196. Seminar
a. Elite Seminar (1) [Rpt./2]
250. Introduction to Systems Engineering (3) System modeling; the
elementary constructs and principles of system models including discrete-time,
discrete-state system theory; finite state machines; modeling components,
coupling, modes, and homomorphisms. System design; requirements, life-cycle,
performance measures and cost measures, tradeoffs, alternative design concepts,
testing plan, and documentation. Applications and case studies from engineering.
2ES, 1ED. P, ENGR 102, MATH 125b.
260. Introduction to Industrial and Manufacturing Systems (3) Analysis,
design and control of manufacturing and production systems, including topics in
facilities layout and location, materials handling, inventory control,
computer-integrated manufacturing, information systems, and simulation. 2ES,
1ED. P, ENGR 102, MATH 125b.
265. Engineering Economic Analysis (3) Methods and modern techniques of
engineering economic analysis for decision making, evaluations of economic
alternatives, cost control, capital budgeting, managerial cost accounting,
deterministic inventory theory and decision-making under uncertainty. 3ES. P,
ENGR 102, MATH 125b. (Identical with ENGR 265).
270. Computer Methods for Engineering (3) Application of numerical
methods and computer programming techniques to the solution of numerical
problems of engineering systems. 1.5ES. P, ENGR 170, MATH 125b and PHYS 141.
296. Seminar
a. Elite Seminar (1) [Rpt./2]
305. Introduction to Engineering Probability and Statistics (3) Axioms
of probability, discrete and continuous distributions, sampling distributions.
Engineering applications of statistical estimation, hypothesis testing,
confidence intervals. P, MATH 125b.
321. Probabilistic Models in Operations Research (3) Probability, Markov
chains, Poisson processes, queuing models, reliability models. 3ES. P, 230.
330R . Engineering Experiment Design (3) Design and analysis of
observational and factorial experiments employing numerical and graphical
methods. Topics include control charts, probability plots, multiple regression
analysis, confidence and prediction intervals and significance tests. 1.5ES,
1.5ED. P, 305, CR 330L.
330L . Engineering Experiment Design Lab (1) Application of statistical
software to analyze observational and planned experiments using multiple linear
regression, control charts and other data summarization methods. 0.5ES, 0.5ED.
P, 305, CR, 330R.
340. Deterministic Operations Research (3) Linear programming models,
solution techniques, sensitivity analysis and duality. 3ES. P, 270 and 265 or
ECON 210.
350. Deterministic Systems (3) Modeling and analysis and design of
linear deterministic systems in both the time and frequency domains.
Input/output differential equations, Laplace transforms and state space methods.
Attention will be given to modeling physical and engineering systems and
computer simulations. 3ES. P, ECE 207, MATH 254.
370. Design of Computer Systems (4) Boolean algebra, combinational and
sequential logic circuits, finite state machines, simple computer architecture,
assembly language programming, and real-time computer control. The computer is
used as an example of systems engineering design; it is analyzed as a system,
not as a collection of components. 3R, 3L. 1ES, 3ED. P, ENGR 102, ECE 207.
377. Software for Engineers (3) Programming in C. Modular program design
and verification, pointers and structures, data structures and algorithms
including: lists, trees, graphs, searching and sorting. Credit is allowed for
this course or C SC 342, but not for both. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 170.
383. Integrated Manufacturing Systems (3) Introduction to the integrated
manufacturing enterprise and automation. Topics include computer-aided design,
process planning, computer numerical control machining, machine vision,
application of robots and automation. 2R, 2L. 2ES, 1ED. P, 260, MSE 331.
396. Seminar
a. Elite Seminar (1) [Rpt./2]
406. Quality Engineering (3) Methods for quality planning, improvement
and control with applications in manufacturing and service, emphasizing both
on-line and off-line methods. Topics include modern quality philosophies and
methods, control charts, process capability studies, loss functions and
acceptance sampling. 2ES, 1ED. P, 330R, 330L. May be convened with 506. Change
course description and prerequisites to: Quality improvement and control methods
with applications in design, development, manufacturing, delivery and service.
Topics include modern quality management philosophies, engineering/statistical
methods (including process control, control charts, process capability studies,
loss functions, experimentation for improvement) and TQM topics (customer driven
quality, teaming, Malcolm Baldridge and ISO 9000) P, 305 or CR, 430.
