195a . Advertising (1)
361. * Introduction to Marketing (3) Role of marketing in the economy
and in business and nonprofit organizations; environmental factors affecting
marketing; nature of marketing management decisions. P, ECON 200.
370. * Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations (3) Application of
marketing concepts and tools for public agencies, health services, public
transportation, the arts, schools, museums, churches, etc.; role of marketing
planning, research, product and service development, pricing, promotion,
public relations. Not acceptable for credit toward the marketing major. P,
376. * Statistical Inference in Management (3) (Identical with MAP
376, which is home).
400. Retail Management (3) (Identical with RCS 400, which is home).
424. Services Retailing (3) (Identical with RCS 424, which is home).
440. * Marketing Research (3) Concepts and techniques of research for
marketing decisions; problem definition, determination of information needs,
sources, methods of gathering and analyzing data; presentation of findings for
management. P, 361, 376, MATH 123. In exceptional cases, concurrent
registration with MKTG 376 may be allowed with permission of the department.
450. * Buyer Behavior (3) Customer behavior and the application of
concepts and research findings from the behavioral sciences in the solution of
marketing problems. P, 361, 376, MATH 123.
452. * Advertising and Promotion Management (3) Role of advertising
and special promotions in the economy and business and nonprofit
organizations, concepts and strategy for programs, budgets, media selection,
evaluation of effectiveness. P, 361, 376, MATH 123.
454. * Management of Sales Operations (3) The sales function and its
relationship to the total marketing program; sales strategies and objectives;
development and administration of sales organizations; control and evaluation
of sales operations. P, 361, 376, MATH 123. May be convened with 554.
455. * Management of Distribution Systems (3) Nature and operation of
channels in the distribution of goods and services; economic and behavioral
problems in wholesaling and retailing; marketing logistics. P, 361, 376, MATH
456. * International Marketing Management (3) Marketing operations for
foreign environments; cultural, political and economic factors affecting the
international marketer. P, 361.
459. * Product Management (3) Product (services) strategy for
achieving financial growth; evaluating opportunities; generating ideas;
launching new offerings; managing the product (services) portfolio. P, 361,
376, MATH 123.
470. * Marketing and Public Policy (3) Trends in public opinion,
legislation and practices of governmental regulatory bodies; implications for
marketing decision making; role of marketing research in public policy
development. P, 361.
471. * Marketing Policies and Operations (3) An integrative, capstone
course focusing on comprehensive marketing problems; development, control, and
auditing of marketing organizations and operations. P, 361, FIN 311, MAP 305.
Credit only for one of; ACCT 471, FIN 471, MAP 471, MIS 471, or MKTG 471.
Writing-Emphasis Course.*
480. * New Venture Market and Industry Analysis (4) Assessment of
market opportunity; competitive strategy development, market structure
analysis, forecasting techniques. Open only to entrepreneurship program
students. P, 361, ECON 330, FIN 311. (Identical with ECON 480).
483. * Marketing Planning and Operational Decision-Making (4)
(Identical with MAP 483, which is home).
*Open only to students who meet the requirements for Advanced Standing
as specified in the College of Business and Public Administration
section of this manual.
500. Marketing Management (3) Scope, environment and nature of
marketing management; customer and market analysis for product, service,
price, promotion and distribution decisions. Open only to students admitted to
B.P.A. graduate programs.
506. Business Communication in Marketing (1) One unit of a
three-course module designed to improve the oral and written communication
skills of MBA students preparing for business leadership careers. In this
module, students learn to prepare and deliver oral presentations and written
documents which focus on effective communication in the business discipline of
marketing. CR 500. Open to MBA students only.
530. Management of Marketing Communications (3) Application of
communications theory and research findings in advertising, sales promotion,
publicity, personal selling; planning, conduct and administration of programs
of information and persuasion. P, 500.
536. Innovation and Economic Growth (3) Role of entrepreneurship and
innovation in economic growth. Development of the new venture idea and
assessment of market potential. Open only to students in the entrepreneurship
program. P, ECON 500, FIN 511, MKTG 500. (Identical with ECON 536).
538. Marketing, Negotiation and Decision Tactics (3) (Identical with
MAP 538, which is home).
550. Consumer and Organizational Buyer Behavior (3) Nature of the
purchase decision process for goods and services. Theories, concepts and
research methods and findings are examined for use in management and public
policy decision making. P, 500.
552. Statistical Decision Making (3) Probability and statistical
analysis; random variables, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing,
Bayesian analysis, time series, statistical investigation. Open only to
students admitted to a BPA graduate program. P, MIS 400, or MATH 119 and 123.
554. * Management of Sales Operations (3) For a description of course
topics see 454. Graduate-level requirements include an in-depth research
paper. P, 361, 376, MATH 123. May be convened with 454.
557. Industrial Marketing (3) Problems and methods of marketing
decision-making in industrial, government and high-tech markets. P, 500.
559. Product Strategy (3) Formulating and implementing strategy for
growth; analyzing and influencing market structure; developing, pricing,
testing new entries; managing the portfolio. P, 500.
560. International Marketing (3) Marketing planning and strategies for
foreign environments; cultural, political, economic factors affecting the
international marketer, multinational corporation and multinational market
groups. P, 500.
565. Management for Global Competitive Success (3) Developing
comprehensive strategies and programs for delivering quality goods and
services to consumers as a basis for global competitive success. P, 500 or
consult department before enrolling.
568. Environmental Scanning and Business Strategy (3) An MBA
integrative course. How information from the economy can be used to develop a
firm's competitive strategy. Multidisciplinary, using concepts from economics,
marketing and management. Open only to BPA graduate students. Includes case
method approach to problems facing top management in making and effecting a
strategic plan. P, 500, ECON 500, FIN 511. (Identical with ECON 568 and MAP
572. Marketing Research for Managers (3) Specification of management
information needs, evaluation of research proposals and findings, methods of
gathering and analyzing data, administrative aspects of research and
decisions. P, 500.
582A -
582B -. Multivariate Analysis in Management (3-3) 582a: Multiple,
polynomial, stepwise regression including indicator variables, inference,
remedial measures. 582b: Analysis of variance and covariance, principal
components, discriminant analysis, canonical correlation. P, 552. 582a is not
prerequisite to 582b.
672. Survey and Qualitative Marketing Research Methods (3) Survey and
qualitative research for marketing management information needs; secondary
data search methods; instrumentation, sampling, field work and data analysis;
ethnographic, depth interview and projective methods. P, 500.
673. Experimental Research Methods in Marketing (3) Statistical,
methodological and interpretive issues in the design of laboratory and field
experiments/quasi-experiments for marketing and consumer research. P, 500.
695. Colloquium
a. Research in Marketing (1) [Rpt./7]
696. Seminar
a. Perspectives and Principles for Research in Marketing (3)
b. Marketing Theory (3) P, 696a.
c. Marketing Management and Strategy (3) P, admission to marketing graduate
program or approval of department.
d. Consumer Behavior (3) P, admission to marketing graduate program or
approval of department.
f. Marketing Decision Models and Support Systems (3) P, 696a, MATH
125a-125b, 215.