![]() How to read course descriptions NEUROLOGY (NEUR) 515. Subspeciality f. Neuromuscular Disorders (3) I II P, NEUR 803. 599. Independent Study (1-6) I II 625. Human Neuroscience (6) (Identical with MED 625, which is home). 695. Colloquium a. Motor Control (2) [Rpt./ 3] II (Identical with PSIO 695A, which is home). 800. Research (1-12) [Rpt./ 36 units] I II 803. Clinical Clerkship (3-6) [Rpt./] I II 810. Clerkship a. Neurology Consult Service (4) [Rpt./] I II b. Neurology (3-6) [Rpt./] I II P, NEUR 803. 815. Subspecialty b. Behavioral Neurology/Higher Cortical Functions (4) [Rpt./] I II P, NEUR 803. c. Cerebrovascular Disease (4-6) [Rpt./] I II P, NEUR 803. d. Epilepsy Elective (4-6) [Rpt./] S e. Vestibular and Eye Movement Disorders (3-4) I II The elective will be offered in Phoenix at the Balance Center of Barrows Neurological Institute. P, completion of 3rd year medical student rotations. f. Neuromuscular Disorders (3-6) I II r. Neurological and Neuromuscular Disorders (3-6) [Rpt./] I II P, consult department before enrolling. v. Clinical Evaluation and Treatment of Sleep Disorders (3-6) [Rpt./] S (Identical with MEDI 815v, which is home). 825. Human Neuroscience (6) I II (Identical with MED 825, which is home). 891. Preceptorship a. Neurology (1-18) [Rpt./ 54 units] I II b. Neurology Practice (3) [Rpt./] I II P, NEUR 803. 899. Independent Study (3-6) [Rpt./] I II Academic Policies|College Information|Department Information|List of Courses|Undergraduate Majors|Undergraduate Minors|Academic Program Requirements Reports|Minor Requirement Reports|Academic Calendar|Schedule of Classes|Important Deadlines|List of Faculty|Accreditations and Affiliations|Graduate Catalog|Previous Catalogs|Order a Catalog|Student Responsibility|Home |
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