![]() How to read course descriptions INFORMATION RESOURCES AND LIBRARY SCIENCE (IRLS) 116. Introduction to Microcomputers (3) Examination of microcomputers in the information environment. Emphasis on hardware and software concepts. 195. Colloquium a. Freshman Colloquium (1) 400. Social Constructs of Information (3) I II Introduction to information as it is used and defined by society. Geography of information, economics of information, and intellectual property concerns. May be convened with IRLS 500. 401. Knowledge Structures I (3) I II Introduction to the theories and practices used in the organization of information. Overview of national and international standards and practices for access to information in collections. May be convened with IRLS 501. 404. Foundations of Library and Information Services (3) I II Elements of librarianship, historical backgrounds, types of libraries, the role of the library in American life, current issues. May be convened with IRLS 504. 411. Information Storage and Retrieval (3) I II Student involvement in on-line interactive systems. 424. Information Resources Evaluation (3) Methods of evaluation of information resources in society. Development of terms and functions for evaluation. May be convened with IRLS 524. 441. Children's Literature in Spanish (3) I (Identical with SPAN 441, which is home). 443. Knowledge and Society (3) II (Identical with PHIL 443, which is home). May be convened with IRLS 543. 460. Information Resource Development (3) Principles of identifying, selecting, acquiring, managing, and evaluating information resources for particular demographic areas. May be convened with IRLS 560. 481. School Library Administration and Organization (3) II Services, finances, personnel, evaluation, quarters, organization and technical services in the school library. May be convened with IRLS 581. 493. Internship (1-6) [Rpt./] 494. Practicum (2-3) [Rpt./] 498. Senior Capstone (1-3) I II 499. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] 500. Social Constructs of Information (3) I II For a description of course topics see IRLS 400. For a description of course topics see 400. Graduate-level requirements involve extra readings and in-depth exams. May be convened with IRLS 400. 501. Knowledge Structures I (3) I II For a description of course topics see IRLS 401. For description of course topics see 401. Graduate-level requirements include additional assignments and a higher level of performance. May be convened with IRLS 401. 504. Foundations of Library and Information Services (3) I II For a description of course topics see 404. Graduate-level requirements include a greater number of assignments and a higher level of performance. May be convened with IRLS 404. 506. Research Methods I (3) I II Research methodology, research design, and elementary statistics. 520. Ethics for Information Professionals (3) I II S Study of the basics of ethical theory and its application to problems in information management. Application and development of ethical codes in case studies. 524. Information Resources Evaluation (3) For a description of course topics see IRLS 424. Graduate-level requirements involve extra readings and in-depth exams. May be convened with IRLS 424. 543. Knowledge and Society (3) II (Identical with PHIL 543, which is home). May be convened with IRLS 443. 560. Information Resource Development (3) For a description of course topics see IRLS 460. Graduate-level requirements involve extra readings and in-depth exams. May be convened with IRLS 460. 572. Government Information: Policy and Resources (3) I II To consider information policies and resources of the government of the United States and to develop an understanding of how those policies have evolved, and how they affect the political systems, the average citizen, and the overall structure of information dissemination in this country. 575. Human Factors in Information Systems (3) I II Study of the human-information system interface: computers, human-information processing, physical-psychological factors in design and operation of information systems. 581. School Library Administration and Organization (3) II For a description of course topics see IRLS 481. Graduate-level requirements include a greater number of assignments and a higher level of performance. May be convened with IRLS 481. 587. Information Seeking Behaviors (3) I Information-seeking theories, methods, and user behaviors will be covered in order to gain an understanding of how different groups of people seek, gather and retrieve information in a variety of information environments. Information-seeking behavior draws on literature from library and information science, psychology, and communications. 588. Issues in Information Resources (3) [Rpt./ 3] I II Examines problems associated with current issues in information resources and other information centers. 589. Scholarly Communication (3) I II Structure and workings of scholarly communication and products in the U.S. Examines the content and technology of scholarly communication in various disciplines. (Identical with COMM 589). 593. Internship l. Legislative Internship (1-9) [Rpt./] II 600. Introduction to Graduate Study in Music (3) I (Identical with MUS 600, which is home). 601. Knowledge Structures II (3) I II Theory of classification, subject approaches to information, and advanced data coding. 606. Research Methods II (3) I II Regression and correlation techniques, analysis of variants, advanced techniques. Emphasis on research and problem solving in information agencies. 608. Planning and Evaluation of Information Centers (3) II The planning/evaluation cycle as an approach to assessing various information center services. 612. Expert Systems in Information Resources (3) II Examines the role and place of expert systems. Emphasis on development of knowledge-based systems. 613. Systems Analysis and Evaluation (3) I II Introduction to quantitative methods for the design, analysis and control of library systems. 614. Information Theory and Transfer (3) I II Nature of information in the social setting. Examines the use, value, and relevance of information as well as the dispersion of information through open and closed systems. 617. Social Epistemology and Information Science (3) I Epistemology is the study of knowledge. Basically, epistemology is concerned with how it is that people know what they know. The focus of this course will be on social epistemology in particular. 622. Advanced Information Resources (3) I II Analysis of information needs of subjects specialists. Approaches to evaluation of information exchanges and sources. 624. Health and Medical Informatics (3) I II Information systems used in health and medical settings. Particular attention is given to the integration of traditional and nontraditional methods of information transfer. 688. Advanced Issues in Information Resources (3) [Rpt./ 2] I II Topics vary. Problems associated with current issues in information resources and information centers. 693. Internship (2-4) [Rpt./] 694. Practicum (1-6) [Rpt./] 695. Colloquium e. Theory of Classification (1-3) I II h. Children's and Youth Services and Literature (2-3) [Rpt./ 6 units] I 696. Seminar a. Current Research Trends (1-4) [Rpt./ 8 units] I II d. Current Resources in School Libraries (3) S e. Information Resources(3) I II 699. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] 796. Seminar a. Advanced Topics in Information Resources (3) I II 900. Research (1-9) [Rpt./] 910. Thesis (1-6) [Rpt./] 920. Dissertation (1-9) [Rpt./] I II 930. Supplementary Registration (1-9) [Rpt./] Academic Policies|College Information|Department Information|List of Courses|Undergraduate Majors|Undergraduate Minors|Academic Program Requirements Reports|Minor Requirement Reports|Academic Calendar|Schedule of Classes|Important Deadlines|List of Faculty|Accreditations and Affiliations|Graduate Catalog|Previous Catalogs|Order a Catalog|Student Responsibility|Home |
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