195. Colloquium
a. Foundations of Modern Pharmacology (1)
b. Toxicology: The Poisons Around Us (1) [Rpt.]
c. The Meaning of Life (1)
302. Introduction to Environmental Toxicology (3) Basic concepts in
chemical exposure, metabolism, target organ toxicity, human risk,
carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and teratogenicity. Description of health effects
for selected chemicals. P, two semesters each of biology and chemistry.
(Identical with SWES 302).
401. Human Gross Anatomy (3) (Identical with CBA 401, which is home).
408. Insect Toxicology (3) (Identical with ENTO 408, which is home). May
be convened with 508.
410. Physical Exposures (3) (Identical with OSH 410, which is home). May
be convened with 510.
420. Case Studies in Biochemical Pharmacology (1) Contemporary issues is
biochemistry will be discussed in a case study format. The course will relate
alterations in cellular biochemistry with disease states and drug therapy. Open
to majors only.
421. Case Studies in Pharmacology (1) Contemporary issues in
pharmacology and the related disciplines of toxicology, physiology, and
immunology will be discussed in a case study format. Relates concepts and
mechanisms with disease states and drug therapy. Open to majors only. CR, 436.
423. Mechanisms of Disease (4) (Identical with V SC 423, which is home).
May be convened with 523.
435. Introduction to Immunology and Hematology (2) Molecular, cellular,
and organismal aspects of immune systems protection and destruction; new
strategies for pharmacologic interventions; effects of current medical
treatments. Open to majors only.
436. Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology I (4) General principles of
medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, and comprehensive survey of anti-infective
and antineoplastic drugs. P, 307, BIOC 460, CHEM 241b, 243b; P or CR, PSIO 480.
(Identical with PHSC 436). May be convened with 536.
437A -
437B -. Medicinal Chemistry II & III (3-2) 437a: Continuation of
the comprehensive survey of the medicinal chemistry of drugs, including agents
acting on the autonomic, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, inflammatory, and
gastrointestinal systems, vitamins and radiopharmaceuticals. P, 436. 437b.
Continuation of the comprehensive survey of the medicinal chemistry of drugs,
including agents acting on the endocrine and central nervous systems. P, 436,
437a. May be convened with PHSC 537a-537b.
438. Pharmaceutical Analysis (3) Modern methods, test kits, and
instrumentation used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of drug
metabolites and biochemicals in biological samples. P, organic chemistry, CHEM
445. Drugs of Abuse (3) Pharmacology and toxicology of abused drugs with
emphasis on mechanisms of drug action, theories of addiction, involvement of
AIDS and the immune system and treatment approaches. P, ECOL 182. May be
convened with 545.
462A -
462B -. Biochemistry (3) (Identical with BIOC 462a-462b, which is
466. Physiology Laboratory (3) (Identical with ECOL 466, which is home).
May be convened with 566.
470. Phytomedicine (2) Introduction to chemistry, pharmacology,
botanical sources, safety and efficacy issues of commonly used herbal drugs with
emphasis on pharmaceutical applications. P, 437a-437b.
471A -
471B -. Pharmacology II & III (4-2) 471a: Continuation of the
comprehensive survey of the pharmacology of drugs, including agents acting on
the autonomic, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, and inflammatory systems. P, 436.
471b: Continuation of the comprehensive survey of the pharmacology of drugs,
including agents acting on the endocrine and central nervous systems. P, 436,
471a. May be convened with 571a-571b.
472. Nursing Pharmacology (3) Pharmacodynamics, pharmacology, and
adverse effects of commonly used drugs, with emphasis on clinical applications.
Not available for elective credit in the College of Pharmacy or graduate credit
in pharmacology-toxicology graduate programs. Only open to nursing majors or
with consent of the course coordinator. May be convened with 572.
474. Clinical Toxicology (2) Prevention, characteristics, diagnosis and
rational management of diseases caused by drug overdose, toxic household
products, poisonous plants, venomous animals, environmental and industrial
toxicants. P, 472 or 471b. May be convened with 574.
