![]() How to read course descriptions JOURNALISM (JOUR) 151. News in Mass Communications (3) I II Designed to acquaint the non-journalist with communications techniques used by newspapers, wire services, information agencies, news magazines and broadcast news; analysis of social and historical influence on the news media. 195. Colloquium a. Good News and Bad News (1) II 201. Photojournalism/Visual Communications (2) I II Reporting the news through images and graphics using color and black and white photography, digital cameras, electronic darkrooms and image transfers. 202. Photojournalism Laboratory (1) I II Students complete news photography assignments. Introduction to electronic darkroom, digital techniques and computerized news photography. P or CR, JOUR 201. 205. Reporting The News (3) I II Gathering, evaluating, and writing news. P or CR, 208; first year composition, knowledge of typing, consent of department required to enroll. (Identical with M AR 205). 206. Advanced Reporting (3) I II Comprehensive and accurate news presentation, with emphasis on interview techniques and coverage of major news stories. P, JOUR 205, consent of department to enroll. 208. Law of the Press (3) I II Introduction to Freedom of Expression. Responsibility of the media, libel, and laws pertaining to broadcast and print journalism. P, first year composition and knowledge of typing. (Identical with M AR 208). 299. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] I II 299H. Honors Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] I 320. Editing (2) I II Theory and techniques of copy editing and headline writing; training on video display terminals. P, JOUR 208; CR, JOUR 206; consent of department required to enroll. 362. Writing for Media (3) I II (Identical with M AR 362, which is home). 396H. Honors Proseminar (3) II 399. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] 399H. Honors Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] I II 403. Advanced Photojournalism (3) I II Reporting and interpreting the news through photos, photo documentaries, and photo analysis. Open to majors only. P, JOUR 301, JOUR 302. May be convened with JOUR 503. 405. The Study of News (3) I II Critical study and problem analysis of the media. Field work may include publication of conclusions. May be convened with JOUR 505. 406. Magazine Color Photography (3) S Techniques for taking and editing color photographs to illustrate magazine articles. Preparation of resumes and photo portfolios. Field trip. May be convened with JOUR 506. 411. News Features (3) I II Writing the basic news feature article; specialized reporting and rewriting techniques. P, JOUR 206, consent of department to enroll. Writing-Emphasis Course*. May be convened with JOUR 511. 413. Reporting Public Affairs (3) I II Study and practice of newsgathering on executive, legislative, and judicial levels in city, county, state and federal governments, with emphasis on news sources and interpretive writing, Writing-Emphasis Course*. P, JOUR 206, JOUR 208, consent of department to enroll. May be convened with JOUR 513. 414. The News Agency: Arizona News Service (1) [Rpt./ 1] I II Role and operations of the news agency, wire service or syndicate. Class members will form staff of Arizona News Service to supply client newspapers from bureaus in Tucson and Phoenix. P or CR, JOUR 411 or JOUR 413; consent of department required to enroll. Field trip. May be convened with JOUR 514. 417. Sports News Writing (3) I Students will cover sports events and write sports features. Interview and rewriting techniques. P, JOUR 206. Writing-Emphasis Course*. May be convened with JOUR 517. 421. Advanced Editing (3) II Study of layout and typography for news, photographs, and feature articles in newspapers. P, JOUR 320, consent of department to enroll. May be convened with JOUR 521. 422. Publications Layout and Design (3) I Theory and practice of layout, typography, and design for magazines. P, consent of department to enroll. May be convened with JOUR 522. 439. Ethics and the News Media (3) I Analysis of ethical theory and how it relates to journalists' roles and responsibilities in a democratic society. Case studies involve questions of bias, accuracy, privacy and national security. (Identical with LA S 439). May be convened with JOUR 539. 450. Community Journalism: The Tombstone Epitaph (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II Class members work as editorial staff to produce the local newspaper for Tombstone, Arizona. Intensive study of problems and responsibilities of community newspapers. P, JOUR 206, JOUR 208, discussion of preparation with instructor. May be convened with JOUR 550. 451. Community Journalism: El Independiente (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II Class members work as editorial staff to produce a publication for the community of South Tucson. Intensive study of problems and responsibilities of journalism. P, JOUR 206, JOUR 208, discussion of preparation with instructor. May be convened with JOUR 551. 470. The Press and Society (3) I II Critical study of press performance in current affairs; changing requirements for socially responsible and professional journalism in a democracy. (Identical with M AR 470). May be convened with JOUR 570. 471. International Communications (3) I II Study of world news systems, including news gathering agencies, role of the foreign correspondent, the foreign press, the factors influencing international news flow. May be convened with JOUR 571. 480. Reporting for Broadcast News (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II (Identical with M AR 480, which is home). 