109. History of Technology and Society (3) Significant developments in
human history emphasizing the role of technology as an agent for social
change; particular attention to the use of energy resources. (Identical with
ENGR 109).
380. Elements of Nuclear Reactor Theory (4) Neutron interaction and
cross-sections, neutron diffusion and chain reactions, criticality and
dynamics. 2ES, 1ED. P, 280, SIE 270, CR, PHYS 242.
381. Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Engineering (3) The analysis and
design of nuclear assemblies, with emphasis on design. 1ES, 2ED. P, 380.
406. Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (4) Experimental techniques for
determining various parameters in nuclear systems; experiments using the
critical and subcritical reactors. 3R, 3L. 1ED. P, 380 or 483. Non-majors may
substitute 486 for the prerequisites. Writing-Emphasis Course for nuclear
engineering students.* May be convened with 506.
414A -
414B -. Nuclear Engineering Design (3-3) (a) Modern engineering design
methods to effectively use thermal energy and power. Covers: economic analysis
and modeling of thermal equipment; optimization techniques; steady state and
dynamic simulation of energy systems. Comprehensive project. 3ED. P, 381, CR,
A ME 432. May be convened with 514a. (b) A multi-disciplined design project of
modern energy systems. Covers: project management tools, design techniques,
proposal and project reports, written and oral presentations. Comprehensive
team project based on environmental impact, cost optimization, engineering
analysis, and resource allocations. 3ED. P, 414a. May be convened with 514a
and 514b.
440. Energy Utilization and Management (3) (Identical with A ME 440,
which is home). May be convened with 540.
442. HVAC System Design (3) P, 230, CR, 331. (Identical with A ME 442,
which is home). May be convened with 542.
445. Renewable Energy Systems (3) (Identical with A ME 445, which is
home). May be convened with 545.
456. Engineering System Simulation (3) Dynamic modeling and simulation
of engineering systems, including energy conversion systems, nuclear and
chemical reactors, and control systems, using digital continuous-system
simulation languages. 1ES, 1ED. P, A ME 230; MATH 254. May be convened with
463. Energy from Biomass (3) (Identical with ABE 463, which is home).
May be convened with 563.
481. Nuclear Fuel Cycles (3) The processes, methods, and strategies of
the nuclear fuel cycle. 2ES, 0.5ED. P, 482, A ME 230. May be convened with
482. Contemporary Nuclear Power Systems (3) Analysis of present
nuclear power plants, with emphasis on design decisions as they affect
performance of individual systems; advanced design concepts; proposed standard
designs; comparison of different contemporary systems. 0.5ES, 0.5ED. P, 380 or
486. May be convened with 582.
483. Reactor Dynamics and Control (3) Nuclear reactor kinetics,
integral transform methods, internal feedback effects, stability and control.
2ES, 0.5ED. P, 380. Non-majors may substitute 486 for the prerequisite. May be
convened with 583.
484. Radiation Effects (3) Radiation effects on solids and radiation
chemistry of gases and liquids, with emphasis on effects encountered in
nuclear reactor, detector, and dosimeter systems. 1.5ES, 1ED. P, 200, CR, MSE
331R. May be convened with 584.
485A -
485B -. Radiation Health Physics and Safety (3-3) (a) Study of health
physics practices and safety, including instrumentation, regulations, record
keeping and monitoring of facilities. 2ES, 1ED. May be convened with 585a. (b)
Shielding methods, normal and off-normal working practices, national and
international regulations and practices. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 485a. May be
convened with 585b.
486. Nuclear Energy and Power (3) Fundamentals of nuclear energy and
radiation; engineering applications; the basic concepts of nuclear reactors
and power systems. Designed for non-majors. 2ES, 1ED. May be convened with
487A -
487B -. Introduction to Radioactive Waste Management (3-3) (a)
Background in the technology of low level radioactive wastes from
institutional, research and fuel cycle sources. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. May be convened
with 587a. (b) Background in the technology of high level wastes, including
reprocessing and disposal, from the fuel cycle, both national and
international approaches. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 487a. May be convened with
494. Practicum
a. Operation of The University of Arizona TRIGA Reactor (2) P, 380 or 588.
