100. Introduction to Women's Studies (3) Introduction to the new
information and research on women in literature, history, sociology, philosophy,
anthropology, psychology, and political science; investigations of each
discipline's approach to women's roles and status.
150. Sociology of Women (3) (Identical with SOC 150, which is home).
195. Colloquium
a. First Year Colloquium in Women's Studies (1)
c. Women in Science and Engineering (1) (Identical with ENGR 195c, which is
200. Women and Western Culture (3) Examines the various ways in which
women have been depicted in western philosophy, literature, and the arts from
the classical Greek period to the present. Explores women's cultural expressions
and representations of themselves.
205. Introduction to Feminist Literary Theory (3) Introduction to the
principles of feminist literary analysis through texts authored by women writers
and through diverse theoretical writings on race, language, sexuality,
creativity, class and subordination which forms the basis of feminist criticism.
Within the theoretical context we will explore writing by Anglo women, women of
color, and women from diverse cultural traditions. (Identical with CCLS 205).
216. Psychology of Gender (3) (Identical with PSYC 216, which is home).
220. Introduction to African American Studies (3) (Identical with AFAS
220, which is home).
225. Introduction to Women and Religion (3) (Identical with RELI 225,
which is home).
253A -
253B -. History of Women in the United States (3) (Identical with
HIST 253a-253b, which is home).
303. Gender and Language (3) (Identical with ANTH 303, which is home).
305. Feminist Theories (3) Explores feminist theories from various
disciplines, analytical frameworks, and subject areas. Examines the
construction, differentiation, and representation of the genders in different
cultural settings and explores the interactions between gender systems and
women's roles, statuses and experiences. P, 6 units in women's studies, or
consult department before enrolling.
306. African-American Autobiographies: Women and Their Histories (3)
(Identical with AFAS 306, which is home).
310. Feminist Ethics (3) Exploration of diverse feminist ethical
languages and value systems and the enactment of these languages and values
through the activisms surrounding contemporary social issues. Assignments and
class discussions directed toward students' understanding various moral
positions and articulation of their own positions. P, 3 units of women's studies
or consent of instructor.
311. Women and Sexuality: 1870- (3) Examines the regulation and
expressions of women's sexuality historically from the late 19th century to the
present. Introduces students to some of the main themes and issues in the field
of history of sexuality.
321. Women in Judaism (3) (Identical with JU S 321, which is home).
324. Women and Religion in the U.S. (3) (Identical with RELI 324, which
is home).
325. Gender and Science (3) The history and philosophy of science; women
as subjects of scientific research; women as scientists; future public policy.
Students will be required to write a research paper and to co-lead a class
discussion. P, 3 units in W S at 200-level or above, or 3 units of sciences at
200-level or above.
328. Women in Russian Literature and Culture (3) (Identical with RUSS
328, which is home).
330. Women in Antiquity (3) (Identical with CLAS 330).
335. Gender and Politics (3) (Identical with POL 335, which is home).
342. Writers, Women and the Gods: The Caribbean Novel (3) (Identical
with AFAS 342, which is home).
351A -
351B -. Introduction to Lesbian/Gay Literature (3-3) (Identical with
ENGL 351a-351b, which is home).
373. Women's Fictions in Twentieth-Century Germany (3) (Identical with
GER 373, which is home).
380. Nature, the Great Mother, and Woman (3) (Identical with HUMS 380,
which is home).
396H . Honors Proseminar (3) [Rpt./9 units] Course is primarily for
honors students. Repeatable if topic is different.
400. Special Topics in Women's Studies (3) [Rpt./1] Topics will vary.
May be convened with 500.
402. Gender and Language in Japan (3) (Identical with JPN 402, which is
406. Gender and Social Identity (3) (Identical with ANTH 406, which is
418. Women and Literature (3) [Rpt./1] (Identical with ENGL 418, which
is home).
423. Representation of Gender in the Media (3) (Identical with M AR 423,
which is home).
425. Theoretical Issues in the Study of Women and Religion (3)
(Identical with RELI 425, which is home). May be convened with 525.
430. Lesbian/Bisexual Women's Theories/ Lives/Activisms (3) Exploration
of the relationships between lesbian and bisexual women's lives and activisms,
and the theoretical understandings which concurrently/both arise out of and
construct those lives and activisms. P, 3 units of women's studies, preferably
305, or consent of instructor. May be convened with 530.
433. Feminist Political Theory (3) (Identical with POL 433, which is
home). May be convened with 533.
440. Engendering the Past (3) (Identical with ANTH 440, which is home).
May be convened with 540.
444. Women and the Body (3) Exploration of the ways that women have
defined their bodies; how the representation of woman as body permeates the
culture and affects women's sense of self and self-esteem. Examination of
feminist theoretical analyses of women's power and the control of women's
bodies. P, 6 units in women's studies. May be convened with 544.
445. Women in Islamic History (3) (Identical with HIST 445, which is
home). May be convened with 545.
446. Health and the Global Economy (3) (Identical with GEOG 446, which
is home). May be convened with 546.
450. American Indian Women (3) (Identical with AIS 450, which is home).
453. History of Women and Work (3) (Identical with HIST 453, which is
455. History of Women in Europe (3) (Identical with HIST 455, which is
home). May be convened with 555.
458. Topics in Comparative Women's History (3) (Identical with HIST 458,
which is home).
459. Sociology of Gender (3) (Identical with SOC 459, which is home).
461. Feminist and IR Theories (3) (Identical with POL 461, which is
home). May be convened with 561.
464. Women in American Architecture (3) (Identical with ARCH 464, which
is home). May be convened with 564.
465. Women in International Development (3) (Identical with ANTH 465,
which is home).
