Departmental Information


The School of Renewable Natural Resources is concerned with the management and conservation of natural ecosystems of arid and semi-arid environments. Programs of study in the School prepare students for careers in management with environmental science and natural resource agencies and organizations that require a fundamental knowledge about the science, planning and management of natural systems to provide the resources of water, wood, forage, wildlife, fisheries, soil and aesthetic values.

A minor in wildlife, watershed, and rangeland resources can be broadly based across the disciplines or can emphasize a single option. The degree is composed of general education and supporting science courses, a series of interdisciplinary renewable natural resource courses, and courses that develop additional knowledge in subjects specific to each major. The natural resource core curriculum is designed to integrate subjects of importance to all students in renewable natural resource fields, to introduce students to the interdisciplinary nature of resource management, and to develop an understanding of multiple-use management systems. For information concerning graduate admission and degree requirements, consult the Graduate Catalog.

Rangeland Management (RA M)

The option in range management prepares students to begin professional careers concerned with management of rangelands for livestock production, wildlife habitat, watershed protection, and other rangeland resource values. Rangeland management students obtain a Bachelor of Science in Renewable Natural Resources with a major in wildlife, watershed and rangeland resources. The B.S. in Renewable Natural Resources meets standards for federal employment as a range conservationist and is accredited by the Society for Range Management.

Rangeland management students may tailor their program to career objectives by selecting appropriate minors and/or elective courses. Students planning a career in federal or state rangeland management agencies are advised to select courses in wildlife science or watershed management. Those interested in ranch management, agricultural lending institutions, private consulting, international development, ranch appraising, or similar careers should consult the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics for a minor in agricultural and resource economics. Students planning on careers in research or teaching may wish to emphasize additional basic sciences and mathematics.

Students majoring in other fields may take a minor emphasizing rangeland management.

Watershed Management (WS M)

Watershed management courses, which consider the management needs of whole watersheds and their multiple uses, qualify the student for a professional career with resource management agencies. Emphasis is placed on the use and protection of forests and rangelands in the Southwest for the critical resources of water, wildlife habitat, recreation, and other values. Students in watershed management may select one of several areas of specialization to further develop their knowledge in physical hydrology, forest hydrology, advanced technology rangeland hydrology, soil hydrology, water quality, or aquatic biology.

Minors are available emphasizing watershed management.

Wildlife and Fisheries Science (WFSC)

The options in wildlife science and fisheries science prepares the student for careers that apply ecological sciences for the management and conservation of fish and wildlife resources. Career opportunities include positions with state fish and wildlife agencies, federal wildlife and land management agencies, environmental consulting firms, and nongovernmental conservation organizations. Two closely related options; fisheries science and wildlife science are offered. Students are encouraged to obtain practical experience as summer employees, interns, or volunteers with natural resource management agencies or conservation organizations.

Minors are available emphasizing wildlife and fisheries science.

Page last updated:  May 20, 2013

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The University of Arizona