![]() How to read course descriptions LANGUAGE, READING AND CULTURE (LRC) 139. Literacy Tutoring (3) Introduction to literacy and study strategies theory and practices; observation of literacy learning; supervised literacy tutoring. 195. Colloquium a. Freshman Colloquium (1) I 197. Workshop a. Investigating Learning Strategies (3) 199. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] I II 304. Decoding Skills in the Elementary School (2) I II Basic decoding skills needed in reading; methods and materials used in teaching reading. 320. Teaching with New Technologies (3) S Surveys current technological developments, including hardware and software, and their impact on teaching and learning processes in schools today. 393. Internship (1-2) [Rpt./] I II 394. Practicum (1-6) [Rpt./] 399. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] 399H. Honors Independent Study (3) [Rpt./] 406. Foundations of Reading Instruction in Spanish (3) II Introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of the reading process, with attention to essential decoding and comprehension skills; special application for teaching Spanish-speaking children to read. Taught in Spanish. P, Spanish fluency. 410. Foundations of Bilingual Education (3) I II Socio-cultural factors, language practices and education; analysis of theories and practices affecting bilingual learners; historical, social and cultural influences; relationship of theory to the characteristics and needs of the bilingual learner. May be convened with LRC 510. 412. Educating the Culturally Diverse (3) I II Issues faced in education associated with ethnic and linguistic pluralism in the United States; analysis of the interaction of school, community, cultural and family factors in the education of diverse populations. May be convened with LRC 512. 414. Bilingual Reading and Writing (3) I Analysis of reading and writing situations encountered by bilingual students; phonological, semantic, and syntactic aspects of instruction; methods and materials. May be convened with LRC 514. 415. Media and Reading, Language and Arts (3) Procedures for planning, creating and using effective media presentations in reading and language arts instructional settings. May be convened with LRC 515. 418. Methods and Materials in Bilingual Education (3) I II Analysis and evaluation of methods and materials used in bilingual education programs; effective strategies in first and second languages; concurrent and separate language approaches and cooperative models. May be convened with LRC 518. 428. Bilingual Curriculum and Development (3) I II Theory and application of curriculum development to bilingual instructional programs: designs, organizational patterns, materials and media, change strategies, and evaluation. May be convened with LRC 528. 430. Computer Application for Teachers (3) I II Introduction to computer applications for language arts and other educators; examination of current and proposed hardware and software; survey of technological developments and trends impacting education; examination of social, psychological and educational consequences of technology in education. May be convened with LRC 530. 435. Content Area Literacy in a Multicultural School (3) I II Prepares teachers to integrate knowledge of cultural diversity and literacy processes with their content and specialization. P, admission to the College of Education. May be convened with LRC 535. 480. Children's Literature in the Classroom (3) Analysis and discussion of classic and contemporary children's literature of all genres, and its relationship to language, reading and culture. P, admission to the College of Education. May be convened with LRC 580. 493. Internship (1-6) [Rpt./] 498. Senior Capstone (1-3) I II 498H. Honors Thesis (3) [Rpt./ 2] 499. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] 504. Language and Culture in Education (3) I II Introduction to aspects of language and culture that affect education, particularly in reading, writing and the language arts; discussion of social and political concerns. 505. Essentials of Reading and Writing (3) I II Survey of reading and writing relationships: development, instruction, and evaluation. 507. Teaching of Reading: Decoding and Comprehension (3) I II Linguistic, psychological and cultural bases of decoding and comprehension; theories that influence practice; materials and practices that facilitate learning to read. 508. The Mexican American: Cultural Perspective (3) I (Identical with MAS 508, which is home). 510. Foundations of Bilingual Education (3) I II For a description of course topics see LRC 410. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper or other project. May be convened with LRC 410. 512. Educating the Culturally Diverse (3) I II For a description of course topics see LRC 412. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper or other project on an aspect related to the course. May be convened with LRC 412. 