurrency control and redundancy management, load balancing, and security); and 3) Distributed computing paradigms (shared memory, message passing, and web based computing, virtual computing, and Grid computing).
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 678 -- Integrated Telecommunications Networks  (3 units)
Description:  Analysis and design of integrated voice, data, and image networks for integrated telecommunications applications. Protocols for LANs, ISDNs, WANs, MANs and interoperable networks. ISO-based network software design for applications.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 578 or C SC 525 or equivalent.
Usually offered:  Fall.

ECE 688 -- Electromagnetics Boundary Value Problems  (3 units)
Description:  Methods of solution of boundary value problems in electromagnetics; Green's function and eigenfunction expansion techniques; moment methods, asymptotics.
Grading:  Regular grades are awarded for this course: A B C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  ECE 502, ECE 581A.
Usually offered:  Spring.

ECE 693 -- Internship  (2-3 units)
Description:  Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 696A -- Graduate Seminar  (1 unit)
Description:  Seminar designed to develop publication skills in the major professional forms: presentation, journal papers, theses, and dissertations. Students will be required to make a presentation. A minimum of two units are required for all PhD graduate students. These units cannot be taken in the same semester. The course may be repeated beyond the required two units, but additional credits will not apply toward degree requirements. Course is Superior/Pass grading only. ECE 596A (Master's Students) will co-convened with ECE 696A (PhD Students).
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
May be repeated:  for credit 1 time (maximum 2 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 696B -- Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering  (3 units)
Description:  The development and exchange of scholarly information, usually in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research through discussion, reports, and/or papers.
Grading:  Regular or alternative grades can be awarded for this course: A B C D E or S P C D E.
Prerequisite(s):  consent of instructor.
May be repeated:  for credit 2 times (maximum 3 enrollments).
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 699 -- Independent Study  (1-6 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 599, 699, or 799.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 799 -- Independent Study  (1-6 units)
Description:  Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 599, 699, or 799.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring.

ECE 900 -- Research  (1-16 units)
Description:  Individual research, not related to thesis or dissertation preparation, by graduate students.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P C D E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 909 -- Master's Report  (1-16 units)
Description:  Individual study or special project or formal report thereof submitted in lieu of thesis for certain master's degrees.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P E K.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 910 -- Thesis  (1-16 units)
Description:  Research for the master's thesis (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or thesis writing). Maximum total credit permitted varies with the major department.
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 920 -- Dissertation  (1-9 units)
Description:  Research for the doctoral dissertation (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or dissertation writing).
Grading:  Alternative grades are awarded for this course: S P E K.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.

ECE 930 -- Supplementary Registration  (1-9 units)
Description:  For students who have completed all course requirements for their advanced degree programs. May be used concurrently with other enrollments to bring to total number of units to the required minimum.
Grading:  a Grade of K is awarded for this course except for the final term.
May be repeated:  an unlimited number of times, consult your department for details and possible restrictions.
Usually offered:  Fall, Spring, Summer.


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