210. Geometrical Optics (3) Basic principles of light, refraction,
reflection, properties of optical glass, prisms, paraxial optics, pupils and
stops, visual and other basic instruments, aberrations, measurement and testing.
P, MATH 125a. (Identical with ECE 210).
210L . Geometrical Optics Laboratory (1) Cleaning optics, measuring
refractive indices, dispersing and deviating prisms, thin lenses, thick lenses,
aberration evaluation, Keplerian and Galileo telescopes and compound
microscopes. P, CR, 210. (Identical with ECE 210L).
226. Physical Optics (3) Electromagnetic waves, plane harmonic waves,
coherent and incoherent superposition of waves. Interference and diffraction of
waves. Polarized light. P, 210, PHYS 241. (Identical with ECE 226).
226L . Physical Optics Laboratory (1) Electromagnetic waves, plane
harmonic waves, coherent and incoherent superposition of waves. Interference and
diffraction of waves. Polarized light. P, CR, 226. (Identical with ECE 226L).
342. Optical Systems Analysis (3) Mathematical background, special
functions, systems and operators, convolution, Fourier series, the Fourier
transform, linear filtering, sampling, two-dimensional operations, applications
in diffraction and image formation. P, MATH 223, PHYS 142 or 241.
350. Radiometry, Sources and Detectors (3) Symbols, units and
nomenclature, geometrical radiation transfer, radiometric instruments and
measurements, black body radiation, practical radiation sources, noise and its
effects, point and array detectors, detector interfacing. P, 226. (Identical
with ECE 350).
370. Lasers and Electro-Optical Devices (3) Elements of solid state
physics, laser physics and laser light, laser components, systems and
measurements; display devices, light modulators, laser beam manipulation. P,
350, PHYS 242. (Identical with ECE 370).
412. Optical Instrumentation (3) Microscopes, telescopes, cameras,
high-speed photography, diffraction gratings, fiber optics, ophthalmic
instruments; medical optical instruments, adaptive optics, optical scanners. P,
370. (Identical with ECE 412).
416. Optical Design, Fabrication and Testing (4) Aberrations of optical
systems, balancing of aberrations, image quality measures, system analysis using
ray trace code, lens design, optimization, optical materials, optical testing,
knife edge test, interferometric testing, phase shifting interferometry, optical
fabrication, lens mounting. P, 412. (Identical with ECE 416).
434. Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials (3) (Identical with
MSE 434, which is home).
470A -
470B -. Optics Laboratory (3-3) 470a: Beam alignment, data
acquisition and signal processing, spectrometers, incoherent sources, thermal
and quantum detectors, array detectors and video, image acquisition and
processing, optical properties of materials, polarization, scanners and
modulators. P, ECE 351a, CR 412. 470b: Coherent sources and gaussian beams,
spatial filters, laser cavities and diode lasers, fiber optics, Fourier optics,
holography, image quality and MTF, geometrical and interferometric optical
testing. P, 470a; CR, 416. (Identical with ECE 470a-470b).
473. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy for Experimentalists I (3)
(Identical with PHYS 473, which is home). May be convened with 573.
474. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy for Experimentalists II (3)
(Identical with PHYS 474, which is home). May be convened with 574.
487. Fiber Optics Laboratory (3) Fiber characteristics; fiber
preparation; single and multimode fibers; sources; coupling; communication
systems; multiplexing techniques; fiber-optic sensors. P, ECE 456. (Identical
with ECE 487). May be convened with 587.
490. Remote Sensing for the Study of Planet Earth (3) (Identical with
REM 490, which is home). May be convened with 590.
501. Electromagnetic Waves (3) Maxwell's equations, boundary conditions,
wave equation, vector and scalar potentials and gauges, green's function,
reflection, refraction, polarized light, optics of crystals. P, PHYS 241.
502. Introduction to Optical Design (3) Rays and wavefronts, Snell's
Law, mirror and prism systems, Gaussian imagery and cardinal points, paraxial
ray tracing, stops and dispersion, systems of thin prisms, system analysis using
ray trace code, chromatic aberrations and achromatization, monochromatic
aberrations, ray fans, spot diagrams, balancing of aberrations, aspheric
systems. P, PHYS 142, or 241.
503. Quantum Optics and Lasers (3) Quantum background, interaction of
light with matter, two-level atom, lasers, nonlinear optics. P, PHYS 371.
(Identical with PHYS 503).
504. Mathematical Methods for Optics (3) Complex variables, Fourier
theory and applications to imaging, coherent and incoherent imaging, other
integral transforms, special functions and orthogonal polynomials, linear
algebra, integral equations, green's functions. P, MATH 223; PHYS 142 or 241.
505. Diffraction and Interferometry (3) Interference and interferometry,
concepts of coherence, holography, diffraction theory, Fraunhofer and Fresnel
diffraction, volume diffraction, Gaussian beam propagation, optical transfer
function, speckle. P, 501.
505L . Fundamentals of Physical Optics Laboratory (1) Laboratory in
support of 501 and 505. P, 501 or 505.