408. Reliability Engineering (3) Time-to- failure, failure-rate, and
reliability determination for early, useful and wear-out lives; equipment
reliability predictions; spare parts provisioning; reliability growth;
reliability allocation. Credit for this course or A ME 472. P, 330 or A ME 474,
MATH 223. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. May be convened with 508. Change
course title, description, and prerequisites to: Systems Reliability Engineering
(3) Time to failure, reliability and hazard functions. Conditional reliability.
Distribution, mixed distribution and combined effects models. Series and
parallel systems. Analysis of complex systems using event space methods,
decomposition, and coherent structure functions. Systems optimization. Inclusion
and exclusion bounding. P, 305. Spring '98
410. Industrial Ergonomics (4) Human performance and well-being as
affected by workplace, environment and task. Analysis and design for prevention
and solution of ergonomic problems. Basic measurements and design methods. 2ES,
2ED. P, 305, PSYC 101.
411. Human Interaction with Computers and Software (4) The interaction
of technical requirements with the characteristics of computer users and
programmers as they affect the design of software, and the physical and
cognitive interfaces between people and computers. 1ES, 3ED. May be convened
with 511.
422. Engineering Decision Making Under Uncertainty (3) Application of
principles of probability and statistics to the design and control of
engineering systems in a random or uncertain environment. Emphasis is placed on
Bayesian decision analysis. 1ES, 2ED. P, 330R, 330L or equivalent. May be
convened with 522.
430. Engineering Statistics (3) Statistical methodology of estimation,
testing hypotheses, goodness-of-fit, nonparametric methods and decision theory
as it relates to engineering practice. Significant emphasis on the underlying
statistical modeling and assumptions. P, 330R, 330L. May be convened with 530.
431. Simulation Modeling and Analysis (3) Discrete event simulation,
model development, statistical design and analysis of simulation experiments,
variance reduction, random variate generation, Monte Carlo simulation. 1.5ES,
1.5ED. P, 321, 330R, 330L, CR, 321. May be convened with 531.
440. Survey of Optimization Methods (3) Survey of methods including
network flows, integer programming, nonlinear programming, and dynamic
programming. Model development and solution algorithms are covered. 3ES. P, 340.
May be convened with 540.
442. System Design Projects (3) Practical application of engineering
knowledge by student teams to actual system design problems in industry or
business. Development of report writing and oral presentation skills. 3ED. P,
431. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
453. Deterministic Control Systems (3) The analysis and synthesis of
deterministic linear control systems, with emphasis on design using both
frequency-domain and state-variable approaches. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 350.
462. Production Systems Analysis (3) Production systems, quantitative
methods for forecasting, aggregate planning, inventory control, materials
requirement planning, production scheduling, manpower planning and facility
design. 3ES. P, 340.
463. Facilities and Production Systems Design (3) Case studies
emphasizing aspects of production systems design such as facility location,
facility layout, group technology, product and process design, material
handling, and automated assembly. The student will be required to work in
groups. Solutions will be presented using both written and oral reports. 3ED.
CR, 462.
464. Facilities Layout and Location (3) Definition and modeling
solutions of continuous and discrete, single and multifacility location problems
for various objectives. Relative location and layout of facilities/departments
for minimizing material handling and interaction costs. Emphasis on quantitative
methods. 2ES, 1ED. P, 321, 340. May be convened with 564.
473. Concepts in Information and Communication Systems (3) Modeling and
analysis of information and communication, systems/networks for applications in
telecommunication, systems and computer communication networks. Topics selected
from the following: signal representation, sampling, coding and error detection,
modulation, OSI network architecture, network protocols, delay models of
performance, routing and flow control. 3ES. P, 321, 340. May be convened with
474. Decision Support Systems (3) Building, testing and evaluating
expert systems, computer systems that emulate the human and draw conclusions
based on incomplete or inaccurate data. Each student will build a decision
suport system using commercially available expert system shells. Students will
use many tools to test and validate their sytems. 1ES, 2ED. P, familiarity with
computers. May be convened with 574.
475. Computational Methods for Games, Decisions, and Artificial Intelligence
(3) An introduction to automata, computer representation and optimal solution of
games and decision problems. Principles of heuristic programming and machine
learning. A programming project is to be selected from areas such as game
strategies, graphics, recreational mathematics, and manufacturing simulation.
