101. Introduction to Sociology (3) Sociological concepts and principles,
with special reference to contemporary society.
150. Sociology of Women (3) Sociological examination of women's status
and role in American society, including socialization and experiences in family,
educational, and work institutions. Emphasis on theories of origin and
maintenance of gender inequalities. P, 101. (Identical with W S 150).
160. Minority Relations and Urban Society (3) Analysis of minority
relations and mass movements in urban society; trends in the modern world, with
special reference to present-day race problems and social conflict. (Identical
with AFAS 160).
161. The Chicano in American Society (3) Study of Mexican Americans
(Chicanos) as an ethnic-cultural group in American society, analysis of their
present problems as a minority group, focus on Chicano-Anglo relations in
southwestern U.S.
189. World Population (3) Basic concepts of population studies; analysis
of social trends, problems and solutions in relation to environmental factors,
with reference to both advanced and developing nations.
195. Colloquium
a. The University as Sociology (1)
195H . Honors Colloquium (2)
201. American Social Problems (3) An examination of current theoretical
perspectives and research on social problems.
220. Introduction to African American Studies (3) (Identical with AFAS
220, which is home).
221. Social Welfare Policy (3) (Identical with PA 221, which is home). Change
course title to: Social Policy: Fall '98
241. Criminal Justice Administration (3) (Identical with PA 241, which
is home).
251. Sociology of Education (3) Educational system as a basic social
institution; its structure, impact on society, and effects on students;
consideration of alternative structures.
274. Social Statistics (3) Techniques of statistical description and
elementary statistical inference as applied to sociological data. P, 101.
275. Social Research Methods (3) Problems of conceptualization and
measurement of social phenomena; design of research projects; techniques of data
collection and analysis. P, 274.
277. Law and Society (3) (Identical with PSYC 277, which is home).
300. Sources of Sociological Theory (3) Critical review of the works of
leading sociologists. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
303. Medical Sociology (3) Organization of health care in the U.S.; its
impact on patients and society; health care practitioners; medical industries;
policy debates.
310. Culture and the Individual (3) (Identical with ANTH 310, which is
313. Collective Behavior and Social Movements (3) Study of riots,
panics, crazes, reform and revolutionary movements; their origins, social bases,
careers and consequences.
315. Political Sociology (3) Current competing theories of
socio-political institutions. (Identical with POL 315).
317. The Sociology of Popular Culture (3) The place of popular culture
in mass society; literature, film, popular music, and the life of the mind in
321. Sociology of Families and Households (3) Analysis of modern
families and households and their characteristics in various social and
historical settings.
322. Sociology of Religion (3) Religion as a social institution with
special reference to industrial societies. (Identical with RELI 322).
324. Sociology of Sexuality (3) Impact of individual and community
sexual attitudes and behaviors on other sociological and psychological
functioning. Credit is allowed for this course or HLTH 330, but not for both.
326. Sociology of Work and the Professions (3) Survey of the sociology
of work occupations and organizations, with emphasis on such topics as
productivity, work performance and workplace discrimination.
333. Group Processes (3) Study of processes that form, maintain, and
dissolve groups, including their objectives, cohesion, norms, role leadership
and power structures, communication patterns, interpersonal relations, problem
solving, and effectiveness.
341. Juvenile Delinquency (3) Nature, causes, and consequences of
delinquent behavior. (Identical with PA 341).
342. Criminology (3) Study of the social origins of criminal law,
criminal behavior, and reactions to crime. (Identical with PA 342).
343. The Crime Problem (3) (Identical with PA 343, which is home). Open
to sociology majors and IDS majors with a sociology subject area. Sociology
students must have 56 units and 2.0, all other students must have BPA advanced
344. Legal Aspects of the Criminal Justice Process (3) (Identical with
PA 344, which is home). Sociology students must have 56 units and 2.0, all other
students must have BPA advanced standing.
367. Population Geography (3) (Identical with GEOG 367, which is home).
384. Sociology of Latin American Societies (3) Analysis of their social
structures and institutions, including government, religion, family, education,
stratification, urban and rural development, economics, migration. (Identical
with ANTH 384 and LA S 384).
396H . Honors Proseminar (3)
412. Peasants and Peasant Societies (3) (Identical with ANTH 412, which
is home).
416. Health, Ethics and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 416, which
is home). May be convened with 516.
420. Communication and the Legal Process (3) (Identical with COMM 420,
which is home).
