120. Comparative Religions (3) An introduction to Jewish, Christian, and
Islamic religious ideas and practices and belief-structures achieved by
examining the social and religious institutions and individuals through which
and by whom they are expressed.
122. Introduction to African/Diaspora Religion and Culture (3)
(Identical with AFAS 122, which is home).
126. Greek Mythology (3) (Identical with CLAS 126, which is home).
130. Asian Religions (3) (Identical with EAS 130, which is home).
140. Middle Eastern Humanities (3) (Identical with NES 140, which is
142. Chinese Humanities (3) (Identical with CHN 142, which is home).
150. The Worlds of Buddhism (3) (Identical with EAS 150, which is home).
220. Japanese Religion (3) (Identical with JPN 220, which is home).
220A -
220B -. Literature of the Bible. (3-3) (Identical with ENGL
220a-220b, which is home).
225. Introduction to Women and Religion (3) Ways in which women's
religious practices have interacted with religious traditions' constructions of
gender. The course asks students to consider how the study of religion can
illuminate their own self-understandings and cultural locations. (Identical with
W S 225).
233. Philosophy of Religion (3) (Identical with PHIL 233, which is
245. Existential Problems (3) (Identical with PHIL 245, which is home).
271. The History of Christianity (3) (Identical with HIST 271, which is
273. Introduction to Judaism (3) (Identical with JUS 273, which is
279. Religion in German Culture (3) P, freshman composition, junior
standing. (Identical with GER 279, which is home). Change
course number to 379. Fall '98
300. Christian Literature and Thought (3) Development of Christian
thought from the New Testament through the Protestant Reformation.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
301. Catholic Thought in the 20th Century (3) Development of Roman
Catholic thought beginning with the neo-Thomistic revival under Pope Leo XIII
and stressing the documents and theology of the Second Vatican Council.
303. Epistles of St. Paul (3) Examination of the religious and cultural
background in the Greco-Roman world during the lifetime of St. Paul; analysis of
Paul's thought in Acts and the Epistles.
305. Greek and Roman Religion (3) (Identical with CLAS 305, which is
306. The Transformation of a Society: Christianity in the Greco-Roman World (3)
(Identical with CLAS 306, which is home).
307. Spirituality in the Arts (3) (Identical with HUMS 307, which is
310. Apocalyptic Imagination (3) (Identical with JUS 310, which is
320. Tudor-Stuart England (3) (Identical with HIST 320, which is home).
321. Women in Judaism (3) (Identical with JUS 321, which is home).
322. Sociology of Religion (3) (Identical with SOC 322, which is home
and JUS 322).
324. Women and Religion in the U.S. (3) Considers the place of women in
multicultural U.S. society by placing them in historical perspective with regard
to religious communities. Pursues historical encounters between women and their
religions. (Identical with W S 324).
326. Religion and Sexuality (3) Places questions of religion and
sexuality in historical perspective as well as investigating the import which
issues of sexuality continue to have for religion and society.
331. Taoist Traditions of China (3) (Identical with CHN 331, which is
333. Buddhist Meditation Traditions (3) (Identical with EAS 333, which
is home).
334. Islamic Thought (3) (Identical with NES 334, which is home).
340. Jesus in Contemporary Thought (3) Survey of present thinking about
the meaning of Jesus, including humanistic, Jewish, and various Christian
344. African American Religion (3) GRD (Identical with AFAS 344, which
is home).
345. Hindu Religious Activities (3) [Rpt./6 units] (Identical with EAS
345, which is home).
348. Myth and Archetype (3) (Identical with CLAS 348, which is home).
350. Hindu Mythology (3) (Identical with EAS 350, which is home).
370A -
370B -. History of the Jews (3-3) (Identical with JUS 370a-370b,
which is home).
372A -
372B -. History and Religion of Israel in Ancient Times (3-3)
(Identical with JUS 372a-372b, which is home).
374. The Holocaust (3) (Identical with HIST 374, which is home).
379. Religion in German Culture (3) P, freshman composition, junior
standing. (Identical with GER 379, which is home).
382. Archaeology and the Bible (3) (Identical with JUS 382, which is
405A -
405B -. Medieval Europe (3-3) (Identical with HIST 405a-405b, which
is home).
406. Medieval England (3) (Identical with HIST 406, which is home).
407A -
407B -. Intellectual History of Medieval Europe (3-3) (Identical with
HIST 407a-407b, which is home).
408. The Renaissance (3) (Identical with HIST 408, which is home).
409. The Reformation (3) (Identical with HIST 409, which is home).
410. History of Hell in Early Europe (3) (Identical with HIST 410, which
is home).
411. Anthropology of Religion (3) (Identical with ANTH 411, which is
420. Studies in the Bible as Literature (3) (Identical with ENGL 420,
which is home).
425. Theoretical Issues in the Study of Women and Religion (3) The study
of women and religion, including religious symbols and rituals; women's
constraint and empowerment through religion; reading and writing cultures;
women, religion and cross-cultural contact; women, religion and social change.
P, W S 225, RELI 225 or consent of instructor. (Identical with W S 425). May be
convened with 525.
428. Anti-Semitism (3) (Identical with HIST 428, which is home).
430. Prophecy in Ancient Israel (3) (Identical with JUS 430, which is
home). May be convened with 530.
435. Jewish Mysticism (3) (Identical with JUS 435, which is home).
438. The Book of Psalms (3) (Identical with JUS 438, which is home). May
be convened with 538.
445. Hindu Mysticism (3) (Identical with EAS 445, which is home). May be
convened with 545.
450. Religion and Politics (3) (Identical with POL 450, which is home).
453. Culture and Civilization of North Africa (3) (Identical with FREN
453, which is home).
454. Spanish Inquisition (3) (Identical with HIST 454, which is home).
455. Introduction to Rabbinic Literature (3) (Identical with JUS 455,
which is home).
470. Religious History of India (3) (Identical with HIST 470, which is
483. Confucianism: the Classical Period (3) (Identical with CHN 483,
which is home). May be convened with 583.
484. Confucianism: the Neo-Confucian Tradition (3) (Identical with CHN
484, which is home). May be convened with 584.
487A -
487B -. History of East Asian Buddhism (3-3) (Identical with EAS
487a-487b, which is home).
488. History of Byzantium (3) (Identical with HIST 488, which is home).
490. Indian Religions and Spirituality (3) (Identical with AIS 490,
which is home).
496. Seminar
k. Early Judaism and the Beginning of Christianity (3) (Identical with JUS
496k, which is home). May be convened with 596k.
w. Feminist Approaches to the Bible (3) (Identical with JUS 496w, which is
home). May be convened with 596w.
* Writing-Emphasis Course. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the
Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
525. Theoretical Issues in the Study of Women and Religion (3) For
description of course topics see 425. Graduate-level requirements include a
longer writing project, and an additional class presentation. (Identical with W
S 525). May be convened with 425.
530. Prophecy in Ancient Israel (3) (Identical with JUS 530, which is
home). May be convened with 430.
538. The Book of Psalms (3) (Identical with JUS 538, which is home). May
be convened with 438.
545. Hindu Mysticism (3) (Identical with EAS 545, which is home). May be
convened with 445.
583. Confucianism: The Classical Period (3) (Identical with CHN 583,
which is home). May be convened with 483
584. Confucianism: The Neo-Confucian Tradition (3) (Identical with CHN
584, which is home). May be convened with 484
596. Seminar
k. Early Judaism and the Beginning of Christianity (3) (Identical with JUS
596k, which is home). May be convened with 496k.
w. Feminist Approaches to the Bible (3) (Identical with JUS 596w, which is
home). May be convened with 496w.