105A.The Universe and Humanity: Origin and Destiny (3) (Identical with
PTYS 105a, which is home).
120. Human Physiology: The Facts of Life (4) (Identical with PSIO 120,
which is home).
181L. Introductory Biology Laboratory I (1) Laboratory exercises
presenting techniques and fundamental principles of modern biology. Designed to
complement the information concurrently presented in 181R. P, 181R or CR, 181R.
(Identical with BIOC 181L, ECOL 181L, and MIC 181L).
181R. Introductory Biology I (3) Introduction to the cell and its
properties, basic genetics, the immune system, recombinant DNA technology with
illustrations from bacteria, plants, animals and humans. High school
biology/chemistry required. Honors section available for 4 units. P, at least
MATH 117 (level III) placement on the Math Readiness Test, CR 181L. (Identical
with BIOC 181R, ECOL 181R, and MIC 181R).
182. Introductory Biology II (4) (Identical with ECOL 182, which is
195. Colloquium
a. Great Experiments in Microbiology (1) (Identical with MIC 195a, which is
b. Biotechnology (1) (Identical with BIOC 195a, which is home).
c. Society and Science (1) (Identical with BIOC 195c, which is home).
320. Genetics (4) (Identical with ECOL 320, which is home).
320H. Genetics (5) (Identical with ECOL 320H, which is home).
321. Genetics Laboratory (2) (Identical with ECOL 321, which is home).
360.Principles of Plant Physiology (3) [Rpt.] (Identical with PL S 360,
which is home).
361. Principles of Plant Physiology Laboratory (1) [Rpt.] (Identical
with PL S 361, which is home).
402. Medical Physics (3) (Identical with PHY 402, which is home). May be
convened with 502.
404. Contemporary Biology in Human Affairs (3) Advances in biomedical
research will be reviewed and their ethical, social and legal implications
discussed. P, one course in BIOC or biology; botany not acceptable.
407. Neurobiology (4) Cellular, molecular and developmental biology of
nerve cells, synapses and neural systems. P, MCB 181R, 181L, 182, 410 or
equivalent. (Identical with NRSC 407, which is home).
410. Cell Biology (3) The molecular basis of the structure and function
of animal, plant and prokaryotic cells with emphasis on experimental analysis.
P, 181R, 181L, 182, 462a, recommend 320 and CR, 411. (Identical with BIOC 410,
MIC 410 and PL S 410). Honors section available for (4) honors credits.
Change prerequisites to: P, 181R, 181L, 182, 462a or 460, recommend 320 and CR,
411. Spring '98
411. Molecular Biology (3) Mechanisms of genome replication, genetic
recombination, DNA repair, gene expression and regulation. P, 181R, 181L, BIOC
462a, recommend 320. (Identical with BIOC 411 and MIC 411). Honors section
available for (4) honors credits. Change prerequisites to:
P, 181R, 181L, 182, 462a or 460, recommend 320. Spring '98
414. Science and Technology (3) Exploration of the interface between
science and theology to understand the obstacles to their rational integration.
P, 404. Open to science majors, others with consent.
416. Bioinformatics and Genomic Analysis (3) Analysis of genome
sequences for function using local and internet computer resources. Consult
instructor for appropriate prerequisites before enrolling. (Identical with BIOC
416, ECOL 416 and GENE 416).May be convened with 516.
421B. Microbiological Techniques (3-3) (IdenticalMIC 421a-421b, which is
428. Microbial Genetics (3) (Identical with PL P 428, which is home).
429. General Virology (3) (Identical with MIC 429, which is home).
432. Pathogenic Virology (3) (Identical with V SC 432, which is home).
437. Vertebrate Physiology (4) (Identical with ECOL 437, which is home).
439. Plant Cell Biology (3) (Identical with PL S 439, which is home).
May be convened with 539.
455. Developmental Mechanisms (3) Molecular and cellular mechanisms of
development, with emphasis on model systems. P, 181R, 181L, and an advanced
course in genetics, molecular or cell biology. (Identical with BIOC 455).