506. Radiometry and Detectors (3) Generation and propagation of black
body and other radiation, projected areas, solid angle, inverse square and other
laws, isotropic and other surfaces, absorption, reflection, transmission,
scattering, imaging and non-imaging detectors, figures of merit, noise, vision,
color, film, calibration and measurement, spectrometers and radiometers. P, 502.
507. Solid-State Optics (3) Basic concepts in crystals and in optical
response, optical properties of phonons and semiconductors, quantum wells,
electro-optical properties of bulk semiconductors, optical nonlinearities, solid
state devices and laser diodes. P, 503, 511 or PHYS 371.
508. Probability and Statistics in Optics (3) Probability theory,
stochastic processes, optical applications, hypothesis testing and estimation.
P, 501; 504 or 512.
510L . Fundamentals of Applied Optics Laboratory (1) Optical systems;
(2A) Gaussian optics, aberrations, radiometry, sources, detectors, optical
engineering. P, 506.
511. Introduction to Optical Physics and Lasers (3) Classical dipole
oscillator, microscopic theory of light-matter interactions, laser and other
light sources, lasers, nonlinear optics. P, CR, 501.
511L . Lasers and Solid-State Devices Laboratory (1) Gas and
semiconductor lasers, modes and beats, modelocking, spectrum analysis, exitons
and quantum wells, noise, modulators and detectors, second-harmonic generation.
P, 503 or 511, CR 507.
512. Introduction to Fourier Optics (3) Mathematical background,
convolution, the Fourier transform, linear filtering, two-dimensional
operations, diffraction, image formation. P, MATH 223; PHYS 241 or 142.
512L . Mathematical Optics Laboratory (1) Laboratory in support of 504,
508 and 512. P, 504 or 512 and C SC 227 or SIE 270.
513. Optical Testing (3) Fringe analysis, wavefront aberrations and
analysis, measurement of optical components, surface figure, surface finish,
length, refractive index and transfer functions. P, 505, 506.
513L . Optical Testing Laboratory (1) Laboratory in support of 513. P,
CR, 513.
514. Aberration Theory (3) Aberration theory; geometrical image
formation; diffraction; pupil, spread, and transfer functions; random wavefront
perturbations; system effects; image evaluation; image processing. P, 506.
517. Lens Design (4) Fundamentals of optical system layout and design;
exact and paraxial ray tracing; aberration theory; chromatic and monochromatic
aberrations; use of computer programs in lens design. 2R, 6L. P, 506.
518. Introduction to Aberrations (3) Advanced first-order tools,
chromatic aberrations, monochromatic aberrations, sources of aberration,
computation, simple systems. P 502.
527. Holography (3) Historical background; the Gabor hologram; the
hologram as a zone plate; Fresnel, image, Fourier-transform, and reflection
holograms; practical holography; limitations. P, 505. (Identical with ECE 527).
529. Information and the Foundations of Physics (3) Information theories
of Shannon and Fisher. Second law and information. Measurement and likelihood
theory. Probability- and physical-law estimation from new theory of information.
P, 501 or PHYS 325 or equivalent. (Identical with PHYS 529).
531. Image Processing Laboratory for Remote Sensing (3) (Identical with
ECE 531, which is home).
532. Computer Vision (3) (Identical with ECE 532, which is home).
533. Digital Image Processing (3) (Identical with ECE 533, which is
534. Advanced Topics in Electronic Materials (3) [Rpt./2] (Identical
with MSE 534, which is home).
538. Medical Optics (3) Imaging methods in radiology, ultrasound, NMR,
thermography, planar x-rays, classical tomography, computed tomography, gamma
ray emission methods, positron imaging, digital radiography, xerographic
methods. P, 512.
539. Estimation Methods in Optics (3) Bayesian MAP and MMSE estimation,
maximum entropy estimates, restoration of images and spectra, phase retrieval,
medical images, significance tests. P, 501.
541. Introduction to Lasers (3) Laser theory, properties of lasers,
stimulated emission, dispersion theory, gain saturation and rate equations,
optical resonators, mode locking, survey of laser types and mechanisms. P, PHYS
103b. Change prerequisites to: P, PHYS 371. Spring '98
544. Advanced Linear Optics (3) Foundations of light-matter
interactions, Maxwell-Lorentz equations, transverse and longitudinal fields,
variational principles, normal modes of matter; linear optics, crystal optics,
electro-optics, magneto-optics, acousto-optics; introduction to nonlinear
optics, second-harmonic gerneration, phase-matching. P, 501.
545. Nonlinear Optics (3) Review of linear optics, quantum theory of
optical susceptibilities; second-order nonlinearities, second-harmonic
generation, three-wave mixing; third-order nonlinearities, Kerr-type
nonlinearities, self-phase modulation, two-photon absorption, phase-conjunction,
self-focusing, optical solitons, nonlinear fiber optics; stimulated scattering,
Rayleigh wing, Brillouin and Raman scattering. P, 501, 503 or 511.
550. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (3) Historical development of remote
sensing, the sun and the electromagnetic spectrum; radiometry; radiometry of
optical systems; spectroradiometric instruments; reflectance, definitions and
measurement; atmospheric properties, measurements and effects; satellite optical
sensors; radiometic calibration of sensors; atmospheric correction.
