120. Human Physiology: The Facts of Life (4) Introduction to human
biological function ranging from the cellular to the organ system level with a
focus on situations encountered in daily life. (Identical with MCB 120).
195. Colloquium
a. How the Body Works (1)
201. Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4) Study of structure and function
of the human body. Topics include cells, tissues, integumentary systems,
skeletal system, muscular system, and nervous system. Primarily for majors in
exercise sciences, health education, medical technology, nursing, nutritional
sciences, occupational safety and health, physical education, speech and hearing
sciences. 3R, 3L.
202. Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4) Continuation of structure and
function of the human body. Topics include endocrine, circulatory, respiratory,
digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Primarily for majors in exercise
sciences, health education, medical technology, nursing, nutritional sciences,
occupational safety and health, physical education, speech and hearing sciences.
3R, 3L. P, 201.
308. Introduction to Physiological Sciences (2) Introduction to the
interdisciplinary nature of the physiological sciences; historical perspectives,
areas of research, and career opportunities. P, 201, 202.
360. Functional Kinesiology (3) Anatomical and mechanical factors
affecting human movement, particularly in sport and exercise situations. Open to
physical education majors only. P, 201, 202, MATH 117R/S.
373. Physiological Basis of Physical Education and Athletics (3)
Physiological responses and adaptations to physical activity in various
populations and environments; emphasizes fitness evaluation and application of
training principles for exercise and sport. Open to physical education majors
only. P, PSIO 201, 202, CHEM 103a-103b, 104a-104b, .
374. Physiological Basis of Physical Education and Athletics Laboratory
(1) P, CR 373.
403. Introduction to Cell Physiology (4) How cells work and how the
workings of different types of cells provide the foundation for how organs work
and how organisms function. P, CHEM 243b, MATH 124 or 125a, PHYS 103.
418. Physiology for Engineers (4) Designed to bring to engineering
students an awareness of the structure and function of whole organisms, their
component organs, and organ systems. Open to non-majors only. (Identical with
CHEE 418 and ECE 418).
419. Physiology Laboratory (2) Laboratory experiments in physiology
intended to provide experience with organ systems and measurement techniques.
Designed for engineering students enrolled in the clinical engineering and
biomedical engineering options. 6L. Open to non-majors only. P, 418 or CR.
(Identical with CHEE 419 and ECE 419).
420. Exercise Physiology (3) Regulation and adjustment of physiological
systems during acute exercise and adaptations with chronic exercise in various
populations and environments; emphasizes physiological mechanisms. P, BIOC 460
or 462a, CHEM 103a-103b, 104a-104b, 241a-241b, 243a-243b, PSIO 201, 202, MATH
117R/S, 118, PHYS 102, 103. May be convened with 520.
421. Physiological Sciences Laboratory (2) Laboratory techniques in
systems physiology. Emphasis on data acquisition, analysis and interpretation.
Writing-Emphasis Course* for physiological sciences majors. P, CR, 420. May be
convened with 521.
445. Evaluation and Regulation of Body Build and Composition (3)
Laboratory and field assessment of body fat, lean body mass and comatotype,
anthropometry; body build and composition of the athlete; morphology of fat and
lean tissue; exercise and dietary regulation of obesity and chronic underweight.
P, 201 and 202. May be convened with 545.
462. Neuromechanical Kinesiology (3) Neuromechanical bases of human
movement. P, 201, 202, MATH 118, PHYS 102, 103, 181, 182. May be convened with
466. Physiology Laboratory (3) (Identical with ECOL 466, which is home).
May be convened with 566.
467. Endocrine Physiology (3) Mammalian endocrine regulation from an
integrative physiology perspective. Primary focus is on calcium and fuel
metabolism, stress, fluid balance, reproduction, and growth and development. P,
201, 202, or MCB 181R, 182. (Identical with CBA 467 and MCB 467).
468. Comparative Physiology (3) (Identical with ECOL 468, which is
home). May be convened with 568.
