305. * Management and Organizational Behavior (3) GRD Integration of
classical and organizational behavior approaches to management in private and
public organizations in various cultures. Special sections of this course are
offered for participants in the University Honors Program. P, ECON 201b.
320. * Legal, Social and Political Environment of Business (3)
Introduction to the social, legal and political environment of business. The
relationship between business and government; regulation and interest groups,
the legal process.
330. * Human Resources Management (3) GRD Policies and current
practices in utilizing human resources effectively at all organizational
376. Statistical Inference in Management (3) Further topics in
statistical analysis and inference applied to managerial decision making. Not
available to students who have completed or are enrolled in AREC/ECON 339
(Identical with ECON 376 and MKTG 376).
420. * Advanced Business Law (3) GRD Negotiable instruments,
partnerships, corporations, and property rights. P, CR 320 or admission to BPA
graduate programs.
426. * Wills, Estates, and Trusts (3) Wills, inheritances, estates,
and trusts; the administration of estates, including the duties and
liabilities of executors and trustees; basic estate and gift tax laws
applicable to estate planning.
430. Human Resources Policies (3) An integrative, case-oriented course
focusing on problems and policies in the procurement, development,
compensation, and motivation of personnel. P, 330 and 6 units in human
resources major.
432. Bargaining and Negotiation in Organizations (3) Examination of
the state of the art of bargaining and negotiation, and the development of
bargaining skills in a wide variety of business and interpersonal settings. P,
435. International Management (3) S Analysis of management
opportunities and challenges; evaluation and formulation of strategies of
firms expanding internationally. P, ECON 449. (Identical with PA 435).
444. Group-Process Methods in Management (3) Application of behavioral
science knowledge to group functioning in organizations with emphasis on
perspectives from organizational behavior, social psychology and sociology. P,
305. (Identical with SOC 444).
450. Training and Development (3) Examines employee training and
development as a systematic planned strategy for continuous expansion of
employee competence, broadly defined, in order to meet organizational and
individual goals.
455. * Preventive Health Care Policy and Administration (3) Preventive
health care activities, analysis of public policies relating to such care, and
discussion of general issues in its administration including health promotion,
health education, environmental health, and the nature and functions of public
health departments and planning agencies.
471. * Management Policies (3) Analysis plus case studies of
management in business enterprises. Open only to BPA majors. An honors section
of this course will be available for entrepreneurship program students. P,
305, FIN 311, MKTG 361. Credit only for one of: ACCT 471, FIN 471, MAP 471,
MIS 471, or MKTG 471. Writing-Emphasis Course.**
475. Topics in Management (3) [Rpt./1] Critical examination of various
research activities taking place in the field of management and organizational
behavior. P, 305.
480. Men, Women and Work (3) Survey of research on topics that have to
do with gender and organizations. Topics include social determinants of career
choice, perceptions and performance of men and women as managers, occupational
sex segregation, work and family issues, implications of technological change
for women's employment, affirmative action and comparable worth. P, 305.
(Identical with W S 480).
481. * Finance and New Venture Development (4) (Identical with FIN
481, which is home).
483. * Marketing Planning and Operational Decision-Making (4) New
product development; marketing programming and strategy; bargaining technique;
individual and group decision-making processes. Open only to entrepreneurship
program students. P, ECON 330, FIN 311, MKTG 361. (Identical with MKTG 483).
484. * Development of New Venture Plans (4) Preparation and
presentation of a comprehensive business plan. Integration of financial,
operational, and marketing elements. Open only to entrepreneurship program
students. P, ECON 330, FIN 311, MKTG 361. (Identical with FIN 484).
486. * Managerial Judgment and Decision (3) Development of a working
understanding of decision analysis (DA) and its use in decision making.
Emphasis on practical applications in professional and personal decisions.
496. * Seminar
a. Honors (3) [Rpt./2]
*Open only to students who meet the requirements for Advanced Standing
as specified in the College of Business and Public Administration
section of this manual.
**Writing-Emphasis Course. P, Satisfaction of the upper-division
writing-proficiency requirement (see "Writing-Emphasis Courses" in
the Academic Policies and Graduation Requirements section of this
500. Management Case Analysis and Presentation (3) Written analysis of
cases and other reports; development of skills in analysis, decision making,
and written and oral presentation, with emphasis on the total situation of
each case considered.
