Substitutions are not encouraged, and will be granted only for
extraordinary circumstances. The college dean’s office approves all
substitutions other than those available to learning-disabled students.
Substitutions approved for learning disabled students certified by S.A.L.T or
CeDRR will first be approved by one of those offices before the college will
grant the substitution. Substitutions granted by one college will be honored
by the student’s subsequent colleges, if any.
Students requesting a substitution for an approved general education
course, for any reason, must request and receive approval for the substitution
prior to enrolling in the substitute course. Contact a college advisor for
more information about the approval process.
In the absence of direct course equivalents, Arizona community college
AGEC-approved courses may be substituted for UA-approved general education
courses with the approval of the student’s college in advance of enrollment
in the substitute course.