250. Pathophysiology (3) Provides a conceptual integrative approach to
selected pathophysiological phenomena and human responses to illness. Non-majors
who wish to enroll should consult the instructor and complete all prerequisites.
P, CHEM 101a-101b, ECOL 181R and PSIO 201. Change course
number to: 350. Fall '98
255. Perspectives in Nursing and Health Care (3) Orientation to
professional nursing, nursing processes within the context of health care
delivery and societal health needs. Required of nursing majors. Open to
non-majors; consult with college before enrolling. Change
course title, units and description to: Professional Nursing Role I (2)
Orientation to professional nursing, nursing processes withing the contest of
health care delivery and societal health needs.
263. Nursing Processes I (5) Application of nursing knowledge to address
basic human health patterns; use nursing process to promote health and provide
continuing care. Open to majors only. 2R, 9L. Fee. P, 255.
279. Nursing as Consumer and User of Research (3) Development of
analytical skills related to use of research findings; introduction to research
process. Open to majors only. P, 251, CR, 263. Writing-Emphasis Course.* Change
course number to: 379. Spring '98.
281. Nursing Issues and Research (2) Overview of nursing as a profession
within the health care delivery system. Introduction to research process, role
of nurse as consumer and user of research. Open to accelerated-pathway nursing
majors only.
285. Professional Nursing Skills (5) The first course in clinical
nursing focuses on basic skills, nursing process, and health assessment.
Theoretical concepts of health wellness, communication, functional health
patterns, culture, physical assessment and basic nursing skills will be taught
by lecture, demonstration, seminar and clinical practice. Open to
accelerated-pathway nursing majors only. Fee.
350. Pathophysiology (3) [Rpt./2] Provides a conceptual integrative
approach to selected pathophysiological phenomena and human responses to
illness. Non-majors who wish to enroll should consult the instructor and
complete all prerequisites. P, CHEM 101a-101b.
352. Nursing Skills for Care Providers (6) Provides student with basic
nursing skills for the care provider. Includes selected psychosocial and
psychomotor skills used in assisting individuals, families and groups in meeting
their health care needs. 2R, 12L. P, 263, 279, CR, 350, 372. Delete
course. Spring '98
355. Professional Nursing Role II (2) [Rpt.] Examination of professional
nursing issues, including nursing jurisprudence and ethics, as related to
nursing processes, practice roles, and the health care delivery system. Open to
majors only. P, 255.
364. Nursing Processes II (4) [Rpt.] Study and use of nursing processes,
including interpersonal processes and psychomotor skills, in the nursing
practice role of care provider with persons and their families during a variety
of health experience. 1R, 2L. P, 250, 255, 263.
372. Nurse as Care Provider for Developing Families (5) Concepts,
principles and techniques for care with developing families; clinical practice
focuses upon providing care to newborns, and their families. Open to majors
only. 2R, 9L. P, 263, 279, CR, 350, 352. Delete course.
Spring '98
374. Care Provider Across the Lifespan: Families (6) [Rpt.] Application
of nursing processes to providing care in the family context with a focus on
health experiences related to the transitions, including childbearing,
parenting, health and changes in aging. 3R, 3L. P, 250, 255, 263.
378. Nursing Care in Death and Dying (3) Designed to provide students
the opportunity to explore feelings regarding death, to consider needs and
perceptions of the patient and the patient's family, and to improve ability to
provide nursing care. Open to majors only, or consult college before enrolling.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
379. Nursing Research (2) Development of knowledge and skills related to
the research process and use of research findings. Open to majors only. P, 255.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
382. Health Experiences of Human Systems: Children (5) Use of nursing
processes in providing health care to children and youth and their families in a
variety of contexts. 2R, 9L. P, 364, 374, CR, 384.
383. Nurse as Care Provider in Mental Health (5) Concepts, principles,
and techniques of nurse-client relationships with individuals, families and
groups in a variety of mental-health settings. Open to majors only. 2R, 9L. Fee.
P, 350, 352, 372, CR, 384. Change course number to: 476.
Spring '99
384. Health Experiences of Human Systems: Adults (5) Use of the nursing
process in providing health care to adults and their families in a variety of
contexts. 2R, 9L. Fee. P, 364, 374.
