![]() How to read course descriptions RUSSIAN AND SOVIET STUDIES (R SS) 299. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] I II 305. Soviet Economic System (3) I (Identical with ECON 305, which is home). 374. The Holocaust (3) II (Identical with HIST 374, which is home). 409. Russia and the Former Soviet Union (3) II (Identical with GEOG 409, which is home). 421. History of Russia: Early Period (3) I (Identical with HIST 421, which is home). 422. History of Russia: Modern Period (3) II (Identical with HIST 422, which is home). 423. Intellectual History of Russia (3) II (Identical with HIST 423, which is home). 424. The Modernization of Russia (3) I (Identical with HIST 424, which is home). 425. History of the Soviet Union (3) I (Identical with HIST 425, which is home). 443. Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics (3) I (Identical with POL 443, which is home). May be convened with R SS 543. 451. Soviet and Post-Soviet Foreign Policy (3) I (Identical with POL 451, which is home). 496. Seminar a. Russian and Soviet Studies (3) II P, RUSS 301B. (Identical with POL 496A). b. Russian and Soviet Studies (3) II P, R SS 496A. 498. Senior Capstone (1-3) I II 543. Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics (3) I (Identical with POL 543, which is home). May be convened with R SS 443. Academic Policies|College Information|Department Information|List of Courses|Undergraduate Majors|Undergraduate Minors|Academic Program Requirements Reports|Minor Requirement Reports|Academic Calendar|Schedule of Classes|Important Deadlines|List of Faculty|Accreditations and Affiliations|Graduate Catalog|Previous Catalogs|Order a Catalog|Student Responsibility|Home |
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