480. Human Physiology (5) (Identical with PSIO 480, which is home).
484. Fundamentals of Industrial and Environmental Health (3) (Identical
with OSH 484, which is home). May be convened with 584.
485. Industrial Ventilation (3) (Identical with OSH 485, which is home).
May be convened with 585.
487. Advanced Industrial and Environmental Health (3) (Identical with
OSH 487, which is home). May be convened with 587
501A -
501B -. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (3-3) Action of
chemical agents upon living material at all levels of organization with emphasis
on mechanisms of action of prototype drugs. Foundation for a rational approach
to human therapeutics and toxicology. P, PSIO 580 or 601 and course equivalent
to BIOC 462a. Condense course number to: 501. May be
convened with PHCL 801. Fall '98
502. Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (2-4) (Identical with OSH
502, which is home).
508. Insect Toxicology (3) (Identical with ENTO 508, which is home). May
be convened with 408.
509. Statistics for Research (4) (Identical with Math 509, which is
510. Physical Exposures (3) (Identical with OSH 510, which is home). May
be convened with 410.
515. Basic Human Pathology (4) (Identical with PATH 515, which is home).
520. Clinical Pharmacology (2) Effects of drugs on natural history of
disease; drug interactions; drug testing designs; drug abuse literature
evaluation; aspects of clinical toxicology. P, 501.
523. Mechanisms of Disease (4) (Identical with V SC 523, which is home).
May be convened with 423.
536. Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology I (4) For a description of
course topics see 436. Graduate-level requirements include a term paper.
(Identical with PHSC 536). May be convened with 436.
537A -
537B -. Medicinal Chemistry II & III (3-2) 537a: For a
description of course topics, see PCOL 437a-437b. Graduate level requirements
include extensive use of the current literature and emphasis on drug design
principles, P, 536. (Identical with PHSC 537a-537b). May be convened with
545. Drugs of Abuse (3) For a description of course topics see 445.
Graduate-level requirements include a term paper on some aspect of drug abuse.
May be convened with 445.
550. Drug Disposition and Metabolism (2) Principles of absorption,
distribution and excretion of drugs, with emphasis on mechanisms of drug
metabolism. P, 602a. (Identical with CBIO 550).
551. Molecular Biology of Pharmacological Agents (3) Molecular mechanism
of drugs and toxins at the cellular and subcellular levels, including effects on
control mechanisms, cell-cell interactions, organelles, and nucleic acid and
protein synthesis. P, BIOC 462a and 462b, or 411 and 511.
553. Toxicology and Chemical Exposures (2-4) (Identical with OSH 553,
which is home).
554. Cardiovascular Pharmacology (3) Modern theories of mechanism of
action of cardiovascular drugs, prophylaxis and therapy of cardiovascular
disease. P, 501, PSIO 580, BIOC 462 and 462b or equivalent.
566. Physiology Laboratory (3) (Identical with ECOL 566, which is home).
May be convened with 466.
571A -
571B -. Pharmacology II & III (4-2) For a description of course
topics see 471a-471b. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research
paper on a current topic. P, 536. May be convened with 471a-471b.
572. Nursing Pharmacology (3) For a description of course topics see
472. Graduate-level requirements include a term paper on nursing pharmacology.
Not available for elective credit in the College of Pharmacy or graduate credit
in pharmacology-toxicology graduate programs. May be convened with 472.
574. Clinical Toxicology (2) For a description of course topics see 474.
Graduate students will complete sixteen hours experience in the Poison
Information Center. P, 572 or 571b. May be convened with 474.
576. Environmental Toxicology (3) Toxicity of agricultural and
industrial chemicals, with emphasis on air and water pollutants; decision-making
in environmental issues and risk assessment. P, 6 units of biology and organic
chemistry; 602a. (Identical with ENTO 576). Change
prerequisites to: P, 6 units of biology and organic chemistry; PCOL 602a. Spring
580. Systems Physiology (5) (Identical with PSIO 580, which is home).
582. Immunotoxicology (3) Broad overview of the immune system, with
emphasis on how chemicals affect the immune system (immunomodulation) and the
role of the immune system in chemical-induced tissue injury/allergic responses.
