101A -
101B -. Elementary Russian (4-4) Both 101a and 101b are offered each
semester. (The first year of work offered in a foreign language shall not be
counted toward a minor.)
102A -
102B -. Grammar I (5-5) Elementary Russian grammar.
104A -
104B -. Conversation I (5-5) Conversational topics dealing with self
and family.
106A -
106B -. Phonetics I (2-2) Survey of pronunciation problems and
intonation constructions.
120. Russia Today (3) Introduction to contemporary Russian society.
162A -
162B -. Phonetics in Russia I (1-1) Russian pronunciation problems
for native speakers of English.
164A -
164B -. Grammar in Russia I (1-1) Survey of Russian grammar.
166A -
166B -. Conversation in Russia I (4-4) Discussing the self, the
family and the environment.
195. Colloquium
a. The Balkans: A Cultural-Historical View (1)
201A -
201B -. Intermediate Russian (4-4) P, 101b.
202A -
202B -. Grammar II (5-5) Intermediate grammatical concepts.
204A -
204B -. Conversation II (5-5) Intermediate level conversational
205. Reading Scientific Russian (4) Alternate course for 201b for
students interested in reading and translating scientific literature. P, 201a.
206A -
206B -. Phonetics II (2-2) Survey of pronunciation problems and
intonation constructions.
207A -
207B -. First Level Russian Conversation (2-2) P, 101b. Delete
course. Fall '98
210. Utopian Visions: Promise and Reality in the 20th Century (3) 20th
century literature, art, music, architecture, film, and theater in pre- and
post-revolutionary Russia and the emigration.
215. Phonetics (1) [Rpt./3 units] General improvement of the student's
language skills through aural/oral training in Russian phonetics. P, 101b.
217. Intonation (1) [Rpt./3 units] General improvement of the student's
language skills through aural/oral training in Russian intonation. P, 101b.
250b. Russian Humanities in Translation: the Quest for Utopia (3) 20th
century literature, art , music, architecture, film, and theater in pre- and
post-revolutionary Russia and the emigration. Change
course number to 210. Fall '98
262A -
262B -. Phonetics in Russia II (1-1) Russian pronunciation problems
for native speakers of English. P, 164b or equivalent.
264A -
264B -. Grammar in Russia II (1-1) Basic topics in Russian grammar.
P, 164b.
266A -
266B -. Conversation in Russia II (2-2) Talking about the self, the
family, and the environment. P, 164b.
275. Balkanization: Contact or Conflict (3) A cultural-historical
overview of the cultures of the balkans focusing on the development of national
identity as seen by the people themselves and others.
280. Business Russian Level I (3) Introduction to modern written and
spoken Russian with an emphasis on business terminology.
285. Introduction to Humanities Computing (3) (Identical with GER 285,
which is home).
292A -
292B -. Business Russian I (3-3) Russian grammar with stress on
building Russian business vocabulary.
293. Internship
a. Internship in Russia (3)
b. Internship in Russia (3)
296. Seminar
a. Language Program in U.S.S.R. I (3) Training in Russian language,
literature and culture at St. Petersburg State University. Field trips.
301A -
301B -. Advanced Grammar and Composition (3-3) P, 201b or 205.
305b . Readings in Russian Texts (3) Reading of original texts, with
emphasis on the development of reading skills and the acquisition of passive
vocabulary through the study of word formation. P, 201b or 205.
307A -
307B -. Second Level Russian Oral Communication (2-2) P, 207b.
309. Reading Russian Newspapers (2) Reading Russian newspapers in order
to develop comprehension of the written word and to build vocabulary.
310. Russian Civilization and Cultural: Pre-Christian Era to the Present
(3) Selected topics in Russian culture and civilization: architecture, film,
fine art, literature, music and theater within their artistic, historical,
ideological and sociological contexts. Taught in English. Open to non-majors.
Writing-Emphasis Course.* Change course title to: Russian
Civilization and Cultural Identity. Fall '98
316. Russian Phonetics and Intonation (1) Practice in Russian language
with emphasis on phonetics and intonation of spoken Russian.
328. Women in Russian Literature and Culture (3) Images of Russian women
as reflected in literary, historical, and religious texts. Cultural attitudes
revealed help to understand the status and role of women in today's Russia.
(Identical with W S 328).
330. Russian Literature from Beginnings to 1850 (3) Readings and
discussion in English of representative Russian literary works from earliest
times to1850. Delete course: Fall '98
340. Nineteenth Century Russian Literature (3) Readings and discussion
in English of representative Russian literary works of the 19th century. Change
course title to: The Russian Novel. Fall '98
350. Twentieth Century Russian Literature (3) Readings and discussion in
English of representative Russian literary works from the 20th century. Change
course title to: The Soviet Experiment. Fall '98
360A -
360B -. Newspaper Reading in Russia I (1-1) Reading Russian
newspapers and magazines.
362A -
362B -. Phonetics in Russia III (1-1) Russian pronunciation problems
for native speakers of English. P, 264b or equivalent.
364A -
364B -. Grammar in Russia III (1-1) Survey of Russian grammar. P,
264b or equivalent.
366A -
366B -. Conversation in Russia III (2-2) Conversational situations
likely to be encountered in the target culture. P, 266b or equivalent.
368A -
368B -. Literature III (1-1) Survey of contenporary Russian
literature. P, upper-division status or 264b.
370A -
370B -. Composition in Russia I (1-1) Writing about the self, family,
and environment. P, 264b.