Microcomputer experience is emphasized. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. May be convened with 575.
476. Numerical Analysis (3) An intermediate-level introduction to
numerical methods and error analysis for function approximation and
interpolation, integration, solution of linear and nonlinear equations, and
differential equations. 3ES. P, MATH 254, computer programming experience. May
be convened with 576.
485. Robotics and Automation (3) Methods of design and operation of
general purpose and industrial manipulation systems. Kinematic and dynamic
models of mechanical manipulators, trajectory planning, manipulator control,
robotic vision and other sensing techniques. 2ES, 1ED. P, 350, or equivalent.
May be convened with 585.
486. Modeling Manufacturing Systems (3) An intermediate-level
introduction to topics in hierarchical design, planning, and control of
manufacturing systems. Topics include modeling automated transfer lines,
cellular manufacturing, and flexible manufacturing systems. Emphasis on material
flow and analysis of throughput rate. 2ES, 1ED, P, 321, 340. May be convened
with 586.
495. Colloquium
s. Senior (1) Open to majors only. P, senior standing.
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the
Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
506. Quality Engineering (3) For a description of course topics see 406.
Graduate-level requirements include a project report. P, 330R, 330L. May be
convened with 406. Change description to: Graduate-level
requirements include additional readings and assignments/projects. Spring '98.
507. Advanced Quality Engineering (3) Advanced techniques for
statistical quality assurance, including multivariate control charting,
principal components analysis, economic design of acceptance sampling plans and
control charts, inspection errors, and select papers from the recent literature.
P, 530. Change course number to: 606. Spring '98
508. Reliability Engineering (3) For a description of course topics see
408. Graduate-level requirements include a special report of 30 pages on a
specific reliability engineering topic. Credit for this course or A ME 572. May
be convened with 408. Change course title and description
to: Systems Reliability Engineering (3) Graduate-level requirements include
addition readings and assignment/projects. Spring '98
509. Integration of Reliability Testing in Systems Design
(3) Developmental tests, reliability growth tests, truncated life tests,
sequential life tests, burn-in, environmental stress screens and field tests.
Application of concurrent engineering and Bayesian methods to integrate
reliability tests into the overall product development cycle, thereby reducing
overall test time and life cycle costs. P, 508, 530.
510. Behavioral Judgment and Decision Making (3) Models and theories of
human judgment and decision from an engineering perspective. Subjective
probability, value and utility. Methods for aiding and supporting decision
making. P, 330R, 330L or 530.
511. Human Interaction with Computers and Software (4) For a description
of course topics see 411. Graduate-level requirements include separate
examinations and a major project. May be convened with 411.
513. Environmental Risk Analysis (3) (Identical with HWR 513, which is
518. Reliability Testing (3) Mean-time-between-failure and reliability
confidence limits; sequential testing; sampling; accelerated, sudden-death, and
suspended-items; non-parametric, and Bayesian testing. Credit for this course or
A ME 575. P, 408, 530. Change course number to: 509.
Spring '98
520. Stochastic Modeling I (3) Modeling of stochastic processes from an
applied viewpoint. Markov chains in discrete and continuous time, renewal
theory, applications to engineering processes. P, 321.
521A -
521B -. Systems Modeling and Simulation (3-3) (Identical with MIS
521a-521b, which is home).
522. Engineering Decision Making Under Uncertainty (3) For a description
of course topics see 422. Graduate-level requirements include a semester
research project. P, 330R, 330L. May be convened with 422.
525. Queueing Theory (3) Application of the theory of stochastic
processes to queueing phenomena; introduction to semi-Markov processes;
steady-state analysis of birth-death, Markovian, and general single- and
multiple-channel queueing systems. P, 520.
528. Maintainability Engineering (3) Complex systems reliability;
maintainability engineering; reliability and availability of maintained systems;
operational readiness; system effectiveness; maintainability demonstration.
Credit for this course or A ME 577, but not for both. P, 408, 530.
529. Advanced Decision-Making Under Uncertainty (3) Review of
statistical decision theory; utility, games, Bayesian decision theory. Conjugate
priors, worth of data, worth of information, sequential decision making.
Engineering and water resource applications. P, 422.
