![]() How to read course descriptions MILITARY SCIENCE (ML S) 105A. Situational Leadership I (1) I Field training exercise at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, with developmental opportunities for leadership and small unit operations. Includes rappelling, grenade assault course, rifle marksmanship training, and orienteering. P, consent of instructor. 105B. Situational Leadership I (1) II Field training exercise at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, with developmental opportunities for leadership and small unit operations. Includes rappelling, grenade assault course, rifle marksmanship training, and orienteering. P, consent of instructor. 110. Physical Fitness Training (1) [Rpt./ 8] I II Develop an awareness of the importance of physical fitness and its life-long benefits. Enhance the individual's physical conditioning to improve general health. 197. Workshop a. Adventure Training I (2) I Change units to: (3). Add to course description: Will include a week-end field trip to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. Weekly lab required. Spring 99 b. Adventure Training II (2) II Change units to: (3). Add to course description: Will include a week-end field trip to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. Weekly lab required. Spring 99 205A. Situational Leadership II (1) I Field training exercise at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Provides training opportunities for students in leadership for maintenance of on-site accountability and small unit operations. Activities include rappelling, grenade assault course, rifle marksmanship training and orienteering. P, consent of instructor. 205B. Situational Leadership II (1) II Field training exercise at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Provides training opportunities for students in leadership for maintenance of on-site accountability and small unit operations. Activities include rappelling, grenade assault course, rifle marksmanship training and orienteering. P, consent of instructor. 210. Tactics (2) [Rpt./ 4] I II Military tactics applied to patrolling operations; working in groups ranging in size from seven to 50 students in order to learn proper procedures for conducting military operations in a field environment. Change prerequisites to: Student must be enrolled in any Military Science class. Spring 99 211. Ranger Challenge (1) [Rpt./ 4] I II Increase self-confidence, mental discipline and physical fitness through hands-on instruction. The capstone event is a regional competition to be held in the Fall. Field trip. 220. Drill and Color Guard I (1) I Combined Army ROTC color guard and drill team represents The University of Arizona and the ROTC at social functions, parades and ceremonies. Color guard trains and is responsible for the presentation of the national colors, state and Army flags. Participation may include work with multi-service events. 221. Drill and Color Guard II (1) II Continuation of Army ROTC color guard and drill team activities that represent The University of Arizona and the ROTC at social functions, parades and ceremonies. Color guard trains and is responsible for the presentation of the national colors, state and Army flags. Participation may include work with multi-service events. 230. Rifle Marksmanship I (1) I Army ROTC rifle marksmanship program. Students fire 22cal target rifle and develop marksmanship proficiency and firearms safety awareness. Members compete in NRA and NCAA sanctioned matches and work toward Army marksmanship awards. Open to all registered students. 231. Rifle Marksmanship II (1) II Army ROTC rifle marksmanship program. Students fire 22cal target rifle and develop marksmanship proficiency and firearms safety awareness. Members compete in NRA and NCAA sanctioned matches and work toward Army marksmanship awards. Open to all registered students. 297. Workshop a. Army Leadership Dynamics I (2) I P, ML S 197A, ML S 197B or consent of department. Change units to: (3). Add to course description: Will include a week-end field trip to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. Weekly lab required. Change prerequisite to: P, ML S 197A, ML S 197B, sophomore status. All others see instructor. Spring 99 b. Army Leadership Dynamics II (2) II P, ML S 197A, ML S 197B or consent of department. Change units to: (3). Add to course description: Will include a week-end field trip to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. Weekly lab required. Change prerequisite to: P, ML S 197A, ML S 197B, sophomore status. All others see instructor. Spring 99 300. Small Unit Leadership I (3) I II Topographical map interpretation; fundamentals of small-unit operations; drill and ceremony, leadership and behavior in the military environment; military planning and execution; practicum. P, consult department before enrolling. Change units to: (4). Add to course description: Will include a week-end field trip to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. Weekly lab required. Spring 99 301. Small Unit Leadership II (3) I II Topographical map interpretation; fundamentals of small-unit operations; drill and ceremony, leadership and behavior in the military environment; military planning and execution; practicum. P, consult department before enrolling. Change units to: (4). Add to course description: Will include a week-end field trip to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. Weekly lab required. Spring 99 305A. Situational Leadership III (1) I Field training exercise at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Provides training opportunities for more advanced leadership. Activities include rappelling, grenade assault course, rifle marksmanship training and orienteering. P, consent of instructor. 305B. Situational Leadership III (1) II Field training exercise at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Provides training opportunities for more advanced leadership. Activities include rappelling, grenade assault course, rifle marksmanship training and orienteering. P, consent of instructor. 310. Army ROTC Advanced Camp (4) I II Six-week summer training camp at Ft. Lewis, Washington, required for commissioning as an officer in U.S. Army. Open only to Advanced Course Army ROTC cadets. 400. Officership I (3) I II Development of skills required to function as a manager; motivation and behavior in a military environment; highlights personal integrity, honor and professional ethics; military legal system; unit management; practicum. P, consult department before enrolling. Change units to: (4). Add to course description: Will include a week-end field trip to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. Weekly lab required. Spring 99 401. Officership II (3) I II Development of skills required to function as a manager; motivation and behavior in a military environment; highlights personal integrity, honor and professional ethics; military legal system; unit management; practicum. P, consult department before enrolling. Change units to: (4). Add to course description: Will include a week-end field trip to Ft. Huachuca, Arizona. Weekly lab required. Spring 99 405A. Situational Leadership IV (1) I Field training exercise at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Advanced training in conjunction with department cadre to plan and execute all aspects of ML S 105A-B, 205A-B, 305A-B. Includes information briefing and equipment issue as well as night navigation and rifle exercises. P, consent of instructor. 405B. Situational Leadership IV (1) II Field training exercise at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Advanced training in conjunction with department cadre to plan and execute all aspects of ML S 105A-B, 205A-B, 305A-B. Includes information brie fing and equipment issue as well as night navigation and rifle exercises. P, consent of instructor. 496. Seminar a. Advanced Officership (3) [Rpt./ 2] I II P, consult department before enrolling. 499. 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