120. Mineral Resources, Geotechnology and the Environment (3) The
history and recent advances in locating and extracting earth's mineral
resources; the principles of developing and managing earth's resources and
hazards; environmental concerns such as acid rain and hazardous waste. 2R, 3L.
(Identical with ENGR 120 and G EN 120).
219. Mineralogy and Petrology for Engineers (3) (Identical with G EN
219, which is home).
220. Mining Methods (3) Introduction to the techniques, unit
operations, and systems involved in underground and surface mining of minerals
and coal. Field trips. 2R, 3L. 2ES, 1ED. P, MN E 120.
401. Analysis of Mine Operations (3) Use of operations research
principles and techniques to analyze various problems in mine operations. 2ES,
1ED. May be convened with 501.
402. Probability and Statistical Concepts in Geologic Media (3)
(Identical with G EN 402, which is home). May be convened with 502.
406. Fundamentals of Mine Ventilation (3) Determination of quality and
quantity of respirable air in mining operations. Thermodynamics of mine
ventilation and design of ventilation systems. 2R, 3L. 1ES, 2ED. P, A ME 331.
May be convened with 506.
410. Mine Surveying (1) Mine surveying problems and practices; closed
traverse of underground mine; shaft plumbing, stope and raise surveying. 1ES.
P, 120, C E 251.
411. Mineral Processing (3) Physical and chemical unit operations used
to separate and recover the economic minerals and metals from their ores. The
modern scientific and engineering background for the operations are presented
as well as economic aspects. Includes field trips to major mining operations
in Tucson area. 2ES, 1ED. (Identical with MSE 411). May be convened with 511.
415. Rock Excavation (3) Methods of excavation of rock in surface and
underground mines and construction, ranging from the empiricism of
conventional blasting practice to the application of the fundamental mechanics
of rock fracture. 2R, 3L. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. Field trips. P, C E 217. (Identical
with G EN 415). May be convened with 515. Writing-Emphasis Course.*
426. Health and Safety in Mining (1) Fundamental concepts in the
recognition, evaluation and control of health and safety hazards encountered
in mining operations; includes a review of engineering management
responsibilities to control accidents, a review of federal regulations and
standards affecting the industrial workplace, and instruction regarding the
interaction of industrial hygiene, safety, fire protection and workers'
compensation to control losses resulting from industrial accidents. 1ES.
(Identical with G EN 426). May be convened with 526.
427. Geomechanics (3-4) Mechanical behavior of rock and rock masses;
response to load changes: deformations, failure, discontinuity slip; in situ
stress state; rock testing; geomechanical classifications; engineering
applications: slopes, pillars, tunnels, dam foundations; reinforcement design.
3R, 3L. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P, C E 217. (Identical with G EN 427). May be convened
with 527.
430. Mine Examination and Valuation (3) Principles and procedures in
mineral property valuation, geostatistical ore reserve estimation,
engineering, economy, investment analysis; use of a microcomputer. 1ES, 2ED.
P, 402, 220. May be convened with 530.
433. Elements of Coal Mining (3) Coal geology, properties and use.
Surface and underground methods and equipment: strip mining; continuous,
conventional, longwall mining; ground control; ventilation; haulage;
electrical power; drainage. Preparation and reclamation. 2ED, 1ES. P, 220,
406, ECE 207. May be convened with 533.
435. Mine Design (3) Computer-aided design of a modern mine;
feasibility study, pit limit design, mining sequence development and
short-term mine planning. 2R, 3L. 3ED. P or CR, 430, 440. May be convened with
436. Subsurface Environmental Engineering (3) Analysis of sources of
heat, humidity, gases and dust in mines and other subsurface facilities.
Design of engineering systems to control these pollutants. 1.5ES, 1.5ED. P,
406 or consult with department before enrolling. May be convened with 536.
440. Materials Handling (3) Surface and underground material handling
methods. Performance analysis and selection of the following haulage
equipment: trucks, shovels, draglines, shuttle cars, locomotives, hoists,
conveyors, hydraulic and pneumatic transport systems. Computer applications.
2R, 3L. 1ES, 2ED. Field trips. P, C E 214. May be convened with 540.
445. Fundamentals of Geostatistics (3) [Rpt./6 units] Theory and
application of geostatistics in solving various estimation/prediction problems
frequently encountered in reserve estimation, in geotechnical and/or
hydrogeologic parameter estimation, and in environmental regulations. P,
integral and differential calculus. (Identical with G EN 445). May be convened
with 545.