385. Nurse as Care Provider in Maternal-Child Health (6) Concepts,
principles and techniques for providing nursing care to developing families and
infants, children and adolescents experiencing acute and chronic health
problems. P, 281 and 285, CR, 384.
396. Seminar
a. Health and Family Assessment (2) Open to registered nurse students only.
P, admission to College of Nursing.
b. Profession Nursing Role (1) Open to registered nurse students only. P,
admission to the College of Nursing.
396H . Honors Proseminar (3)
420. Health Assessment of the School Age Child (3) Health maintenance,
health promotion, physical and developmental assessment, screening, management
and referral of the school age child. Open to majors only. P, 481, or consult
college before enrolling.
421. Nursing Care of the Child with a Handicap or Chronic Illness (3)
Overview of congenital and acquired handicaps or chronic conditions in school
age children. Assessment and management in the school setting of these children
and their families. Open to majors only. P, 481, or consult college before
enrolling. May be convened with 521.
422. School Nursing Practice (3) Analysis and application of nursing in
school systems. Program development and evaluation, health curriculum
development, and principles of epidemiology for identification of high risk
groups. Open to majors only. P, 481, or consult college before enrolling. May be
convened with 522.
431. Professional Nursing Issues (2) [Rpt./1] Contemporary professional
issues influencing professional nursing practice. Credit is allowed for this
course or 488, but not for both. Open to majors only. Available only to students
in the Accelerated Pathway for Second Degree Students program.
455. Professional Nursing Role III (2) Exploration of nursing issues and
processes as applied to professional leadership and influencing change in health
care and health care delivery systems. Open to majors only. P, 355, 382, 384.
472. Nurse as Acute Care Provider for Children (5) Concepts, principles
and techniques for providing acute helth care to children and adolescents in
diverse settings. Open to majors only. 2R, 9L. P, 383, CR 475. Change
course number to: 382. Fall '98
475. Care Provider in Complex Health Experiences (5) Nursing care of
individuals and families across their lifespan who are experiencing complex
health experiences; emphasis is in tertiary and community settings. Open to
majors only. 2R, 9L. Fee. P, 382, 384. Change course
title, description and prerequisites to: Care Provider in Complex Health
Experiences (5) Nursing care of individuals and families across their lifespan
who are experiencing complex health experiences; emphasis is in tertiary and
community settings. Open to majors only. 2R, 9L. P, 382, 384. Spring '99
476. Care Provider Across the Lifespan: Mental Health Experience (5)
Concepts, principles, and techniques of nurse-client relationships with
individuals, families and groups in a variety of mental-health settings. Open to
majors only. 2R, 9L. Fee. P, 382, 384.
480. Principles of Physiology in Health Care (4) Selected physiologic
functions and adaptive changes which occur in health and illness. Cellular
physiology, the immune system, neurophysiology, cardiovascular, pulmonary,
renal, and endocrine physiology. P, undergraduate physiology. May be convened
with 580.
481. Health Experiences of Human Systems: Communities (5) Use of nursing
sciences and public health science in promoting and preserving health of
populations. Addresses the nursing roles of provider and coordinator of care in
population-focused practice in diverse community settings. Open to majors only.
2R, 9L. Fee. P, 475, 483. Change course title,
description, and prerequisites to: Health Experiences of Human Systems:
Communities use of nursing sciences and public health science in promoting and
preserving health of populations. Addresses the nursing roles of provider and
community settings. Open to majors only. 2R, 9L. P, 475, 483. Fall '99
483. Perspectives of Cancer Care for Health Professionals (3) Current
methods of care for individuals with cancer and for their families. 6R, 9L. Not
accepted in doctoral program of study in nursing. P, enrollment in baccalaureate
or graduate programs in nursing or pharmacy. (Identical with PHPR 483).
485. Nurse in Clinical Selective (2) Directed nursing practice in an
area of clincal interest. Open to majors only. 6L. P, 472, 475; CR, 481, 485,
488. Delete course. Spring '98
486. Coordinator of Care in Diverse Settings (6) Use of nursing
processes and theories, management theory, in nursing practice and leadership
roles in a variety of health care settings. Opportunities to practice in a
specialty of choice are also provided. Open to majors only. 2R, 9L. Fee. P, 475,
483. Change course title, units, description and
prerequisites to: Coordinator of Care in Diverse Settings (6) Use of nursing
processes and theories, management theory, in nursing practice and leadership
roles in a variety of health care settings. Opportunities to practice in a
specialty of choice are also provided. Open to majors only. 2R, 9L. P, 475, 483.
