436. Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology I (4) Identical with PCOL 436,
which is home). May be convened with 536.
507. Pharmacokinetics (4) For a description of course topics see PHPR
407. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth analysis of a
pharmacokinetic problem. P, 307. May be convened with PHPR 407.
508A -
508B -. Pharmacokinetics Discussion (1-1) For a description of course
topics see PHPR 408a-408b. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth
analysis of a pharmacokinetic problem. CR, 407 for 408a, 485 for 408b. May be
convened with PHPR 408a-408b.
511. Health Care Systems (3) History, organization and administration of
health care services. (Identical with PHL 511).
512. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (3) Approaches to the
quantification of pharmacological actions of drugs on the basis of chemical
513. Pharmaceutical Economics (3) Application of management principles
to problem solving and decision making techniques in the provision of
pharmaceutical services within the institutional environment. Field trips. Open
to majors only. P, 511.
515. Toxicokinetics (3) For description of course topics see PHPR 415.
Graduate-level requirements include different examination and/or writing of
paper. May be convened with PHPR 415.
527. Antineoplastic Drugs (2) For a description of course topics see
PHPR 427. Graduate-level requirements include an extra paper or equivalent
course project. May be convened with PHPR 427.
536. Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology I (4) (Identical with PCOL
536, which is home).
537A -
537B -. Medicinal Chemistry (3-2) For a description of course topics
see PCOL 437a-437b. Graduate-level requirements include extensive use of the
current literature and emphasis on drug design principles. P, PCOL 536. May be
convened with PCOL 437a-437b. Change home to PCOL:
Medicinal Chemistry (3-2) (Identical with PCOL 537A-537B, which is home). May be
convened with PCOL 437a-437B. Spring '98
542. Professional Practice Management (3) For description of course
topics see PHPR 442. Graduate students will write either an additional paper or
proposal. May be convened with PHPR 442.
545. Medication Use and the U.S. Health Care System (3) For a
description of course topics see PHPR 445. Graduate students will write either
an additional paper or proposal. May be convened with PHPR 445.
547. Perspectives in Geriatrics Laboratory (1) P, CR 448. (Identical
with GERO 547 and N SC 547). May be convened with PHPR 447.
548. Perspectives in Geriatrics (2) For a description of course topics
see PHPR 448. Graduate-level requirements include one in-depth research paper on
a single topic relevant to geriatric care. Open to non-majors. P, CR 447 for
non-majors. (Identical with GERO 548 and PHL 548). May be convened with PHPR
561. Methodology in Pharmacy Research and Drug Literature Evaluation (3)
For description of course topics see PHPR 461. Graduate students will write
either an additional paper or proposal. May be convened with PHPR 461.
583. Perspectives of Cancer Care for Health Professionals (3) (Identical
with NURS 583, which is home). May be convened with PHPR 483.
585. Advanced Clinical Pharmacokinetics (3) For description of course
topics see PHPR 485. Graduate-level requirements include an additional paper.
May be convened with PHPR 485.
589. Clinical Pharmacotherapy of Mental Disorders (2) For a description
of course topics see PHPR 489. Graduate-level requirements include a research
paper on a single topic of psychopharmacology. (Identical with PHL 589). May be
convened with PHPR 489.
596. Seminar
a. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1) [Rpt./5]
b. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Research (1) [Rpt./5]
c. Pharmaceutics Research (1 to 2) [Rpt./5] Open to majors only.
d. Pharmaceutics (1) [Rpt./5 units]
e. Pharmacy Administration (1) [Rpt./5]
f. Pharmacy Administration Research (1) [Rpt./5]
601. Advanced Physical Pharmacy (3) Applications of physical chemistry
to pharmacy. P, physical pharmacy or physical chemistry course.
602. Physicochemical Factors Influencing Drug Action (3) The role of
acid-base equilibria, dissolution, and complexation in influencing drug
formulation and drug action. P, 307.
606. Industrial Manufacturing Pharmacy (3) Pharmaceutics as applied to
various aspects of industrial pharmacy. Field trips.
609A -
609B -. Pharmacokinetics (3-3) Quantitative treatment of kinetics of
drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and pharmacologic response,
including development of mathematical models for these processes and use of
digital computer for simulation and nonlinear regression analysis. P, 407.
611. Pharmaceutical Education Research (3) Cultural, social, behavioral,
and organizational foundations of pharmacy, including the development of the
present state of practice. (Identical with PHL 611).
612. Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research (3) Survey of research methodology
for studying administrative, social and behavioral aspects of health care and
pharmacy practice; strategy for selecting and modifying existing research tools
for particular purposes. (Identical with PHL 612).
621. The Pharmaceutical Industry (3) Economic and organizational factors
in the development, production, and distribution of drugs and the structure of
the industry. (Identical with PHL 621).
630A -
630B -. Advanced Organic Medicinals (4-3) Rational drug design,
receptor site theories, mechanism of drug action, and metabolic pathways of
medicinal agents; chemical and enzymatic synthesis of important pharmaceuticals.
P, 437b, PCOL 471b.
632A -
632B -. Natural Medicinal Products (3-3) Origin and isolation of
steroidal and alkaloidal drugs and other natural products of interest. P, 437b,
PCOL 471b.
634. Biomedical Applications of Mass Spectrometry (3) Principles of mass
spectrometry including instrumental design, interpretation of spectra, and
applications to biomedical and related problems. P, CHEM 241b.
694. Practicum
a. Clinical Clerkship (1-15) [Rpt.]
b. Administrative Clerkship (1-15) [Rpt.]
695. Colloquium
a. Research in Gerontology (1) (Identical with GERO 695a, which is home).
815. Pharmacy Subspecialty
l. Research (5) 15-30L. P, or CR, 10 units of PHPR 810. (Identical with PHPR
815l, which is home).