Introduction to the Analysis of Data for Decision Making (3) Informal and
exploratory approaches to the analysis of empirical data in a managerial
context. P, MATH 119.
Public Policy and Administration (3) (Identical with POL 206, which is
Social Welfare Policy (3) Policy issues and options analyzed in the area
of social welfare. Emphasis on specialized needs of vulnerable groups such as
children and the socially disadvantaged. (Identical with SOC 221).
Criminal Justice Administration (3) Theory and practice of criminal
justice organizations: police, courts and correctional institutions. Crosslist
added: (Identical with SOC 241. 981
Health Care Policy and Institutions (3) Examines public policy issues in
health including recent developments in health policy and planning at the
national, state and local levels and their impacts on administrative behavior.
Juvenile Delinquency (3) (Identical with SOC 341, which is home).
Criminology (3) (Identical with SOC 342, which is home).
The Crime Problem (3) Theory and research on the nature, causes and
control of crime from an interdisciplinary perspective. (Identical with SOC
Legal Aspects of the Criminal Justice Process (3) Analysis of selected
principles of criminal law, criminal procedure and correctional law.
(Identical with SOC 344).
Quantitative Methods for Administrators (3) Quantitative techniques and
their applications. Equations and their graphs, systems of linear equations,
matrix algebra, linear programming; fundamental probability, expected value;
functions and limits, applications of differential calculus. Open only to
graduate students. This course cannot be credited toward the completion of a
bachelor's degree.
System and Program Evaluation (3) Methodology of evaluating the
performance of programs and strategies in the context of policy assessment. Change
course title and description to: Program Planning and Evaluation (3)
Introduces processes of program planning and evaluation in the public and
non-profit sectors. Includes goals setting and needs assessment methods, and
quantitative and qualitative techniques of program analysis and evaluation.
Fall '98
Bureaucracy, Politics and Policy (3) (Identical with POL 406).
Introduction to Public and Nonprofit Financial Management (3) Issues and
techniques of financial management and budgeting in the public and nonprofit
sectors. P, ECON 300; ACCT 200 or 272.
Health, Ethics and Public Policy (3) Dealing with ethical and public
dimension of health care. Policy issues include who pays for health care, who
can have assess to health care and the implications of for-profit health care
provision will be discussed. (Identical with SOC 416). May be convened with
Health, Ethics and Public Policy (3) Major policy issues confronting
health care system, including finance, access and ethics. Change
course number and description to: 416. Dealing with ethical and public
dimension of health care. Policy issues include who pays for health care, who
can have assess to health care and the implications of for-profit health care
provision will be discussed. (Identical with SOC 416). May be convened with
516. Fall '98
Introduction to Health Economics (3) Applies microeconomic theory,
industrial organization and public finance to efficiency and equity problems
in the acute and chronic health-care sectors and explores solutions to these
problems at an introductory level. P, 321 and ECON 300 or 361. (Identical with
ECON 422).
Management of Long Term Care Facilities and Programs (3) Problems and
principles of management of facilities and community based programs providing
health and social services to the chronically impaired. May be convened with
Aging and Public Policy (3) Policy framework for administration of
programs, plans, priorities, and legislation related to the needs of the aging
in modern society (Identical with GERO 427 and PLAN 427). May be convened with
International Management (3) (Identical with MAP 435, which is home). P,
ECON 449.
Women and Youth in the Justice System (3) Examines the treatment of
juveniles and women in the American criminal justice system. (Identical with
SOC 441).
Crime and Public Policy (3) Role of government in the prevention and
control of crime. (Identical with SOC 442). Change
course number to: 446. Add convening statement: May be convened with 546.
Spring '98
Crime and Public Policy (3) Role of government in the prevention and
control of crime. (Identical with SOC 446). May be convened with 546.
Law of the Elderly (3) (Identical with GERO 457, which is home). May be
convened with 557.
Administration of Public Organizations (3) Exploration of public
organization theory and behavior in the context of issues confronting upper
echelon public administrators on local, state and federal levels. P, MAP 305,
PA 410. Writing-Emphasis Course.
Government and Economic Well-being (3) (Identical with POL 473, which is
home). May be convened with 573. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
Formation of Public Policy (3) (Identical with POL 480, which is home).
Environmental Policy (3) (Identical with POL 481, which is home).
Public Organization Theory (3) Course focuses on understanding and
analyzing interactions, effectiveness and complexities of organization
Public Organization Behavior (3) Individual and group behavior in public
and nonprofit organizations and their interactions with technology and
structure. P, 501.