Fall '99.
487. Poverty and Health (3) Study of the relationship between poverty
and health. Concepts and theories from anthropology, psychology and sociology
will be used to analyze problems associated with poverty. Advanced degree credit
available for non-Ph.D. majors only. P, six units of social science. (Identical
with F CM 487). May be convened with 587. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
488. Contemporary Professional Issues (2) Nursing, health care and
societal issues which influence nursing roles and the practice of professional
nursing. Open to majors only. P, 472, 475, CR 481, 485, 486. Writing-Emphasis
Course.* Change course number to: 455. Fall '99
502. Professionalizing Presentation Skills (1) (Identical with BIOC 502,
which is home).
504. Conceptual Models (3) Theory and research surrounding conceptual
models with emphasis on description of conceptual models.
521. Nursing Care of the Child with a Handicap or Chronic Illness (3)
For a description of course topics see 421. Graduate-level requirements include
a paper and/or a presentation. P, 481, or consult college before enrolling. May
be convened with 421.
522. School Nursing Practice (3) For a description of course topics see
422. Graduate-level requirements include identifying a select population;
conducting a needs assessment; planning, implementing, and evaluating a specific
health program. P, 481, or consult college before enrolling. May be convened
with 422.
530. Methods in Nursing Research (3) Critical examination of selected
problems and methods in the nursing research process. Consideration is given to
both qualitative and quantitative methods. (Identical with PHL 530).
572. Adult Pharmacotherapeutics (3) Clinical pharmacology course that
provides the student with knowledge about common medications used to treat
adults. Primary focus is drug management of chronic and self-limiting acute
diseases. Covers representative drugs of a pharmacologic group, indications for
use, drug selection, titration of dosage, key adverse effects, monitoring of
therapy, alternate drugs and special concerns in prescribing to the older adult.
P, 580.
579. Issues in Rural Health (3) Topics include: community assessment,
planning and evaluation; interdisciplinary practice; health care issues for
southwestern ethnic minority populations. (Identical with MAP 579, PHL 579, PHPR
579 and PSYC 579).
580. Principles of Physiology in Health Care (4) For a description of
course topics see 480. Graduate-level requirements include a comprehensive
paper. P, undergraduate physiology. May be convened with 480.
584. Statistical Packages in Research (3) Analysis of data for research
projects, theses and dissertations using SPSS and SAS. Organization of data for
statistical analysis, entering data and creating command files using the editor,
writing and debugging programs. Techniques for producing graphical output using
587. Poverty and Health (3) For a description of course topics see 487.
Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper on an aspect of
poverty. Advanced degree credit available for non-Ph.D. majors only. P, six
units of social science. (Identical with PHL 587 and F CM 587). May be convened
with 487.
588. Healing Systems in the Southwest (3) Application of principles from
anthropological theory to the actual practice of patient care, with emphasis on
culture content of groups living in the greater Southwest. P, nine units of
behavioral science. (Identical with ANTH 588 and F CM 588).
589. Health of the Older Adult (3) Current research of the aging process
including physical and mental alterations; emphasis on physiological changes.
Consult college before enrolling. (Identical with GERO 589).
600A -
600B -
600C -
600D -
600E -. Nursing Theory and Practice (3-3-3-3-3) Maintenance,
therapeutic and preventive nursing care of persons in various settings. Student
elects practice in one area of nursing: 600a child, maternal-newborn. 600b.
psychiatric-mental-health. 600c: community health. 600d: gerontology. 600e:
adult health.
601. Pathophysiologic Alterations (3) Examination of selected
alterations in physiologic mechanisms including alterations in immunologic
function, gas exchange and transport, fluid transport and balance and pertinent
cellular mechanisms. Process of application to clinical care of individuals will
be incorporated. P, 580 or 3 hours of graduate-level physiology.