468. Women in China (3) (Identical with CHN 468, which is home).
476. Women and the Law (3) (Identical with POL 476, which is home).
480. Men, Women and Work (3) Open only to students who meet the
requirement for Advanced Standing as specified in the College of Business and
Public Administration. (Identical with MAP 480, which is home).
481. Work, Motherhood and Female Identity in America: 1945 to the Present (3)
History of women in the U.S. since 1945. Will explore a variety of topics
including employment, sexuality, motherhood, abortion, reproductive technologies
and feminism, and explore how changes in these areas have affected diverse
groups of women. Prior course work in women's studies or history helpful. P, two
women's studies courses or one women's history course (Identical with HIST 481).
May be convened with 581.
483. Gender and African History (3) (Identical with HIST 483, which is
home). May be convened with 583.
485. Mexicana/Chicana Women's History (3) (Identical with MAS 485, which
is home). May be convened with 585.
489. Women in East Asia (3) [Rpt./6 units] (Identical with HIST 489,
which is home).
490. Women in Middle Eastern Society (3) (Identical with ANTH 490, which
is home).
492. Interpretations of Women's Health (3) Examines a broad array of
women's health issues, with a focus on the social, cultural, and institutional
contexts shaping health and disease patterns among different populations. The
issues explored include breast and cervix cancers, AIDS, eating disorders,
violence and health care. (Identical with ANTH 492 and SOC 492).
496. Seminar
a. Women's Studies (3) [Rpt./2] May be convened with 596a.
c. Women and the Literature of Identity in Modern Middle East and North
Africa (3) (Identical with NES 496c, which is home). May be convened with 596c.
w. Feminist Approaches to the Bible (3) (Identical with JU S 496w, which is
home). May be convened with 596w.
500. Special Topics in Women's Studies (3) [Rpt./1] For a description of
course topics see 400. Graduate-level requirements include additional readings,
a book review, and a paper. May be convened with 400.
502. Gender and Language in Japan (3) (Identical with JPN 502, which is
525. Theoretical Issues in the Study of Women and Religion (3)
(Identical with RELI 525, which is home). May be convened with 425.
530. Lesbian/Bisexual Women's Theories/ Lives/Activisms (3) For
description of course topics see 430. Graduate students will be asked to do an
in-class presentation of selected materials and will have the choice of writing
a single, long term paper. May be convened with 430.
533. Feminist Political Theory (3) (Identical with POL 533, which is
home). May be convened with 433.
539. History of Feminist Theory (3) Historical grounding in
woman-centered theory characteristic of Western discourse. Each reading will be
placed in context with other contemporaneous relevant thinking of the human
condition, including attention to race, class and difference.
540. Engendering the Past (3) (Identical with ANTH 540, which is home).
May be convened with 440.
544. Women and the Body (3) For a description of course topics see 444.
Graduate-level requirements include a more comprehensive research paper and
preparation of a lecture/summary on several books in the topic. May be convened
with 444.
545. Women in Islamic History (3) (Identical with HIST 545, which is
home). May be convened with 445.
546. Health and the Global Economy (3) (Identical with GEOG 546, which
is home). May be convened with 446.
550. Modern Theories of Cultural Studies (3) (Identical with CCLS 550,
which is home).
554. Contemporary Feminist Theories (3) Introduction to contemporary
feminist theories, posing and analyzing the questions that propel theorizing
about women's relationships to processes of gender differentiation. By examining
the assumptions about gender relations that ground theoretical positions from
various disciplines, analytic traditions, and subject areas, students will be
enabled to read, synthesize and critique across the spectrum of feminist
theorizing. P, consult the committee before enrolling. (Identical with ENGL 554)
555. History of Women in Europe (3) (Identical with HIST 555, which is
home). May be convened with 455.
558. Gender Identities and Interactions (3) (Identical with SOC 558,
which is home).
559. Sociology of Gender and the State (3) (Identical with SOC 559,
which is home).
561. Feminist and IR Theories (3) (Identical with POL 561, which is
home). May be convened with 461.
564. Women in American Architecture (3) (Identical with ARCH 564, which
is home). May be convened with 464.
571. Counseling Women (3) (Identical with FS 571, which is home).
581. Work, Motherhood and Female Identity in America: 1945 to the Present
(3) For a description of course topics see 481. Graduate-level requirements
include a longer more comprehensive research paper. (Identical with HIST 581).
May be convened with 481.
583. Gender and African History (3) (Identical with HIST 583, which is
home). May be convened with 483.
584. Feminist Research Methodologies (3) Considers some epistomological
assumptions underlying research and theoretical projects of traditional
disciplines; explores feminist adaptations and critiques of these assumptions.
585. Mexicana/Chicana Women's History (3) (Identical with MAS 585, which
is home). May be convened with 485.
586. Gender, Difference, and Power (3) Focuses on gender as it has
intersected in varied ways with other cultural distinctions of difference based
on class, race, sexual identity, and religion.
590. Women in Middle Eastern Society (3) (Identical with ANTH 590, which
is home). May be convened with 490.
596. Seminar
a. Women's Studies (3) [Rpt./2] May be convened with 496a.
c. Women and the Literature of Identity in Modern Middle East and North
Africa (3) (Identical with NES 596c, which is home). May be convened with 496c.
r. Research in Women's Studies (3) [Rpt./1] P, consent of instructor.
w. Women's Studies (3) [Rpt./2] (Identical with ENGL 596w). May be convened
with 496w.
606. Women's Health in the United States (3) (Identical with ANTH 606,
which is home).
695. Colloquium
b. Feminist Jurisprudence (2) (Identical with Law 695b, which is home).
e. Advanced Studies in the History of Women (3) [Rpt./5] (Identical with HIST
696. Seminar
n. Comparative Women's History (3) [Rpt./4] P, consult committee before
enrolling. (Identical with HIST 696n, which is home).