How to read course descriptions
100. Principles and Practices of Agricultural Mechanization (3) I Basic principles and operative skills in construction and maintenance which are part of agricultural operations in production and urban agriculture systems. Principles for wood and metal construction, inert gas welding, plasma cutting, and construction of wood and metal projects are included. Major emphasis is placed on safety in the laboratory. 1R, 6L.
120. Microcomputing Applications (3) I II 1R, 6L. (Identical with ABE 120, which is home).
195. Colloquium
a. Agriculture Technology and Public Policy (1) I II
293. Internship (1-6) [Rpt./]
299. Independent Study (1-3)
330. Turf and Landscape Technology (3) II The basic scientific principles and skills of construction, operation, and maintenance in turf, landscape and urban agricultural equipment. Provides student with laboratory experiences in machinery, sprinkler and drip irrigation installation, operation and maintenance, chemical application systems, and hardscaping. 1R, 6L.
350. Applications in Agricultural Mechanics (3) I The fundamentals of electric power, electric motors, and leveling and measurement, and the internal combustion engine. Subject matter is selected to provide the fundamentals of applied mechanical knowledge and skills basic to urban agricultural mechanization and appropriate for instructional programs in agricultural mechanics at the secondary school level. 1R, 6L.
351. Operations in Agricultural Mechanics (3) II The fundamentals of agricultural power and machinery with emphasis upon applications to urban agricultural mechanization. Competencies include set up, adjustment, lubrication, as well as operation and maintenance of machinery involved in landscape construction, turf installation, turf maintenance, and other machinery specifically suited to urban agricultural mechanization. Selected production agriculture equipment may also be included. 1R, 6L. P, AGTM 100.
380. Global Agricultural and International Relations (3) I II The importance of agriculture to the cultures, political structures, and economies of countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. P, introductory course in anthropology, sociology or economics. Writing-Emphasis Course*. (Identical with ANTH 380, GEOG 380). Tier 2 - Individuals and Societies
393. Internship (1-6)
399. Independent Study (1-5) I II
402. Agriculture and the Environment: Focus on Pesticides (3) II Concepts, principles and applications of population ecology as related to the impact of pesticide usage on agro-ecosystems, non-target organisms, environmental quality, and the sustainability of agricultural production. Examination of the current regulations governing pesticide use in agriculture. (Identical with ENTO 402, PL P 402). May be convened with AGTM 502.
422. Communicating Knowledge in Agriculture and the Life Sciences (3) I (Identical with A ED 422, which is home). May be convened with AGTM 522.
432. Technology Management (3) II Utilizing the latest computer and technological advances to communicate effectively. Understanding the capacity and limitations of computers, software and technology. P, AGTM 122, AGTM 422. May be convened with AGTM 532.
493. Internship (2-8) [Rpt./]
494. Practicum
r. Research (3) [Rpt./ 1] I II P, ENGL 101, MATH 117, ABE 120, consent of instructor.
498. Senior Capstone (1-3) I II
499. Independent Study (3) [Rpt./]
* Writing-Emphasis Course. P, satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
502. Agriculture and the Environment: Focus on Pesticides (3) II For a description of course topics see AGTM 402. Graduate-level requirements include an additional report. P, 6 units of agricultural education. (Identical with ENTO 502, PL P 502). May be convened with AGTM 402.
522. Communicating Knowledge in Agriculture and the Life Sciences (3) I (Identical with A ED 522, which is home). May be convened with AGTM 422.
532. Technology Management (3) II For a description of course topics see AGTM 432. Graduate-level requirements include completion and maintenance of a personal portfolio utilizing all of the course's technologies. May be convened with AGTM 432.
593. Internship (2-8) [Rpt./]
599. Independent Study (1-5) [Rpt./] I II
693. Internship (1-3)
699. Independent Study (1-3)
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