502. Organization Theory and Behavioral Relations (3) (Identical with
PHL 502).
503. Human Resource Management (3) Principles, methods, research
relevant to management of an organization's human resources, with emphasis on
employment psychology, training, development, compensation. P, 305 or 502.
505. Organizational Power (3) Development of organizational power and
influence techniques for individuals and groups. Uses cases and practical
experience to build on motivation, negotiation, and group dynamic skills. P,
506. Business Communication in Management (1) One unit of a
three-course module designed to improve the oral and written communication
skills of MBA students preparing for business leadership careers. In this
module, students learn to prepare and deliver oral presentations and written
documents which focus on effective communication in the business discipline of
management. CR, 502. Open to MBA students only.
532. Conflict and Cooperation in the Dyad (3) Critical exposition of
the essential ideas of two-person game theory and the findings of experimental
research on strategic interactions in the dyad.
535. Studies in International Management (3) For description of course
topics see 435. Graduate-level requirements include additional research and
writing on more complex issues. (Identical with PA 535).
537. Finance for New Ventures (3) (Identical with FIN 537, which is
538. Marketing, Negotiation and Decision Tactics (3) Development of
bargaining and decision-making skills through simulated negotiations and role
playing. Open only to students in the entrepreneurship program. P, ECON
500a-500b, FIN 511, MKTG 500. (Identical with MKTG 538).
539. Planning of New Ventures (3) New venture development, financial
projections, resource assessment, and long-range planning. Open only to
students in the entrepreneurship program. P, ECON 500a-500b, FIN 511, MKTG
500. (Identical with FIN 539).
543. White Collar and Organizational Crime (3) (Identical with PA 543,
which is home).
545. Interactive Behavior in Small Groups (3) Critical survey of the
essential ideas of n-person game theory (n>2) and the findings of
experimental research on social dilemmas, bargaining, and coalition formation.
554. Research Methodology (3) Behavioral research techniques; bias,
validity, reliability, and applicable statistical techniques; critiques of
research articles and reports.
556. Gender Issues in Organizational Behavior (3) Reviews the research
on several topics having to do with gender and organizations, including:
social determinants of career choice; occupational sex segregation;
perceptions of men and women as managers; gender issues in motivation,
leadership, and job satisfaction; work and family issues; implications of
technological change for women's employment; organizational change including
affirmative action and comparable worth. (Identical with SOC 556).
560. Management of Technology (3) Issues in formulating and
implementing technology strategy as organizations and industries grow, mature
and stagnate. Topics include patterns of diffusion, role of licensing and
joint ventures, and the divergence between leading edge and profitable
science. P, 305 or 502.
568. Environmental Scanning and Business Strategy (3) (Identical with
MKTG 568, which is home).
571. Business Strategy and Policy Making (3) Case method approach to
problems and policies facing top management in making and effecting a
strategic plan. P, 500, 502, FIN 511, MKTG 500.
579. Issues in Rural Health Care (3) (Identical with NURS 579, which
is home).
580A -
580B -. Theory of Management and Organization (3-3) 580a: Analysis of
behavior in organizational systems; review of classical, behavioral, and
contingency theories of management with a focus on internal systems phenomena.
580b: Organizations in their environments; analysis of organizations in the
context of their environmental interfaces. P, 305 or 502. 580a is not
prerequisite to 580b.
586. Behavioral Research in Judgment and Decision Making (3) Theory
and research on the strategies and abilities of human judges and decision
makers. Focus is upon behavioral, as contrasted with normative, investigation,
and upon methods of improving judgment and decision performance. P,
600. Behavioral Science Theory and Method in Management (3) [Rpt./1]
Conceptual and theoretical frameworks for the analysis of management problems
from a behavioral science perspective. Emphasis on formulation of research
questions and alternative research strategies for answering them.
696. Seminar
a. Development Administration (1-3)
b. Program Planning and Development (1-3)
c. Performance Measurement and Accountability (1-3)
d. Judgment and Decision Making (3) [Rpt./2] P, 586.
e. Health Services Administration (1-3)
g. Criminal Justice Administration (1-3)
h. Land-Use Regulation (3) (Identical with PLAN 696h).
j. Environmental Planning (3) (Identical with PLAN 696j).
k. Planning Administration (3) (Identical with PLAN 696k).
l. Organizational Behavior (3) [Rpt./6 units] P, 600.
n. Research Design: Statistical Methods (2-4)