456. Developmental Biology (3) (Identical with AN S 456, which is home).
May be convened with 556.
457. Experiments in Developmental Biology (4) (Identical with CBA 457,
which is home). May be convened with 557.
460. General Protein and Metabolic Biochemistry (3) (Identical with BIOC
460, which is home).
462B. Biochemistry (3) (Identical with BIOC 462a-462b,is home). Honors
section available for (4) honors credits.
466. Physiology Laboratory (3) (Identical with ECOL 466, which is home).
May be convened with 566.
467. Endocrine Physiology (3) (Identical with PSIO 467, which is home).
467R. Endocrinology (3) (Identical with CBA 467R, which is home).
469. Yeast Genetics and Human Disease (3) GRD A high-level genetics
course with emphasis on reading and discussing the primary literature.
Discussion of studies of the model organism (yeast) and relevance to human
biology. P, 320 or PL S 312, MCB 410, 411. (Identical with BIOC 469.
470. The Cell and the Environment (3) The molecular and cellular
responses to the environment. P, MCB 410 and/or biochemistry.
473. Recombinant DNA Methods and Applications (4) Relevant techniques
for the isolation, purification and cloning of genes in E. Coli hosts.
Eucaryotic lambda genomic DNA clones will be characterized by restriction
mapping, hybridization analysis, and sequence analysis. 2R, 6L. P, BIOC 462a,
CR, 411. (Identical with BIOC 473, GENE 473, MIC 473, and PL S 473).
Change prerequisites to: P, BIOC 462a or 460 CR, 411. Spring '98
475. Parasite Immunology (3) (Identical with V SC 475, which is home).
476B. Analysis of Biological Diversification (3-3)[Rpt./1] (Identical
with ECOL 476a-476b). May be convened with 576a-576b.
496. Seminar
a. Molecular and Cellular Biology (1) [Rpt./6] Consult instructor before
enrolling. May be convened with 596a.
497. Workshop
a. Special Tutoring Workshop (1-5) [Rpt] Open to senior MCB and Biochemistry
majors only. Consult department before enrolling. (Identical with BIOC 497a). Change
units to: (3-5). Add prerequisites: Open to MCB and Biochemistry majors only. P,
320 or PL S 312 and MCB 410 or 411. Consult department before enrolling. Fall
502. Medical Physics (3) (Identical with PHYS 505, which is home). May
be convened with 402.
505. Eukaryotic DNA Replication (3) [Rpt./1] (Identical with CBIO 505,
which is home).
510. Plant Molecular Biology (3) (Identical with PLS 510, which is
511. Topics in Molecular Biology (1) Provide experience in critical
thinking, in making and testing hypotheses, in evaluating original research
papers, and in expressing ideas in discussions. Complements the lecture format
of MCB 411. (Identical with BIOC 511 and MBIM 511. CR, MCB 411.
512. Biological Electron Microscopy (4) Provides theoretical background
and practical experience in transmission and scanning electron microscopy that
are necessary for the efficient and effective application of ultra-structural
and cytochemical techniques as research tools. 2R, 6L. P, one college level
course in each of physics, chemistry, and biology. (Identical with CBA 512, AN S
512, BIOC 512, ENTO 512, MBIM 512, PATH 512, PSIO 512, PL P 512, V SC 512).
516. Bioinformatics and Genomic Analysis (3) For description of course
topics see 416. Graduate-level requirement include a research project, written
report, and a class presentation. (Identical with BIOC 516, ECOL 516 and GENE
516). May be convened with 416.
529. General Virology (3) (Identical with MBIM 529, which is home).
539. Plant Cell biology (3) (Identical with PL S 539, which is home).
May be convened with 439.
545. Concepts in Genetic Analysis (3) Methods of genetic analysis
including mutant isolation, genetic and physical mapping, reverse genetics,
evolutionary mechanisms, molecular variation and genomic evolution. P,
introductory undergraduate genetics course or biology course. (Identical with
BIOC 545, ECOL 545, GENE 545, and INSC 545).
