110. Regional Land Use (3) Problems of regional environments in relation
to the use and development of activities on the land. Emphasis on field study of
actual land uses and introduction to the analysis and mapping of these using
microcomputers. The relation of land use to taxation, zoning, and real estate
transfer and development. (Identical with GEOG 110).
301. Introduction to Regional Planning (3) Introduction to the
principles and techniques used for planning in metropolitan and rural regions.
Field trips. (Identical with GEOG 301).
379. Urban Growth and Development (3) (Identical with GEOG 379, which is
401. Introduction to Planning (3) Development of cities and urban
planning profession; function and scope; principles and practices in community,
environmental land use, transportation, and borderlands planning. Field trip.
(Identical with GEOG 401). May be convened with 501.
416. Geographic Information Systems for Geography and Regional Development
(3) (Identical with GEOG 416, which is home). May be convened with 516.
427. Aging and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 427, which is home).
May be convened with 527.
444. Site Planning (3) Studies relating to design determinants for
development of outdoor space. Lectures and exercises dealing with individual
design criticism, including topography, hydrology, climate, and vegetation.
Final project summarizing and applying all criteria to a realistic development
project is required. (Identical with ARCH 444). May be convened with 544.
453. Locational Analysis (3) (Identical with GEOG 453, which is home).
May be convened with 553.
456. The American City (3) (Identical with GEOG 456, which is home).
457. Statistical Techniques in Geography, Regional Development and Planning
(3) (Identical with GEOG 457, which is home). May be convened with 557.
459. Land Use and Growth Controls (3) (Identical with GEOG 459, which is
home). May be convened with 559.
461. Environmental and Resource Geography (3) (Identical with GEOG 461,
which is home).
468. Urban Transportation Planning (3) CDT (Identical with C E 468,
which is home). May be convened with 568.
471. Problems in Regional Development (3) (Identical with GEOG 471,
which is home). May be convened with 571.
473. Geology and the Urban Environment (3) (Identical with GEOS 473,
which is home). May be convened with 573.
476. The Land Development Process (3) [Rpt./1] (Identical with GEOG 476,
which is home). May be convened with 576.
481. Computer Cartography (3) (Identical with GEOG 481, which is home).
May be convened with 581. Change course number and title
to: 416. Geographic Information Systams for Geography and Regional Development.
Spring '98.
483. Geographic Applications of Remote Sensing (3) (Identical with GEOG
483, which is home). May be convened with 583.
484. Planning the Built Environment (2) (Identical with ARCH 484, which
is home). May be convened with 584.
497. Workshop
i. Community Design for Non-Designers (3-6) (Identical with ARCH 497i, which
is home). May be convened with 597i.
500. Ecosystemology for Urban Planning (3) (Identical with HWR 500,
which is home).
501. Introduction to Planning (3) For a description of course topics see
401. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper and
presentation. Field trip. (Identical with GEOG 501). May be convened with 401.
504. Public and Policy Economics (3) (Identical with PA 504, which is
510. Development of Regional Planning (3) Survey of the historical
development of the planning profession; the evolution of American planning as a
response to urbanization. Open to majors only. Credit allowed for this course or
301 but not for both. (Identical with GEOG 510).
514. Analytic Methods in Planning and Management (3) (Identical with PA
514, which is home).
516. Geographic Information Systems for Geography and Regional Development
(3) (Identical with GEOG 516, which is home). May be convened with 416.
523. Health and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 523, which is
527. Aging and Public Policy (3) (Identical with PA 527, which is home).
May be convened with 427.
535. Zoning, Ethics, and Equity (3) Extensive look at zoning and
regulation of uses of land and buildings and how it relates to the public
health, safety, morals, and welfare. Field trips.
544. Site Planning (3) For a description of course topics see 444.
Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper focusing on one
particular aspect of developing new techniques in the field. (Identical with
ARCH 544). May be convened with 444.
550. Metropolitan and Regional Planning (3) Survey and evaluation of
concepts and examples, including metropolitan, economic development, state and
national, and environmental plans in the U.S. and abroad. (Identical with GEOG
553. Locational Analysis (3) (Identical with GEOG 553, which is home).
May be convened with 453.
555. Introduction to Transportation (3) Graduate survey and policy
analysis course, focusing on the policy environment surrounding several major
transportation issues. Field trips.
557. Statistical Techniques in Geography, Regional Development and Planning
(3) (Identical with GEOG 557, which is home). May be convened with 457.
559. Land Use and Growth Controls (3) (Identical with GEOG 559, which is
home). May be convened with 459.
561. Resource Management (3) (Identical with GEOG 561, which is home).
563. Perception of Environment (3) (Identical with GEOG 563, which is
565. Project Planning and Modeling (3) (Identical with C E 565, which is
567. Geographical Analysis of Population (3) (Identical with GEOG 567,
which is home).
568. Urban Transportation Planning (3) CDT (Identical with C E 568,
which is home). May be convened with 468.
571. Problems in Regional Development (3) (Identical with GEOG 571,
which is home). May be convened with 471.
573. Geology and the Urban Environment (3) (Identical with GEOS 573,
which is home). May be convened with 473.
576. The Land Development Process (3) [Rpt./1] (Identical with GEOG 576,
which is home). May be convened with 476.
581. Computer Cartography (3) (Identical with GEOG 581, which is home).
May be convened with 481. Change course number and title
to: 516. Geographic Information Systems for Geography and Regional Development.
Spring '98
583. Geographic Applications of Remote Sensing (3) (Identical with GEOG
583, which is home). May be convened with 483.
584. Planning the Built Environment (2) (Identical with ARCH 584, which
is home). May be convened with 484.
597. Workshop
a. Architecture (3-8) [Rpt.] (Identical with ARCH 597a, which is home).
i. Community Design for Non-Designers (3-6) (Identical with ARCH 597i, which
is home). May be convened with 497i.
605. Planning Theories and Perspectives (3) A critical examination of
normative and methodological assumptions of alternative planning models, with
emphasis on developing a perspective on contemporary issues. (Identical with
GEOG 605).
611. Projects in Regional Planning (1-5) [Rpt./5 units] Lectures,
laboratory, and field projects covering various aspects of professional
practice. P, 605, 24 units toward a graduate degree in planning. Field trips.
(Identical with GEOG 611).
657. Spatial Analysis (3) (Identical with GEOG 657, which is home).
660. Land Use Planning (3) Review of the principal legal devices
available to implement planning decisions on community design (official map,
subdivision control), the use of land (nuisance, convenants and zoning) and
housing needs (including urban renewal). Special attention will be paid to the
significance and legal effect of a comprehensive plan and to the social and
economic effects of planning decisions. (Identical with LAW 660).
665. Quick Response Transportation Planning Methods (3) (Identical with
C E 665, which is home).
668. Urban Public Transportation Systems (3) (Identical with C E 668,
which is home).
684. History of Planning (1) The history of planning in the United
States with emphasis on the twentieth century and the direction of planning into
the next century. Planning and other countries and cultures will be discussed
where relevant. P, CR, 584.
696. Seminar
b. Financing Public Services (3) (Identical with ARCH 696b).
d. Border Issues in Planning (3) Field trips.
h. Land-Use Regulation (3) (Identical with MAP 696h, which is home).
j. Environmental Planning (3) (Identical with MAP 696j, which is home).
k. Planning Administration (3) (Identical with MAP 696k, which is home).