514. Bilingual Reading and Writing (3) I For a description of course topics see LRC 414. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper or other project. May be convened with LRC 414. 515. Media and Reading, Language and Arts (3) For a description of course topics see LRC 415. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper or project. May be convened with LRC 415. 518. Methods and Materials in Bilingual Education (3) I II For a description of course topics see LRC 418. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper or other project on an aspect related to the course. May be convened with LRC 418. 527. Developing Language Arts Curriculum (3) II Curriculum theory and models; staff development for implementing change; scope and sequence; planning effective learning experiences. P, LRC 504, LRC 505. 528. Bilingual Curriculum and Development (3) I II For a description of course topics see LRC 428. Graduate-level requirements may include an in-depth research paper or other project on an aspect related to the course. May be convened with LRC 428. 530. Computer Application for Teachers (3) I II For a description of course topics see LRC 430. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper or other project. May be convened with LRC 430. 532. Pre-Reading and Beginning Reading Development (3) I II An examination of various aspects involved in pre-reading and beginning reading development, including psychological, sociological, physiological, linguistic and educational considerations. 535. Content Area Literacy in a Multicultural School (3) I II For a description of course topics see LRC 435. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper or other project. May be convened with LRC 435. 537. Classroom Diagnosis and Instruction (3) I II Procedures for diagnosing and developing reading and writing skills for pupils of below-average achievement level. P or CR, LRC 505. 545. Research in Computer Language Arts (3) I II The role of scholarship and research in the rapidly evolving field of computer-mediated language arts teaching and learning. Analysis of research methodologies and evaluation of technology's impact on the classroom learning experience. 551. Reading, Writing and Texts: A Psycho-Sociolinguistic Perspective (3) I II Readers and writers as users of language; reading and writing as language processes; what makes a text a text. 553. Language Acquisition and Development (3) I Study of the development of language in young children; focus on oral language and its relationship to emergent literacy; instructional strategies that build on language development. 554. Applied Linguistics in Education (3) I The application to curriculum, teaching and learning of concepts from linguistics, psycho-linguistics and sociolinguistics. P or CR, LRC 551. 557. Application of Miscue Analysis (3) II Study of miscue analysis to explore the reading process, reading research, and readability, as well as to evaluate readers; applications to reading strategies and curriculum; focus on comprehension. P or CR, LRC 551. 559. Whole Language: Curriculum and Organization (3) II Whole language pedagogy: theory, curriculum, organization, and practice. Application will be made to all levels in first and second languages. Field trips. 570. Language Research Methodology (3) I II Investigation of procedures for conducting literacy research; examples of literacy research paradigms; critical analysis of evidence supporting literacy practices. P, LRC 507 or CR, LRC 551. 575. Anthropology and Education (3) I Intended to acquaint students with anthropological theories and methods that can have an impact on educational analysis. (Identical with ANTH 575). 576. Teacher Research (3) II Focuses on issues and implications of the teacher research movement within education and on the research strategies and techniques used by teachers in conducting research in their own classroom settings. 578. Field Experience (3) I II Supervised experience in assessment and instruction of literacy-related practices. P or CR, LRC 504 or LRC 505. 580. Children's Literature in the Classroom (3) For a description of course topics see LRC 480. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper or other project. May be convened with LRC 480. 581. Multiethnic Literature and Literacy (3) I Analyzes the use of multiethnic literature that fosters self-concept, acceptance, and a sense of identity to develop literacy. Includes readings from the major categories of multiethnic literature about Black, Native, Hispanic, and Asian Americans. 582. The Art of the Picture Book (4) I II A picture book conveys its meaning through the integration of art and language. This course examines visual literacy through the art of picture books by exploring art as a meaning-making process. 