530. Engineering Statistics (3) For a description of course topics see
430. Graduate-level requirements include additionally more difficult homework
assignments. P, 330R, 330L or equivalent. May be convened with 430.
531. Simulation Modeling and Analysis (3) For a description of course
topics see 431. Graduate-level requirements include a library research report.
May be convened with 431.
532. Statistical Models in Engineering (3) Statistical distributions
applicable in engineering, with emphasis on quality and reliability problems.
Topics include model selection, parameter estimation, and approximations for
large-scale systems. P, 530.
536. Experiment Design and Regression (3) Planning and designing
experiments with an emphasis on factorial layouts and response surface
methodology. Also, includes analysis of experimental and observational data with
multiple linear regression and analysis of variance. P, 530.
537. Advanced Experiment Design (3) Robust product and process design
through planned experiments, emphasizing the integration of loss functions,
parameter design and tolerance design. P, 536.
540. Survey of Optimization Methods (3) For a description of course
topics see 440. Graduate-level requirements include additional assigned readings
and a project paper. P, 340. May be convened with 440.
541. Dynamic Programming (3) Modeling of stochastic dynamic systems and
the application of dynamic programming techniques to optimal decision and
control problems. Topics include inventory control, admission and flow control
in queueing systems, stochastic scheduling, dynamic portfolio analysis and
computational methods. P, 321, 340.
544. Linear Programming (3) Linear and integer programming formulations,
simplex method, geometry of the simplex method, sensitivity and duality,
projective transformation methods. P, 340.
545. Nonlinear Programming (3) Unconstrained and constrained
optimization problems from a numerical standpoint. Topics include variable
metric methods, optimality conditions, quadratic programming, penalty and
barrier function methods, interior point methods, successive quadratic
programming methods. P, 340.
546. Algorithms, Graphs and Networks (3) Model formulation and solution
of problems on graphs and networks. Topics include heuristics and optimization
algorithms on shortest paths, min-cost flow, matching and traveling salesman
problems. Credit is allowed for this course or MIS 546. P, 340.
550. Theory of Linear Systems (3) An intensive study of continuous and
discrete linear systems from the state-space viewpoint, including criteria for
observability, controllability, and minimal realizations; and optionally,
aspects of optimal control, state feedback, and observer theory. P, 350.
551. Modeling Physiological Systems (3) Development and validation of
models, sensitivity analyses, and applications of systems engineering techniques
to physiological systems.
552. Analysis and Optimization of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems (3)
Introduction to Discrete Event Dynamical Systems (DEDS) and the associated
modeling and analysis tools. Generalized semi-Markov process model of DEDS.
Elementary queueing model operational analysis. Mean value analysis.
Perturbation analysis. Supervisory control methodology of DEDS. Applications to
computer and manufacturing systems. P, linear algebra and vector calculus; basic
probability and statistics.
554. Concurrent Engineering and System Design (3) Process and tools for
systems engineering of large-scale, complex systems: requirements, performance
measures, concept exploration, life cycle, function decomposition, system
coupling, quality function deployment, multi-objective trade-off analysis,
system modeling, design for X, teamworking, project management, ISO 9000 and
558. Fuzzy Sets in Systems Analysis and Decision Making (3) Fuzzy
numbers' definition, operations; fuzzy regression, interpolation and
reliability, fuzzy logic, optimization and control; fuzzy events and
decision-making applications in areas such as systems, civil, industrial,
electrical, computer engineering and water management.
559. Multi-Objective Analysis of Engineering Systems (3) Systems design
versus operation; multi-objective programming distance-based and outranking
techniques; multi-attribute utility; techniques with qualitative criteria;
interactive, quasi-interactive and dynamic approaches; model choice; resource
and industrial engineering applications. P, 321, CR, 544.
562. Advanced Production Control (3) Quantitative models in the
planning, analysis and control of production systems. Topics include aggregate
planning, multi-level production systems, inventory control, capacitated and
uncapacitated lot-sizing, Just-in-time systems and scheduling. P, 540 or 544.
564. Facilities Layout and Location (3) For a description of course
topics see 464. Graduate-level requirements include additional assigned readings
and an in-depth research paper on a course topic. P, 340, 462. May be convened
with 464.
573. Concepts in Information and Communication Systems (3) For a
description of course topics see 473. Graduate-level requirements include a
course project in the subject area. P, 321, 340. May be convened with 473.