558. Radiometry (3) Units and nomenclature; Planck's law; black bodies;
gray bodies; spectral emitters; Kirchoff's law; flux concepts; axial and
off-axis irradiance; radiative transfer; normalization; coherent illumination;
radiometric instruments. P, 501.
559. Imaging and Infrared Techniques (3) Radiometry review; the radiant
environment; black body and other radiation; properties of materials; detectors;
optical systems; scanners; system design techniques and examples.
561. Physics of the Semiconductors (3) (Identical with PHYS 561, which
is home).
563. Photoelectronic Imaging Devices (3) Intensifiers; camera tubes;
storage tubes; specifications; evaluation; applications, electronic optics,
human visual process, photon detection. P, PHYS 116. Change
prerequisite to: P, PHYS 132. Spring '98
566. Optical Detectors (3) Photodetectors, thermal and photoemitters:
detectors, signal and noise mechanisms; figures of merit; limitations on the
sensitivity of detectors; Infrared detectors; BLIP; ionizing radiation
detection. P, 502 and 506, 507.
568. Solid State Imaging Devices (3) Charge transfer devices, monolithic
and hybrid focal planes, photoconductive, photovoltaic, and pyroelectric
detectors, figures of merit, time-delay integration (TDI), fat zero, transfer
efficiency, MTF, double-correlated sampling, input techniques, output
techniques, buried channel vs. surface channel devices. Composite video
characteristics. P, 507.
573. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy for Experimentalists I (3)
(Identical with PHYS 573, which is home). May be convened with 473.
574. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy for Experimentalists II (3)
(Identical with PHYS 574, which is home). May be convened with 474.
576. Optical Wave Guides and Integrated Optics (3) Guided waves in
dielectric planar and channel waveguides; beam-to-guide and guide-to-guide
couplers; general coupled-mode formalism; numerical techniques for waveguides
and couplers; survey of devices for integrated optics. P, 501.
577. Optics of Thin Films (2) Dielectric interference films;
semiconductor and metallic films; planar wave guide films; design methods for
multilayer interference filter coatings; thin film components for integrated
optical circuits. P, 505.
587. Fiber Optics Laboratory (3) For a description of course topics see
487. Graduate-level requirements include performance of a more advanced set of
experiments and demonstration of a deeper knowledge of the subject. (Identical
with ECE 587). May be convened with 487.
590. Remote Sensing for the Study of Planet Earth (3) (Identical with
REM 590). May be convened with 490.
595. Colloquium
a. Current Subjects in Optical Sciences (1) [Rpt./2]
596. Seminar
e. Issues in Science and Technology Policy (3) [Rpt./6 units] (Identical with
PHYS 596e, which is home).
597. Workshop
a. Optical Shop Practices (3) P, 513, 513L.
622. Partial Coherence and Polarization (2) Properties of the mutual
coherence function. Image formation in partially coherent light. Michelson
stellar interferometer, Fourier-transform spectroscopy. Coherency matrix, Stokes
parameters and applications. P, 501 or 505.
625. Optical Zingers (2) GRD A collection of simple-minded explanations
or "The fine art of handwriting."
637. Principles of Image Science (3) Mathematical description of imaging
systems and noise; introduction to inverse problems; introduction to statistical
decision theory; prior information; image reconstruction and radon transform;
image quality; applications in medical imaging; other imaging systems. P, 504 or
512, 508.
638. Advanced Medical Imaging (3) Describes the physical principles
behind the medical cross-sectional imaging modalities of magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), ultrasound (US), positron emission
tomography (PET), and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). P, 504
or 512 or equivalent.
656A -
656B -. Atmospheric Radiation and Remote Sensing (3-3) (Identical
with ATMO 656a-656b, which is home).
670. Principles of Optical Data Storage (3) Optics of polarized light in
systems of high numerical aperture; automatic focusing and tracking schemes;
interaction of light with magnetic media; readout enhancement through
multilayering; physical mechanisms of optical recording in ablative,
phase-change, thermomagnetic and dye-polymer media; sources of noise in optical
recording; data encoding schemes. P, consent of instructor.
674. Optical Analysis with DIFFRACT (1) How to use the DIFFRACT program
for the design and analysis of optical systems that are beyond the capabilities
of ordinary ray-trace programs. P, familiarity with theory of diffraction,
polarized light optics, thin-film multilayer structures, and the theory of
680. Microcomputer Interfacing in the Optics Laboratory (3) Design,
construction and use of microcomputer interfaces and assembly language software
drivers. Laboratory exercises include interfaces with switches, relays, motors,
terminals, A-to-D converters and D-to-A converters. P, C SC 115 or equivalent.
690. Introduction to Opto-Mechanical Design (2) GRD Optomechanics is
emerging as an indispensable field to those involved in optical engineering.
Every optical component in a system must be mounted and integrated into a
structure in such a way that optical characteristics and physical integrity are
preserved in the presence of a variety of physical influences. In this course
the principles of optomechanical design are reviewed and illustrated in several
case studies. P, 502, PHYS 141.
696. Seminar
a. Advanced Lens Design (2) P, 517.