207. Survey of Human Communication and Its Disorders (3) The role of
hearing, language and speech processes in human communication and its disorders
is covered through readings, lectures, and observations in laboratories and
260. Speech Science (4) Anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology of the speech
mechanism; acoustical characteristics of voice and speech sounds; frequency,
intensity, time and wave composition. 3R, 3L. (Identical with LING 260).
280. Hearing Science (4) Anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology of the
auditory mechanism; acoustics and psychoacoustics; decibel scale, normal
auditory function. 3R, 3L.
282. Biology of Sensation (3) (Identical with NRSC 282, which is home).
350. Language Science (3) Core features of language are identified and
integrated into a model of language that is applicable to first and second
language acquisition and language disorders. Topics may include: phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.
367. Phonetics (3) Scientific study of speech sounds; articulatory
phonetics, transcription, normal and disordered speech.
370. Adult Communication Disorders (3) The study of adult disordered
communicative processes. Consideration is given to signs and symptoms, etiology,
clinical course, and vocational-social impact of these disorders. Principles of
assessment and intervention are highlighted. Open to majors only. P, 260, 280.
371. Pediatric Communication Disorders (3) The study of child disordered
communicative processes. Consideration is given to signs and symptoms, etiology,
clinical course, and developmental-academic-social impact. Principles of
assessment and intervention are highlighted. Open to majors only. P, 260, 280.
403. Measurement for Diagnosticians (3) GRD [Rpt.] Basic statistical
competencies with their diagnostic applications. Students become familiar with
calculation of simple statistics, able to evaluate the statistical properties of
standardized tests, and the extent to which statistical evidence can support
basic diagnostic interpretations. May be convened with 503.
441. Language Acquisition (3) Principles and processes of first language
acquisition described in relation to children's social and cognitive
development; first language acquisition processes compared and contrasted to
child and adult second language acquisition and language disorders. P, 350.
(Identical with LING 441 and PSYC 441) May be convened with 541.
458. Clinical Studies: Speech-Language Pathology (1-3) [Rpt./9 units]
Under supervision, students carry out prescribed intervention programs and
conduct evaluation of children and adults. Students participate in weekly
staffings and clinical problem-solving. Open to majors only. P, 451, 471 or CR.
May be convened with 558.
459. Clinical Studies: Audiology (1-3) [Rpt./9 units] Under supervision,
students assess hearing impairments, formulate objectives, and carry out
remedial programs with emphasis on the application of research data and current
technology to clinical treatment. Open to majors only. P, 483 or CR. May be
convened with 559.
460R . Speech and Hearing Science Instrumentation (2) Consideration of
some common and specific instruments and methods employed in speech and hearing
laboratories and clinics. P, 260, 280 or CR. May be convened with 560R.
460L . Speech and Hearing Science Instrumentation Laboratory (1) P, CR,
460R. May be convened with 560L.
468. Speech Perception (3) General overview of the field of speech
perception. Topics include: role of contextual factor in the processing of
speech, developmental issues in speech perception, perception of foreign
language speech sounds, the recognition of speech by computers and animals,
implications for hearing-impaired populations and models of speech perception.
P, 260. (Identical with LING 468 and PSYC 468). May be convened with 568.
471R . Articulation Disorders and Therapies (2) Etiology, diagnosis,
prognosis, and therapy for the articulatory aspects of communication problems.
P, 350; 371; 367, senior status advised. May be convened with 571R.
471L . Laboratory in Articulation Disorders (1) Open to senior majors
only. P, 471R or CR. May be convened with 571L.
483. Principles of Audiology (3) Basic principles and techniques of
audiological testing, etiologies of hearing impairment, and intervention
strategies. P, 280 or graduate standing. May be convened with 583.
484. Audiologic Rehabilitation: Adults (3) Speech reading; auditory
training; problems encountered with amplification units; social, psychological,
educational, speech, and language difficulties encountered by the hearing
handicapped. P, 280, 483. May be convened with 584.
486. Child Audiology (3) Study of the development and disorders of the
auditory system; audiometric evaluation and differential diagnosis in infants
and children; psychological, auditory, and educational aspects of the
habilitation of aurally handicapped children. P, 280, 483. May be convened with
496. Seminar
a. Clinical Observation and Analysis (1) P, 370, 371, 483 or CR.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the
Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
500. Introduction to Quantitative Methods and Research in Speech and Hearing
Sciences (2) Study of measurement and research design and their application
in research and professional practice.
501. Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (1)
Professional practice issues including certification, licensure, supervision,
quality control, ethics, federal and state legislation.