574. Decision Support Systems (3) For a description of course topics see
474. Graduate-level requirements include a strong testing and validation study
of student's expert system. P, familiarity with computers. May be convened with
575. Computational Methods for Games, Decisions, and Artificial Intelligence
(3) For a description of course topics see 475. Graduate-level requirements
include a comprehensive and intensive programming project. P, 270 or C SC 227.
May be convened with 475.
576. Numerical Analysis (3) For a description of course topics see 476.
Graduate-level requirements include extra reading assignments and more
sophisticated programming assignments. P, ENGR 102, MATH 254, computer
programming experience. May be convened with 476.
583. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (3) Modern manufacturing
systems with emphasis on information requirements and data management. Includes
CAD, CAM, CAPP, real time scheduling, networking and system justification.
584. Manufacturing Automation (3) Current topics in hardware for
automation, selecting and implementing robots, part orientation, computer
vision, automated warehousing and material handling, programmable controllers,
NC machining, on-line computer control. Laboratory projects.
585. Robotics and Automation (3) For a description of course topics see
485. Graduate-level requirements include two research projects. P, 350. May be
convened with 485.
586. Modeling Manufacturing Systems (3) For a description of course
topics see 486. Graduate-level requirements include additional assigned readings
from the current literature and an in-depth paper on recent research on a course
topic. P, 321, 340. May be convened with 486.
606. Advanced Quality Engineering (3) Advanced techniques for
statistical quality assurance, including multivariate control charting,
principal components analysis, economic design of acceptance sampling plans and
control charts, inspection errors, and select papers from the recent literature.
P, 530, 506.
608. Selected Topics in Reliability (3) In-depth analysis of selected
advanced topics in reliability engineering from the recent archival literature.
Project required. P, 530, A ME 577. Change course title,
description, and prerequisites to: In-depth analysis of selected advanced topics
in reliability and availability engineering from the recent archival literature.
A project is required. P, 508, 520, 530. Spring '98
620. Selected Topics in Probability Modeling (3) [Rpt./2] An advanced
discussion of a subject in applied probability with significant interest to
engineering. Individual projects in stochastic modeling. P, 520.
625. Advanced Queuing Theory (3) Study of complex queuing models of
engineering interest. Emphasis on algorithmic methods for the study of such
models. P, 525.
631. Digital Systems Simulation (3) Emphasis on current research
problems including random variate generation, modeling, language development and
statistical analysis of output. P, 431 or MIS 521a or 521b.
640. Topics of Optimization (3) [Rpt./2] Convexity, optimality
conditions, duality, and topics related to the instructor's research interests;
e.g., stochastic programming, nonsmooth optimization, interior point methods. P,
544 or 540.
645. Large-Scale Optimization (3) Decomposition-coordination algorithms
for large-scale mathematical programming. Methods include generalized Benders
decomposition, resource and price directive methods, subgradient optimization,
and descent methods of nondifferentiable optimization. Application of these
methods to stochastic programming will be emphasized. P, 544.
646. Integer and Combinatorial Optimization (3) Modeling and solving
problems where the decisions form a discrete set. Topics include model
development, branch and bound methods, cutting plane methods, relaxations,
computational complexity, and solving well-structured problems. P, 544.
654. Model-Based System Design (3) Development of the system design
requirements: input/output, technology, performance, cost tradeoff and system
test. Defining and specifying the system and model requirements. Study of
various systems design tools. P, 554.
662. Topics in Scheduling and Planning (3) Current topics in scheduling
and planning including theory and models for M-machine scheduling problems,
multi-echelon inventory theory, stochastic inventory control and scheduling. P,
520, 562.
685. Advanced Topics in Robotics and Automation (3) Selected topics
covering recent advances in robotics and automation, to be chosen from a list
including applications, kinematics, dynamics, tactile sensing, vision and
intelligent systems. P, 585.
686. Advanced Manufacturing System Modeling (3) Current topics in design
and analysis of manufacturing systems. Topics include serial processing lines,
queueing networks and FMS. Student projects. P, 562 or 586.
695. Colloquium
a. Doctoral (1-3) [Rpt./12 units] Consult department before enrolling.
696. Seminar
g. Interstate Conflict Resolution (3) [Rpt.] (Identical with AREC 696g and
HWR 696g).