583. Literature Discussions (3) I II Issues related to dialogue about children's literature within a community of readers. Research, theory and practice related to literature discussion groups, text, sets, reader response and collaborative learning. 584. Literature and Literacy for Young Children (3) I Examines children's literature and its role in the literacy development of young children (preschool - 3rd grade). Explores both the types of literature and ways to bring children and books together. 585. Literature for Adolescents (3) I This course offers teachers, librarians, and others an opportunity to explore and critique the wealth of literature written especially for young adult readers. 591. Preceptorship (1-6) [Rpt./] 593. Internship (1-6) [Rpt./] I II 594. Practicum (1) [Rpt./] I 595. Colloquium a. Issues in Language, Reading and Culture (1-3) [Rpt./ 12 units] I II P, LRC 504, LRC 505. b. Language Learning and Reading Disabilities (3) II (Identical with SER 595B, which is home). c. Issues in Educating Bilingual/Multicultural Children (1-3) [Rpt./ 9 units] I II d. Applications of Language and Literacy (3) [Rpt./ 2] II S e. Anthropology and Education (3) I (Identical with ANTH 596e). 597. Workshop a. Southern Arizona Writing Project (3-9) [Rpt./ 12 units] (Identical with ENGL 597A, which is home). b. Miscue Analysis in Teacher Education (2-3) II o. The Teaching of English (3) [Rpt./ 1] (Identical with ENGL 597O, which is home). 599. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] 612. Grammatical Analysis (3) I (Identical with ENGL 612, which is home). 613. Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (3) I (Identical with ENGL 613, which is home). 627. Curriculum Development and Supervision in Language Arts (3) I II Organizational patterns of language arts curricula; approaches to improvement of language arts instruction; personnel relations. Designed for the language arts supervisor and school administrator. P, LRC 527. 634. Reading Comprehension: Theories, Research and Methods (3) I II Factors affecting cognitive development; methods of influencing growth in reading comprehension; examination and analysis of instructional materials; research related to comprehension and cognitive development. P, LRC 507. 635. Reading and Writing in Content Areas (3) II Methodology appropriate for reading and writing to learn content; compatible organizational models; program implementation. P or CR, LRC 507, LRC 504, LRC 505 or LRC 551. 638. Reading Diagnostic Laboratory (3-6) [Rpt./ 6 units] I II Supervised practice in reading assessment; identification of factors influencing reading achievement, evaluation, construction, and administration of assessment procedures; development of interview techniques. P, LRC 507, LRC 537. 639. Reading Instructional Laboratory (3-6) [Rpt./ 6 units] I II Supervised practice in teaching reading and writing; preparing, analyzing and critiquing special instructional programs for students. Open to majors only. P, LRC 507, LRC 537. 640. Multicultural Education and Social Justice (3) I II Critical issues in multicultural education, focusing on culture, language, power, and identity, with application to the creation of more just and equitable educational systems. 653. Written Language Development (3) Study of latest research in the writing and reading development of preschool and school-aged children; relationships between reading and writing development explored through student research; applications to instruction. P, LRC 505, LRC 553. 677. History of American Indian Education (3) (Identical with AIS 677, which is home). 678. Contemporary American Indian Education and Research (3) (Identical with AIS 678, which is home). 693. Internship (1-6) [Rpt./] I II 694. Practicum a. Bilingual Education (3) [Rpt./ 2] I II P, 15 graduate units including LRC 510 and LRC 514. 696. Seminar a. Language, Reading and Culture (1-3) [Rpt./ 21 units] P, 15 graduate units including LRC 504 and LRC 505. b. Research in Bilingual Education (1-6) I II c. Research in Language and Literacy (1-6) [Rpt./ 9 units] I II 699. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] 791. Preceptorship (1-6) [Rpt./] 795. Colloquium a. Theory and Research in Language, Reading and Culture (1-3) [Rpt./ 15 units] I II 796. Seminar a. Research and Evaluation in Language, Reading and Culture (1-3) [Rpt./ 15 units] I II 900. Research (1-6) [Rpt./] 910. Thesis (1-6) [Rpt./] 920. Dissertation (1-9) [Rpt./] 930. Supplementary Registration (1-9) [Rpt./] Academic Policies|College Information|Department Information|List of Courses|Undergraduate Majors|Undergraduate Minors|Academic Program Requirements Reports|Minor Requirement Reports|Academic Calendar|Schedule of Classes|Important Deadlines|List of Faculty|Accreditations and Affiliations|Graduate Catalog|Previous Catalogs|Order a Catalog|Student Responsibility|Home |
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