110. Solid State Chemistry (4) Fundamental principles of the chemistry
of condensed states of matter including metals, polymers, molecular solids and
ceramics. 4ES. P, CHEM 103a.
195. Colloquium
b. Materials Science and Engineering (1) (Identical with ENGR 195b).
207. Material Culture Studies (3) (Identical with ANTH 207, which is
222. Introduction to Materials Science (3) Introduction to the structure
of materials and how structure influences properties. Elementary
crystallography, crystal chemistry, and microstructure effects are covered.
Examples are taken from all classes of materials: metals, semiconductors,
ceramics, polymers, glasses, and composites. 3ES. P, 110 or CHEM 103b, and MATH
125b; or consult department before enrolling.
224. Materials and Energy Balances in Materials Processing (3) Analysis
of materials processing using material and energy balance computations.
Stoichiometry, nonreacting and reacting systems, first law of thermodynamics,
degree of freedom analysis. Applications to the processing of conventional and
new materials. 3ED. Field trip. P, CHEM 103b or MSE 110; ENGR 102.
240. Thermodynamics of Materials (4) Introduction to the laws of
thermodynamics, entropy, free energy, and the concept of equilibrium as applied
to materials for conventional and advanced technological applications. 4ES. P,
MATH 125b or consult department before enrolling.
249. Technology and the Growth of Civilization (3) (Identical with ANTH
249, which is home).
251. Social Constraints on Engineering (3) Influence of consumers,
organizations, state and national governments and international treaties on
engineering in the USA, Japan and selected other nations. (Identical with ANTH
251 and ENGR 251).
257. Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects (3) The
methods, content and practice pertinent to the study of art and archaeology.
Materials science provides one of the keys for interpreting objects in their
historical and cultural context. 3ES. (Identical with ANTH 257 and ENGR 257).
258. Materials Science of Art and Archaeological Objects Laboratory (1)
Laboratory exercises involving the materials science of art and archaeological
objects. 1ES. (Identical with ANTH 258 and ENGR 258).
260. Structure and Properties of Materials I (4) Principles of structure
and structure-property relationships in materials. 4ES. P, 222.
331R . Fundamentals of Materials for Engineers (3) Scientific principles
which underlie and relate the behavior and properties of materials to their
engineering applications. 3ES. P, PHYS 103; CHEM 103a or CR.
331L . Engineering Materials Laboratory (1) Fundamental laboratory
techniques for the evaluation of properties and behavior of materials for
engineering applications. 1R, 2L. 1ES. P, 331R or CR.
360R . Structure and Properties of Materials II (3) Principles of
structure and structure-property relationships in materials with emphasis on
mechanical properties. 2ES, 1ED. P, 260.
360L . Materials Laboratory (1) Laboratory experiments on physical,
electrical and optical properties of materials. 1ES. P, CR, 360R.
380. Kinetic Processes in Materials (3) Application of principles of
thermodynamics and transport to kinetic processes in materials, including
diffusion, phase transformations, and phenomena which impact microstructure
development. 3ES. P, 240, 409.
405. Advanced Extractive Metallurgy (3) Hydrometallurgy: physical
chemistry and kinetics of hydrometallurgical processes including leaching,
solvent extraction and metal recovery; flowsheet design and optimization.
Pyrometallurgy: analysis, control and optimization of pyrometallurgical
processes. 3ED. Field trip. P, 380. May be convened with 505.
409. Transport Phenomena (3) Principles of momentum, energy and mass
transport, as applied to materials processing. 3ES. P, 240, MATH 254. May be
convened with 509.
411. Mineral Processing (3) (Identical with MN E 411, which is home).
May be convened with 511.
412. Physical Chemistry of Materials (3) Physical and chemical topics of
interest to material scientists including surface chemistry, electrochemistry
and chemical kinetics. 3ES. P, 240. May be convened with 512.
414. Solidification of Castings (3) Principles of metal castings while
applying fundamentals of transport phenomena and materials science and
engineering. Students work in teams on three projects that provide experience in
engineering design and hands-on use of the Metal Casting Laboratory. 3 ED. A ME
432 or CHEE 305, MSE 331R or 110. Field trips.