421. Health, Ethics and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 421, which
is home). Change course number to: 416. Fall '98
422. Complex Organizations (3) Theories and research regarding
large-scale organizations and their relations to the individual and society.
434. Kinship and Social Organization (3) (Identical with ANTH 434, which
is home).
436. Social Structure and The Self (3) Relation between the person and
the group; social factors in character formation.
441. Women and Youth in the Justice System (3) (Identical with PA 441,
which is home). Open to sociology majors and to IDS majors with a sociology
subject area.
442. Crime and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 442, which is home).
Open to sociology majors and to IDS majors with a sociology subject area. Change
course number to: 446. Spring '98
444. Group-Process Methods in Management (3) (Identical with MAP 444,
which is home). Open to sociology majors and to IDS majors with a sociology
subject area. Sociology students must have 56 units and 2.0, all other students
must have BPA advanced standing.
446. Crime and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 446, which is home).
Open to sociology majors and to IDS majors with a sociology subject area.
Sociology students must have 56 units and 2.0, all other students must have BPA
advanced standing.
450. Social Inequality (3) Theories of social class, caste, and rank;
social mobility in contemporary society. (Identical with ANTH 450).
457. Bio-Social Determinants of Socialization (3) (Identical with FS
457, which is home).
458. Violence and Youth (3) (Identical with PSYC 458, which is home).
459. Sociology of Gender (3) Social construction, variation and
consequences of gender categories across time and space. Topical
(decision-making, deviance) and institutional (family, religion, politics)
approaches. (Identical with W S 459).
467. Race and Ethnic Relations (3) Social processes involved in minority
groups in terms of race, caste, class, ethnicity, politics, and religion.
(Identical with AFAS 467, ANTH 467, AIS 467 and MAS 467).
492. Interpretations of Women's Health (3) (Identical with W S 492,
which is home).
*Writing-Emphasis Course. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the
Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
500A -
500B. Sociological Theory (3-3) 500a: Classic theory: Marx, eber,
Durkheim. 500b: Modern theory: Chicago School, symbolic interactionism, Parsons,
Homans and contemporary developments. P, 500a or consult department.
505. World-System Theory and Research (3) Theory and research on the
modern world-system.
508. Sociology of Culture (3) Theory and research on the nature of
cultural systems, cultural production and consumption, and strategies of
interpretive analysis. P, consult with department before enrolling.
509. Objects and Methods of Cultural Analysis (3) From content analysis
to statistical analysis, means of gathering and analyzing data on cultural
510. Political Sociology (3) Basic approaches in political sociology,
with emphasis on the relationship of economic and political processes.
511. Rational Choice Sociology (3) Survey of the rapidly growing
literature that applies the basic principles of rational choice theory to
classic sociological problems such as the emergence of effective norms, the
causes of marriage and divorce, the attainment of group solidarity, the causes
of collective action, and the effects of institutions on social order.
514. The State and Social Policy (3) Examination of the historical
development of the state, processes of policy formation, and the political
economy of modern welfare and regulatory regimes.
515. Social Movements and Collective Action (3) A sociological
examination of the emergence and development of social movements/collective
action at both the societal and individual levels. Major theoretical
perspectives on social movements/collective action will be reviewed as will
recent and classical empirical works in the area. P, admission to graduate
program or departmental approval.
516. Health, Ethics and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 516, which
is home). May be convened with 416.
520. Communication and the Legal Process (3) (Identical with COMM 520,
which is home).
521. Social Policy (3) (Identical with PA 521, which is home).
524. Organization Ecology (3) Survey of theory and research in
organizational ecology, focusing on the organizational population as the level
of analysis. Topics include population boundaries, selection vs. adaptation,
evolutionary dynamics.
525. Organization Theory (3) Basic review of classic and contemporary
approaches to the study of complex organizations; formation, development, and
internal processes.
527. Social Networks (3) The logic and methods of social network
analysis. Emphasis on theoretical underpinnings and applications to sociological
530. Theories and Research in Social Psychology (3) A comprehensive
introduction to the major theoretical perspectives, methodologies, research
areas, and issues in contemporary social psychology.
532. Structured Approaches to Role and Identity (3) An examination of
the concepts of role, self, and identity in relation to social structures.
Alternative approaches are presented, but the structured symbolic interactionist
perspective is highlighted. P, 530, or consult department before enrolling.
