100A -
100B -. Air Force Today (2-2) First Year GMC* Survey of the doctrine,
mission, and organization of the U.S.A.F.; U.S. strategic offensive and
defensive forces; U.S. general purpose and aerospace support forces. 1R, 1L.
100a is not prerequisite to 100b.
200A -
200B -. History of Aviation* (2-2) Second Year GMC* Survey of the
development of aviation from the advent of the air age to the present, with
emphasis on military aviation and its relationship with political and economic
aspects of historical world situations. 1R, 1L. 200a is not prerequisite to
300A -
300B -. Third Year POC**, Leadership and Management (3-3) Theory and
application of leadership and management, with emphasis on human relations,
motivation, communication for managers, organizational behavior and Total
Quality Management (TQM) principles and processes. 3R, 1L. Consult department
before enrolling.
400A -
400B -. Fourth Year POC**, American Defense Policy (3-3) Critical
analysis of various aspects of the military in American society and its
application and effects on the world political and economic environment. 3R,
1L. Consult department before enrolling.
*General Military Course
**Professional Officer Course