Plant Sciences Laboratory (1) Laboratory exercises in plant sciences. 3L.
P, 100 or CR. Change prerequisites to: P, 102 or CR.
Fall '98
. Plant Sciences Laboratory (1) Laboratory exercises in plant sciences.
3L. P, 100 or CR. Change prerequisites to: P, 102 or CR.
Fall '98
Plant Science (3) Germination, emergence, growth, and reproduction of
important economic plant species; how these plant processes are influenced by
the environment.
Microcomputing Applications (3) (Identical with ABE 120, which is home).
Plant Biology (4) Introduction to plant growth, development, reproduction,
and evolution; the economic and ecological importance of plants/ Intended for
majors in all fields of biology. Field trips. 3R, 3 L.
b. Agriculture as a Science (1) (Identical with ENTO 195b and PL P 195b).
a. Genetic Engineering (1) Open to participants in the Horizons Unlimited Summer Program (Identical with PL P 197a).
Weed Science (4) Principles and effects of controlling agronomic and
horticultural weeds, with emphasis on chemical control methods; weed
identification. 3R, 3L. P, 130, 360 and SWES 200 (ECOL 302 recommended).
Crop Science and Production (3) An examination of the fundamental aspects
of plant science as applied to crop production. Laboratory exercises require
the small scale production of vegetable crops. 2R, 3L. P, 130 or SWES 200. Change
course description and prerequisites to: An examination of the fundamental
aspects of plant science as applied to crop production. Laboratory exercises
will be field oriented and will involve several field trips. 2R, 3L. P, 130
and SWES 200. Field trips.
Plant Genetics (4) The principles of heredity as they apply to all living
organisms, with an emphasis on plants, from molecular to populations with
laboratory experience and problem solving. 3R, 3L. P, 100 or 130, or MCB 182,
CHEM 103a, 104a.
Plant Propagation I: Sexual & Asexual Reproduction (3) Principles and
practices of plant propagation by seed and asexual methods, including use of
growth regulators, rooting media and misting systems. Physiological basis of
propagation methods will be emphasized. 2R, 3L. P, 130 and MCB 181.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
Nursery Systems Management (3) Principles and practices of nursery
operations: control of environmental factors and cultural practices involved
in nursery production of plants. 2R, 3L. P, 130 and SWES 200.
Introduction to Biotechnology (3) Survey of the basic concepts and
techniques used in the analysis and improvement of plants by genetic
engineering. P, 130, or MCB 181R, CHEM 103a, 103b.
Landscape Horticulture (3) Horticulture practices which influence
performance of plants in the landscape. Installation, establishment and
maintenance of plants in the landscape. 2R, 3L. P, 130, SWES 200.
Turfgrass Management (3) Species adaptability, growth and development,
establishment and cultural practices affecting use. P, 130 or MCB 181.
Principles of Plant Physiology (3) [Rpt.] Survey of water relations,
mineral nutrition, photosynthesis, respiration, growth and development of
plants. P, 130 or MCB 181R, 181L, CHEM 103a, 103b. CHEM 241a and 241b
recommended. (Identical with MCB 360).
Principles of Plant Physiology Laboratory (1) [Rpt.] Laboratory exercises
in plant physiology. P, 360 or CR. (Identical with MCB 361).
Cotton Crop Production (3) Principles and practices of growing and
harvesting cotton crops, with emphasis on cotton production, fiber technology,
and utilization. PL S 130 or equivalent, basic biology knowledge; consent of
the instructor.
Citrus Production (3) Cultural practices used in citrus production and the
physiological basis for those practices. P, basic biology knowledge; consent
of instructor.
Ecology and Sustainable Agriculture (3) Physical and biotic environment of
crops in relation to crop culture, production, and geographical distribution;
relations among the human population, crop productivity, and man's
environment. P, ECOL 260, PL S 130.
Cell Biology (3) (Identical with MCB 410, which is home).
Principles of Plant Breeding (3) Application of the principles of
genetics, botany and statistics to the improvement of plants. P, 312 or ECOL
320. May be convened with 515. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
Plant Cell Biology (3) In-depth analysis of the empirical evidence,
experimental methods, and theoretical background that underlies our
understanding of modern plant cell biology. P, MCB 410 or equivalent.
(Identical with MCB 439). May be convened with 539.
Developmental Plant Anatomy (4) Structure, function, and development of
vascular plants. 3R, 3L. P, 100 or 130 or MCB 181. May be convened with 550.
Turfgrass Science: Environmental Stress (3) Environmental interactions of
turfgrasses. Adaptability to and cultural amelioration of environmental
stress. Pesticide/nutrient fate and management practices to protect the
environment. P, 130, 355, 360.
Plant-Water Relations (3) Analytic approach to the study of water movement
into and through plants; development of internal water deficits and their
significance to physiological processes. P, 360 or ECOL 260. (Identical with
WS M 463). May be convened with 563.
