402. Industrial Hygiene Instrumentation and Analysis (2-4) Introduction
to field sampling instruments and strategies, quality control, and statistical
analysis, with emphasis on instrument selection and calibration. 2R, 3L. P, 486,
CHEM 322, 323. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
410. Physical Exposures (3) Recognition, evaluation, and control of
physical exposures, including radiation, noise, vibration, and heat stress.
Student is required to recognize potential exposures, use correct
instrumentation to collect and evaluate data, and develop controls. 2R, 3L. P,
486. (Identical with PCOL 410). May be convened with 510.
453. Industrial Toxicology and Chemical Exposures (2-4) Principles of
Toxicology related to industry; dose response; mechanisms of toxicity; hazard
evaluation principles; toxicology of major classes of industrial compounds. P,
486. May be convened with 553.
460. Introduction to Epidemiology (3) Introduction to the purposes,
principles, and methods of epidemiology.
484. Fundamentals of Industrial and Environmental Health (3)
Introduction to the principles of occupational and environmental health, with
emphasis on the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of health
hazards. (Identical with C E 484 and PCOL 484).
485. Industrial Ventilation (3) Design and evaluation of industrial
ventilation systems. Emphasis is on level evaluation of industrial contaminants.
Five laboratory exercises and course design project. 3R, 1L. (Identical with
PCOL 485).
487. Advanced Industrial and Environmental Health (3) An in-depth
coverage of the professional practice of occupational and environmental health.
Contaminant behavior and assessment are emphasized. A comprehensive
environmental health assessment of an industrial site is required. P, 486.
(Identical with C E 487 and PCOL 487). May be convened with 587.
495. Colloquium
a. Occupational Safety and Health (3) [Rpt./2] P, 486.
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in the
Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this manual).
502. Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (2-4) Introduction to air
sampling instruments and strategies, quality control, and statistical analysis,
with emphasis on instrument selection and calibration. P, 586. (Identical with
PCOL 502).
510. Physical Exposures (3) Recognition, evaluation and control of
physical exposures, including radiation, noise, vibration, and heat stress.
Student will be able to recognize potential exposures, use correct
instrumentation to collect and evaluate data, and develop controls. P, 586.
(Identical with PCOL 510). May be convened with 410.
553. Industrial Toxicity and Chemical Exposures (2-4) For a description
of course topics see 453. Graduate-level requirements include a comprehensive
paper detailing hazards associated with a particular chemical. P, 586.
(Identical with PHL 553 and PCOL 553). May be convened with 453.
584. Fundamentals of Industrial and Environmental Health (3) For a
description of course topics see 486. Graduate-level requirements include a
comprehensive paper detailing hazards associated with a particular health
hazard. (Identical with C E 584 and PCOL 584).
585. Industrial Ventilation (3) Design and evaluation of ventilation
systems used for environmental control. Emphasis is on local exhaust system
design and evaluation. The importance of ventilation in indoor air quality is
also addressed. Five laboratory exercises and course design project. (Identical
with PCOL 585).
587. Advanced Industrial and Environmental Health (3) For a description
of course topics see 487. Graduate-level requirements include participation in
an industrial hygiene assessment of a plant and completion of a formal report
describing the results of the survey. P, 486. (Identical with C E 587 and PCOL
587). May be convened with 487.