502. Principles of Neuroanatomy (4) (Identical with CBA 502, which is
503. Measurement for Diagnosticians (3) GRD [Rpt.] For a description of
course topics see 403. Graduate-level requirements include a written review of
three test manuals. May be convened with 403.
510. Counseling Techniques in Communication Disorders (3) Introduction
to counseling the communication handicapped and their families.
541. Language Acquisition (3) For a description of course topics see
451. Graduate-level requirements include a scholarly paper/project on a selected
topic relevant to the course. (Identical with LING 541 and PSYC 541). May be
convened with 441.
549. Survival Skills for Students (2) For graduate students and
postdoctoral fellows, this course provides information and experiences that will
aid in successful "survival" during the graduate-student years and
those following graduation. Topics include effective speaking and writing,
grantspersonship, mentoring, teaching, career options, among others. Discussion
of ethical issues and resources is integrated across topics. (Identical with
BIOC 549, MCB 549, PSIO 549, and PS 549).
552. Language Disorders in School Age Children (2) The nature and
treatment of language disorders in children from grades K-12; relationships
between language and learning disabilities; social skills, cognitive function;
assessment and treatment strategies. P, 441 or 551.
553. Developmental Language Impairments (3) Topics include: language and
nonlanguage characteristics and clinical management of children with
developmental language impairment, acquired aphasia, bilingualism and auditory
555. Developmental Language Disorders (2) Preschool-level.
Competency-based approach (treatment, assessment, and evaluation) to autism,
specific language impairment, and mental retardation with attention to children
learning English as a second language. Case study focus. P, 441 or 541.
556. Adult Language Disorders (3) Description and explanation of
communication disorders associated with stroke and aphasia, traumatic
brain-injury, and dementing diseases. Principles of assessment and treatment. P,
558. Clinical Studies: Speech-Language Pathology (1-3) [Rpt./9 units]
For a description of course topics see 458. Graduate-level requirements include
independent planning of treatment programs, comple-tion of clinical progress
reports, and formulation of evaluation reports as needed. Clinical research
designs are also considered. Open to majors only. P, 451 or 571. May be convened
with 458.
559. Clinical Studies: Audiology (1-3) [Rpt./9 units] For a description
of course topics see 459. Graduate-level requirements include clinical progress
or evaluation reports. Open to majors only. P, 589 or CR. May be convened with
560R . Speech and Hearing Science Instrumentation (2) For a description
of course topics see 460R. Graduate-level requirements include a project on a
selected topic. P, 260, 280 or CR. May be convened with 460R.
560L . Speech and Hearing Science Instrumentation Laboratory (1) P, CR,
560R. May be convened with 460L.
562. Psychophysical Acoustics (3) Experimental procedures and
instrumentation; study of psychoacoustics; stimulus integration, pitch and
loudness limen and scales, masking, and auditory fatigue; binaural hearing;
theory of signal detection. P, 280, 460.
563. Microcomputer Applications (2) Basic understanding of microcomputer
operations and its multiple functions; emphasis on computer literacy,
administrative/clinical applications and hands-on instruction.
567. Experimental Phonetics: Physiology (3) Systematic examination of
current experimentation and research in speech as motor behavior, with emphasis
on physiological investigations of normal respiration, phonation, resonance, and
articulation; critical evaluation of research design. P, 260. (Identical with
PSYC 567).
568. Speech Perception (3) For a description of course topics see 468.
Graduate-level requirements include more extensive reading. P, 260. (Identical
with LING 568 and PSYC 568). May be convened with 468.
570R . Evaluation Process (2) Study of principles, methods and selected
procedures involved in the assessment of individuals with communication
disorders; attention to skills in interviewing and preparation of reports. P,
370, 371, 483; CR or subsequent registration in 570L (for majors).
570L . Laboratory in Evaluation Process (1) Open to majors only. P, 570R
or CR.
571R . Articulation Disorders and Therapies (2) For a description of
course topics see 471R. Graduate-level requirements include a scholarly paper
and/or project on a selected topic. P, 350, 371, 367; CR or subsequent
registration in 571L (for majors). May be convened with 471R.
571L . Laboratory in Articulation Disorders (1) Graduate-level
requirements include a scholarly paper and/or project on a selected topic. Open
to majors only. P, 571R or CR. May be convened with 471L.
572. Voice Disorders (3) Etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy for
disorders of voice; speech for the laryngectomized. P, 567.
573. Nature and Treatment of Childhood Stuttering (2) Examines the
problem of stuttering, its evaluation and management in children.
574. Cleft Palate, Other Craniofacial Disorders, and Communication (2)
Communication disorders associated with cleft palate and other craniofacial
defects. Speech assessment, evaluation and treatment; survey of dental and
surgical services. P, 471R/L or 571R/L.