470. Scientific Methods and Professional Skills (3) Research approaches
in human integrative biology and exercise sciences; principles of data
collection, analysis and presentation. P, 308.
480. Human Physiology (5) Principles of physiology with emphasis on the
human, including discussion intended to reinforce principles of physiological
phenomena; designed primarily for students in pharmacy and health-related
sciences. Consult department before enrolling. P, CHEM 243b, MATH 123, PHYS 103.
(Identical with PCOL 480).
495. Colloquium
a. Research in Physiological Sciences (1-2) [Rpt./3 units] Open to
physiological science majors only. May be convened with 595a.
b. Biomechanics (2) [Rpt./1] P, 462.
d. Environmental Physiology (2) [Rpt./1] P, 420. May be convened with 595d.
e. Endocrinology and Metabolism (2) [Rpt./1] P, 420. May be convened with
f. Integrative Cardiorespiratory Physiology (2) [Rpt./1] P, 420. May be
convened with 595f.
g. Kinesiology (2) [Rpt./1] P, 462. May be convened with 595g.
i. Body Composition (2) [Rpt./1] P, 445 or 545. May be convened with 595i.
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the
Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
502. Principles of Neuroanatomy (4) (Identical with CBA 502, which is
503. Cellular and Molecular Physiology (5) Through examination of
fundamental cellular processes, the integrated function of diverse cell types is
discussed. Topics include: mechanisms involved in protein expression,
intracellular protein targeting, and regulation of protein function; membrane
transport phenomena; cell signaling mechanisms-excitability, ion channels,
synaptic function; muscle and vascular function. P, CHEM 103b, 104b, 241b, 243b;
PHYS 103; MATH 125a-125b; BIOC 460. Add crosslist:
(Identical with PS 503). Fall '98
512. Biological Electron Microscopy (4) (Identical with MCB 512, which
is home).
520. Exercise Physiology (3) For a description of course topics see 420.
Graduate-level requirements include a research-review paper on an approved
topic. P, BIOC 460 or 462a, CHEM 103a-103b, 104a-104b, 241a-241b, 243a-243b,
PSIO 201, 202, MATH 117R/S, 118, PHYS 102, 103. May be convened with 420.
521. Physiological Sciences Laboratory (2) Graduate-level requirements
include additional laboratory reports. P, CR, 520. May be convened with 421.
545. Evaluation and Regulation of Body Build and Composition (3) For
description of course topics see 445. Graduate-level requirements include an
additional research project and case report. P, 201 and 202. May be convened
with 445.
549. Survival Skills for Students (2) (Identical with SP H 549, which is
562. Neuromechanical Kinesiology (3) For a description of course topics
see 462. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper. P, 201, 202, MATH
118, PHYS 102, 103, 181, 182. May be convened with 462.
566. Physiology Laboratory (3) (Identical with ECOL 566, which is home).
May be convened with 466.
568. Comparative Physiology (3) (Identical with ECOL 568, which is
home). May be convened with 468.
570. Research Design in Physiological Sciences (2) Study of research
designs, methodologies and data analysis procedures pertinent to the
physiological sciences; emphasis is on the selection of research problems and
interpretation of research articles.
571. Laboratory in Research Design for Physiological Sciences (1)
Laboratory experiences in literature retrieval systems; data analysis procedures
by calculator, microcomputer, and mainframe computer; critical analysis
procedures of research articles, and participation in a research project. CR,
573. Statistical Analysis (3) Analysis of research designs and data
analysis procedures in the field of exercise and sport sciences with emphasis on
appropriateness of selected designs and interpretation of various data analysis
procedures. Statistical power, reliability, covariance and multiple regression
techniques and uses of micro- and mainframe data analysis software. P, 570 and
575. Special Topics in Biological Imaging (2) (Identical with CBA 575).
P, 570, 571.