481. Internet Business and Technology (3) (Identical with MIS 481, which is home). May be convened with JOUR 581. 493. Internship (1-6) [Rpt./] 493. Internship l. Legislative Internship (1-12) [Rpt./] I II 494. Practicum (1-3) [Rpt./] 496. Seminar i. News Analysis (3) I II May be convened with JOUR 596I. m. Directions in News Technology (3) [Rpt./ 1] S May be convened with JOUR 596M. 498. Senior Capstone (1-3) I II 498H. Honors Thesis (3) [Rpt./ 2] I II 499. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] 499H. Honors Independent Study (3) [Rpt./] I II *Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency requirement (See "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual). 502. Freedom of Expression (3) II Analysis of access and barriers to information and communication at local, state, national and international levels; intensive study of the legal relationship between mass media and society. Open to majors only. 503. Advanced Photojournalism (3) I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 403. Graduate-level requirements include an intensive photo essay illustrating a social problem unique to the Southwest. May be convened with JOUR 403. 505. The Study of News (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 405. Graduate-level requirements include a major research paper on an aspect of the subject matter. May be convened with JOUR 405. 506. Magazine Color Photography (3) S For a description of course topics see JOUR 406. Graduate-level requirements include additional readings and two additional photo assignments. May be convened with JOUR 406. 511. News Features (3) I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 411. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth profile of an Arizona newsmaker. May be convened with JOUR 411. 513. Reporting Public Affairs (3) I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 413. Graduate-level requirements include identification, through study and interviews, of a major Tucson issue and completion of a series of articles that suggest resolution of the issue. P, JOUR 206, JOUR 502, and department consent required to enroll. May be convened with JOUR 413. 514. The News Agency: Arizona News Service (1) I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 414. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. P or CR, JOUR 411 or JOUR 413 and department consent required to enroll. May be convened with JOUR 414. 517. Sports News Writing (3) I For a description of course topics see JOUR 417. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper concentrating on issues raised in class. P, department consent required to enroll. May be convened with JOUR 417. 521. Advanced Editing (3) II For a description of course topics see JOUR 421. Graduate-level requirements include assuming leadership positions such as news editor or copy desk chief during lab simulations. P, JOUR 320. May be convened with JOUR 421. 522. Publications Layout and Design (3) I For a description of course topics see JOUR 422. Graduate-level requirements include critically analyzing a major publication and redesigning it according to newest principles. May be convened with JOUR 422. 539. Ethics and the News Media (3) I For a description of course topics see JOUR 439. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper examining a major ethical issue and providing a critique regarding how the media resolved the issue. (Identical with LA S 539). May be convened with JOUR 439. 550. Community Journalism: The Tombstone Epitaph (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 450. Graduate-level requirements include assuming leadership roles, such as city editor or news editor, on the newspaper. May be convened with JOUR 450. 551. Community Journalism: El Independiente (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 451. Graduate-level requirements include assuming leadership roles, such as city editor or news editor, on the publication. May be convened with JOUR 451. 570. The Press and Society (3) I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 470. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper addressing a modern media problem and proposing a solution to it. May be convened with JOUR 470. 571. International Communications (3) I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 471. Graduate students will be required to complete one extra research paper. May be convened with JOUR 471. 581. Internet Business and Technology (3) (Identical with MIS 581, which is home). May be convened with JOUR 481. 593. Internship (1-6) [Rpt./] 594. Practicum (1-3) [Rpt./] 596. Seminar a. History of the Press (3) I II h. Latin-American Press (3) I II (Identical with LA S 596H). i. News Analysis (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II For a description of course topics see JOUR 496I. May be convened with JOUR 496I. m. Directions in News Technology (3) [Rpt./ 1] S For a description of course topics see JOUR 496M. May be convened with JOUR 496M. 599. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] 699. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] II 900. Research (2-4) [Rpt./] 909. Master's Report (1-3) [Rpt./] 910. Thesis (2-6) [Rpt./] 930. Supplementary Registration (1-9) [Rpt./] Academic Policies|College Information|Department Information|List of Courses|Undergraduate Majors|Undergraduate Minors|Academic Program Requirements Reports|Minor Requirement Reports|Academic Calendar|Schedule of Classes|Important Deadlines|List of Faculty|Accreditations and Affiliations|Graduate Catalog|Previous Catalogs|Order a Catalog|Student Responsibility|Home |
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