P, 602a-602b, MIC 419 or equivalent. (Identical with MBIM 582).
584. Fundamentals of Industrial and Environmental Health (3) (Identical
with OSH 584, which is home). May be convened with 484.
585. Industrial Ventilation (3) (Identical with OSH 585, which is home).
May be convened with 485.
586A -
586B -. Introduction to Pharmacology and Toxicology Research (1-1)
Introduction to basic research techniques in pharmacology and toxicology through
supervised laboratory rotations; student-initiated and faculty-structured lab.
Exercises in modern pharmacological and toxicological techniques.
587. Advanced Industrial and Environmental Health (3) (Identical with
OSH 587, which is home). May be convened with 487.
593. Internship (1-3).
596. Seminar
a. Advanced Graduate Research (1-3) [Rpt./3]
b. Current Concepts in Industrial Hygiene (1) [Rpt./3]
c. Advanced Toxicology (1-2) [Rpt./3]
597. Workshop
a. Computer-assisted Instruction (1)
601. Analytical Instrumentation and Techniques (2-4) Lecture and
laboratory in the qualitative and quantitative determination of toxic substances
in the environment and body fluids. Modern instrumental techniques will be
employed whenever appropriate. Lecture may be taken separately by non-majors.
Toxicology majors take lecture/laboratory (4 units). Elective for pharmacology
majors and others should take lecture only (2 units). 2R, 6L. P, CHEM 325, 326.
602A -
602B -. Biotoxicology (3-1) 602a: Lecture. Mechanisms of organ
directed toxicities in animals. Chemical carcinogenesis, teratogenesis and
mutagenesis. Open to non-majors. P, a.: organic chemistry, two semesters of
biology and one semester of biochemistry. 602b: Laboratory. Proper use of
animals in toxicology and pharmacology research; focuses on organ specific
toxicities. (Identical with PHL 602a-602b and CBIO 602a-602b)
610. Topics in Advanced Toxicology (1-3) [Rpt./3] Current developments
in toxicology including: chemical carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and teratogenesis;
behavioral toxicology; inhalation toxicology; toxicokinetics; metabolism and
environmental toxicology or other selected topics. P, 602a.
620. Principles of Pharmacology (3) Basic principles of the actions of
drugs and of intercellular communication; drug-receptor theory; principles of
laboratory investigation in pharmacology and toxicology; historical and
philosophical foundations of pharmacology and toxicology.
625. Human Neuroscience (6) (Identical with MED 625, which is home).
653. Neuropharmacology (3) Role of various neurochemicals in the
peripheral and central nervous systems and the effects of drugs on the nervous
system, including their actions at receptors and their influence on synthesis,
storage, and release of neurotransmitters.
670. Principles of Perfusion Techniques I (3) An introduction to basic
extracorporeal techniques through discussion of blood propelling devices, heat
transfer, gas transfer, bio-materials, and perfusion pharmacology. P, CR, 671.
Open to majors only. (Identical with SURG 670).
671. Perfusion Technology Laboratory (1) An introduction to basic
extracorporeal systems. Open to majors only. (Identical with SURG 671).
672. Principles of Perfusion Techniques II (2) Introduction to basic
extracorporeal techniques through discussion of blood propelling devices, heat
transfer, gas transfer, bio-materials and perfusion pharmacology. Open to majors
only. (Identical with SURG 672).
691. Preceptorship (3)
l. Perfusion Science (1-3) [Rpt./25 units] Students register for 3 units for
Fall and Spring semesters and 1 unit for Summer Session I and II. P, admission
into circulatory sciences option within pharmacology.
695. Colloquium
a. Research Conference (1-4) [Rpt.].
b. Cellular/Molecular Pharmacology (1-3) [Rpt./4 units] P, BIOC 462a-462b,
568 and/or PCOL 551.
696. Seminar
a. Student Research (1) [Rpt./10]
815. Pharmacy Subspeciality
l. Research (5) [Rpt./10 units] (Identical with PHPR 815l, which is home).