111. Introduction to Computing (3) Basic computer hardware and
software concepts, computer terminology, problem solving and program
development concepts, with emphasis on problem definition and systems
development, introduction to a general purpose programming language and
hands-on experience using application software systems.
121. Introduction to Business Programming (3) COBOL and PASCAL
programming language; file organization maintenance, and structured
programming techniques. P, 111.
301. * Data Structures and Algorithms (3) Application system
development techniques, fundamental data structures and algorithms; design and
implementation of selected software procedures using Pascal. P, 121, MATH 123.
307. *Computer Architecture and Data Communications (3) Computer
architecture, operating systems principles, systems software, data
communications, networks, protocols and distributed processing. P, 121.
331. * Database Management Systems (3) Introduction to database
management systems; relational, CODASYL, and hierarchic models; security
concurrency, integrity and recovery issues; query interfaces. P, 301.
341. * Information Systems Analysis and Design (3) The analysis and
logical design of business data processing, management information and
management control systems; project management and cost-benefit analysis;
techniques for stating and analyzing information systems requirements; use of
automated and non-automated techniques for logical system design. P, 121.
342. * Data Structures and Algorithms (3) (Identical with C SC 342,
which is home).
372. * Comparative Programming Languages (3) (Identical with C SC 372,
which is home).
373. * Basic Operations Management (3) GRD Quantitative techniques
applied to design, operation, control and improvement of manufacturing
systems. Topics include forecasting, facility planning and layout, inventory
management, quality control and just-in-time manufacturing. P, MATH 123.
396H .* Honors Proseminar (3)
411. * Social Issues of Computing (3) Broad survey of the individual,
organizational, cultural, social and ethical issues provoked by current and
projected uses of computers. May be convened with 511.
421. * Advanced Systems Modeling and Simulation (3) Simulation
concepts, simulation software, modeling of systems, model validation,
selecting input probability distributions, random variate generation,
statistical analysis of output data and SIMAN simulation language. P,
fundamental knowledge of probability and statistics. (Identical with C SC
422. * Linear Programming and Applications (3) Recognition,
formulation and solution of linear programming models for decision making.
Modelling issues illustrated using examples from systems design,
manufacturing, logistics, finance, etc. P, MATH 119. May be convened with 522.
441. * Information System Design and Implementation (3) Design of
computer-based solutions to individual and organizational problems; involves
an analysis of subsystems user interfaces, hardware/software selection and
evaluation, and system implementation; explores interface between systems and
individuals and systems and organizations. P, 341.
450. * International Dimensions of Information Technologies (3)
National and regional information technology development strategies and
policies; IT and national sovereignty; development and control of global
"information highways;" impact of public and business policies on
information systems design and use; international institutions and IT:
convergence or divergence of information systems across countries, regions and
international economic sectors. May be convened with 550.
451. * Advanced Business Programming (3) Business systems programming
environment; basic and advanced COBOL; file organization and access methods;
external sort and multi-key files; 4GLs in data processing. P, 301. May be
convened with 551.
453. * Software Systems (3) Software development and software
engineering; brings together the elements of programming language, operating
system, and development techniques; teaches and uses the C programming
language and the Unix operating system. P, 301. May be convened with 553.
461. * Accounting Information Systems (3) (Identical with ACCT 461,
which is home).
471. * Policy Formation and Management Information Systems (3)
Integration of the MIS activity with the functional operations of the business
organization; utilization of case studies and a computer simulation model to
enhance executive decision making relative to planning, organizing,
controlling, and actuating. Open only to BPA majors. P, FIN 311, MAP 305, MKTG
361, Senior Standing. Credit only for one of: ACCT 471, FIN 471, MAP 471, MIS
471, or MKTG 471. Writing-Emphasis Course.**
473A -
473B -.* Production and Operations Management (3-3) Productive
systems, including service type industries; activities entailed in selecting,
designing, operating, controlling, and updating systems. 473a: Forecasting,
aggregate planning, MRP, inventory models under uncertainty, scheduling. P,
373. 473b: Topics include project management, quality control, reliability,
facility layout and decision theory. Case studies, group projects and industry
speakers give students an understanding of the human problems and quantitative
methods. P, 373. May be convened with 573a-573b.
474. * Current Topics in Operations Management (3) Coverage of new
techniques and technologies in operations management. Examples of topics that
may be covered are JIT, OPT, robotics. P, 473b or CR. May be convened with
475. * Managing for Quality Improvement (3) Operational aspect of
quality improvement. Topics include statistical process control, total quality
management. P, 373. May be convened with 575.
476. * Management of Service Operations (3) Application of operations
management concepts to service organizations; exploration of critical issues
such as facility location, layout, scheduling, and capacity management; case
analyses and/or term project. P, 373. May be convened with 576.
