![]() How to read course descriptions MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY (MBIM) 501B. Medical Microbiology (3-3) I II The biological characteristics of microorganisms of importance in human health and disease; the reaction of the host to infectious agents and the mechanisms of host defense; diagnosis and management of infectious disease. Lectures, discussions, and laboratory experiments. This is a two-semester course with both semesters 501A-501B required to be taken consecutively in order to receive a final grade. P, BIOC 462A, BIOC 462B or equivalent. 503L. Parasite Laboratory (1) I (Identical with V SC 503L, which is home). 503R. Biology of Animal Parasites (3) I (Identical with V SC 503R, which is home). 511. Topics in Molecular Biology (1) II (Identical with MCB 511, which is home). 512. Biological Electron Microscopy (4) I II (Identical with MCB 512, which is home). 517. Microbial Physiology and Gene Cloning (3) II Biochemical and physiological activities of microorganisms. 519. General Immunological Concepts (4) I (Identical with V SC 519, which is home). 520. Pathogenic Bacteriology (3) II (Identical with V SC 520, which is home). 523. Mechanisms of Disease (4) II (Identical with V SC 523, which is home). 525. Environmental Microbiology (3) I (Identical with SWES 525, which is home). 526. Environmental Microbiology Laboratory (2) I (Identical with SWES 526, which is home). 527L. General Mycology Lab (2) I General mycology laboratory, with emphasis on the microfungi. P or CR, MBIM 527R. 527R. General Mycology (3) I General mycology, with emphasis on the microfungi. P, MIC 205. 529. General Virology (3) II Essential features of the viruses, including structure, gene expression and life cycle. Introduction to pathogenesis with respect to humans, other animals, and plants. P, MIC 205, CHEM 241B, CHEM 243B; MCB 411 suggested. (Identical with MCB 529, V SC 529). 530. Introduction to Biophysics (2) I (Identical with PHYS 530, which is home). 531. Biophysical Theory (2) II (Identical with PHYS 531, which is home). 532. Pathogenic Virology (3) [Rpt./ 1] I (Identical with V SC 532, which is home). 538. Ecology of Infectious Disease (3) II (Identical with V SC 538, which is home). 540. Biodegradation of Pollutants in Soil and Groundwater (3) II (Identical with SWES 540, which is home). 543. Research Animal Methods (3) I (Identical with V SC 543, which is home). 546. Environmental Biotechnology (2) II (Identical with SWES 546, which is home). 550L. Medical Mycology Laboratory (2) II Laboratory experiments dealing with isolation and identification of fungi of medical importance. 6L. P or CR, MBIM 550R. (Identical with V SC 550L). 550R. Medical Mycology (2) II The isolation and identification of fungi of medical importance. 6L. P, MIC 205. (Identical with V SC 550R). 551. Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis (3) I (Identical with CBIO 551, which is home). 552. Molecular Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis (3) I Review of current concepts in specific areas of microbial pathogenesis, including action of exo- and endotoxins, cell surface interactions, phagocytosis and host microbicidal functions. P, BIOC 460. 554. Host-Microbial Interactions (3) II (Identical with V SC 554, which is home). 555. Cancer Therapeutics (3) II (Identical with CBIO 555, which is home). 560. Development of the Immune System (4) I II Developmental biology of T cells and B cells. Negative selection (tolerance induction) during the differentiation of T cells and B cells as mediated by T cell receptors and immunoglobulin receptors, respectively. Development of major histocompatibility complex antigen restriction (positive selection) during differentiation of T cells in the thymus. Regulation of positive and negative selection in health and disease (autoimmunity). 561. Immunobiology (3) II Cells and cellular events involved in humoral and cell-mediated immune responses; morphologic, physiologic and biochemical characterizations of the lymphoreticular system. P, BIOC 462A. 562. Tumor Immunology (3) I The immunological mechanisms involved in host responses to tumors, with emphasis on the delineation of cellular interactions between immune cells and tumor cells that may result in tumor progression or rejection. (Identical with CBIO 562). 570. Molecular Genetics and Evolution (3) I Molecular genetics and biology of the bacterial viruses; molecular mechanisms of gene regulation, DNA replication, DNA repair, mutation and genetic recombination; current research in bacterial genetics (lysogeny, transduction, conjugation, use of transposons and gene fusions in genetic analysis and transformation); recent advances in molecular evolution with emphasis on evolution of DNA polymerases. (Identical with GENE 570). 575. Parasite Immunology (3) II (Identical with V SC 575, which is home). May be convened with MBIM 475. 580. Molecular Virology (3) II The current status of basic research in virology at the molecular level. P, CHEM 460. 582. Immunotoxicology (3) I (Identical with PCOL 582, which is home). Change course title to: Immunotoxicology and Immunopharmacology. Spring 99 589. Cancer Genetics (3) [Rpt./ 1] I (Identical with CBIO 589, which is home). 593. Internship (1-6) [Rpt./] I II 596. Seminar a. Current Problems in Molecular Biophysics (1) I II (Identical with PHYS 596A, which is home). 599. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] I II 630. Experimental Methods for Research (4) II Hands-on techniques necessary for pursuing a research career in Microbiology and Immunology. 12L. P, MBIM 501, MBIM 560 or MBIM 561; MIC 419, BIOC 460, consult department before enrolling. (Identical with V SC 630). 693. Internship (1-6) I II 695. Colloquium a. Readings in Microbiology (1) [Rpt./ 5] I II b. Immunopathology (1) I d. Molecular and Cellular Immunology (1) I II f. Tumor Virology (1) II g. Host-Parasite Interactions (1) [Rpt./ 1] II i. Immunology Data Analysis (1) I k. Readings in Immunology (1) I II 696. Seminar a. Research (1) [Rpt./ 1] I II 699. Independent Study (1-5) [Rpt./] I II 800. Research (3-6) [Rpt./] I P, consent of instructor and coordinator. 801B. Medical Microbiology (3-3) I II This is a two-semester course with both semesters required to be taken consecutively (801A-801B) in order to receive a final grade. P, BIOC 462A, BIOC 462B or equivalent. 891. Preceptorship a. Microbiology and Immunology (3-12) [Rpt./ 12 units] I II 899. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] 900. Research (1-6) [Rpt./] 909. Master's Report (1-6) [Rpt./] 910. Thesis (1-6) [Rpt./] 920. Dissertation (1-9) [Rpt./] 930. 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