423. Electrochemistry in Materials Science (3) Principles and
applications of electrochemistry in materials science with emphasis on
charge-transfer reactions at electrode-solution interfaces; including
electrodeposition, electroforming, electroless plating. 2.5ES, 0.5ED. P, 240.
May be convened with 523.
424. Physics and Chemistry of Ceramic Materials (3) Ceramic crystal
structures, crystal chemistry, phase equilibria and sintering theory. 3ES. P,
260 or consult department before enrolling. May be convened with 524.
434. Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials (3) Properties of
semiconducting materials as related to crystal structure, interatomic bonding
and defect structures. 3ES. P, PHYS 241. (Identical with ECE 434 and OPTI 434).
435. Corrosion and Degradation (3) The science of corrosion and
degradation reactions and its application to engineering problems. 2ES, 1ED. P,
331R; 412 or CHEM 480b or CR. (Identical with CHEE 435 and ENGR 435). May be
convened with 535.
440. Thermodynamics of Condensed Phases (3) Advanced treatment of the
principles of thermodynamics with application to electronic and optical
materials; emphasis on solutions, defect chemistry and modeling of
multicomponent systems. 3ES. P, 240. May be convened with 540.
442A -
442B -. Materials Engineering Design (2-2) Application of engineering
design principles to materials applications and processes. 442a: Product and
Process Design. 442b: Cost and Economic Analysis. 442a: 2 ED. 442b: 2 ED. P,
360. May be convened with 542a-542b. Writing-Emphasis Course*
444. Design Competition (3) Students utilize their undergraduate
experience in formulating and developing a materials design project which they
present and defend before a review panel. 3ED. P, 442a. May be convened with
452. Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials (3) Introduction to the
nondestructive testing and evaluation of the various classes of engineering
materials. Methods considered include leak detection, penetrant,
electromagnetic, radiographic, ultrasonic, electrical, electronic, eddy current,
acoustic emission, and thermal. 2R, 3L. 2ES, 1ED. P, 331R or 360, or CR. May be
convened with 552.
455. Physical Metallurgy and Processing of Steel (3) Equilibrium and
nonequilibrium transformations and phases, effects of alloy elements on
important transformations in steel, isothermal transformation diagrams and
continuous cooling diagrams. Processing aspects include heat treating, heat
transfer during cooling and quenching, segregation effects, and surface
hardening techniques. 2R, 3L. 1ES, 2ED. P, 331R or 380; 409 or A ME 442. May be
convened with 555.
457. Integrated Circuit Laboratory (3) (Identical with ECE 457, which is
home). May be convened with 557.
460. Materials Science of Polymers (3) Introduction to physical
properties of polymers. Microstructure, crystallization, rheology, relaxation
and mechanical properties. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, 331R or 360R. May be convened with
461. Biological and Synthetic Materials (3) Discussion of structure and
properties of biological materials and composites, such as bone, teeth and
elastin. Synthetic materials as substitutes for biological materials,
biocompatibility. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, CHEM 103a. May be convened with 561.
462. Structure and Properties of Polymers (3) Topics of intensive
current development in polymer science. In each case, the relation between
molecular structure, morphology and properties will be explored. Shows how
polymers can be designed and tuned to have the properties needed to fulfill
specialized functions. Spring 1998 topics will focus on composite materials,
including high modulus fibers, polymer, metal and ceramic matrices. 1.5ED,
1.5ES. P, 460. May be convened with 562.
465. Microelectronic Packaging Materials (3) Design of microelectronic
packaging systems based on the electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of
materials. Chip, chip package, circuit board and system designs are considered.
3ED. (Identical with ECE 465). May be convened with 565.
470. Technology of Polymers and Ceramics (3) Processing and properties
of polymers and ceramics in a wide range of technological applications.
Discussion of patent literature. 3ED. P, 260 or 331R. May be convened with 570.
471. The Formation and Structure of Glass (3) The glass transition,
Kauzmann's paradox, kinetic theory of glass formation, physics and chemistry of
glass making, glass structure, thermal properties. 3ES. P, 260. May be convened
with 571.