Politics and the Policy Process (3) Various theories of how public policy
is formulated.
Public and Policy Economics (3) Applications of economics to the analysis
of public policy and planning problems. (Identical with PLAN 504).
Methods for Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation (3) Techniques for
analyzing the effects of public policies and programs. P, MKTG 552 or
permission of instructor.
Bureaucracy, Politics and Policy (3) (Identical with POL 506, which is
Institutional Action (3) Diagnosis and prescription in market, political,
and organizational contexts. Boundaries between organization, market, and
politics. Theory and cases. P, 503, 504 and 501.
Public and Nonprofit Financial Management (3) Financial management and
budgeting in the public and nonprofit sectors; techniques and organizational
issues. P, ECON 500.
Government and the Nonprofit Sector (3) In the past twenty years,
governments have drastically altered the way they deliver public services.
While government spending on services has grown, nonprofit organizations under
contract to government increasingly deliver public services in health, welfare
and many other areas. This course will map the dimensions of this new
relationship; discuss the consequences of third party management of public
services; and develop skills in contracting, monitoring and measuring
Analytic Methods in Planning and Management (3) Methods and models for
program planning and policy analysis; forecasting, service demand, facility
location in capital investment programming, task sequencing, program analysis
and evaluation. P, MKTG 552, GEOG 557 or permission of instructor. (Identical
with GEOG 514 and PLAN 514).
Health, Ethics and Public Policy (3) For a description of course topics
see 416. Graduate-level requirements include individual presentations.
(Identical with SOC 516). May be convened with 416.
Social Policy (3) Design, implementation and outcomes of social policy
initiatives in the U.S. and abroad. Themes include historical overview of
antipoverty policy in the U.S., competing explanations for conditions of
inequality, and examination of policy solutions. (Identical with SOC 521).
Analysis of Health Systems (3) Introduces the student to the scope and
nature of public and private health systems in the U.S.; examines roles of
government and private enterprise in the development and operation of health
Health and Public Policy (3) Examines public policy issues in health,
including recent developments in health policy and planning at the national,
state and local levels, and their impact on administrative behavior. P, 522.
(Identical with PLAN 523).
Management of Long Term Care Facilities and Programs (3) For description
of course topics see 424. Graduate-level students will be required to produce
more papers for the class at administrative level. May be convened with 424.
Comparative Management in Health Administration (3) Assists students in
applying general management principles to particular types of health agencies.
Models of organizational behavior are used to develop a paradigm for
comparative analysis. P, 522
Health Economics (3) Applies microeconomic theory, industrial organization
and public finance to efficiency and equity problems in the acute and chronic
health-care sectors. Explores solutions to these problems. P, 522, ECON 500,
or permission of instructor. (Identical with ECON 526).
Aging and Public Policy (3) For description of course topics see 427.
Graduate-level students will be required to produce more papers for the class
at higher level. (Identical with GERO 527 and PLAN 527). May be convened with
Topics in Public and Nonprofit Financial Management (3) Advanced issues in
public-sector financial management. P, 508 or FIN 511. (Identical with FIN
Aging and Social Sciences (3) (Identical with GERO 530, which is home).
International Management (3) (Identical with MAP 535, which is home).
Theories of Crime and Public Policy (3) Theories of crime applied to
public policy issues. The relationship between scientific analysis of crime
and formation of public policy. (Identical with LAW 540 and SOC 540).
Deviance and Social Control (3) (Identical with SOC 541, which is home).
Crime and Public Policy (3) For a description of course topics see 446.
Graduate-level requirements include additional reading and paper along with
facilitation of a class. (Identical with SOC 546). May be convened with 446.
White Collar and Organizational Crime (3) The nature and distribution of
white collar and organizational crime. Sociological and economic explanations
for crime in organizational settings. Societal response and control
mechanisms. (Identical with MAP 543 and SOC 543).
Law of the Elderly (3) (Identical with GERO 557, which is home). May be
convened with 457.
Government and Economic Well-being (3) (Identical with POL 573, which is
home). May be convened with 473.
Environmental Policy (3) (Identical with POL 581, which is home).
Internship (1-6)
g. Public Policy (3) [Rpt./2] (Identical with POL 595g, which is home)
i. Management and Policy for Ecological Sustainability (3) [Rpt.]
(Identical with POL 596i, which is home).