575. Neuromotor Speech Disorders (3) Nature, cause, evaluation, and
management of neuromotor-based speech disorders in children and adults. P, 567.
576. Communicative Aspects of Aging (1) Hearing, speech, voice, and
language changes in the elderly caused by aging and disease. Emphasis on
management of these problems. (Identical with GERO 576).
577. Communication Disorders in Traumatic Brain Injury (3) Communication
consequences of traumatic brain injury with special reference to the evaluation
and management of persons with such injury. P, consult department before
578. Voice and Resonance (2) Nature, evaluation, and management of voice
disorders, alaryngeal voice, and professional voice. P, 260.
580. Community and Industrial Audiology (2) Hearing conservation in
industry, schools, and the community; auditory and non-auditory effects of
noise, noise assessment, control, and protective procedures.
581. Evaluation and Selection of Hearing Aids (3) Development of hearing
aid evaluations; circuitry of hearing aids and their physical characteristics;
speech intelligibility and the electroacoustics of low-fidelity circuitry;
patient evaluation and counseling. P, 483.
582. Hearing Disorders and Special Tests (3) Pathologies of the hearing
mechanism, and their auditory manifestations. Special audiologic procedures to
differentiate site of lesion. P, 280, 483.
583. Principles of Audiology (3) For a description of course topics see
483. Graduate-level requirements include a scholarly paper/project on a selected
topic relevant to the course. P, 280 or graduate standing. May be convened with
584. Audiologic Rehabilitation: Adults (3) For a description of course
topics see 484. Graduate-level requirements include a scholarly paper and/or
project on a selected topic. P, 280, 483. May be convened with 484.
585. Audiologic Habilitation: Children (3) Amplification, room
acoustics, auditory and visual processing, evaluation and remedial programming
for children with mild to moderate hearing impairment. P, 483 or 589.
586. Child Audiology (3) For a description of course topics see 486.
Graduate-level requirements include a scholarly paper and/or project on a
selected topic. P, 280, 483. May be convened with 486.
588. Electrophysiologic Evaluation of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems
(3) Techniques, normative data, and clinical interpretation of auditory-evoked
potential and electronystag-mography tests.
589. Advanced Audiologic Evaluation (3) Principles and techniques of
administering and interpreting the comprehensive audiologic evaluation. P, 280,
595. Colloquium
a. Current Problems in Speech and Hearing Sciences (1) [Rpt./5]
596. Seminar
a. Experimental Phonetics (1-3) [Rpt./2 or 9 units]
b. Clinical Audiology (1-3) [Rpt./2 or 9 units]
c. Hearing-physiology and Psycho-physics (1-3) [Rpt./2 or 9 units]
d. Language and Language Disorders (1-3) [Rpt./2 or 9 units]
e. Speech Pathology (1-3) [Rpt./2 or 9 units]
600. Research Methods in Communication Sciences and Disorders (3) Design
and execution of descriptive and experimental research in communication sciences
and disorders.
658. Advanced Clinical Studies: Speech-Language Pathology (1-3) [Rpt./9
units] With faculty consultation and supervision, students assume responsibility
for all aspects of case management of children and adults. Exposure to clinical
research methods and interdisciplinary staffings. P, 558.
659. Advanced Clinical Studies: Audiology (1-3) [Rpt./9 units] With
faculty consultation and supervision, students assume responsibility for all
aspects of case management of adults and children. Exposure to clinical research
methods and interdisciplinary staffings. Open to majors only. P 589 or CR.
663. Digital Processing of Speech Signals (3) II Basic knowledge of
digital signal processing for students in biological sciences. Topics include
spectral analysis, fast Fourier transform, linear prediction coding, and digital
filtering. P, 260.
665R . Aerodynamic Evaluation and Management of the Speech Mechanism (2)
Principles and clinical methods of aerodynamic evaluation and management of the
disordered speech mechanism, with practical experience provided through case
studies and class experiments. P, 260, 460R/L, 567.
665L . Aerodynamic Evaluation and Management of the Speech Mechanism
Laboratory (1) P, CR, 665R.
695. Colloquium
a. Motor Control (2) [Rpt./8 units] (Identical with PSIO 695a, which is
696. Seminar
a. Experimental Phonetics (1-3) [Rpt./9 units]
b. Clinical Audiology (1-3) [Rpt./9 units]
c. Hearing-physiology and Psycho-physics (1-3) [Rpt./9 units]
d. Language and Language Disorders (1-3) [Rpt./9 units]
e. Speech Pathology (1-3) [Rpt./9 units]