105a . The Universe and Humanity: Origin and Destiny (3) Formation and
evolution of the Universe, the solar system, and life; events which led to our
existence; the future for life in the solar system; life elsewhere. Designed
for nonscientists. (Identical with ASTR 105a, BIOC 105a, MCB 105a).
106. Survey of the Solar System (3) Interdisciplinary synthesis of
planetary and space science; the sun, planets, satellites, interplanetary gas,
comets, small bodies, space missions. Designed for nonscientists. 3R, 3L. P,
MATH 117R/S. (Identical with ASTR 106 and GEOS 106).
107. Planet Earth: Evolution of a Habitable World (3) History of the
Earth as a planet including the origin of the solar system; formation of life;
comparative evolution of Earth, Mars, Venus and Titan; global climate change
past and present. Designed for nonscientists. P, MATH 116 recommended, not
109L . Exploration and Discovery in Planetary Science (1) Hands-on
laboratory experiments with tools and procedures used to reconstruct the
origin and evolution of the Solar System. Activities include observation of
planets, image processing, and studies of radioactivity, light, and gravity.
Can be taken alone or with 105a, 106 or 107. (Identical with ASTR 109L and
GEOS 109L).
112. Undergraduate Research in Planetary Science (4) Student research
using spacecraft or ground-based telescopic data to investigate various topics
of current interest in planetary science. P, 105 or 106. 2R, 2L.
195. Colloquium
a. Planetary Sciences (1)
211. Image Processing for Scientific Discovery (3) Image processing as
a tool for exploration, discovery and analysis of digital images in a variety
of sciences. The emphasis is on hands-on image processing with applications to
various sciences using a variety of activities and data sets. For science,
non-science and science education majors. 2R, 1L. (Identical with TTE 211).
403. Physics of the Solar System (3) Survey of planetary physics,
planetary motions, planetary interiors, geophysics, planetary atmospheres,
asteroids, comets, origin of the solar system. P, PHYS 142 or PHYS 251.
(Identical with ASTR 403 and GEOS 403). May be convened with 503.
407. Chemistry of the Solar System (3) Abundance, origin,
distribution, and chemical behavior of the chemical elements in the Solar
System. Emphasis on applications of chemical equilibrium, photochemistry, and
mineral phase equilibrium theory. P, CHEM 104b, MATH 125b, PHYS 132, or their
equivalents. (Identical with CHEM 407).
411. Geology of the Solar System (4) Geologic processes and landforms
on satellites and the terrestrial planets, their modification under various
planetary environments, and methods of analysis. 3R, 3L. (Identical with GEOS
418. Modern Astronomical Instrumentation and Techniques (3) (Identical
with ASTR 418, which is home). May be convened with 518.
419. Physics of the Earth (3) (Identical with GEOS 419, which is
home). May be convened with 519.
430. Chemical Evolution of the Earth (3) (Identical with GEOS 430,
which is home). May be convened with 530.
441A -
441B -. Dynamic Meteorology (3-3) (Identical with ATMO 441a-441b,
which is home). May be convened with 541a-541b.
503. Physics of the Solar System (3) For a description of course
topics see 403. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper
on a selected topic and an oral class presentation. This course does not count
toward the major requirements in planetary sciences. P, PHYS 142 or PHYS 251.
(Identical with ASTR 503 and GEOS 503). May be convened with 403.
505A -
505B -
505C -. Principles of Planetary Physics (3-3-3) Planetary and
interplanetary fluids and plasmas, structure and behavior of planetary matter,
and transport processes. Applications of geophysics, fluid mechanics, and
statistical physics to planetary interiors, surfaces, and atmospheres;
rheology of planets, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, radiative transfer.
Principles of celestial mechanics. P, PHYS 371.
510. Principles of Cosmochemistry (3) Chemical compositions of solar
system objects; equilibrium and nonequilibrium chemical processes applied to
planets; cosmochronology. (Identical with GEOS 510).
518. Modern Astronomical Instrumentation and Techniques (3) (Identical
with ASTR 518, which is home). May be convened with 418.
519. Physics of the Earth (3) (Identical with GEOS 519, which is
home). May be convened with 419.
520. Meteorites (3) Classification; chemical, mineralogical and
isotopic composition; cosmic abundances; ages; interaction with solar and
cosmic radiation; relation to comets and asteroids. P, 510. (Identical with
GEOS 520).
523. Statistical Mechanical Problems in the Space Sciences (3)
Foundations of statistical mechanics; fluctuations, noise and irreversible
thermodynamics; applications of statistical mechanics in astrophysical and
planetary environments. P, 505a-505b-505c. (Identical with ASTR 523).
530. Chemical Evolution of the Earth (3) (Identical with GEOS 530,
which is home). May be convened with 430.
541A -
541B -. Dynamic Meteorology (3-3) (Identical with ATMO 541a-541b,
which is home). May be convened with 441a-441b.
544. Physics of High Atmospheres (3) Physical properties of upper
atmospheres, including gaseous composition, temperature and density,
ozonosphere, and ionospheres, with emphasis on chemical transformations and
eddy transport. (Identical with ATMO 544).
545. Stellar Atmospheres (3) (Identical with ASTR 545, which is home).
553. Solar System Dynamics (3) Dynamical processes affecting the
orbital evolution of planets, asteroids, and satellites, and the rotational
evolution of solid bodies. Emphasizes modern nonlinear dynamics and chaos. P,
MATH 254, PHYS 321, 422 and/or consult with department before enrolling.
(Identical with ASTR 553).
554. Evolution of Planetary Surfaces (3) The geologic processes and
evolution of terrestrial planet and satellite surfaces including the Galilean
and Saturnian and Uranian satellites. Course includes one or two field trips
to Meteor Crater or other locales. (Identical with GEOS 554).
555. Remote Sensing of Planetary Surfaces (3) Exploration of planetary
surfaces, including that of the Earth, with remote sensing. Emphasis on
compositional determination using visible and infrared methods. Basic
principles, image and spectroscopic analysis techniques, and case studies in
planetary remote sensing. (Identical with ASTR 555 and GEOS 555).
556. Electrodynamics of Conducting Fluids and Plasmas (3) Plasma
physics and magnetohydrodynamics. Introduction; discussion of the sun, solar
wind, magneto-sphere, cosmic rays, interstellar gas, galaxies, dynamos,
pulsars. P, PHYS 321, 331, 332. (Identical with ASTR 556 and PHYS 556).
565. The Outer Solar System (3) Fundamental aspects of outer system
studies presented at the beginning graduate level: solar system formation and
solar nebula chemistry; outer planet atmospheres; outer planet interiors,
satellite surface processes; ring phenomenology and physics; and Triton,
Pluto/Charon, and Kuiper belt.
567. Inverse Problems in Geophysics (3) (Identical with GEOS 567,
which is home).
571. Terrestrial Planets (3) Geophysical and geochemical techniques
used to deduce composition and evolution of terrestrial planets. Topics
include the Earth, Moon, Mars, Venus, and meteorites. (Identical with GEOS
571). P, 510 and 554.
582. High Energy Astrophysics (3) (Identical with ASTR 582, which is
583. Physical Geochemistry (3) (Identical with GEOS 583, which is
589. Topics in Theoretical Astrophysics (3) [Rpt.] (Identical with
PHYS 589, which is home).
594. Practicum
a. Planetary Geology Field Studies (1) [Rpt./3] Field trip.
597. Workshop
h. Planetary Astronomy (3)
i. Image Process: Teaching (1)