![]() How to read course descriptions MICROBIOLOGY (MIC) 181L. Introductory Biology Laboratory I (1) I (Identical with MCB 181L, which is home). 181R. Introductory Biology I (3) I S (Identical with MCB 181R, which is home). 182. Introductory Biology II (4) II (Identical with ECOL 182, which is home). 195. Colloquium a. Great Experiments in Microbiology (1) I II (Identical with BIOC 195A, MCB 195A). b. Biotechnology (1) I II (Identical with BIOC 195B, which is home). c. Society and Science (1) I II (Identical with BIOC 195C, which is home). d. This Wormy World (1) II (Identical with V SC 195D, which is home). 199. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] I II 199H. Honors Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] I II 205L. Biology of Microorganisms Laboratory (1) I II Laboratory techniques in introductory microbiology. CR, MIC 205R. 205R. Biology of Microorganisms (4) I II Introduction to the diverse lifestyles of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoan parasites, their importance in the biosphere, and their roles in human and animal diseases. P, MCB 181L, MCB 181R; ECOL 182, CHEM 104A, CHEM 104B or consent of instructor. 285L. Principles of Microbiology Laboratory (1) II This is the laboratory course to accompany MIC 285R. P, MCB 181R, MCB 181L, ECOL 182, CHEM 103A, CHEM 103B, CHEM 104A, CHEM 104B: CR, MIC 285R for MIC and V SC majors. Strongly recommended for all others. (Identical with MCB 285L, PL P 285L, SWES 285L, and V SC 285L). 285R. Principles of Microbiology (4) II The course is an introductory microbiology class for majors, emphasizing cellular, biochemical and molecular aspects of metabolism, genetics, cell structure, and host-parasite interactions. P, MCB 181R, MCB 181L, ECOL 182, CHEM 103A, CHEM 103B, CHEM 104A, CHEM 104B: CR, MIC 285L for MIC and V SC majors. Strongly recommended for all others. (Identical with MCB 285R, PL P 285R, SWES 285R, and V SC 285R). 299. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] 299H. Honors Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] 305. Introductory Plant Pathology (3) I (Identical with PL P 305, which is home). 328. Microbial Physiology (3) I II (Identical with V SC 328, which is home). 393. Internship (1-3) [Rpt./] I II 399. Independent Study (1-4) [Rpt./] 399H. Honors Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] I II 403L. Parasitology Laboratory (1) I (Identical with V SC 403L, which is home). May be convened with MBIM 503L. 403R. Biology of Animal Parasites (3) I (Identical with V SC 403R, which is home). May be convened with MBIM 503R. 410. Cell Biology (3) II (Identical with MCB 410, which is home). 411. Molecular Biology (3) II (Identical with MCB 411, which is home). 419. Immunology (3) I II (Identical with V SC 419, which is home). 420. Pathogenic Bacteriology (3) II (Identical with V SC 420, which is home). 421A. Microbiological Techniques (3) I II Experiments to facilitate the development of laboratory skills in basic and applied microbiology and biotechnology with emphasis on molecular genetics and physiology. 1R, 6L. P, MIC 205R, MIC 205L. MIC 421A is not prerequisite to MIC 421B. (Identical with MCB 421A, PL P 421A, SWES 421A, V SC 421A). 421B. Microbiological Techniques (3) I II Experiments to facilitate the development of laboratory skills in basic and applied microbiology and biotechnology with emphasis on immunology and pathogenesis. 1R, 6L. P, MIC 205R, MIC 205L. MIC 421A is not prerequisite to MIC 421B. (Identical with MCB 421B, PL P 421B, SWES 421B, V SC 421B). 423. Mechanisms of Disease (4) II (Identical with V SC 423, which is home). 425. Environmental Microbiology (3) I (Identical with SWES 425, which is home). 426. Environmental Microbiology Laboratory (2) I (Identical with SWES 426, which is home). 427L. General Mycology Laboratory (2) I (Identical with PL P 427L, which is home). 427R. General Mycology (3) I (Identical with PL P 427R, which is home). 428. Microbial Genetics (3) I II (Identical with PL P 428, which is home). 429. General Virology (3) II Essential features of the viruses, including structure, gene expression and life style. Introduction to pathogenesis with respect to humans, other animals, and plants. P, MIC 181R/L or MIC 205; CHEM 241B, CHEM 243B; MCB 411 suggested. (Identical with MCB 429, V SC 429). May be convened with MBIM 529. 430. Introduction to Biophysics (2) I CDT (Identical with PHYS 430, which is home). 432. Pathogenic Virology (3) [Rpt./ 1] I (Identical with V SC 432, which is home). 438. Ecology of Infectious Disease (3) II (Identical with V SC 438, which is home). 440. Biodegradation of Pollutants in Soil and Groundwater (3) II (Identical with SWES 440, which is home). 443. Research Animal Methods (3) I (Identical with V SC 443, which is home). 451. Biology and Characterization of Plant Pathogenic Agents (4) II (Identical with PL P 451, which is home). 454. Host-Microbial Interactions (3) II (Identical with V SC 454, which is home). 470. Food Microbiology and Sanitation (3) II (Identical with N SC 470, which is home). 471. Food Microbiology and Sanitation Laboratory (2) II (Identical with N SC 471, which is home). 473. Recombinant DNA Methods and Applications (4) II (Identical with MCB 473, which is home). 475. Parasite Immunology (3) II (Identical with V SC 475, which is home). May be convened with MIC 575. 493. Internship (1-3) [Rpt./] I II 493L. Legislative Internship (6) [Rpt./] I II 494. Practicum r. Research (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II P, ENGL 101, MATH 117, ABE 120, and consent of instructor. 498. Senior Capstone (1-3) I II 498H. Honors Thesis (3) [Rpt./ 2] I II 499. Independent Study (1-4) [Rpt./] 499H. Honors Independent Study (3) [Rpt./] I II 599. Independent Study (1-3) I II S 699. Independent Study (1-3) I II S |
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