477. * Materials and Logistics Management (3) Organization, management
and control of material flow processes; logistical strategies and
relationships of procurement, handling, warehousing, transportation, and
inventory control. P, 373, 473a. May be convened with 577.
478. * Project Management (3) Definition of programs and projects,
organizational forms, developing the work breakdown structure, scheduling
techniques (PERT and CPM), control mechanisms such as milestones, cost reports
and progress reports. Lectures and case analyses. P, 373. May be convened with
479. * Computer Models for Operations Management (3) Use of available
software packages to analyze complex operations management problems. P, 373.
May be convened with 579.
480. Introduction to Expert Systems (3) An in-depth technical
background on the concepts and skills essential to analysis, design and
development of business expert systems. Topics include applications and
development in AI, knowledge-based systems architecture, knowledge
representation and acquisition, and Prolog; focus on business problem solving.
May be convened with 580.
486. Machine Scheduling (3) General job-shop problems, performance
measures. Complexity classification of problems, P and NP characteristics.
Single and parallel machines, flow, open-shop and resource-constrained
scheduling. P, 422/522 or instructor's approval. May be convened with 586.
497. Workshop
a. Collaboration Computing (3) May be convened with 597a.
**Writing-Emphasis Course. P, Satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in
the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this
506. Business Communication in Operations Management (1) This is one
unit of a three-course module designed to improve the oral and written
communication skills of MBA students preparing for business leadership
careers. In this module, students learn to prepare and deliver oral
presentations and written documents which focus on effective communication in
the business discipline of operations management. C, 567. Open to MBA students
507A -
507B -. Information Systems Architecture and Data Communications (3-3)
507a: Fundamental concepts of operating systems. The principles and techniques
required for engineering and understanding operating systems are covered.
Examples from real systems are given to illustrate application of particular
concepts. Hardware architecture that is relevant for understanding operating
systems. 507b: Comprehensive view of data and computer communications.
Explores key issues in the field, in the general categories of principles
(including basic concepts and terminology used in the field); design
approaches and applications in business; standards such as the IEEE, OSI,
TCP/IP and others. P, 507a.
511. Social Issues of Computing (3) For a description of course topics
see 411. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper. May be
convened with 411.
521A -
521B -. Systems Modeling and Simulation (3-3) 521a: Topics include
concepts of simulation, simulation software, model validation, selecting input
probability distributions, random variate generation, statistical analysis of
output data. SIMAN simulation language is covered. Previous programming
experience is helpful, but not required. P, fundamental knowledge of
probability and statistics. 521b: Modeling and analyzing complex business
systems using advanced simulation and statistical techniques. A semester
project is required. P, 521a or equivalent course. (Identical with C SC
521a-521b and SIE 521a-521b).
522. Linear Programming and Applications (3) For a description of
course topics see 422. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term
paper or program. May be convened with 422.
531A -
531B -. Data Structures and Database Management (3-3) 531a: Abstract
data types, data structures and their implementation in Pascal programs. Data
structures covered include stacks, queues, lists and trees. 531b: Introduction
to database processing in comparison with file processing. Review of file
organization and relevant data structures. Detailed study of various tools
needed for logical and physical design, including data flow diagrams and the
entity-relationship model. Examines the Relational and Codasyl database
models. Several commercially available database management systems are
reviewed. Course covers implementation. Students learn to develop database
applications using Sybase or Sun/Unix machines. P, 531a.
541A -
541B -. Computer-Aided Information Systems Analysis and Design (3-3)
Introduction to the management and techniques associated with software
development, both domestically and internationally with focus on the analysis
and design stages. Emphasizes international issues. Involves
"hands-on" experience with Computer-Aided Software Engineering
(CASE) tool. (Identical with C SC 541a-541b).
546. Algorithms for Graphs and Network (3) Model formulation and
solution of problems on graphs and networks. Topics include heuristics and
optimization algorithms for shortest paths, min-cost flow, matching and
traveling salesman problems. Credit is allowed for this course or SIE 546. P,
552 or SIE 544 or consent of instructor.
550. International Dimensions of Information Technologies (3) For a
description of course topics see 450. Graduate-level requirements include an
additional term paper or program and a class presentation. May be convened
with 450.
551. * Advanced Business Programming (3) For a description of course
topics see 451. Graduate-level requirements include an additional in-depth
term paper and 30 percent more reading. P, 531a. May be convened with 451.
553. Software Systems (3) For a description of course topics see 453.
Graduate-level requirements include the production of several medium-sized
programs, with emphasis on the program life-cycle, maintainability, and
life-cost. P, 531a. May be convened with 453.