580. Systems Physiology (5) Principles of systems physiology. Designed
for graduate students throughout the University. Consult department before
enrolling. P, 503 or equivalent, CHEM 243b, MATH 123, PHYS 103. (Identical with
PCOL 580).
582. Topics in Neural Development (2) (Identical with NRSC 582, which is
585. Neural Mechanisms of Behavior (2) (Identical with NRSC 585, which
is home).
588. Principles of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) (Identical
with NRSC 588, which is home).
589. Principles of Systems Neurobiology (4) (Identical with NRSC 589,
which is home).
595. Colloquium
a. Research in Physiological Sciences (1-2) [Rpt./3 units] May be convened
with 495a.
d. Environmental Physiology (2) [Rpt./1] P, 420. May be convened with 495d.
e. Endocrinology and Metabolism (2) [Rpt./1] P, 420. May be convened with
f. Integrative Cardiorespiratory Physiology (2) [Rpt./1] P, 420. May be
convened with 495f.
g. Kinesiology (2) [Rpt./1] P, 462. May be convened with 495g.
i. Body Composition (2) [Rpt./1] P, 445 or 545. May be convened with 495i.
j.* Molecular Neurobiology (2) Open to graduate students in PS, PCOL, and
NEUR. P, consent of instructor.
k.* Mathematical Techniques in Physiology (2) [Rpt./12 units] P, MATH
125a-125b, 160.
l.* Muscle Physiology (2) P, 503.
m.* Assignments in Motor Control (1) P, 480 or equivalent. Consult department
before enrolling.
n.* Endocrinology (2).
o.* Renal Physiology (2) P, 580 or equivalent.
p.* Molecular and Cellular Excitability (2).
q.* Peripheral Vascular Physiology (2) P, 580 or equivalent.
r.* Membranes and Transport (2).
s.* Systems Neurophysiology (2).
*Available as both 595 and 895.
596. Seminar
i. Principles in Cellular and Molecular Cardiovascular Biology (3) [Rpt./6
601. Systems Physiology (7) Comprehensive coverage of systemic
physiology with emphasis in the underlying principles of function. Consent
required to enroll; consult instructor before registering.
610. Research Methods in Physiology (1-3) [Rpt./10 units] Laboratory
course providing students with an understanding of the types of research
available in the department. (Maximum length is 8 weeks). Consult with
department before enrolling.
625. Human Neuroscience (6) (Identical with MED 625, which is home).
695. Colloquium
a. Motor Control (2) [Rpt./8 units]
696. Seminar
a. Physiology Series (1) [Rpt./3] Open to majors only.
b. Physiology: Preparation and Presentation (1) [Rpt.] Open to majors only.
Consult with department before enrolling.
c. Physiology Student Forum (1) [Rpt./3 units]
697. Workshop
a. Physiology Tutorial (3) [Rpt./4] P, 503, 580 or equivalent. Consult
department before enrolling.
800. Research (3-6) Involvement in a special research project of special
interest to the student. P, consent of instructor.
801. Human Physiology (7) Comprehensive approach to understanding the
system of human physiology.
825. Human Neuroscience (6) (Identical with MED 825, which is home).
891. Preceptorship
a. Physiology (3-12) [Rpt./12 units]
895. Colloquium
j.* Molecular Neurobiology (2) Open to graduate students in PS, PCOL, and
NEUR. P, consent of instructor.
k.* Mathematical Techniques in Physiology (2) P, MATH 125a-125b, 160.
l.* Muscle Physiology (2) P, 503. May be convened with 595l.
m.* Assignments in Motor Control (1) P, 480 or equivalent. Consult department
before enrolling.
n.* Endocrinology (2)
o.* Renal Physiology (2) P, 601/801.
p.* Molecular and Cellular Excitability (2)
q.* Peripheral Vascular Physiology (2) P, 601/801.
r.* Membranes and Transport (2)
s.* Systems Neurophysiology (2)
*Available as both 595 and 895.