478. Design, Production and Performance of Ceramics and Metals (3) How
design procedures and outcomes for materials and material processing depend on
social and cultural compromises among performance characteristics. (Identical
with ANTH 478) May be convened with 578.
479. Culture and Materials Technology (3) (Identical with ANTH 479,
which is home). May be convened with 579.
480. Experimental Methods for Microstructural Analysis (3) An
introduction, through a combination of lectures and laboratory experiences, to
both established and new techniques for microstructural characterization of
materials. 3ES. May be convened with 580.
485. Technological Forecasting (3) Introduction to basic forecasting
technologies which include causal models, trend extrapolation, growth curves,
relevance trees and other models. 2ES, 1ED. P, MATH 125b or knowledge of
calculus. (Identical with ENGR 485). May be convened with 585.
486. Technology and Society (3) The evolution of our technological
civilization will be discussed with emphasis on possible future models of
technological organizations and on the changing roles of the scientist and
engineer. 1ES, 2ED. (Identical with ENGR 486). May be convened with 586.
488. Scanning Electron Microscopy (3) Theoretical and practical aspects
of electron-beam microanalysis. Lab emphasizes projects and independent research
using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. 2R, 3L.
3ES. Field trips. Consult department before enrolling. (Identical with ENGR
488). May be convened with 588.
489. Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials (3) Transmission
electron microscopy in materials characterization. Specimen preparation;
instrumental techniques; interpretation of micrographs and diffraction patterns,
micro- and nano-analysis in transmission electron microscopy. 2R, 3L. 3ES. P,
480 or consult department before enrolling. May be convened with 589.
501. Planning for Discovery: Problem Selection and Proposal Preparation
(3) Generation and organization of ideas into an effective research program.
Problem selection, research planning, research proposal preparation and
presentation. (Identical with ENGR 501). Change course
title to: Planning for Discovery. Add repeatability: [Rpt./]. Fall '98
502. Research Proposal Preparation (3) Organization and planning of a
specific research initiative in consultation with a potential advisor, to
expedite the selection and definition of a dissertation topic. (Identical with
ENGR 502). Add repeatability: [Rpt./]. Change course
description to: Organization and planning of a specific potential advisor. Fall
503. Applied Surface Chemistry (3) Fundamentals of surface phenomena,
characterization of solid-vapor, solid-liquid and liquid-vapor interfaces,
applications in ceramics, electronic and biomedical materials processing. P, a
basic course in physical chemistry.
505. Advanced Extractive Metallurgy (3) For a description of course
topics see 405. Graduate-level requirements include a mathematical model. Field
trip. P, 380. May be convened with 405.
509. Transport Phenomena (3) For a description of course topics see 409.
Graduate-level requirements include either a term paper or computer model. P,
240, MATH 254. May be convened with 409.
510. Thermodynamic Characterization of Materials (3) Advanced treatment
of thermodynamics as applied to materials. Special topics include surfaces,
interfaces, phase transformations. P, 240.
511. Mineral Processing (3) (Identical with MN E 511, which is home).
May be convened with 411.
512. Physical Chemistry of Materials (3) For a description of course
topics see 412. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper or project.
May be convened with 412.
523. Electrochemistry in Materials Science (3) For a description of
course topics see 423. Graduate-level requirements include a special project. P,
240. May be convened with 423.
524. Physics and Chemistry of Ceramic Materials (3) For a description of
course topics see 424. Graduate-level requirements include an advanced topic
term paper. P, 260 or consult department before enrolling. May be convened with
532. Solid-Fluid Reactions (3) (Identical with CHEE 532, which is home).
533. Imperfections in Solids (3) Nature and behavior of imperfections in
metal, ceramic, and semiconductor crystals and polycrystalline aggregates, and
their effects on various properties. P, 360.
534. Advanced Topics in Electronic Materials (3) [Rpt./2] Topics to be
selected from ferroelectrics, opti-electronics, wave guides, and semiconductor
materials. (Identical with ECE 534 and OPTI 534).