554. Computer Graphics (3) Interactive computer graphics; user
interface design; pictorial data structures and management. P, 531a.
567. Design and Control of Production Systems (3) Introduction to the
basic concepts in operations management. Topics covered include project
planning, aggregate planning, forecasting, classical inventory models, linear
programming and simulation. Open only to graduate students in BPA.
570. Management and Evaluation of Information Systems (3) The
methodologies of economics and management information systems are applied to
the problem of designing and evaluating information systems for a
profit-maximizing firm. An MBA integrative course. Open only to students
admitted to BPA graduate programs. P, ECON 500 or consent of instructor.
572. Operations Management (3) Manufacturing operations from a
tactical standpoint. Major topics include materials requirements planning,
capability management, scheduling and JIT planning and control. P, 567 or
consent of instructor.
573A -
573B -. Production and Operations Management (3-3) For a description
of course topics see 473a-473b. Graduate-level requirements include an
additional term paper or program. May be convened with 473a-473b.
574. Current Topics in Operations Management (3) For a description of
course topics see 474. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term
paper or program. May be convened with 474.
575. Managing for Quality Improvement (3) For a description of course
topics see 475. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper
or program. May be convened with 475.
576. Management of Service Operations (3) For a description of course
topics see 476. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper
or program. May be convened with 476.
577. Materials and Logistics Management (3) For a description of
course topics see 477. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term
paper or program. May be convened with 477.
578. Project Management (3) For a description of course topics see
478. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper or program.
May be convened with 478.
579. Computer Models for Operations Management (3) For a description
of course topics see 479. Graduate-level requirements include an additional
term paper or program. May be convened with 479.
580. Introduction to Expert Systems (3) For description of course
topics see 480. Graduate-level requirements include an additional term paper.
May be convened with 480.
583. Stochastic Models in Management Science (3) Markov chains, models
or arrival processes, continuous-time Markov chains, queuing theory, models of
computer and manufacturing systems. P, MATH 123.
584. Combinatorial Optimization and Integer Programming (3)
Introduction to the formation, solution and implementation of integer
programming models, for decision making where the choices are discrete. Topics
include network flow models, computational complexity, branch-and-bound and
cutting-plane methods. P, 422 or 522.
586. Machine Scheduling (3) General job-shop problems, performance
measures. Complexity classification of problems, P and NP characteristics.
Single and parallel machines, flow, open-shop and resource-constrained
scheduling. P, 422/522 or instructor's approval.
588. Systems Design for Management (3) Focuses on automated tools to
support managers in organizations including office automation, decision
support systems, GDSS; applications and methodologies for designing,
implementing, and evaluating such systems and their organizational impact.
597. Workshop
a. Collaboration Computing (3) May be convened with 497a.
611A -
611B -. Topics in Research Methodologies in MIS (3-3) 611a: Introduces
beginning doctoral degree students and advanced master's degree students to
important research and survey articles in the field of management information
systems. 611b: Provides a knowledge of research methodologies used in the MIS
discipline, including experimental design, surveys, case studies, field work,
and software engineering.
646. Combinatorial Optimization and Integer Programming (3)
Formulation, solution and implementation of integer problems, for decision
making where choices are discrete. Methods include branch-and-bound,
cutting-plane methods and Lagrangean relaxation. Credit is allowed for this
course or SIE 646. P, 522 or SIE 544 or consent of insent of instructor.
671. International Issues (3) Analysis of industry successes and
failures in global markets, focusing on the national characteristics, company
stragegies and national policies behind them. Case studies of more than 20
countries around the world (most of which will be student generated). Regional
develoopments and problems. Sectorial emphases on international technological
developments and issues related to the globalization of the information
technologies. P, graduate standing and at least one 500-level MIS or
equivalent course.
680. Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence (3) In-depth
discussion of advanced AI topics such as natural language processing,
cognitive modeling techniques, machine learning techniques, and neural network
computing. Hands-on projects are required. P, 531a. Open to all graduate
696. Seminar
a. Readings in MIS (3)
b. Group Support Systems (3)
c. Emerging Information Technologies (3)
d. Models for Quantitative Analysis (3)
e. Recent Advances in MIS (3)
f. Mathematical Programming (3) P, 422
g. Advanced Topics in Data Management (3)
h. Master's Report Projects (3) Open to majors only.
i. Management of Executive Information (3)
796. Seminar
a. Research Issues (3) [Rpt./6 units] Open to majors only.
797. Workshop
a. Research Design (3) [Rpt./5] P, 796a.
*Open only to students who meet the requirements for Advanced Standing
as specified in the College of Business and Public Administration
section of this manual.