549. Survival Skills for Students (2) (Identical with SP H 549, which is
550. Topics in Pigment Cell Biology (2) (Identical with CBA 550, which
is home).
555. Molecular Mechanisms of Development (3) Detailed examination of
molecular, genetic and cellular approaches to selected problems in developmental
biology. P, 545, 568 or consult department before enrolling. (Identical with
BIOC 555, GENE 555, and INSC 555).
556. Developmental Biology (3) (Identical with AN S 556, which is home).
May be convened with 456.
557. Experiments in Developmental Biology (4) (Identical with CBA 557,
which is home). May be convened with 457.
560. Current Advances in Plant Physiology (3) (Identical with PL S 560,
which is home).
566. Physiology Laboratory (3) (Identical with ECOL 566, which is home).
May be convened with 466.
567R. Endocrinology (3) (Identical with CBA 567R, which is home).
568. Nucleic Acids (4) (Identical with BIOC 568, which is home).
569. Topics in Gene Regulations (2) (Identical with BIOC 569, which is
572. Cell Regulation (3) Advanced treatment of biological regulation in
eukaryotic cells. Topics to be discussed include regulation of cellular
metabolism, cytoskeletal dynamics, organelle function, and cell division. P,
462a-462b or consult department before enrolling. (Identical with BIOC 572).
574. Advances in Mammalian Genetics (2) [Rpt./1] (Identical with BIOC
574, which is home).
575. Special Topics in Biological Imaging (2).
576A -
576B. Analysis of Biological Diversification (3) [Rpt./1](Identical with
ECOL 576a-576b, which is home). May be convened with 476a-476b.
577. Principles of Cell Biology (4) (Identical with CBA 577, which is
582. Topics in Neural Development (2) (Identical with NRSC 582, which is
583. Topics in Neural Plasticity (2) Reading and discussion of primary
literature on molecular, cellular, biochemical, physiological, and structural
changes that occur on the adult nervous system. P, a course in neurobiology,
consult department before enrolling. (Identical with CBA 583 and NRSC 583).
584. Cellular Neurobiology (2) (Identical with CBA 584, which is home).
585. Biological Structures I (4) (Identical with BIOC 585, which is
586. Intracellular Messengers (2) (Identical with NRSC 586, which is
587. Biology of Neurological Disease (2) (Identical with NRSC 587, which
is home).
588. Principles of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (4) (Identical
with NRSC 588, which is home).
595. Colloquium
a. Topics in Molecular Biology (1) [Rpt./6] Open to majors only.
b. Journal Club (1) [Rpt./5] (Identical with BIOC 595b, which is home)
a. Molecular and Cellular Biology (1) [Rpt./6] Consult instructor before
enrolling. May be convened with 496a.
c. Concepts in Cellular Differentiation (2) (Identical with CBA 596c, which
is home).
i. Molecular Cardiovascular Biology (Identical with SURG 596i, which is
a. Recombinant DNA Techniques (2) (Identical with BIOC 597a, which is home).
621. Molecular, Plant, Microbe Interactions (3) (Identical with PL P
621, which is home).
623A -
623B -. Biology Update 1-2 (2-2) (Identical with BIOC623a-623b, which is
a. Plant Biology (1) (Identical with PL P 695a, which is home).
b. Plant Pathology (1) (Identical with PL P 695b, which is home).
e. Science, Society and Ethics (1) (Identical with GENE 695e and NRSC 695e).
697. Workshop
a. Scientific Infrastructure (2) Open to majors only.
Laboratory Rotation I (2) [Rpt./1] Research project with graduate faculty for 8
weeks, 15 hours per week. Open to majors only.
Laboratory Rotation II (2) [Rpt./1] Research project with graduate faculty for 8
weeks, 15 hours per week. Open to majors only.
763. Laboratory Rotation III (2) Research project with graduate faculty for
8 weeks, 15 hours per week. Open to majors only.
795. Colloquium
a. Introduction to Research (3-5) [Rpt./10 units] (Identical with BIOC 795a,
which is home) Open to MCB and BIOC majors only.
801. Molecular and Cellular Biology (4) P, freshman medical students only.