![]() How to read course descriptions WATERSHED MANAGEMENT (WS M) 193. Internship (1-8) [Rpt./] I II 199. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] 199H. Honors Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] 293. Internship (1-8) [Rpt./] I II 299. Independent Study (1-5) [Rpt./] 299H. Honors Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] 330. Introduction to Remote Sensing (3) I (Identical with GEOG 330, which is home). 393. Internship (1-8) [Rpt./] I II 399. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] 399H. Honors Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] I II 406. Applied Hydraulics (3) I (Identical with ABE 406, which is home). May be convened with WS M 506. 408. Wildland Fire Management (3) I Principles of fire behavior in forest, range and other vegetation types; interrelationships of fuels, weather, and topography; pyrolysis and combustion processes; effects of fire; fuels inventory; prevention, detection, and control techniques; fire danger rating and fire behavior modeling. May be convened with WS M 508. 426. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (3) II S 1.5 ES. (Identical with ABE 426, which is home). May be convened with WS M 526. 435. Water Management Dryland Ecosystems (3) I Hydrologic principles as applied to arid and semi-arid ecosystems with water management applications in dryland resources management. P, MATH 160 or MATH 263; SWES 201. May be convened with WS M 535. 460. Watershed Hydrology (3) I Application of fundamental principles to quantifying the basic hydrologic processes occurring on watersheds. 2R, 3L. P, GEOS 101, SWES 200, SWES 201, MATH 160 or MATH 263. (Identical with HWR 460). May be convened with WS M 560. 462. Watershed Management (3) II Evaluating hydrologic impacts of management activities on watersheds to include silviculture, range, mining, and recreation use. 2R, 3L. P, WS M 460 or one course in hydrology. May be convened with WS M 562. 463. Plant-Water Relations (3) II (Identical with PL S 463, which is home). May be convened with WS M 563. 464. Introduction to Dendrochronology (4) I (Identical with GEOS 464, which is home). May be convened with WS M 564. 467. Advanced Watershed Hydrology (3) II Advanced topics in watershed hydrology; rainfall-runoff, infiltration, overland flow routing, sediment modeling, statistical analysis and research methods in hydrology. P, WS M 460. (Identical with ABE 467, HWR 467). May be convened with WS M 567. 468. Wildland Water Quality (3) II Introduction to water quality and its influences in natural environments. Interactions with land management and relationships to the larger issues of environmental quality. Field trip. May be convened with WS M 568. 493. Internship (1-8) [Rpt./] I II 494. Practicum r. Research (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II P, ENGL 101, MATH 117, ABE 120 and consent of instructor. 497. Workshop c. Dendrochronology (1-4) II Field trip. (Identical with GEOS 497C, which is home). May be convened with WS M 597C. 498. Senior Capstone (1-3) I II 498H. Honors Thesis (3) [Rpt./ 2] I II 499. Independent Study (1-5) [Rpt./] 499H. Honors Independent Study (3) [Rpt./] I II 506. Applied Hydraulics (3) I (Identical with ABE 506, which is home). May be convened with WS M 406. 508. Wildland Fire Management (3) I For a description of course topics see WS M 408. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper on a specific fire issue or problem in the student's professional discipline area. May be convened with WS M 408. 515. Mensuration (3) II Measurement and inventory of forest land, forest growth, raw materials and products. Special analysis of mensurational data from an arid land inventory. P, RNR 271, RNR 321, MATH 123. 526. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (3) II S (Identical with ABE 526, which is home). May be convened with WS M 426. 531. Dryland Forest Management (3) II Utilization and management of forest resources in dry environments; biophysical and socio-economic issues related to the development of forest commodities and amenities. P, 6 units of upper-division WS M. 532. Agroforestry (3) I Ecological and socioeconomic factors related to the planning and implementation of agroforestry systems. P, 6 units of upper-division WS M. 535. Water Management in Dryland Ecosystems (3) I For a description of course topics see WS M 435. Graduate-level requirements include a report and oral presentation on a topic related to hydrology or water management in dryland ecosystems. (Identical with ARL 535). May be convened with WS M 435. 560. Watershed Hydrology (3) I For a description of course topics see WS M 460. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth paper on the application of hydrologic principles to problems in watershed management. (Identical with HWR 560). May be convened with WS M 460. 562. Watershed Management (3) II For a description of course topics see WS M 462. Graduate-level requirements include the development of a watershed management scenario and accompanying report. May be convened with WS M 462. 563. Plant-Water Relations (3) II (Identical with PL S 563, which is home). May be convened with WS M 463. 564. Introduction to Dendrochronology (4) I (Identical with GEOS 564, which is home). May be convened with WS M 464. 567. Advanced Watershed Hydrology (3) I For a description of course topics see WS M 467. Graduate students will be required to do additional exercises. (Identical with ABE 567, HWR 567). May be convened with WS M 467. 568. Wildland Water Quality (3) II For a description of course topics see WS M 468. Graduate-level requirements include a class report and presentation on a negotiated topic of interest. May be convened with WS M 468. 569. Spatial Analysis of Hydrology and Watershed Management (2) Geographic information systems (GIS) as a tool for hydrologists and environmental managers. Topics relate to the application of GIS including classification and suitability analysis, interpolation techniques, terrain analysis, model integration, and visualization. Examines sources of potential error and the ramifications. 1R, 3L. P, RNR 417 or RNR 517. (Identical with HWR 569). 571. Water Quality Control (3) II (Identical with C E 571, which is home). 577. Advanced Topics In the Economics of Environmental Regulation (3) I (Identical with AREC 577, which is home). 593. Internship (1-8) [Rpt./] I II 595. Colloquium e. Dendrochronology (1-4) [Rpt./ 9 units] I II (Identical with GEOS 595E, which is home). 597. Workshop c. Dendrochronology (1-4) II (Identical with GEOS 597C, which is home). May be convened with WS M 497C. 599. Independent Study (1-5) [Rpt./] 602. Snow Hydrology (2) II The significance of snow in hydrologic budgets of watersheds and river basins, and potentials for snowpack management. P, WS M 560 and WS M 562. 605. Watershed Modeling (3) I Distributed modeling of hydrological and sedimentation processes at the watershed scale; emphasis on current concepts and applications. 693. Internship (1-8) [Rpt./] I II 696. Seminar a. Watershed Management (1-2) [Rpt./ 4 units] I II 699. Independent Study (1-5) [Rpt./] I II 900. Research (1-8) [Rpt./] 909. Master's Report (1-3) [Rpt./] 910. Thesis (1-8) [Rpt./] 920. Dissertation (1-9) [Rpt./] 930. Supplementary Registration (1-9) [Rpt./] Academic Policies|College Information|Department Information|List of Courses|Undergraduate Majors|Undergraduate Minors|Academic Program Requirements Reports|Minor Requirement Reports|Academic Calendar|Schedule of Classes|Important Deadlines|List of Faculty|Accreditations and Affiliations|Graduate Catalog|Previous Catalogs|Order a Catalog|Student Responsibility|Home |
Page last updated: May 20, 2013