396H . Honors Proseminar (3)
402A -
402B -. Advanced Grammar (5-5) Survey of advanced Russian grammatical
405A -
405B -. Survey of Russian Literature (3-3) Historical survey of
Russian literature from the earliest times to the Soviet period; designed to
acquaint students with literary terminology and facilitate comprehension of
lectures in Russian. P, 301b or 305b. May be convened with 505a-505b. Add
repeatability: [Rpt./6 units]. Fall '98
406A -
406B -. Phonetics III (1-1) Survey of Russian pronunciation for
native speakers of English.
407A -
407B -. Third Level Russian Oral Communication (3-3) Emphasis is on
political, economic and business Russian. P, 307b.
408A -
408B -. Composition (2-2) Writing on contemporary issues. P,
upper-division status.
410A -
410B -. Conversation II (5-5) Advanced conversational topics. P,
upper-division status.
412A -
412B -. Treasures of Russian Culture I (2-2) Survey of cultural
monuments in Moscow and St. Petersburg. P, upper-division status. Field trips.
460A -
460B -. Newspaper Reading in Russia II (1-1) Reading Russian
newspapers and magazines.
462A -
462B -. Phonetics in Russia IV (1-1) Russian pronunciation problems
for native speakers of English P, 364b or equivalent.
464A -
464B -. Grammar in Russia IV (1-1) Survey of Russian Grammar. P, 364b
or equivalent.
466A -
466B -. Conversation in Russia IV (2-2) Conversational situations
likely to be encountered in the target culture. P, 366b or equivalent.
468A -
468B -. Literature IV (1-1) Survey of contemporary Russian
literature. P, 364b.
470A -
470B -. Composition in Russia II (1-1) Writing about the self, family
and environment. P, 364b.
480. Business Level Russian II (3) Modern written and spoken Russian
with an emphasis on business terminology and grammatical structures commonly
found in commercial documents. Intermediate level.
492A -
492B -. Business Russian II (3-3) Familiarization with business
terminology and advanced grammatical concepts pertinent to business Russian. P,
upper-division status.
493. Internship
a. Business Internship Level II (3) P, two years of college level Russian or
b. Business Internship Level III (3) P, two years of college level Russian or
* Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the
Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
501A -
501B -. Russian Stylistics (3-3) Designed to improve the student's
practical mastery and understanding of Russian at a higher and more
sophisticated level. P, 301b.
505A -
505B -. Survey of Russian Literature (3-3) [Rpt./6 units] For a
description of course topics see 405a-405b. Graduate-level requirements include
additional assignments. May be convened with 405a-405b.
506A -
506B -. Survey of Russian Literature (2) I II
Literary use of the Russian language across time and place.
507A -
507B -. Advanced Russian Conversation (3-3) Emphasis is on political,
economic and business Russian. (ACTFL). P, 407b.
510A -
510B -. Conversation IV (3) I II Advanced topics in Russian
510. Theory and Methods (3) Provides broad theoretical, critical and
bibliographical introduction to the field of Russian/Slavistics. Delete
course. Fall '98
560A -
560B -. Newspaper Reading II in Russia (1-1) Reading Russian
newspapers and magazines. P, 464b or equivalent.
562A -
562B -. Phonetics V in Russia (1-1) Russian pronunciation problems
for native speakers of English, P, 462b.
564A -
564B -. Grammar V in Russia (1-1) Survey of Russian grammar. P, 464b
or equivalent.
566A -
566B -. Conversation V in Russia (2-2) Conversational situations
likely to be encountered in the target culture. P, 466b or equivalent.
568A -
568B -. Literature (1-1) Survey of contemporary Russian literature.
P, 464a or equivalent.
570A -
570B -. Composition III in Russia (1-1) Writing about self, family
and environment. P, 464b.
579. Problems of Teaching Russian (1) Survey of modern methods of
language teaching, with emphasis on the particular problems presented by
Russian. Delete course. Fall '98
581. Russian Phonology and Morphology (3) Synchronic study of the
phonology and morphology of modern Russian. P, 301b or 305b.
582. Russian Syntax and Semantics (3) Introduction to theories and
issues of syntax, semantics and pragmatics in Russian. Problems in text analysis
will also be covered. P, three years of Russian language.
583. History of the Russian Language (3) Diachronic study of the Russian
language from Indo-European up to the modern period. P, 301b or 305b.
585. Linguistic and Computer-Assisted Approaches to Literature (3)
[Rpt./6 units] (Identical with GER 585, which is home).
587. Testing and Evaluation in Foreign/Second Language Programs (3)
(Identical with GER 587, which is home).
606A -
606B -. Phonetics IV (1-1) Survey of Russian pronunciation problems
for native speakers of English. P, graduate status.
612A -
612B -. Treasures of Russian Culture II (1-1) Survey of cultural
monuments of Moscow and St. Petersburg. P, graduate status.
692A -
692B -. Business Russian III (3-3) Contract, advertising, protocol
reading and writing. Trade negotiations in Russia. P, graduate status.
693A -
6938B -. Internship III in Russia (3-3) Internship in Moscow. P,
graduate status.
684. Poetry (3) Extensive and intensive study of 19th and 20th century
Russian poetry. P, 405b. Delete course. Fall '98
686. Russian Drama (3) Examination of the major dramatic works of
nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian playwrights. P, 405b. Delete
course. Fall '98
693. Internship
a. Business Internship Graduate Level (3) P, four years of college level
Russian or equivalent.
b. Business Internship III (3)
696. Seminar
a. Topics in Slavic Literature and Culture (3) [Rpt./2]
b. Russian Literature: 18th Century (3) [Rpt./12 units]
c. Russian Literature: 19th Century (3) [Rpt./12 units]
d. Russian Literature: 20th Century (3) [Rpt./12 units]
e. Topics in Slavic Linguistics (3) [Rpt./2] P, 3 years of study or
equivalent of Russian or other Slavic language.