Leaving the University
Complete Withdrawal from the University
Policy revised 5/12/08: To
differentiate dropping a few courses from completely withdrawing.
withdrawal from the University is defined as leaving the University by dropping
all classes after having paid registration fees.
This option only applies to the Fall and Spring
(regular) Semesters. During the regular semester, students
are allowed seven days to complete the withdrawal process after initiating the
procedure in the Dean of Students Office; however, withdrawals can not be
initiated after the last day of classes of any semester and must be completed
before the beginning of the final examination period.
If a student withdraws from all classes before
the end of the fourth week of the semester, all classes are deleted from the
student's permanent record for the term. If a student withdraws from the
University after the fourth week of classes and before the final exam period,
the faculty member for each course may assign a grade of “WP” (withdrawal while
passing) or “WF” (withdrawal while failing). Grades for a complete withdrawal
appear on the permanent record but are not included in the student’s grade
Consult the Withdrawal
from the University section in the Schedule of Classes for detailed
instructions, deadlines, and refund information.
Leave of Absence
The undergraduate student leave of absence allows students to return after a
one or two semester absence from campus. Students with this status need not
apply for readmission, or pay readmission fees, and they may register for
classes during their priority registration period. A leave of absence is granted
through a student's college
dean's office. Nursing students must follow the procedure for taking a leave of
absence defined in the college's Baccalaureate Student Handbook.
International students who wish to take a leave of absence should contact the
Center for Global Student programs (621-4627).
Application deadlines are December 1 for Spring Semester/Presession/Summer
Sessions, and August 1 for Fall Semester/Winter Session. Final decisions
regarding approval or disapproval of leave of absence requests will not be
available until the posting of grades for the semester immediately preceding the
term for which the leave is requested. Students should note that the timing of
the final decision is such that notification may be made as little as one week
prior to the beginning of a term for which a leave has been requested. Students
should plan accordingly.
To qualify, a student must satisfy the following criteria:
- be registered during the semester immediately prior to the beginning of
the leave;
- have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0--both at the time of application for
leave and following the posting of grades for the semester immediately
preceding the term of the requested leave of absence;
- have his or her University account paid in full, both at the time of leave
application and following the posting of grades for the semester immediately
preceding the term of the requested leave of absence; and,
- have no pending disciplinary action.
While on a leave of absence, the University
- reports enrollment status to lenders and loan service entities as
"not attending"; students should contact their lender(s) for
repayment information and grace period expiration; and
- suspends students insurance and use of University facilities.
Should a student not return at the end of an approved leave, s/he must apply
for readmission and comply with readmission rules.
Dismissal from Courses or from the University
Reprehensible conduct or failure to comply with university regulations may
result in a student's dismissal from a course or from the University at any
time. The Dean of Students Office is responsible for this procedure. Such action
may be posted on the student's academic record. Students suspended from the
University are denied student privileges during the period of suspension, and
may not register for correspondence work except with permission of the dean of
the college in which they have previously registered. They may not enroll in
Extended University courses, nor establish credit by examination during the
period of suspension.
Medical Withdrawal
Medical withdrawal is initiated from the Student Health Service. Adequate
medical documentation must be supplied by the student. Students who withdraw
from the University for medical reasons and who are medically encumbered must
have their readmission approved by the Student Health Service.
Retroactive Withdrawal
Under appropriate circumstances a student may petition for withdrawal after
completion of classes for a term. If the student has experienced severe physical
or psychological stress of such nature as to prevent satisfactory completion of
course work in the semester or term in question, the student may petition for
retroactive withdrawal for all courses taken that semester or term. This
petition must be accompanied by adequate documentation and filed with the dean
of the student's college.