535. Corrosion and Degradation (3) For a description of course topics
see 435. Graduate-level requirements include a term paper. P, 331R; 412 or CHEM
480b or CR. (Identical with CHEE 535). May be convened with 435.
536. Advanced Microstructural Characterization by Transmission Electron
Microscopy (3) Theory and applications of high-resolution transmission
electron micropscopy, nanodiffraction, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, and
electron energy loss spectroscopy for characterizing microstructural and
chemical features of solids. 2R, 3L. P, 480, 489.
540. Thermodynamics of Condensed Phases (3) For a description of course
topics see 440. Graduate-level requirements include a term paper. P, 240. May be
convened with 440.
542A -
542B -. Materials Engineering Design (2-2) For a description of
course topics see 442a-442b. Graduate-level requirements include defense of the
design project before the student's research committee. May be convened with
544. Design Competition (3) Students utilize their research experience
in formulating and developing a materials design project which they present and
defend before a review panel. Team design and research is emphasized.
Graduate-level requirements include defense of the design project before the
student's research committee. May be convened with 444.
551. Atomistic Computational Techniques in Materials Science (3) Monte
Carlo and molecular dynamics techniques; classical and quantum dynamical models;
application to calculation of materials properties (structural, thermodynamic,
transport, electronic properties).
552. Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials (3) For a description of
course topics see 452. Graduate-level requirements include a term paper. P, 331R
or 360, or CR. May be convened with 452.
554. Electronic Packaging Principles (3) (Identical with ECE 554, which
is home).
555. Physical Metallurgy and Processing of Steel (3) For a description
of course topics see 455. Graduate-level requirements include a research term
paper or computer model. 2R, 3L. P, 33R or 380; 409 or A ME 442. May be convened
with 455.
557. Integrated Circuit Laboratory (3) (Identical with ECE 557, which is
home). May be convened with 457.
560. Materials Science of Polymers (3) For a description of course
topics see 460. Graduate-level requirements include additional computational and
written exercises. May be convened with 460.
561. Biological and Synthetic Materials (3) For a description of course
topics see 461. Graduate-level requirements include additional computational and
written exercises. May be convened with 461.
562. Structure and Properties of Polymers (3) For a description of
course topics see 462. Graduate-level requirements include additional
computational and written exercises. May be convened with 462.
565. Microelectronic Packaging Materials (3) For a description of course
topics see 465. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper.
(Identical with ECE 565). May be convened with 465.
570. Technology of Polymers and Ceramics (3) For a description of course
topics see 470. Graduate-level requirements include the writing and presentation
of an additional term paper. May be convened with 470.
571. The Formation and Structure of Glass (3) For a description of
course topics see 471. Graduate-level requirements include a research paper or
project. May be convened with 471.
572. Kinetics Processes in Materials Science (3) Survey of the kinetics
of fundamental processes of importance in materials science. Chemical reaction
rate theory of activated processes, diffusion and diffusion controlled
processes, kinetics of nucleation and growth, JMA theory, precipitation
kinetics, rates of gas-solid reactions, adsorption, and relaxation phenomena. P,
510 required; 409/509 recommended.
578. Design, Production and Performance of Ceramics and Metals (3) For
description of course topics see 478. Graduate-level requirements include a
term-long design project or design analysis. (Identical with ANTH 578). May be
convened with 478.
579. Culture and Materials Technology (3) (Identical with ANTH 579,
which is home). May be convened with 479.
580. Experimental Methods for Microstructural Analysis (3) For a
description of course topics see 480. Graduate-level requirements include an
additional term paper. May be convened with 480.
585. Technological Forecasting (3) For a description of course topics
see 485. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper. May be
convened with 485.
586. Technology and Society (3) For a description of course topics see
486. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper. May be
convened with 486.
588. Scanning Electron Microscopy (3) For a description of course topics
see 488. Graduate-level requirements include additional lab work. Consult
department before enrolling. May be convened with 488.
589. Transmission Electron Microscopy of Materials (3) For a description
of course topics see 489. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term
paper and presentation. P, 480 or 580, or consult department before enrolling.
May be convened with 489.
595. Colloquium
a. Materials (1) [Rpt./5]