603. Public Health Science (3) Health promotion and primary prevention
in communities and populations, epidemiology and legal/political issues in
advanced public health nursing. Nursing and public health theories synthesized.
Open to majors only. (Identical with PHL 603).
604. Developmental Concepts in Nursing (3) Examination of the principles
and philosophy of the lifespan developmental framework and other models of
development, particularly as related to understanding a variety of nursing
phenomena in practice and research.
605. Issues in Family Relations (3) Examination of issues in providing
care to families using theory and research from nursing and related fields.
Concepts included will apply to the young, developing, and mature family. Open
to majors only.
606. Social, Psychological Problems in Nursing (3) Focus on concepts of
stress and training with emphasis on health-related outcomes. Nursing research
on addictions, depression, abuse and violence will be explored. Open to majors
607. Cross-Cultural Nursing (3) Focus on a synthesis of theories from
nursing and related fields to explore cultural variations in response to actual
or potential problems of health or illness. The methods for caring and treating
culturally influenced responses will be examined. Open to majors only.
(Identical with PHL 607).
608. Cognitive Alterations (3) Client problems related to the processing
of sensory information including etiological factors. Research-based nursing
interventions for clients with cognitive alterations are examined. Open to
majors only.
609. Health Assessment (3) Advanced health assessment and health
promotion for adult and geriatric age groups. Students will learn advanced
techniques in interviewing, history taking, physical examination, risk
appraisal, and data base compilation. Open only to masters students in the NP
options or by consent of the instructor.
617. FNP: Primary Care I (3) First of three primary care courses
preparing FNPs. Beginning skills in health promotion, disease prevention,
assessment/management of common health conditions in individuals and families.
P, admission to MS level in nursing and FNP Option; N580; N609 (concurrent);
N694 (concurrent).
618. FNP: Primary Care II (3) Second of three primary-care courses
preparing FNPs. Focus on assessment and management of selected acute and chronic
health conditions in individuals and families across the age continuum. P,
admission to M.S. program and FNP option; 609, 617, CR, 517, 694b. Change
course title, units, description to: Primary Care: Adults (4) Second of three
primary care courses preparing NPs. Focuses on assessment and management of
selected acute and chronic health conditions in adults and their families across
the age continuum. Spring '98.
619. FNP: Primary Care III (4) Third of three primary care courses
preparing family nurse practitioners (FNPs). Focus is on assessment, diagnosis,
and management of selected complex and/or urgent/emergent acute and chronic
health conditions in primary care practice in individuals and families across
the age continuum. P, admission to MS program and FNP option, 617, 618.
621. Educational Process (3) Theoretical and practical application of
teaching-learning process in classroom and clinical settings. Principles of
teaching, learning, instructional design, testing. Micro-teaching included. 2R,
3L. Open to majors only.
622. Nurse Educator Role (3) Theoretical and practical application of
curriculum development and process. Use of teaching-learning process.
Preparation for nurse educator role. Directed practice teaching included. 1R,
6L. Open to majors only. P, 621. (Identical with PHL 622).
623. Clinical Agency Administration (3) Practical application of
administrative processes in a nursing care delivery setting. Focuses on the use
of selected skills essential to effective administration. Open to majors only.
P, 624.
624. The Administrative Process (3) Theoretical background for nursing
administration in care settings. Emphases are on accountability, budgeting,
management skills, constraints and influences as related to nursing
administration. Open to majors only. (Identical with PHL 624).
625. Advanced Role Development (3) Exploration of models of advanced
practice during (APN) roles in the health care system. Emphasizes factors that
influence process of defining and implementing advanced practice nursing roles.
Open to majors only. P, 580.
626. Primary Care of Adults (3-4) Basic concepts and knowledge needed to
assess and manage therapeutically common acute and chronic health problems
prevalent in adults. Emphasis will be placed on pathophysiology, abnormal aging,
principles of pharmacology and medication use as therapeutic adjuncts, and the
use of diagnostic procedures as aids to clinical decision making. Open to majors
only. P, 609.
627. Advanced Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing II (3) Focus on concepts
of personality development using psychodynamic and cognitive/behavioral theories
oriented to the practice of mental health nursing: employing individual, family
and group nursing therapeutic techniques for the amelioration of problem. P,
600a, graduate standing in nursing.