447. Underground Construction Geomechanics (2-3) Geomechanical aspects
of underground excavation in rock. Empirical and mechanistic stability
evaluation and design. 2R, 3L. 2ED. All-day field trip. P, 427. May be
convened with 547.
449. Mineral Exploration (3) (Identical with G EN 449, which is home).
May be convened with 549.
490. Remote Sensing for the Study of Planet Earth (3) (Identical with
REM 490, which is home). May be convened with 590.
494. Practicum
a. Unit Operations (1-6) P, 220. May be convened with 594.
* Writing-Emphasis Course. P, satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in
the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this
501. Analysis of Mine Operations (3) For a description of course
topics see 401. Graduate-level requirements include a project using MIS
software. May be convened with 401.
502. Probability and Statistical Concepts in Geologic Media (3)
(Identical with G EN 502, which is home). May be convened with 402.
503. Analysis of Mining Decisions (3) Use of geostatistics, system
simulation languages and computers to analyze various mining decisions related
to reserve estimation and mine planning. P, 401, 402, 430.
506. Fundamentals of Mine Ventilation (3) For a description of course
topics see 406. Graduate-level requirements include a simulation project on
design of an airflow system for an underground mine. May be convened with 406.
511. Mineral Processing (3) For a description of course topics see
411. Graduate-level requirements include an advanced research project.
(Identical with MSE 511). May be convened with 411.
515. Rock Excavation (3) For a description of course topics see 415.
Graduate-level requirements include a research project. Field trips. P, C E
217. (Identical with G EN 515). May be convened with 415.
526. Health and Safety in Mining (1) For a description of course
topics see 426. Graduate-level requirements include a term paper. (Identical
with G EN 526). May be convened with 426.
527. Geomechanics (3-4) For a description of course topics see 427.
Graduate-level requirements include either a research project or a research
paper at the discretion of the instructor. P, C E 217. (Identical with G EN
527). May be convened with 427.
529. Rock Slope Analyses and Design (3) Geologic and engineering
considerations in design of optimum rock slope angles; constitutive models for
intact rock and joints; theoretical stability analysis, monitoring and control
of existing slopes. Field trip. P, 427. (Identical with G EN 529).
530. Mine Examination and Valuation (3) For a description of course
topics see 430. Graduate-level requirements include either a research project
or a research paper at the discretion of the instructor. P, 220, 402. May be
convened with 430.
533. Elements of Coal Mining (3) For a description of course topics
see 433. Graduate-level requirements include a research project. May be
convened with 433.
535. Mine Design (3) For a description of course topics see 435.
Graduate-level requirements include either a research project or a research
paper at the discretion of the instructor. P or CR, 430, 440. May be convened
with 435.
536. Subsurface Environmental Engineering (3) For a description of
course topics see 436. Graduate-level requirements include a simulation
project on the problem of heat and humidity in a subsurface facility. P, 406
or consult department before enrolling. May be convened with 436.
537. Developments in Rock Mechanics (2) Discussion of new developments
in rock mechanics and of areas of interest for future research. Field trips.
P, 427 or 527. (Identical with G EN 537).
540. Materials Handling (3) For a description of course topics see
440. Graduate-level requirements include a research project. Field trips. P, C
E 214. May be convened with 440.
545. Fundamentals of Geostatistics (3) [Rpt./6 units] For a
description of course topics see 445. Graduate-level requirements include an
additional class project. P, integral and differential calculus. (Identical
with G EN 545). May be convened with 445.
547. Underground Construction Geomechanics (2-3) For a description of
course topics see 447. Graduate-level requirements include an independent
design/analysis project. All-day field trip. P, 427 or 527. May be convened
with 447.
549. Mineral Exploration (3) (Identical with G EN 549, which is home).
May be convened with 449.
557. Fundamentals of Geomechanics (4) Mechanical behavior of
geological materials: stress and strain analysis; friction; elasticity,
strength and failure; discontinuity slip. Laboratory testing. Applications to
rock engineering problems. 3R, 3L. P, 427 or C E 340. (Identical with G EN
580. The Mechanics of Fracture in Rock and Other Brittle Materials (3)
Fracture mechanics theory applied to the deformation and failure of rock;
numerical techniques; micromechanical damage models; flow through fractures;
the mechanics of faulting and earthquake rupture. P, advanced course in
engineering mechanics or geomechanics (G EN 427). (Identical with G EN 580).
590. Remote Sensing for the Study of Planet Earth (3) (Identical with
REM 590, which is home). May be convened with 490.
594. Workshop
a. Unit Operations (1-3) P, 220. May be convened with 494.
696. Seminar
a. Research (1-3) [Rpt.] (Identical with G EN 696a, which is home).