The Transfer General Education
Core Curriculum (TGECC)
The Arizona public community colleges and The University of Arizona have agreed upon a
common structure for a general education core curriculum. This common agreement is called
the Transfer General Education Core Curriculum (TGECC). The TGECC is composed of a minimum
of 41 semester units of lower-division general education course work in which a student
may prepare for transfer. Students transferring from an Arizona community college to the
University have the option of completing the lower-division general education requirements
at the University or completing the TGECC.
Completing the TGECC will fulfill lower-division general education requirements at the
University. Students utilizing this option will still be required to fulfill
lower-division program requirements and prerequisites within their college and major/minor
area of study. In order to complete a degree program efficiently, students should select
courses to meet the TGECC requirements that will also fulfill program requirements in the
college and major they intend to pursue upon transfer. The requirements for the TGECC are
available through the Arizona community college advising center.
Related Sites
The Community College Transfer Guide