Academic PoliciesAPRRs and SAPRsAcademic Program Requirements Reports (APRRs) Academic Program Requirements Reports (APRRs) display a complete statement of the requirements and approved courses for each UA undergraduate degree program. APRRs are the official record of requirements for degree programs; therefore, students should become familiar with the APRR for their degree program. APRRs were created for undergraduate programs, beginning with the 1993 Catalog. Student Academic Progress Reports (SAPRs) (Updated 5/16/06: the earliest year for which SAPRs are available.) A SAPR is an individualized report of a student's
progress toward completing degree requirements. SAPRs for a student's current
degree program, or What-if SAPRs that enable a student to compare their
completed and in-progress course work against the requirements for any other
undergraduate degree program, can be requested through SAPRs are available for undergraduate degree programs existing since 1997. Questions should be directed to
Page last updated: May 20, 2013