![]() How to read course descriptions GERONTOLOGY (GERO) 399. Independent Study (1-3) [Rpt./] I II 413. Issues in Aging (3) II (Identical with FS 413, which is home). 424. Gerontology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (3) I II (Identical with PSYC 424, which is home). May be convened with GERO 524. 427. Aging and Public Policy (3) II (Identical with PA 427, which is home). May be convened with GERO 527. 447. Perspectives in Geriatrics Laboratory (1) II (Identical with PHPR 447, which is home). 448. Perspectives in Geriatrics (2) II (Identical with PHPR 448, which is home). 457. Law of the Elderly (3) II Examines law as it affects the elderly in such areas as legislation, finances, housing, death, guardianship, access to services and ethics. Focuses on the recognition/analysis of legal problems and identification of legal resources. (Identical with PA 457). May be convened with GERO 557. 459. Adult Development and Aging (3) I (Identical with PSYC 459, which is home). May be convened with GERO 559. 470A. Human Adaptability (3) I (Identical with ANTH 470A, which is home). May be convened with GERO 570A. 498. Senior Capstone (1-3) I II 499. Independent Study (1-3) I II 524. Gerontology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (3) I II (Identical with PSYC 524, which is home). May be convened with GERO 424. 527. Aging and Public Policy (3) II (Identical with PA 527, which is home). May be convened with GERO 427. 530. Aging and Social Sciences (3) I Multidisciplinary overview of aging through the life course within a social, institutional and cultural context. Addresses the changing demographics, social supports and relationships, illness behavior, aging and death, work and retirement, housing and the economic status of the elderly. (Identical with PA 530). 547. Perspectives in Geriatrics Lab (1) II (Identical with PHSC 547, which is home). May be convened with GERO 447. 548. Perspectives in Geriatrics (2) II (Identical with PHSC 548, which is home). May be convened with GERO 448. 550. Biology of Aging (3) I Introductory graduate course focusing on human aging for students with backgrounds in biological sciences, psychology, social sciences, or health care. Designed to introduce current data and thinking on the biological aspects of aging in animals. Includes demographic aspects of aging; the changes occurring in aging humans; longevity and its measurement; comparative studies in animals other than people; and current theories of why all animals age. 556. Psychology of Death and Loss (3) For a description of course topics see PSYC 456. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper on an aspect of psychology of death or loss. (Identical to PSYC 556). May be convened with PSYC 456. 557. Law of the Elderly (3) II For a description of course topics see GERO 457. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper utilizing legal material and a class report on that research. (Identical with PA 557). May be convened with GERO 457. 559. Adult Development and Aging (3) I (Identical with PSYC 559, which is home). May be convened with GERO 459. 560B. Methods in Aging Research (3-3) I II Emphasizes understanding/application of fundamental methodology concepts in research design, assessment and statistics as they relate to the conduct of research and program evaluation in aging. Application of concepts through critique of articles and development of research and evaluation projects. P, GERO 560A is prerequisite to GERO 560B. 570A. Human Adaptability (3) I (Identical with ANTH 570A, which is home). May be convened with GERO 470A. 576. Communicative Aspects of Aging (1) I (Identical with SP H 576, which is home). 589. Health of the Older Adult (3) I (Identical with NURS 589, which is home). 595. Colloquium a. Current Topics in Aging (1) [Rpt./ 2] I II 613. Family Issues in Aging (3) I II Critical analysis of selected family and social issues, and related current research in Gerontology. (Identical with FS 613). 636. Economics of Aging (3) I Analysis of economic issues and policy as they affect the aging individual, family and society. (Identical with FS 636). 693. Internship (1-6) 694. Practicum (1-3) [Rpt./] 695. Colloquium a. Research in Gerontology (1) I II (Identical with PHSC 695A). 699. Independent Study (1-6) [Rpt./] 900. Research (1-6) 909. Master's Report (1-6) 910. Thesis (1-6) Academic Policies|College Information|Department Information|List of Courses|Undergraduate Majors|Undergraduate Minors|Academic Program Requirements Reports|Minor Requirement Reports|Academic Calendar|Schedule of Classes|Important Deadlines|List of Faculty|Accreditations and Affiliations|Graduate Catalog|Previous Catalogs|Order a Catalog|Student Responsibility|Home |
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