*Writing-Emphasis Courses. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in
the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this
506. Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (4) For a description of course
topics see 406. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research
paper. 3R, 3L. P, 380, or 588; 483 or 583. Non-majors may substitute 486 or
586 for the prerequisites. May be convened with 406.
514A -
514B -. Nuclear Engineering Design (3-3) For a description of course
topics see 414a-414b. Graduate-level requirements include an additional
project involving more intensive application of techniques taught. May be
convened with 414a-414b.
540. Energy Utilization and Management (3) (Identical with A ME 540,
which is home). May be convened with 440.
542. HVAC System Design (3) (Identical with A ME 542, which is home).
May be convened with 442.
543. Power Plant Engineering (3) The application of fluid dynamic heat
transfer and mechanical interaction principles to the engineering design of a
power plant. P, 582, 588.
545. Renewable Energy Systems (3) (Identical with A ME 545, which is
home). May be convened with 445.
556. Engineering System Simulation (3) For a description of course
topics see 456. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research
paper. P, A ME 230 or CHEE 306a; MATH 254. May be convened with 456.
563. Energy from Biomass (3) (Identical with ABE 563, which is home).
May be convened with 463.
581. Nuclear Fuel Cycles (3) For a description of course topics see
481. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper. P, 582, A
ME 230. May be convened with 481.
582. Contemporary Nuclear Power Systems (3) For a description of
course topics see 482. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth
research paper. P, 380 or 486. May be convened with 482.
583. Reactor Dynamics and Control (3) For a description of course
topics see 483. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research
paper. P, 380 or 588. Non-majors may substitute 486 for the prerequisite. May
be convened with 483.
584. Radiation Effects (3) For a description of course topics see 484.
Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth paper. P, 200; CR, MSE 331R.
May be convened with 484.
585A -
585B -. Radiation Health Physics and Safety (3-3) For a description of
course topics see 485a-485b. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth
research paper. May be convened with 485a-485b.
586. Nuclear Energy and Power (3) For a description of course topics
see 486. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research paper.
Designed for non-majors. May be convened with 486.
587A -
587B -. Introduction to Radioactive Waste Management (3-3) For a
description of course topics see 487a-487b. Graduate-level requirements
include an in-depth research paper. May be convened with 487a-487b.
588. Reactor Theory I (3) Fundamentals of nuclear reactor theory;
introduction to the nuclear processes occurring in a reactor; slowing down and
diffusion of neutrons in moderating materials; analysis of bare and reflected
homogeneous reactors. P, CR, MATH 422a.
681a . Analytical Methods of Transport Theory (3) Application of the
Boltzmann equation to neutron and photon transport problems; exact solutions,
the method of singular eigenfunctions, spherical harmonic expansions, the
moments methods, integral transport theory, invariant embedding, variational
techniques, applications to slowing-down problems. P, 689, MATH 422a-422b.
682. Nuclear Safety (3) Possible incidents involving nuclear materials
in critical reactors, chemical processing systems, fuel shipment operations or
subcritical arrays, including assessments of the magnitudes and consequences
of nuclear incidents; determination of criteria for evaluating nuclear system
safety, including plant siting and operational procedures. P, 380.
683. Nonlinear Reactor Dynamics (3) Nonlinear dynamics of nuclear
reactors; shut-down mechanisms, inertial effects, nonlinear stability
criteria, time-dependent neutron transport, neutron waves, and applications to
pulsed reactors, start-up transients, reactor stability, and reactor safety.
P, 583.
687. Experimental Nuclear Engineering (3) Advanced experimental
studies using the nuclear reactor and radiation detection systems. 2R, 3L. P,
406 or 506, 588.
689. Reactor Theory II (3) Fundamental theory of heterogeneous
reactors, integral transport, blackness theory, perturbation theory, and
applications; temperature coefficient, changes in reactivity due to fission
product accumulation, fuel consumption, and conversion. P, 588.