630. Statistics for the Health Sciences (3) [Rpt.] Techniques that
describe, compare and relate variables in the health sciences. Techniques
include exploratory, descriptive, comparative, correlational and inferential
statistics. Parametric and non-parametric techniques are presented.
631. Advanced Statistics for the Health Sciences (3) [Rpt.] Advanced
statistical techniques including multivariate analysis of variance, multiple
regression, structural equations modeling, log-lineaar modeling, factor analysis
and discriminant analysis. Students will analyze large data sets using PC and
mainframe statistical software to learn techniques. P, 630 or graduate level
statistics course.
633. Evaluation Research (3) Development and use of models and tools for
assessing nursing processes, programs and performances. Approaches to and
psychological reactants of evaluation are explored. Issues and development of
market packages with cost consideration are discussed along with program grant
preparation. (Identical with PHL 633).
634. Data Management in Health-Care Systems (3) Acquisition and
utilization of large data bases, how data bases are structured, computer
applications for large data sets. Emphasis on use of data bases and their
contents for evaluation of health care systems. 2R, 1L. P, 530, 630. Add
crosslist: (Identical with PHL 634). Spring '98
640. Nursing Case Management I (3) Introduction to models of nursing
case management, the case management process, and advanced nursing practice;
applicable to clients in a variety of clinical settings. P, graduate standing.
641. Nursing Case Management II (3) Health care financing, delivery of
nursing case management and health services in a managed-care environment and
related professional issues. P, 640, graduate standing.
645. Health Care Systems Measurement and Analysis (3) Strategies for
measurement of structure, process, and outcomes indicators within a health care
system. Methods for evaluating instruments and/or global measures. P, 530 and
630 or equivalent.
650. Theory of Systems Management (3) Theories of systems management and
system analysis; project management; critical decision making and problem
solving; cost-benefit analysis and resource allocation. Content is presented
with application to health care settings.
651. Systems Management Application (3) Focus is on the role of the
systems manager and provides an opportunity for immersion into the role and for
application of content from previous systems management courses. Two of the
three hours of credit will be devoted to a clinical practicum and preceptorship
in a nursing system's environment and one hour will be a seminar to discuss
clinical experiences in the role. P, 650, 645, 633, 603.
687. Health of Rural and Underserved Populations (3) Concepts and
theories from nursing, sociology, anthropology, psychology, and health policy
are used to analyze health problems encountered by rural, ethnic and underserved
696. Seminar
a. Nursing Theory (1-3)
b. Predictive Modeling (3) P, 730 or consent of instructor.
p. Advanced Predictive Modeling (3)
q. Qualitative Data Collection Management and Analysis (1-3) [Rpt./4 units]
P, consent of instructor.
705. Nursing Metatheory (3) Examination of philosophical and historical
foundations of knowledge, and metatheoretical structures and processes of theory
development. In-depth analysis of extant and emerging philosophical bases of
nursing for scientific inquiry. Open to majors and minors in nursing. P, 504 or
706. Middle Range Theory (3) Introduction to ways of knowing, focus on
middle range theories in nursing and related sciences. Emphasis on critique,
elaboration and theory testing strategies. Open to majors only. P, 705.
725. Study of Social Influences (3) In-depth examination of social
forces affecting the health care system. Open to majors only. P, admission to
Ph.D. program.
730. Quantitative Methods in Clinical Nursing Research (3) Investigation
of selected quantitative strategies appropriate to researching problems in
clinical nursing. P, 530, 633, admission to Ph.D. program.
731. Qualitative Methods in Clinical Nursing Research (3) Application of
selected qualitative research methods from the social sciences to clinical
nursing. Open to majors only. P, 530, admission to Ph.D. program.
781A -
781B -. Instrument Construction (3-3) Deductive and inductive
processes for constructing/testing instruments to measure nursing care
interventions/patient outcomes. 781a: Instrumentation for behavior and objective
phenomena. 781b: Instrumentation for subjective phenomena. Includes instrument
strategies; experience developing a pilot measure. 2R, 3L. Open to majors and
minors only. P, 705, 730, graduate level statistics. 781a is not prerequisite to
795. Colloquium
b. Professional Role Development (1)