101. First Semester Portuguese (4) GRD Communicative approach, emphasis
on all language skills. Recommended for students with no previous experience
with the language.
102. Second Semester Portuguese (4) GRD Communicative approach, emphasis
on all language skills. P, 101 or the equivalent.
177. Eroticism and Love in the Middle Ages (3) (Identical with GER 177,
which is home).
195 . Colloquium
a. Topics in Portuguese Culture, Literature, and Language (1)
205. Intensive Portuguese (4) Equivalent of 101 and 102 combined.
Communicative approach, emphasis on all language skills. Recommended for highly
motivated students and/or those with experience in another Romance Language or
the equivalent.
206. Intensive Portuguese (4) Communicative approach, emphasis on all
language skills. Recommended for highly motivated students or those with
experience in another Romance language or the equivalent. P, 205 or 101 and 102.
325. Intermediate Grammar and Writing (3) For intermediate students to
enhance their writing, speaking and reading abilities and to prepare for the
transition from language learning to studies in literature as well as in culture
and civilization of the Portuguese-speaking world. P, 206 or the equivalent.
(Identical with LA S 325).
350. Introduction to Genres and Literary Analysis (3) Introductory
course in literary reading and analysis based on texts from the
Portuguese-speaking countries. P, 206 or the equivalent.
397. Workshop
r. Portuguese Language Skills and Culture (4) Offered only in Fortaleza,
Brazil. P, 206 or the equivalent.
401. Luso-Brazilian Literature to 1900 (3) Overview of literary periods
and introduction to the major literary figures of Portugal, Brazil and the
Luso-African countries (Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau,
Mozambique and Porto Principe) from the beginning of their literature to 1900.
P, 325 or the equivalent. May be convened with 501.
406. Lusophone Literature Since 1900 (3) Survey of literature written in
Portuguese worldwide since 1900. Language of instruction is Portuguese. P, 350.
(Identical with LA S 406). May be convened with 506.
414. Teaching of Modern Languages (3) (Identical with TTE 414, which is
425. Advanced Grammar, Composition and Writing Skills (3) For more
advanced students to increase comprehension of written Portuguese, to improve
oral skills, to practice written skills, and to prepare for transition from
language learning to the study of literature. P, 325 or the equivalent.
430. Brazilian Civilization (3) Broad survey of Brazilian culture.
Thematic examination of some of the major cultural developments. Topics include:
Brazilian music, Afro-Brazilian culture, the role of women in Brazilian society,
Brazilian popular culture. P, 325 or the equivalent. (Identical with LA S 430).
May be convened with 530.
431. Civilization in the Portuguese-Speaking World (3) Cross-cultural
examinations of the Portuguese-speaking world (Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Cape
Verde, Mozambique, Guin-Bissau, Porto Principe). Topics include: colonization
and decolonization, religion, music, dance, painting, architecture). P, 325 or
the equivalent (Identical with LA S 431). May be convened with 531.
449. Brazilian Literature in Film (3) Presentation of the masterpieces
of Brazilian literature and the great films based upon them. P, 325 or the
equivalent. (Identical with LA S 449). May be convened with 549.
455. Introduction Romance Philology (3) (Identical with SPAN 455, which
is home).
463. Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature (3) Major works, authors and
tendencies in the literature of the Portuguese speaking countries (Brazil,
Portugal, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozamabique, Guin-Bissau, Porto Principe). P, 325.
(Identical with LA S 463). May be convened with 563.
501. Luso-Brazilian Literature to 1900 (3) For a description of course
topics see 401. Graduate-level requirements include a 20-page paper and an oral
presentation. P, 325 or the equivalent. May be convened with 401.
530. Brazilian Civilization (3) For a description of course topics see
430. Graduate students required to write four research papers and give one
lecture on a topic of his/her choice. May be convened with 430.
531. Civilization in the Portuguese-Speaking World (3) For a description
of course topics see 431. Graduate-level requirements include a twenty page
paper and an oral presentation on the paper. P, 325 or the equivalent.
(Identical with LA S 531). May be convened with 431.
549. Brazilian Literature in Film (3) For a description of course topics
see 449. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper. P, 325
or the equivalent. (Identical with LA S 549). May be convened with 449.
563. Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature (3) For a description of course
topics see 463. Graduate-level requirements include additional research and
reports. (Identical with LA S 563). May be convened with 463.