533. Social Relations, Groups, and Networks (3) An analysis of social
interaction in relations, groups, and networks, emphasizing the reciprocal
influences of social structure and social process. Theories of exchange, power,
status, and justice are considered. P, 530, or consult department before
535. Advanced Topics in Social Psychology (3) [Rpt.] An in-depth study
of one area of theory and research in social psychology. Topics vary. P, 530 or
consent of instructor. Snow, Molm, Smith-Lovin.
540. Theories of Crime and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 540,
which is home). Change course title to: Correctional
Policy and Theory. Spring '98
541. Deviance and Social Control (3) Theory and research on the origins
of various forms of deviant behavior, and on the consequences of efforts to
control them. P, 201, 341 or 342. (Identical with PA 541).
542. Criminology (3) A comprehensive review of classic and contemporary
approaches to crime, its nature, causes and consequences.
543. White Collar and Organizational Crime (3) (Identical with PA 543,
which is home).
545. Law and Society (3) [Rpt./1] Comprehensive survey of major
theoretical perspectives, methodologies, and empirical works on the origins,
operations, development, and social consequences of legal and quasi-legal
551. Stratification and Class (3) Basic examination of concepts and
research in the area of stratification, with emphasis on the classic statements
and contemporary research.
552. Advanced Topics in Stratification (3) [Rpt./1] In-depth study of
one contemporary area of research in stratification. Topics will vary.
553. Sociology of Education (3) Survey of sociological theory and
research on education. Focuses on courses and consequences of variation in
school practices affecting individual student achievement, behavior, and labor
market outcomes.I
556. Gender Issues in Organizational Behavior (3) (Identical with MAP
556, which is home).
557. Gender and Labor (3) Sources and consequences of gender
differentiation and inequality, with attention to occupations, earnings, labor
markets, household work, and the family. P, 3 graduate credits in women's
studies, sociology, or economics; or undergraduate major in one of these three
558. Gender Identities and Interactions (3) Examination of the interface
of gender, race, class, and ethnicity in the context of social structures and
institutions. Focuses upon identities and social interaction as keys to
understanding how gender inequality is created, perpetuated, or altered in
families, schools, peer groups, work settings, and cultural symbols. P, 3
graduate credits in sociology, social psychology or women's studies. (Identical
with W S 558).
559. Sociology of Gender and the State (3) Gender and construction of
state institutions, social policy development, ideas and practices of
citizenship. States, families, and markets, naturalist and paternalist origins
of welfare states, race and gender in contemporary social policy, gender and
political interests. (Identical with W S 559).
560. Race and Ethnicity (3) Analysis of recent research on the relations
among racial and ethnic groups in society, with special attention to current
empirical and theoretical issues.
569. Basic Quantitative Methods (3) An introduction to basic
quantitative methods for professional sociologists, including computer,
mathematical, and statistical concepts.
570A -
570B -. Social Statistics (3-3) 570a: Probability, distributions,
estimation and hypothesis testing. 570b: Ordinary least squares regression,
generalized least squares regression, structural equation models (path analysis
and non-recursive systems).
575. Advanced Social Research Methods (3) Nature and execution of social
research; experimental and non-experimental designs, data collection, techniques
of analysis and interpretation.
576. Field and Observational Methods (3) Comprehensive and critical
examination of the collection, coding, analysis, and presentation of
ethnographic/qualitative field data. Original field research required. P,
admission to graduate program or departmental approval. (Identical with COMM
577. Experimental Methods (3) The logic, design and analysis of
experiments in social science research. Topics include the relation of
experimentation to theory, experimental design, and practical issues. P, 575 or
consult department before enrolling.
580. Population Studies (3) Theory and research in the fields of
fertility, mortality, and migration, with emphasis on their relationships to
social structure. An original research project is required.
585. Constructing Social Theories (3) The nature and fundamental types
of social theories. Formulating theories to guide research across a range of
substantive areas. Criteria for choosing among alternative theories.
595. Colloquium
a. Introduction to Graduate Study (1)
596. Seminar
a. Advanced Problems in Research (1-3) [Rpt.]
b. Graduate Teaching (3)
c. Teaching Practicum (1)
e. Social Organization (3) [Rpt./6 units] P, completion of first-year
graduate program curriculum in sociology. [Note: This is a two-semester course
beginning in fall that receives a "K" grade at end of first semester.]
r. Research and Publication (3) [Rpt.] [Note: This is a two-semester course
beginning in fall that receives a "K" grade at end of first semester.]
696. Seminar
a. Science and Social Theory (3) (Identical with ENGR 696a, which is home).