Vegetable Physiology (3) Examination of the growth, development and
maturation of vegetable crops with special emphasis on postharvest processes.
Designed for upper level undergraduates and graduate students with some prior
knowledge of plant biochemistry and physiology. P, 360, 560 or BIOC 460. May
be convened with 565.
Systematic Botany (4) (Identical with ECOL 472, which is home). May be
convened with 572.
Recombinant DNA Methods and Applications (4) Fee. (Identical with MCB 473,
which is home).
Physiology of Crop Production (3) Plant processes, modifications, and
environmental interactions in relation to growth of crop plants, with emphasis
on recent advances and research techniques. P, 360. May be convened with 575.
r. Research (3) [Rpt./2] P, ENGL 101, MATH 117, ABE 120, and consent of instructor.
a. Senior Report (1) Writing-Emphasis Course.*
d. Plant-Insect Interactions (1) [Rpt./5] (Identical with ENTO 496d, which is home). May be convened with 596d.
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
Arid Land Crop Ecology I (3) Physical and biotic environment of crops in
relation to crop culture, production, and geographical distribution; relations
among the human population, crop productivity and man's environment. P, ECOL
260, MCB 181, 182.
Information Sources for Agricultural Scientists (1) Information systems
and retrieval techniques, with particular reference to concepts, uses and
limitations; emphasis on abstracts, indexes, alerting services, journals and
government documents. (Identical with LI S 509).
Plant Molecular Biology (3) Introduction to current developments in plant
molecular biology. Plant transformation, nitrogen fixation, photosynthesis and
chloroplast gene expression, transposable elements. P, 5 units of
undergraduate biochemistry. (Identical with BIOC 510 and MCB 510).
Principles of Plant Breeding (3) For a description of course topics see
415. Graduate-level requirements include participation in computer-aided
exercises in simulated recurrent selection. P, 312 or ECOL 320. May be
convened with 415.
Plant Cell Biology (3) For a description of course topics see 439.
Graduate-level requirements include a substantive term paper. P, MCB 410 or
equivalent. (Identical with MCB 539). May be convened with 439.
Economic Botany of Arid Lands (3) Examines past, present, and potential
future industries based on plant resources in arid lands. Survey of useful
products from arid lands plants, their biosynthesis and physiological
function, taxonomic and geographic sources, and their role in local and global
economies. P, 360. (Identical with ARL 541).
Developmental Plant Anatomy (4) For a description of course topics see
450. Graduate-level requirements include preparation of in-depth research
project. 3R, 3L. P, 100 or 130 or MCB 181. May be convened with 450.
Current Advances in Plant Physiology (3) Investigation of the
physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms that allow a plant to
perceive and respond to environmental and chemical signals during normal
growth and development and when it is experiencing a stress. P, 360, CHEM
462a-462b. (Identical with ECOL 560 and MCB 560).
Plant-Water Relations (3) For a description of course topics see 463.
Graduate-level requirements include preparation of an in-depth research
project. P, 360 or ECOL 260. (Identical with WS M 563). May be convened with
Vegetable Physiology (3) For description of course topics see 465.
Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper. May be convened
with 465.
Systematic Botany (4) (Identical with ECOL 572, which is home). May be
convened with 472.
Physiology of Crop Production (3) For description of course topics see
475. Graduate-level requirements include preparation of in-depth research
project. P, 360. May be convened with 475.
b. Current Topics in Plant Science-Advanced Topics in Plant Science (1-3) [Rpt./4] P, graduate standing or consent of instructor.
d. Plant-Insect Interactions (1) [Rpt./5] (Identical with ENTO 596d, which is home). May be convened with 496d.
Plant Biochemistry (3) Current topics in bioengineering; photosynthesis;
carbohydrate; nitrogen and lipid metabolism. This course deals with
biochemical processes specific to plants and allows students to gain an
understanding and appreciation of how chemical components are synthesized and
utilized by the plant during growth and development. P, BIOC 462a and 462b, PL
S 560.
Advanced Genetics (3) Fundamental concepts of genetic analyses with an
emphasis on application to current topics in plant genetics. Theoretical
background and experimental approaches will be emphasized. Topics will
include, but are not limited to, chromosome structure and function, gene
regulation, transposable elements and genomics. P, 312 or ECOL 320. (Identical
with GENE 627).
Plant Development (3) Plant growth and reproduction presented at the
cellular and molecular level to explain our current understanding of the
processes that determine plant form and function. P, 550, 560, MCB 411 or PL S
a. Plant Biology (1) (Identical with PL P 695a, which is home).
b. Plant Pathology (1) (Identical with PL P 695b, which is home).
a. Plant Science (1) [Rpt./4]
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Arizona Board of Regents © All rights reserved.
The University of Arizona
Page last updated: May 20, 2013